84 Thse Champion, Miltoes, Ont. Thars., Dec. 27, 1973 MRS. MARION IRWIN of Milton, local Tri-Ches Liquid Embruidery representative and instructor, osas named Queen Sud presented with the qucen tiara and pin aI tlhe company Christmsas party in Guelph recuntly. Hec daughtur Mary, 16, a student aI OSD, accompanied bar muther and wus firot prize osith this beautiful nativily scelle, (Photo tby R. Downst 190 Obituary Mrs. H. MacLeod funeral Dec. 14 Ethel Jane MacLod ut R. MacLeod, Leunard MaeLeud. R. 1 Actsu. died in Milton Ronatd MacLendand Harvey Dimstrict Hlopital un Dec. 12 MacLeod. atr an tîlnessof ua yeae, tire Mrs. MacLeod enjoyed days aller hec 701h hirthday. neosîug. hohing rugu and Shrînssuroîr-edhbyhunhand osorlsng wsish Iorn She Harry. R. R. t, Acton. son oas a gud artit and paiuted and daughtee Gtratd. Mer- many picturen. She s as vyo. Ruby (Mes. Ivan Ares qu11e inteentedl sn amity strungi. Lottie Woodn, Henry, histury and hadl ntarted tise Ivan and Arthur; 24 grand- Stueey. Stewart and MacLesd chitdren and tire great- fans y hostories grandchilodren; brothers iAethar, Dawon C reek. Fredericis. Montreat an . s -ester Greta CarnocisanM s C Guelph. She osas pre- tecruord îy hiec parents There osas a heand seos Arthar and Margarro lirsî or TV st Stewsart, daagisters Mary asd brgtnng'sp Chriolmnas aI Ethel. sioterre-Mary and the hume ut Me. and Mes. Aosie. Joseph Cunnetty, R. R. 3 tIrs. MacLrud osas hors sn Miltous ibis oseris Mrs. Nassagaoseya Dec. 7. luSa Cussetty wous the TV, the and osas married te Artun grand prior in Miltoun Dec, 22,1915. Thoy tis-ed ai R. Chamher ut Cummerce's R 1. Actun. the pant 56 yeaen. Chrintmas soppeen' dram Funeral and iosas presented tuher Rer. Douglas Luwry Musday alternon un the es-e î-odoted the sricratthe uftChristmas. tlomiry-Sisemaher tunerat Chambr presideut Bill hume. Actos Dec. 14, and Gattinger. annisîrd hy celait istermeut osas in Nassaga- chairmas Emmersun ceya ceesetery. Patîhearees Mrlreudr and Chamher ,,,-ii6candsons John Lioesey sccretary Ros Harris, made ia 'tItan Foxcrntt; nephemo theraosat3p.os Musdayss JoîhD. Frankhand John the street infront ofSted- ttoughty andtriensoWalter massStore.iAsstattcruud Nec sas aud Bill McKee guthered lu ostsess the dram, Flooser hearers osere everuseuuohig and aaahting gransos Ken Armsrong, and goasng a the appuo- Boh Ma Leud, Rarlasd pre e mes as theossonrs ~ c54art > MENS WLAR LTD -p,2 1202 MAIN ST. MILTON l.r~e . / 878-4472 Ra e -eaMcCagasd is lie J;eot10 au St. hane aprty it their hume tottomisg the laut uchedled Milton Coancil maeeting tue Attesding were: Ma yor and Mes. Bclan Beut, Depty Rera Mes. Marjuele Pope, Couscillor and Mes. Syd Childs, Coanciltar Rus Harris, Coascîllur Hazel Porter and hier haoand Bert, Councittor and Mes. Art Melansan, Polira Chie[ Ray Andreso and his mite Yvoane, Recrealian Direclor Boh Smatl and Mes. Smatt, Canadian Champion Pohluher Jim GuIs. Bu'ldin Inspectar Ray Otan, Woh Superistendeut Bruce Mc&eee and Mes. MeKerr, and Deputy To Cleris Camphell Thompos and Mes. Thumpon. A buttet lunch osas prepared and servaithy Jane. Assisting hiec mere hier daaghter Ju-Ano and hier sos and dasghter-is-law Peter and Dehhîe McCaaig. Miltun Co-operalive Nursey ehu childeen ijydashort excursion in the hanh on Manday, Dec. 17 ut Mr. and Mes. P. C. Berry's taem us the Second Lise. The trip osas ta tid the p'erfecýt Christmas tree for thesnuesery uchant ruons aI St. Paul's Unsited Chsrch. The childe ail helped drag their tree hachl th ýe car which trasspartedl il nIa toms. Barb aI the ochont the tired but happy childeen wr treated lu hot choculate and conhies. Happy hirthday mishes gu to Carit Ans May, 58 John Si. wo celsiscates hiec tient hirthday un r rîday, Dec. 28. Mr. andMors. V. J. Lapa ut 6739 Pth Lise honîrd a party ut their hume us Satuirday, Dec. 22 in honoofu Dir. and Mes. Mitchell ut St. Catharines. Friends and neighissr's LaieetaretDr. and Ch ichl h are tise M retn m Bah Dorsey ni wer BouerLise. Milton Co-operative Nursery school held a Christmas party on Friday morning ai St. Paul's United Chorus. The cilidren sang neyerai numberu for their mothers, brotheru and sisters osho were in attendance. Tisey were led by Bapervisar Elsie Mantord white Mss. Judy Hanter played. The mothers mere, then treated ta cote and Christmas cake white the chddoren enjoyed home made Santa Clas arrived wills a hag full of gifta for the mide- eyed and excited rhidcen. Tlte Chsristmas tre as decorated with ornaments maide by the ciîdren and each chld gnt ta taise lois orsament home. Congratulations and hest misheu go ta Mr. and Mes. Harry Richardson of R.R. 2. Milton osho celebrale their 62nd wedding anniversary on Suoday, Dec. 30. Mrs. Harry Richardson alno celehrateo her hîrthday os Feiday, Dec. 2B. Happy hîrthday mishes lu hier. The Beta Sigma Phi Sorority (ta Phi chapter) held a Chreistmas party un Tsday Dec a00 the hume u Juyce FumIer us RmeNva Rd. he held a'Hm koe coki action' lu raiise money and enchanged "secret uilulser" Christmas gîto Ibeir nent meeting will hoe hetd aI the hume of Dianse Jackson, Glen Eden Apto.. on Tuenday, Jas. B. Mr. and Mss. Chartes Jones ot 41 Bomes St. Milton aitl celeheate their 32nd weddlng annivoroary Dec. 27. The celeheation widl hoe lied in osith the News Year's eebratios, Me. Jounes said. )neIIy wins TV osereassnuaeed. rieher mils toarth pelue. 60siles Eaelier, neveraI 010, $10 and Att foue osoes sn the final U2S dram ianers, bil bers draosîng osera local residents. asuuoneed. Eccoupons mece pabhled Champion andoe 0pr P.is stoes iadt bsoes osiere shuppees cosl deposil Checks C hampi1on tisens etassitieds toc yeae-esd Alsu osîssees in Msnday's isargains. dros osere George Parons ut 230 Ontario St. miss mus tise -NesI osce's popor milI hoe $100 second peine, L. issed Thorsday, Jas. 3 sn- Stacstuei ut 323 Bell St. wosu stead ut the assot Wednesday cloimed $50 as third peine, publcation. The Cisampion unît Mise Vos Duescisl t ofttfice ll hoe clnsedl Dec. 31 Third Sideroad wo s $25 andJan, t JOAN DAWSON, daughter of Mr. Sud Mes, Harold Dawson of R.R. 6, Milton, uxchanged wedding VOWS and rings with Richard Eric Quiat, sonf of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Quist of Burlington, in Zimmerman United Church on Nov. 17. Wedding Quist - A double-ring casdilight ceremuny loah place Nor. 17 in Zîmmermas Uniterd Chueci tor lise iriage ut Joan Edrie Dawon,. Miltoun. and Richard Eric Qoist. Sarlînglus. Rer. Wayne trosîs uttielaîrd. Mc,. Allan Normas, a trierd ot the heide's muliser osas tise uraîiEditis Normas sasng Tise Lsrd is My Sisepherd und 0 Perteel Lure. Juan is tise daugister ut tHarold and Edrir Dawson ot R.R. 6 Milton. She is cm- pioyed as a tegal secretuey tor R.R. Kusterki. Richard is tise son ut Jacks E 'anidRHetesP.Quistuto70 Dasftui Place. Sarlînglon. He os rmptuyed as a design deaftsmas tue Gencral Con- crete intony Crees Lynda Ans Dawson, sioter oI tise bride, osas the maîd ut lînur and Date V. Oritu osas bridesmaid. James E. Rucktt osas host mas., ositi Rus Quist, brother ut tise groom. and iîtsrray Daosson, brother ut tise bride, as ushers. The recepln osas beld i tise UAW Centre on Mactis Si., Milton ositis 9 garsîs present. Dawson The motiser oI tise bride mode tise oseddîng cake. Joan osore asecstae heongîsg tu ber groudmutiser tisaI hor muther hait aio s ors he obe osos marrîrd. Tise master ot ceremosirs osas tise brother-is-tam ut tise groom, James Adamo. Mc. and ies. QaisI husey- monned ai ShamnrockLodge iPort Cachotg Tisey are nom living at Apt. 1t2, 2445 Wtoodosard Arr. BuOslinglun, Guests osere tesm Oarling- ton, Itamilton, Milton,. Toronto, Sarnia, Msnteeal, Richmond Hilt. Mîdtand, trîinton. Guelphs. Port Whiby. and Allistos. A hoooer osos giron hy tise bride's csmmssîty iu Zîm- t.Jan nited chuecis Sisowers osere also giren lîy Mes. Jefteron. Kathy Jet- ferson, Mary-Lou Bradley, tynda Daosson, Martes Daosoand Dote Oeils. A stag toc tise groom osas ~ivenby Jîm Rechett, bis -MitIon's 1073 couniti and lise Hotîsu Bord ot Educatios hase seiseduted Ibrîr fiual meetings ut 1973 tonigist iThursday). Tise Christmas meeting of lise Raortson Aaniliary ut tise W.M.S. ot Enax Cisarai mas aI lise home oi Mes. Lacisie mils 20 meanhors and triendu preseut. Ligisled cands and pise houglis tiseougisout tise spacîoss ronnu; added lu tise aI- munpsee oi tie meeig Tem embees answre lise colt caSl iy placiug tiseir :Blessig Ba ander tise Silver iColo Tes" ie hangisg sa imitatios silves coinson the tee. Tise lltt.is mas agloos mils silver dollars, and tise memisers osera thasistul for tise masy istesaingu received thssaisa tise yeue. The Ciseisîma tee was gaty esisasced misas suall decorated. A short memoriai service mas condarted sn ressen- heance ut Mers. L. LotR who ersed awayn Noveesise munser in tise gesup and rarely nsisseid a meeting se miS hoe lovngly rememisre tarisse masy acta ot kindss sdifderolion A candIs was lit toier memury, mils a period ut ullent prayer, tollowed isy att eepeatisg the Lordsa Prayer. Entourage yseug Mes. Tom Bradley lu- tesdaced Mes. Helen Fuater miss gare tise grnap an sn- tuormative taîh on the origis oi music, leadisg sp lu tise importance tisaI muais plays in the celeheatios ot Christmas. Sise gavesthe stary ut Haudel and is great cntribution aftie arts in liss great morh ut Meusias. Tise geuup mas ashed lu, su- courage yoang peuple in lise tield ut mulec, and nul tues a deat erl tiste mordu ofine ut the mure mudern lyrins. Music hon a slaey lu tell, tue lhuaemwhomwill iuteu, usesald. Mrs. Fuster osas tisanhed hy Miss E. Chisisho mils tise gruup espesuisg tiseir pleasare aI haning Mes. Fostereuontrihate ta tise meeting. Mise E. Cissiola ws in c srgeo ai 2eo:an taises lise "Glad Ttdingu. Mise A. Wilsons, A. Peddi 'nd Florence Bell ssiuted hy meadlng tise varlans Bible passages, tisegrup joisisg iu aisgi tise nosnyio.vely Clestias ceroma.Ms.A Peddle played for tise rarios carolu. Mes. Mrae Dansas sasgts eaia Chistumas sls Birtisday of a Lua &ml Isa de »mode hy, lE fatlser, . Kur hii mils tisauho hy tise nsemhors. Purcisase midiles Tise money receieed front, tise ransmage sale iseld iu Novemiser ta taoi liormarded ta, Evangel Hall, and thse mensiers agreed ta gise mils pleaue tise masey for twa mtddies for tise CGlIT. hy Me..Bcyec Lattie Moore, a resideut ai lise Masor, mas ablte ta attend tise meeting. Tise repsutisg ut tise Min- pa hosediios hroagst ftue meeting to a close isllomedisy a haIt isoor ai gand telloseln osr a ca itea, cuekins aui Ciellsas cahe.-Auistsg tise istese mers Ena Cissisles, Ada Agsem and Margaret A hany lime tallomed wilis tise memisers pciig houes ut isome-made Chistumas coukies iscoagit hy tise membees, tai hoe seul ta ahoent W.M.S. memisees, and tise elderty Iheougisoat lise congregatisu. A Chreistnsas card aucompanies eacis achoge. J.R.Currie 0D B URLI NGTON MAIL Telephone 632-7788 217 MAain St., Milton [LADIES' LINGERIE SI SLEEPWEAR featoring Van Rhalte Grenier Kayser-Roth LovabIe -878-5744 ON ALL TOTS CHRISTMAS D ECG RAT IONS, Do' missth ntsi vng1 STORE WILL BE CLOSED TUES. JAN. 1 AND WED. JAN. 2 UNITED C0-OPERATIVES 0F ONTARIO L-Iq4M 1 Bronto St. Milton 818-2391 NIEW YE R Ring in tihe New! Wr IU U hope it wilI be the beot yeur yet for ail of Ouir fine friends un thus growing communlty. INSURANCE 208 Main Street E. Milton 11e 1 e k Story of Handel's Messiah given at Auxiliary meet UNIFORMS MATERNITY FASHIONS Shappers World 499 Main St. S., Brampton (416) 457-6144 Lj