Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Dec 1973, p. 5

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Miltsn Caiisaly rai tLslnMIsd on t ipae ia thse Majon Pee Wee ianp aftis Tnts an 40etey isade !i aep s<40 th aises 40ia nulhe n!Sndy Gsts aain dtreSti ila Ilnan, tialin wite datacncait Jisa Lise- MINOR ATOM Deug Riding attempts ta clear the pukae the stick of the Brampton captain as de- fec ae Scott Bsrnes haversasround the scene. Daca and Dents lest ihis Saturday aflernoan exhibition game 3-2 but mnanaged s 4-2 sein over Burlingten Wednesday and fought to a 3-1 decinion aver Oakville Sunday niht Photo by D. Pink) Champoux, Benton Iead Docs and Dents Witis to miss in as asy minutes tater but anotber teague Illicies, Miltas Minor tally by Cbampoux put the Dues and Dents aire aam tasse ta the bag midway ptayiae as a wetl orgamazed tbrougb tbe tbîrd. siait unifer cacis Marty Beaisa bat triais Cilaat. Dans and Dents played one Dans and Dents amie out 4- of tbeir best turnes ot tbe 2 mianers ia Ssrlnn Wed- year Sunday in Oukvitle oitb aesday and nataised a 3- Faut Sentan pickint upua but aitr ven Oakvs45e Guaday tricis nigtr Coacb Caputa mas ejected mtist. ram tbe bard-tasebt content OinS Cbaipiiu tned in a misea be attempted ta bellp an to toal perforimance in injured ptsyer tronm tbe ce. Burtistnn obîte Scott Seatua pst Mitan's tîrst Barnea picked up tbree caunter on tbe board mitb an assists. secondte in theanie. Doa Ridia's opeaintt Ouritie nitualineti ut tbe atesmitesnb als midway paint. athfu iuemroth Seataa cbocised in the g aise mas tsitamed by m ianer ut 5:40 afth4e tbird Eurtingtan equatizer 10 staza atter a snpreies minutes lter. senand periad. Cisampaus Dea aswance tave i ton and Euves nattectedl assista. the tend eanty Ia 4e sennd Senton nampteted bis but peniad, Parise tbe ay tan trick 30 secondsv betare tbr Cbampas' tat. Surtîn tn tinal obistie, scorna iatoaun naramed tbe gup ta 3-2 tive empt Oubsitie net. Geatl Sarnes and Daut Pida ptsyed san gtes cOUMEC5L LEAGUE an a~d, mise nsad ose. 4 as, Imelit made bey men' hia alistn, Jus Wl40sieli saves ia the Miltan toalt 313; naen' Bis tripla, Rn Gar Dans snd Dents came ast ,ai. sa. an the uosine end ut a 3-2 ,MuCaoiaa 5, Jais 58, nînesa5t. exbibition taise ataanst Ggusa ,sa t. nite 28 eBampton in Mitton Saturday nualanan 20. - atternuan. Gamne &Fsews seesuppaseasoneof yas are onderintI ith0eSpartsmsen ut Ontario are intereste i n encironisental praisleins lanint tise marld tduy. 'rte ansmer is-or are rary in- leresîrd ad are trying ta bnlp du namelising aiout An yau proaisy isnnm the Federatian ut Anglees asd Sue enomrks very clourty with g.. Miaitry ot Natual Ras aurnes. Appoiated rapresetatires Irsis vris nîsith 4e province spaad daysevea ?yenn trying tairea sitanr tin a solution ta sane ufth4e major prablents. Appain ted memisera receie noamneytfor teir lime an maris. Wr ut lis, laltan Spart- smsens Aricntian strontly teslth4ere is ns one mare capablea ot denlint mils sucis praisleiss as ouane paolltin, tanisate dtspasual, anc. thaa the spartsmian misa spanda a tetdeal oI Uise out ot dunes, maliint avec. neaing ..d sisellint pnsslemns arisine Irais saaitary land IîS, etc. ot course, masy setgments ot iadanlry and garaeisent ara cnaeraed aven lise r ilution praislem, isut an- Iurtunately , mant ut tisese =panta are isustnsaisas, enesla esies, tamyers and utiser pratessiavals obose isnamtedga aI nature is Iiisited ta misaI they hsave sean, possisly an Sisay driva la, the ottageaor take tie flui tauapitarra Ounday a - tarnisas outg- Fan ysss aponisen bore drenseda prltingane gaad tiS tram tise 12 Mite Creris again. LasI mentis dreais cmtrcas tise rue oI Ceiser satincame up lise 12 Mile an far an lise dais ai Lovîlle. Fisisensen bave bers limmdnaera ad sasse aida strelitzi. Ziss- isrenaa Lanry Calmçeil George Robertson aism KilbrIde, Lowvilleas ils Couillon, Des Kaeany, ils aSmitih and Cai Saes. jus faai ewts, bore landed seO."mbeautilut tiais. Tiss tasd oBailasisn didn't jant isappan. Ilt Saa yenrs oI mark ta chen op tme,!"!l and killth ls amprey ei. Tise Balton Sportnsen are proad ta say tisey liadt a isasd onbwen tise -12' oas Seing treated tee lamprey a Iris =erna . Tise Deparument oI ul raeaucces made tiseir beadqaartr attise club and orked froi, tlier Ganta Claus came te tise niais Sunday, pleasnn membrs and tiseir niidrrn mils bis merey tilts and gond ceer. bTs is anuannual eren. Che club oas lilird ta capanitt mils members and tiseir lumilies and rang %vi40 hap nsaouts an Ganta diatribsîrd Ilsf ta tise young. Sy tise aliýs n liseir laces, tise aId eajuyed il as munis as tise yaung. Tise annuat Stat and Tarkey Rail mas a Sapge suncesa an usual tuaI Friday aigtsu 45 tsriseys and prises mare taken baise isy lanisy contentants. Tise event oas largety uttended milS a Seautitat lunchs served tai aIl. Tise nattontail and jarS rabisit are ingod supploytis itle tan40er sorts e n a flood bao a biss. are qaîte pertarised uithlie namber et drer, rabisits and ganrtaie lisat are Saint 2sle by11 cars in Raton nausty. Tme nenieun an- cidents ltnt ores involrrd cars stribint dean. Deeare spelbound isy car lugta and wiii set gel oul ut ynsn ay. Wisen you see a ailla nendint "Dean Crassiag" pleaae enernise sasse rare Witb tise acreanîng deor papulation in lIalIen Cony trafft.c dets aellecoilig ,l meal preSlesn We certoinly Sapa membrs oI lise neo reias tavemment oitt do gesisn about il, Plsa rememtber ta iseap yasn isoonds oeil ander contat ut tis Uisa ai yar. riser are beisaait benry mi40 taon and tait ensy pe ta paks ot îtnoy datigy rasit aur naanty. Vase oriter misises yaa the Sent afth4e sensen and tond boulins and tBshring la 1974. F 2 res dded the atisen tise assista wit0 snles. iti isuld -aagMk Murray tas Wanie =apinis and Nana Fiaisiatta., Blir psiad tise baise- townes wi4th orasanntuda ni ir a"""" asta ainat tlsIp. W.ntes sa a gd aitb, stcising tw isatotsan Singla tenta mare recsrded by Murray , Flaion and Rinis Aseltn. Stark, tee- pninis, Aselton, Daut Darsey and Bais santon regintered assista. Tri-Couflty standings TRI-CIIUN UV MINUR MIDGFT STA~NDINGS (Nov. 27, 1973) 6 W L T F A PjssPts Chingaacousy 9 8 t S 46 10 123 10 Miltois t t 1 1 29 14 127 13 Brampton 9 5 4 O 27 24 190 10 Strenîsville 7 3 3 1 22 22 116 7 Burlingtun 7 3 4 O 21 28 11 7 6 Georgetaown 4 1 3 0I t t7 65 2 Guelphs 5 O 5 0 0 29112 0 Oaknille 5 S 5 S 5 22 40 O T)P SCORERS G .% Pies PIs Bruce Hein lCSingaacaany) 7 8 4 15 Scatl Youung (Chinguacausyl 7 5 6 t2 en Malway lçhinguacousyl O 6 8 12 Dsag Strath (Milton) 2 10 4 12 KevnnuMcCuy (Milton) 8 2 8 1 0 TRI-C<iUNTV MAJOR ATOM STANDINGS GP W L T F A Pis Chinguacousy 10 9 1 O 69 13 19 Ascaster S 5 2 1 391011l Burtiagtun G 5 2 t 34 27 il Oakrulle G 5 2 1 29 14 Il Bramptont Il 4 5 2 35 34 101 Milton 74 2128 17 9 Georgetown 8 4 4 G) 32 41 8 Streetsrilte 9 4 5 S 37 29 8 Ganepih 7 07 0040 Dua.s 10 St 100 0 0 TRI-_ClUNTV MAJOR MII9liT~STANDI NGS (Nov, 27, 1973) G W I. T F A PimPts Dundas 9 i 1 1 37 13 213 15 Chinuacausy 7 6 1 S 29 13 146 12 Georgetown 9 G 3 1 43 20 202 Il Streetscilte 9 5 4 Il 24 22 103 10 Aucaster O .1 3 2 22 21 100 G Milton t 4 4 I0 18 22 12ï 8 Burtln 9 3 5 1 27 41 130 7 Oakveitin 7 3 3 1 10 19 84 7 Brampton 7 2 5 0 18 28 108 4 Gucîpi 9 0 9 S il 46 178 0 TIOICOUNTY JLVENILE STANDINGS (Nov. 291 7:11 G1 W 1, T F A5 Ptis Georgetown 8 a 0 0 49 9 16 Burtuagtan 7 4 2 1 30 19 9 Miltan 8 4 3 1 t8 22 9 Sreltsvilln 8 4 4 0 30 28 8 Qtiagoacaasy 6 3 2 1 23 15 7 Brampton 7 3 4 O 13 24 6 Oakvîttn 7 1 5 1 17 32 :l Guel h 4 1 3 0 10 14 2 i)attas 7 0 5 2 10 :15 2 d* net 12 Top ranked Bulldogs humiliats opposition Stair ment an uatisar rampage sn Osini, tiint tirlegoutasoi 5g sastît an an- aliser. GinMe anarers mene Sturis andDnrney. Dare prard ritea paynoe 40yer Ousilta toute btlocised bis oritial tirstpani id try. Dorneynoue tis fukaond tise art and dett- t ope ilin on bis secnd try. Single assistsowent tatarks, Ftemintn and Murray Harris vice Gond Barris et Kitbride ban been eected vice-president of tise Norths Bartingtun Football Asociatin fer lise camit 01kmr esenutives are president Bill Couper. treasurne Stan Sementuis, real un.Fortune, tyke caone Ban ans, parg we acnvener Bill Slenlin and buntais cencener Bua Caedlîis. Bin1 Ftenis Tise N.B.F.A întends roneint t2 trams in Ibree divsins tor tise '74 sousan. Tyke Glag ol Se open te eigbt ilt 2yal S aubatais tunisie te 12 te 14 yearn ot ate. Tiserris no eigst liisit and helmets and liants oilt Se sopplîrd. Tise Chsampion, Milaon, Ont. Weti, Dec. 19, 19735 THEIR CHRISTMAS DINNEEt wasas sure thing lent week sehen Eleanar Branchas rink won the lurkey boinspiel held ut Milton Ladien Curling Club. Showing off Iheir prizes, are from left, skip Dufferins up Guelph draw Burlington Milton Miner Dutteri n Guet p Menday nigbt bst a Midgts collected tbree ste n gu performance by pointslbîisoreSk telloint a2- Frank Carrait in tbe Royal 2 tie rn Bsnlinte tant City goalbheld tbeDuttenianta Wrdnesday and a 2-1 Gin only apairetfgals. oben Guetpb vsited ton DulternaTurnernbsucked in Ntenday nigt altally vitbiety 7 seconds touelînglen midgets louis 16 gene in tbe taise tram Todd micpenaltîies. încludîng Ceeradrîti. Mîbe Fraser oe foard a druo oîas te bipped in tbe second Milton lîvîtînt Daterr i Mîthea cunter late in tbe upenint cisarged oîtk seven mînors. perîud tramn Hannon. Burlinglen's Geelild Davn Amas bout Mitton thqaybndIe mark in goalir Terry Fitspatnick ton the lient pel4bît a seconid lnrmu nutntb perind conlen bY Mîltenian game early la tbe second îave Tuîrnerenee y erîad cutiîl. Deug Sîeatisassisted on the lying goal. Paul Lane apenedîbhe tird ýrîodoîlth a Buelinglun tuai utll tlnîei Steve Hannon isiasîrd tise yack punI tlnlnglon celoînden Deanin Williams laIe en tbegm Kris Manne lundle Milton goallendîeg cheres DoI u cfer in treamn oanagement cîled pour renererîng lîy tbe paie et Bramton offiiis, Mitonîî c llly oulîbel DRIVE-INentire tai le isall ot snoing obai mual gir-e ap isetore yos gel sesîcantlisknaoingwhatsue IL JUSTUN lIME FOR SOGMMBIE CLGTHUNG SALE Q%OFF ~ on al 0 eclothing ehelmets e accessories CHILDREN'S ITEM S IN STOCK [ILIL CHRISTMAS

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