Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Dec 1973, p. 6

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6 The, Champion, Miltn, Ont. Wmd. Dec 19, 1973 84 on Wednesday Harry's stili curling strong An avd spIe12 lsbsas Wednesday and mon eout curling as muaIth Ibeflwing nigbt 1 sre enjellit,notln Harry. Hacry mabes il a registar tbing 10 attend tbe Msnday and nbura igt curling nessions ut Un ilten club, wbere he in ranketi an a skip. Fermer principal efthIe Dube et Cennaugbt pulchcbel in Toronobe's beenamember ethe local club sixce il mon Horry came le Milton in 1950eaflerbhin mremenent tram teocbing and box nince estoblnbed bimnelf in curl- ing, lame bowlieg and golf. A ~ H bas boneuredth Ue merle in- cluding trin le Turkey. Prenently living alene et 100OVictoria St. Hocry maîbo, readn, vinils and pîayx bridge in kms spore lime. H0.. exs been curling nince 19612 84-YEAR-OLD Harry Riddolls SÛRl shows top form despite the birthduy we startet i e Guelpb an as me led sn mony thut sent him into hie eighty-fifth yesr Wednesday night. An uvid curler, spîrîs sisce then. "I migbl Harry still totes the rock and breom, ut mixed curling Mondoy and Thurs- lobe o netien le tIbm yeor," dus, niohts says Harry. Region salaries under fire but councillors speechless Relise Regien Counicillors mccc blid Uney badl prejedireti teir esen sercesu and tat of ttce regiseat gs'ersimcnl concept ty acting in taste and setting Ibeir salaries as a top prisrity items. W. S. Fbsmpssn ofOakville teld tbe coneil Wcdnmsday balt c ealImes tabing part in public service mas ofles a lbanblcss jet and nolcd ttc prsttemn mbict celetd officias bad te ontendmîitt Ttompsons aid maoy peplemwere gainstccgionl governmntand sonne mccc dedicated le sccîng tot il Aoesn't mort. Hc euggcntcd ttc sulury issue todl tero pooely tandlcd end gave regionol govecoment p- ponets reuses 1 tetleve regional government mus going 10 tc vcry rupunnive. Sot te and Lco Roter of t0erlingtos, mto also ad' dresseti councl on ttat sut Region seils ... (Cîîsineed ferm pagi one Brown saîd ttc regios offices on Stectes Ave. andi soîîdot osI ttc provine coasicîl sold ccvamp tat tcomn ttc building tevause or building for regîssat ue Hc along temnitan. Bromniaise naid a price already gis en os saîd theregîonststd mabe a Ibat project mais $50o,0g0 te deat te seIl soon, telore ttc 16w1,000. Uc saîd ta moetd Province decided togo seme servecthesessoftherroeny îvtcrectlsc for tbe sexl tise or six ycars -Let tem go, is ttc test a leant andmeeld do amay ttîng tat coutdl happer,' milhtheneedtfor asecond Storromccetortcd. Ucv ne uggestcd tat bis linlli Imu soitable motion te csnsidcred il te Mtassoni s report notes tat province rejecîrd the onlytwom of the beildings $1,850,00 figue.e conoîdcred moulA te seitatte. Morcomos motion lias lise is en tOats le os the dtietecd1-9 andithemotion riirthlbîitcsorner'of the le nelI ttc beilding mas up igbth Lic and Iroquos pcovcd 11-10. Aller ttc sale Shorr Rd, Uc noies tre rcot man catledlonthemotioneand thremould be$1.35 perfoot Mercsms motion Eequcsing plus. lie scier ctaterated os Reeve and Mayor-ElecI t or ît!at the ples invotscd. Ballon Hilîs Tom 1h11l jecrcd. Ttbc otter beilding s i "tbe Muses Dio tise. the Rîîrtîngion os ttc Soeuth Masen-Dîsen tise,- Tts Sersvice Rd. Dricg ttc Hili's may et saying ite a meeting M assen soîrd ttc nortt Ssetb lîght. Brectîîgtoî buildîing mas oty A report on ttc sites 12,000 suarcetuandmwoutd avaitable in te regios os a set be luirge eiougg Ttc tcmporary basis mas pre bueilding in)abvite is foreup snet ty Regissat ibeirmas il) 40.000 square ficet Allast Masson. Miassom's Ttc discession eiided mîtt reportncame nedr attact Ire- ttc ctaîemao gises per- qaently durîng ttc dete. mission0 te sec temporacy Tom Hill said il mus im. qilariers. The councit il proerte beltryisg tosay tom also taie t0 sccb a pur- Man square tei moetdl b,. manent site, Some memtecs nceed mten lbhe cousteil doe teit il aoetd b to mors ttree et even knsm tom masy Yeal s ut teast belore a e em pîsyces it s mabîog bsuidingmwas eeed. provinion toc. W~matea :ro p a e Moraegtos sai tei Moostisteinract propoaince oetfe e ofic e WoeiIît mta spaeem dbc a c ast oe tcsnofctnn pr Uc aîn tc urs sit eakmt merloI e BuasncoucMvyortcGeores tut e rgtso et Une ris Uc îiere as M n Uison bas o rboItnet e o ne.t thecsc W. ev. Wnttt R e L i semîyes 'Ott areise y ts' eo ctizn Mm artîr bue gysa toeîî toren cai meas igth Mspube Tli tc stat odyv ete ed uk tpvMCbcWiggm o rt.b of ne ein Hce lt sai toeend ms. mlobes as tcme- cenidcd be p ured a e temeing.fr i emiloyis. ousei y llanc hoirrsd es erîns M.R ews, Buildings orpigorai îîaîflc, b rs abot Maons re ort lihsa tat mas W., tienasvice pree ta ainttecheair. Wib Mes. tand ut $30.000 pe acre for citt tî. in t one five acre potand $4,00 Cmtersl jaiteian the15 pacre fert Ib Cthrfie (ristmas Carols. Mes. ocr p e of s bCistotm as Louresy con ein exe eu t e poiqiicuieg ienerîthasbcdîthetostesses. pitistbepoice bad îles Lemis and al] mto tad only offlred $23,0S peracre iiaie ibis an0 istereeiing tor ttecouintyiand an1lt î.iffl îsiiuiibi mondered wby the odm n-fn A ntebe al .preeu in îpres ur'jlirt h t1 P'cre. s p Tom Hîi noîrd tha ttc, same laed coutid bave tees NISE: KI rhasedi for $1,5epue acre Noise in ciqles ranse sor.yeouale.He reaItcd reealdamagctotearînguand coanty coancît teruisg a re- con also affect tlnsd pies commontiotion te Unat effeel sure, ttc teurt, asd rocs- domo bocase Uney felt Une îuaîy disturli evcry toîtity landmwastocexpnivc. ilunction, marne Dr. Samnet Oabvillr Mayor Uarry Rosses ut Columbia tOniver- Barrait naid Milton bad sity's Cottege of Ptysicians negaledth Ie carrent site an o anti Surgeons. Ttc car's et- site fer an administretien tempt 10 bar excems sounti building neben il alînueti causes tîseti vessele te cen- indutrte buid inethe trectmwilbcqual îsîcnsity ciîity. durisgntleep as mlt as dening likîtolte Ceunnillor Gordon uakefuloess sayn Dr. Ruses. lect recommended ttc rcsolelîos settisg salaries Il Arena .. . fC'îoliied front page onc1) plant extension. Ttc mayor epressed coscecîl tal asticipated minter morts tenelîls moutd te reduced il tere mas as cîîlcodcd dctay in dcatîng mth ttc proîcct. .oudmceslarttheprojevt andl topute gel an apprnvat toc atiditiosat tends 10 finist il"' Uoueltor G. Keanîn mondereti. Ttc mayor stresed Ibal il mans not possible wittout ttc toit Ontario Menicipal Sourd appenvet. Ttc board old ecîcrt tater or subsequent approvat îodthe toms moutd te reqeired t0 pay ttc tati rostin îoneyea, rallierihas throAgta 20 year debtcte Mlay ont for more Ttc armna board is 10 reviecaetscand culsin ttc plane unî report 10 ttc rousicît meeting Dec 17 ut mtîrt lime ttc coencit May Apply te ttc OMS for ttc addilîoout tends te snitiate ttc proîect l'bc arena is scedeted toc cntutos tntce tîgt sebot vile ai lbe cecrser of Ttompeon Rd. and ian S A cease et the Boardi et Ederalios foe ttc site mas approved by Couerî Mnsday. Ttecheaicmas ondiraîrd oter bide merc is ttc $479,000 anod $524.000 range. $0.500 be cescoîded asti e eiice'rnmltet sel 011 te rcmmend a slary. Tbompsnn,ob svie president of ttc Ontacrio Progressive Conservaliveý Associatien. notcd pressue ta eing pet os the province toset councilloc salary limite as seos once dose. Ttompsn sad he didnot vicm tbe cu los positions as fl ti me jobs. Hc said masy stillcollccctdfll salaries front aeottcr lot. "il anyne qut Ibeir job te lobe Ibison flt lime. tbcy cooldelt have bccnmaking mucbaey- mey and il mîgbi be Ibal Unie job es oser Ibrîr bcad" be soAid iitbces muwer Linting olbcr regienal councillor salaries, Tbemp- son noted Olloma-Carteton paidl$3,500lfor coueittnrs end r0.500 for tbe cxcculivecrom- milIce. Niaîgara reccived $5,000, Waterloo $5,000, York $7.000, Hamiltos-Wentmortb $80,i070 and Sudbury $5,000. Uc noîrd mony of lbnsc regisons tadl comptes probleme tot do net cint en Batlon. Tbsmpsos droppcd a bege pile of mail a etîpped es pkpreditoriols on ttc clcrb's dcband seggcstcti ttc pile tercentcd e sebolantial protent Mi. Raber ondicetei Ratios ralepayers moul pey more pur ropita torcouoo s aie tban any oter cegise ie tbe province. Hc ooted Ramilles- Wentmortt mould pay 59 * Wine 0 Brandy * (lampagne eLiquer to Parfait Glasses A greut choice f rom cveryday F 9<1 c to, vcry speciel 39) Tnys, stuffcd animaIs, diuts, AIl your entertaioment gams fr at ues-Com j neemds-candtes, decoratione, anld 'ire oor înterestîeg lubre iees ctol ser vielles, tal lts. ptace choîce of chees sets. mats. Wr ereeready ta bctp ymu select "Tbe Very Tbing- tner eserymne on ye lit. USE CIARGEX OR OUR CONVENIENT LAYAWAY PLAN Corne In IT WAS ONLY e brief encouniter, but David Brown will long remember bas visit 15 Santa Claus and Une swell pre-Chrintman gif t Sente brought. David, sou of Mr. and Mms. Tom Browm, was one of the youngsters who sut on Une fomous knee et un Optimist Club Christmas perty laet week. (Phoba by R. Downn) $500 taken ____________ Payroll missing A tetal of $500 cashnb i reperîced missing te Milton Police by Miltsn Deeg Mai at ttc plana Feiday atteraon. Themnne inpaycsvelpes, Maen teem a dramer in thecbact ofthe sore bctmeen 12tlsvand 4p.m. Investigaon s ntsinuing under cnstables Ion McNllyAnd Front Rivier. vente per replia oa Halles mould puy $L03. Negetiote Hater saiti ttc citinenn mbe folt tbe bill steuld bave the collilrs wodbtepaid. He re-iteraîrd Abat Tbempsn hedesaid and urgedoa citicens' commilleei'cpresenlatis'e nf ttc conty be estublinted 10 negotiAIr salaries. None of thecuclers questioncd eIthr spekesmon. Nene of Unhe cssnicillers et' tered a defence or explano- tien ofmby thesalariesemere set mben lbey Acre, or fer tbe amourdt Mire treasurer ... (Continuai from page one) mon recently appolsled clerk la.tomotI b, Dooogy Clerk in tdasoagaweya. Mrs. C.mlbe l h.mpeon, Cockram, bas been treamarer Arbicsarsosiblity will in Nassagaweya for SeVeral oxpood te lJclude sorne yearo. ctrloer commun"t hallo and smre otaer roceon failltte. MITON Arbic and SmaU are ex faclties. IN1111 Becomm s a btet *Ray Olan'a du1e wiii cbange I eee etn tram baildigisetrt, I eua etn chiot bailding inspecer an Menýr membeen et Milton zoning ninnitrto and COci :d alaj enerl Cecil Jackson's titte wilI -Approvedab edrn cbange trom asistant AIl-Weter Construction et building inpecter and $1n4,513.12 fer installation et big inspecter t0 services and roads ix tbe ne% ulldig inspecter. industriel orna off Harrep Dr. T erry ' Ouame0r e, Instalation ate eon a Inca' Nasgayay building 'n- improvement basin. spc hr reen i ile and joim Ib illon stIf inM a -lstructed tbe engineers il bie o ibn. mon deport- t0 colt tenders for tbe in. ment. stallotioni ef semero in tbe McGeacble and Thompe Furent Grese orea belore the bave been sn Uhe Milton nf cnd et the ynsr. fer sme time. Sid oSaage _Appreveti in principle Une centruc tien et a bon ubelter Airtine ticket selter te by tbe Kinumen on Merlin SI tettsm agent: Pnst-eon sur siis informaonne blters areund-tbe serld (ares, sbtaixed by the teme bain g wbot's the price difference refecredte the cub. Te clerb bctween ne-wop and round woas otennsit tbe club in trip, bre mntn te bnsm?" ebtaining o nuitable nite. ÇFI PLACE WMTH THE LIONS campbeilvie ontarto À ICOLOR TV The perfect Christmas Gift for. the whole family BUT 1GW à a FOR CHRISTMAS BEL. 1639M 9 STANDS OPTIONAL Al AN XTRA ENTRIES MUST BE MADE ON THIS COUPON CHRISTMAS MILTON MUOMIITS' ONIITU MUW SHOPPI NG HOU RS ADDRESS ............................ OPEN EVERY MUI T TILL 9 P.M. PHONE ...................................... SATURDAY TILL 6 P.M . I 121ManS Thiars & Fn. MIipm

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