Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Dec 1973, p. 1

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"Ne w" Milton about to be born as region begins Tise ne' Mltoniabeisg municlpaitieusecnaeouriu Halton cuismuuity TousipmoextUinlge cesunitsgnerneontia indisen esmre suggestei isy establises theHaltanregion bywards taour tramn Miltan, asti DakileEsquesisg isnm liais week. tise bouadary sisaffle paa atinmise, tise uewofa Edon Mut otci soredo 0 ' ut a lang, figist ta cauinclilors an Namagamcya ylse ladun two10 tram tise Esquesing asti cpeentuti on Dan Gardon Psferîiyacusnpastedel~sdtondIIssnday il l cavier Uic largent tu Wellington Countyf joies ipkeos otMLa loasana testt rressP r aeeti Oakisn le ores, o tram the asti RishardtiDy see usprt esge t n Ubudr ilnprth. ont joned a ina t a tep matas, are seing e ulntsaniIasgo mnunlelpalltiea, tn051 H %e Habn unit ut regional Lrernmenttse Ton ut Il ail taks effort sont Iel Jnay1, W cosasty gnrertument cloas and adapta lise ueo modern gars ut a relon. Seren cemnty Aa5. 1 "lto" forma tise central ilalton unit, overing a çentral swath and Uic nurtis-west seetur ofthUi cmmnty. Haltan HuIs uceuples tise nurfis-cast corner, Burllngton tise soutis-went corner and Oaknille thse matis-oust corner of Uic nom Halluin Iteglon. Largeso. isienet Altisougis tise amullent land area lu Matas- miles. lisapopaion nuare apgrnsmtle 18,000 an Jan. I. 'tleagl.ailation tormna sco commsnily of suis- divisinis, tawn and rural isomes, industries. rnos- merce, Institutions, recreation uranie and ter- ndand. Ail ut t'assagaweyn mhe large unit tai ne Issos us Milton. Bsrlingtos lands nrUt 10 Sideraad lDcrry Rd.) and a strlp along Tremaine Rd.; Esquesns lands mouth ut Fine Shderaad in thc firat lu fournIs con- cessioms; and Oubville lands nartis ofthUi Lomer Base Lise Rd. are alun included sn lise isolt-sisaped new munici- palif y. Milton's emergonce as a .baing swallnwed op ianorta Halton merger. Tise new rommun'ty's sisape aigu refleets Nasnagaweya's succesuful boltle tai isep tisaI starled tawnsip intact, in- stead of splltting t in two. Named Milton Tise dame Miltos oas seiortcd isy Uie elortars inth Oct. i eleetion Tise tiler cisaice wus Mobhawk-an some aftie britagc. Other namon ocra suggested, in- eluding Bumnes obichisn- carporuton tise firat lettera of thc fisecommanilies jaining Uic meeger. Qaran's Parks, oison il announcrd tise boundurion, safely called tise nwcammunity "Centrul Halton" but tisat nome didu't suit eiUicr. Alîboug ill h151I, tbe gavrrnmcnt art mici peler ta catli t an "amalgamation" of rom- Tise sco courit miir tabonaver Jan. i inclades Il membara. 'Thi mayar oas elccted ut large and tbe rural and urbas aeas ecucbamed anc regional cauncillor wbo milI ait on bath ton anti regianal cauncils. The suber eigsl membars wccc electrd Electios wineswr Mayoar Anse MacAthur, regionai representalives Jîm Waason and Mca. Marjarie Powys, Burlingtoa-Nasaa- rwaeya cancillora Russell amadiab and G. Bradford Clementi, Milton couscillara Ras Harris, Gardas Keasîz, Jim Kerr and Art Metansn Finil meeting Tise inaugural meeting of tise couneii-clect oll be beld ati Bp.es an Moaday, Jan. 7 a nd tfllaoîng lise socaringîin ceremanies canducted by Jadgr Alas B. Speague, refreasments wiltbc aerved. AIl citizns are inviteti ta attend tbe bncIe cOremnosy and meetiheiranewoeuscil representatives. Boot-shaped Ml/ton Drawing a picture of new community Milton - ilsa name 116 years nid isut on linafour sections, melding 00e vust tract bocis Jas, lia gengrapisy miti ba gatly expaudeai tu the mme numbar aI atita isicis more ter ieyond obat thc early tarusem. and castainedti Uere oner a isundred yeasaugo =lueeouldt enerbhavenunlninedi oison th. bature thc to.s ocre idontifieti as separute inastas cisose that name dsring a bon municipalition. Tm= osee miii disappoar, isi Milt a nup att wiislr y nortseru lisi Ha a a a in fu Hnmilton-Wontmor00 n lng m1 a anti osier os h U -«c cos 1t0e Ninth Lino. tio 1t yneu iseheu tcyti ostp ofUthetoneasttro pu d ton 74 ile Pisuri = Lie. i Uic erth-west corner ta Uic souti- Ia parbo aise thc aeo ton oillai rnr l 2miles. From west taeast ls a oideiy scattered f3rumqi, Park,taad B a Io 14 miles, cil iakn addition o oure tise mso-iae camnity stretceis 10 ontaisliset Cumpbaiiniiie Bull paris. trassutst srs golf courses miii streteb their greens I Commandsites ueo Milton as oeil. ped upin the new Miltonoili ho naines Frais tas preseut three puischiouls il ottat, Bcookvtlle, Haltannilie. Camp- stretriset municipal bouadarion as of J le0, Milton Heigis, Boyne, Omnags anti miii isclude sis paisli cosa as oeil a quis, ail merged tai luonm the borugs of present sraIe urisool. is scisool us I goneraisont sn central Maltas. Ontario Scool for tise Deur t streteis ufthei Niagr Esapict, Museumsn ounle iboit lisst face, s tehaeuse Wei-bnown Keine Conetion Sr satrge conservatin trna prseve t GIen Edon Ski Cusut i burui aress undi costai fomota dut tise MUseUM miii ba ueo I.Coturesd aI Uc on wnn, a iseritage tram, Nausagumeya. toms. The provincial agricisitarai ni tesuaise Point mith uta vantage iseigist oison il is bilt, miti ba olihi Lic confis ao a r-reaciig ioisout loto tise Milton. rut part of tise rsmty thaI us cantained Mcis oI lise social lite su thUi comm nthe nem Cit y of Burlinglos. Seen ton, renoînen around the cisurcises, today as i I ist iseigist o f lund is Uic open plain oI past. Many denaminatioes aftie Chisc ares 1usd tha bordera Multons mouthera taiUi are cepresenteti as cigist ris Il parisies join wit0the seventaown cure word Luise, a ricis isersiti-green anti a cummisa bond. n rsrved as a conservation ares ni q on The toon cauncul miii cansist 01 10 me s pravince, miii tail wiUiu thc bounuo rieecteti iy ourds, plus a mayor. is seo unit oI govoramnent tisaI lise MacArtuir isegies hec Uirra yrar rais oe created as if carvei isistorie Halon Mayor of Milton Jan. 1, 1974. Brookvilie olice chângeover ready tp take place cbangon m'..~qg a 1 ul 1 Plce.", luretO1OV' nd Skerrett salid tise affîcera t order of aeniority Id ise doue oîtis no ooriing inMiltao ould be new rusis i mlI ba ion of service lai Uie able tai dra os udditioau Deputy Cisiel, Kýen Siserrett. ta isandle a serisus situation ndeat, Staff Insp Itan Pnlice Deportennt or required mare men. "Ail taspectar, Staff Serg bo di banded and oill ba thecservicesowehaveisere wilI Sergeani, and Coant a divtsion of theo Haltan ne available la Uic Miltas Tisera mil bo four grat un Force. Tise Il-mun officers," be said. Consable, rasing oill ba manurd isy tise Milton attirera ailI be descondiag arde of ses otticera Uiat nom mark mos'îng nIan thc tormer fram, Fient Cia natal Miltas. Ciildrcn'a Aid Society FourtisClosesConstabsle. Itan's Cisiet Ray Androns Building on Hugis SI. Thot For municipal larros on Milton ta assume Uic moe iii be made Ibis orais. detective brases, Dot ut cisief avec Uic North beforc Uic end of Uie 1073. Sec g anl milî ba euival on farce in Georgetawn. Es'eatuully Milton division Staff Sergeat, and Det bo Uie anly attirer misa mîli jais tise Georgetomn miii b eqîsinalea n'1t stay with the Milton district. Tisat mont happont Sergeant. cismont until Uic OPP sa pbuscd aut of lot Siserrett said tise Satan and tise tmo towsis, DroplillIen. in division or proriact acrardiag la Sisercett. Among tise titfesdrp ise adcoinistered tram Sandard rankdug preveat con fusion an ýille, miser v4Jan. 1, ail municipal minds af tise public oe wole7r ptfl VD cc farces miii bave Carparal Paîrai Sert ap. standard raabing systems lain g4gjt Onepisonenuuise tise provnce. Undeàe na« 'lOci.ltigia forp seul rasidenta misising ta systemn Uiere mitoabg aine cisiefs mîlI ne a crasu any brancis aI tise rails iatediw s 2a tisea «fielcvq'9 Dntlpolice milI phsone M70 titles prv sioed. crma le~a4I67l and tise cuit mill be Saliriton Generui loba foc a DeayCisiet, ai snelled Uiraugb Oubville Yarcmba said lise chsange cramand on eaf for a cura milI ise dispolcised mauld moine tl eaaier for Suporintendonl. s tisere. citizns ta identify ranlis. A Saporialendenl miii e ciicurged rasîdenta ta "Standard issignia foc a crama, a Staff luspo aorme tise 878-5511 municipal uniforms mutl hie lisea naple ceaves, an bar ad use tisaI numbar pbascd one Uic seat tem las 10e, 100 mapie lea iseir cuits. moanths," Me. Varembo spid. t e' Staff Sergesut ener if an y af tbe aId "Chsanges ta coafarn lai ibis tification mili e crame bersafor idvidualpolice nom raing systenn mill nat braee Cvons, oi rtmentamerc dialed, Uic affect the Onaria Proca l ra evras for Seegeunts. ergs town, township 01111 Aar vv e . -Bff!Fn-g and plombiag buiding deparnimeat staff w il ispention departmentsin ront ie ta worb tram tbe Miltas and Namugauleo a ilI office and Terry Gallamare, be merged int c ifie on misa bas been Nassagaweya's Jus. 1, andithe staff will moce imspentor for tbe pont mao tai nom quartiers in tic base years, joins lbemn ut tise 'sont ut Miltan Town Hall. Milton office. Cisief building inspectar Contaclt fice Rtay Olan and bis staff are Ola saili unynne milisin tise earjing out tise mono tram espoanded municipal bouse- tisei firat floor office ta tise doriesnseeding a building bascment quarters tbis oceb. permi t or un insapein Tise prescrit bailding deport- sbould coatact hîs office ai ment officeuitlibe eaavaed theltowu hall. as an office for Mevor Anae Eaeiy in tbe ncm year MacArthur. building departmenl recarda Cee Jackson Uicth Milton framn tise sorts Ourliogton NASSAGAWEYA, part of Burliuigton and Oakville aand ail of Milton mgerge Jan. t to fornn the enlarged central Halton unit of regional goverroment. The boot-shaped ngw Milton la shown in outlne bore with sorte of thse familiar namea indicated. The municipality stretchea thse f uil widtls of Halton and as far n=t as the county boundary. It encom- passes an estimated 135 square n'fies. anti Gabvi cornera Eof Uic expun munity wil~ one ta th4 tiepartmn Nem hall Mlton's bas a e a arc teleji fectine Uiis Theolad bas iseen dis ueo numba baIl buie Mura a un pnigi tise ettit regins strurtu ïbe &iuêbioau fi-pon VOL. 11d NO. 35 MILTON, ONTARIO THURSDAY DECEMBER 27, 1973 Budget * 1,5M0 cost 03,924 Warden's dinner is overspent Gus Goutoski, a Milton Goutousbi bas secured ftra maà also $1,500. he refera to a letter Mrs. oi be reporting t0 caisil and asked for as explanation, businessman wbo, as a ose the caanty administration Wbile Gautaussi missed the MacArthur mrote ta bim Jas. tram time ta time so that in "'m sure the dinser mas delegatias expressed y 19, 1973. In that cItter the the evesi a dinner is held. 1 pleased ait those icha ai- cosceen about aversZding building, the $1,500 budget for aest meeting of County 0 o rdens dinse as cb 103dnernbnr o uncil, he has wriîten a arden promised the 1973 ca assure yoa that il will be tesded. the bitts bave bee ear, bas once again ex Wardes Anse MacArthur t etter ta biolb WardesAs dinner maald be palaon acitbia iitbin tbe budget auideles pidadm nyc metl pressed bis cancers about esceeded by $2,424.66 for aMacArtbur and ta Jaba tbe badges as set. catablinbed in aur annuat Ibhia 1973 Coaaty Coascit bas overspesdisg an tise assat total caponne ut $3,92.o6. The Wbite, Ministr at Treasury "Tbia year t have ap- budgeta," Mrs. MacArtbur been dîsbonest in ibeîe lavent. dinner an 1972 for Wurden Jim Ecanamies and Istergavero- Paisteda pclcomte wre.onu ndbthratis eeiSanbaroags tout $3,o24.5. mental Affaira. tai cevie" the malter of as In bis lettr Dec. 21, degrade our demapcratie Accardîng ta tigures Tbe budget tue Ibut dinner tn bis lettr ta tbe arden audes dasnderIbishnommuterme e de a if ibaso i 'aetoneiiiaini gaveermaent." be aaid. T IOBOGGANING, a prartiral sud exciting winteî best ut tise Keiso conservation urea's toboggan f rame very papalarwoithsOakviiîe residents, tpifit are four, yauths downwurd bound on one hili (riî y breakung uwuy aver thse Weil scuffed terrain (tap aBaerret? Sa-YS 0Milton to e ta nra n t a argsel tis e pon ut Qurans dlc oeon n setu ,~ I acod n s poulat ne at wIe pri an mi Mîill aorHry fs to e d bave.flo Jire centofbas Duin usrh e samrber mratia lu ac mork e ao Mitnarti l si b beotan per c ut ne. a S maff receul f rdMlont hne Bacesea orise cakil hae e om huig a panrunsn de p sit o 1 aogm y tor cOnmte keetidg one ort rsport, eau Ile eujoyed hills.Te hbis have be- td by thse four, yes Ihere ght), three fabtsggaers Bonus, KnmeM yrig raise given is eM yrin to Halton New Year's town bel IThe muinigbt bell avili ring ernp.ovees aI Milton Town Hall 10 greel * ' tise e eraa S tait ut lisant bonsa Folthe past amven yeara $16.50 per niants, mas thecaltam bail bail bas isean granîrd emplayeea oI Hsitoa tlle white a large curele ai Cauny aithbelfinalmeetingaf cutinena lis banda in tise tise 1973 conty toiancil tast atreciifora bref rnitian of orais. Tise basus miii ba paid Autti Lang Syne. Coffer anti f.a1 -I locrct tissla a.uner- .1 ,heusni.milthýf a lla matie for ranis mants of service un 1973. The casiof living basas avas institateti an a meana oI up- Haiton Centennia Mentir, but caonty caorciliara frit ail tise emplayeca ihositi receive lise s enef ils hurt nIm snowmobile hits train ton comtjDrsin ve to ba tare Ose local mn mas iiiet at h brrn Eden Si Siea usi Aras gsnkUr cc mi tiltan hoilding andianotber serioussy anjure i naic the Keso Conservalaon Marrs is hfflan oI the Ian saiti. oise lise snowonile on Accu ai~ catis Hulasn Regian Conservatioun town frealsatranath ersuaHarri, 21,wasraso 0 Tisday oflaestorais morkngailisthielnEdecn arusarlaatiu Dead is Kennet Michael boapuhai Chistsmas Esc bai hO Pasuata, of R.R avCmp ill hiave to rr c , have a cîsar-nd d iue . M mus R obr in oenarrisbo n Mtsho e OFF l neste istoa il itrict Kin ame CI leltown'sarmeat service isas came la tise rece e tradition anti avilI han tise preparatiat anti arc cornus foe lise Nem 'Y Xrerliat. Mro. Ance rtisur. avis secamea yar ai Milton os Jas. I, ring lise bell 10 unteati tise aresex pandeti munuly. A gr oilmusucîaas, asarmisl feam tbe isigi asholi b oill beontband 10 cati Aulti Lang Syne andave isisers feam par- tirafro mesasoifleomali dustructa ciavitrd to tan- ve rge o toma hall for lise iefs la rargralung. Kins Presitient Lester Wood ne jaiseti iy Bull MacLe , Jinn Christian, Mull 3 Neil Prestos anti Rail ia mahing tise areang n15 anti preaiding for tbe ivilles. Tht rigig idtion siorîr e .on el rioget duo is d to proside somne comm y grrctiag 10 Cantil entennial yrar. la tise las notes oI 1966 Jies Dill. tise latiter ln greetiag. Dilla recard titihe esporiesce anti valunirars camefah-mud infuture yan la prfor Uic baIl rinjing. Refreesisrmentsmcere atid undi Tomt Ny c, mitiea ronident of Milton, pravideti Uie musical leaderaship. Tisere lias aauatiy hemn a ceasli lac lise choaiag oftie bel]iruagee aadaverithe yeua leoni tise aceplian of the traditionthbebel]ingera bave anclutiet im Gis. Susau Lediait, Bruan Bral, Syd Cisilda, SAiy FrakandJack Ruash, Rua Harris anud Jobs Cambr. asti Franks Tiamp- Tis yeae, as the loua slips inIa a completly acm Ile of foverameai. lise symbolit grecling 10 lise challenges of the future avili be souaduae fram lise bell lower us tise lama bail, mitb lbh. aru mscar ai lise end ci lthe bell Tise bell itarif bas bistorit associations avilis tbe tom icuniiy. Vears ugo. icoos a bîgiser porcin a copola an the loua bIl il rangout lthe lime marniat. saas att augisi On Susday il augnalird lise cisorcb boues asti peaple fromn tise casairysude nI tes repocrd hearuaf lise bail at soedistance. Flrr, osier ularsi The bell ais a served as a msucipal lire alarm and us laIr years il aiso signalle2 obes tbeltoavosoater aoppiy was la bc cal off to aiow wateruoain repaira. Tbe bell mas ioucred uisct tise tupala oas remaseti iram tbe tap of lise tava bail anti nwil ils only beard aI mid- nufbi on aru year*s esc. The midauisiteveuîiquuill informalas peoplearrive in timriaopariipaie, extbaage acectuafs. and pc-saps ar tbemelvries uîib catIra and dosais. Yos doolt nerd an invitaton. Christmas baby Kyle Dasvid Hobvos mas The prediction uaa rigisl as bodon Chistsmas Day un lac nI lise tsi-ce eaunla asti Milton District Hospital. Kyle jas i ssrd antie tIrd. The us lise son ai Me. anti Mrsý due date for lise huhy mas Davidi Hobson nf 7000 Guelphs lbosgbi la be Dec 28, Me Line. Habvon saiti Kyle's parran Dasvid anti 'is baby mas tielicerei isy Judy coasulird anoua ija Dr. Dan Aabeneat. He us Board aicmurciessyrîorl listougisobhoidthiebhnor of lise bans and acre adaîseti ieliarringthr baisytars on or lisco ihai the bah, ccoid hi ilca iiioe o (hisuioaa [la, 1cr hoN, îî boniî hi iî, -l i]l o Cbhristmas Il,> ianiad sclllKvi il hil\ hrîîlbcc ii avrîgis rîgb pouatis nicr Mbichael age sesu and ounces.isluMiceeage ie Manor false alarm Milton Firefigistera ocre braise Deputy chief tamn calicti sut ta a luie alarmaIt Catslon saith e cimney lare Raton Ceatennual M anue causeti littie damage. Chistsmas moning andi luIr Milton Detacisment oI OPP in tise encning ta a eisimcy reor a rashs aI accidenta bira an Aune Bînti. C mcass day. Mail ac- Tise tire alurm aI Uie M anor cidents oece misse ac- mas set off oison a steses lise cidonta.

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