,Drumquin Santa drops in at S.S. concert By Mrsi. ceei[ Patte.sa followlng ansacutive, Proe-i Tise snne ua onday lichant dent Naran Filemiaton, vice concert wan held anethBe" prenident Larry Woka Chorch on Sonday Die. la. =arta SaliyMra ra foilosvinq the chorch wornklp. nwrEas nrkmaaè, trait Recilatios, lutte plays, co-ordinator lait Break. reodingo, piano solos and B.nirenloncnln were aorvedt. Chrittmas corda made for an Mr. and lira. liarvin Tack njoyable concert. Santo or- and d=ghe Joan of Kirk- rived te hetp onload the field tthnedUe Christas leoutifol decorated Christ- douter party for dhe Lister mon tree oi itu maoy parcela. iamily aithUs homeaif Mr. and Sana on osool wos vel'y jov- ms. Leanard LIster, Trafat- ,iland helped maire everyane gar Rd., an Bnnday Die. 16. vey apy. His helparo were Mlfise sans and daaghters of Jhn Baltey ond Norm lir. and lies. Joha Liser oi Fleminglon Jr. At 12.30 ail Bokcaygennwreat this adjoorned tri the churck hall happy event, alpeg wldhserrm fradelicloos hot pot luck of air famillen, 21 1esnsl dinner. More thon tnt child- ail. Tl. paredant. o cy- ras and odulte enjoyed dis igean were anahiele aar social lie togedier. sent, but wece contacle k> Aorpisehrthdayp£arty telephose and en ayad abre was hald foreStaart liclioln chot midi dieir ily at lis home Dec. 8 whan liirdiday graetings tei Mcs friends gathered to honor hlm Clarence Ford Sr. os hier spa- on kis special day. Gomita riai day Dec. 24. attendis g mare Mir. and lira. G. Tyceill Port Crodit lir. and lirs. Etmer licDoweil, Ki/bride Mitton, Mc. and _1rs E....n Maithy, Sheihurse, Irvis Thompson, Brampton, Misa CaolRutiBrmaea M. First grand and Mes. en Watson, lic. adMes. Ossie Gommersos,H.G W.' Raine and Misa Lois Wil fo non ail ni Churchvlile. fo H .G r Eochre mas enjoyed widi Fze oKen Wilson, Misa ny lira.P. D. J. icaen lsnG.Tyrelt, Miss Ras- Dec. 4was aday to rmen- Lin. har fer Mr. and lira. Henry Atmdngta oft opr Gorter of Kilkride, as itlihar- wa erved, with hirthnaY aldad dia arrivai oi diair firai: cake and other gnndtco. We grasdickild named Jeseifer- join in wishing Stuart mony Lynne, hara te AMyce asd Ken more happy birthdays with Goirter Who reslide an Missis- lis mite and three childcen. anga. Yon cea imagine dia Ctub affiners heantifol floral tInhales The llorsly Snowmohile grandiather muet have sent Ctub hetd its annuel meeting atong, as lic. Gorter is a mail on Sunday Dec. 16 witl 22 hom florîst. Siscare a duits and their families congratulations go ont tei dia attending. President Norsa famity. Ftemingtnn weicnmed the lirs. 1. Zwicher ni Kithride grnap. Rtusset Cale sisoord has heen a patient for river a twn films, Play Sle and mondi atteJoseplirant Espeditin tn the Columboia Memoriai tHnspital in 1cr Fietds. These wore inter- ilrlisgtnn afler soffeclng a esting and informative. Other heart attach, and aldiosgh films. Charge of div Snm loch home for a weeh sa nt Blrigade and Knhter Rngines hock in Joneph Brant Hoapi mere shonn. ilecause ni div tel, Roosa 466, ordi flanc. pno-mohiting inl 1973 Ourhaest wishes for aspady ltn r smrmhbersmitlpay retucn home is oc Christmas nnly $t par machine foc 1974. mish for yns, lira. Zwicler. Nem traits are te le arranged J. Picheti ni Kilkride St., and mesohers nnlified. Mary Kitkride, sot aie lianor and are inierented and Plans are hnpefniiy wiii hae home very undermaytfor a wehend son. excursion kv soomnîitais to U.C.W. Louckheur the nnrth conttry. EiOction Gond tond mas ose ni the nf officers lnlinmed midi die onotrikotian factors which A --- W 3Plî'l O z 48 o "'~T 4~ILTO~ Holy Roaary singera R elease folk choir record SY ReY Dans A dreasa coma trac die waek foer dia 70 marahams ai = Rosary FolkChoir. dia vrse and ment an sale and te date dri and for dia record indicaten il may sono hae a seanut. nmeo aihei chir's record and masy ai dia hayara Wo mcn Useir hames te dia cha record are handa te "open diair henrta" te the zsnfal singis gop Usai In two ycaco han sada a flne sama for ltself halfway aconas dia psrovince 'lie record, availahie la savecal local stores ati$4, mas lada at Holy Ronary Charel nc.1 14 ni dhis yaar-te chair's second ansavry. Thecograatian joins midi sumkers of "Open Ynnr Hearta" and dia chair alose complets& tha record midi aine odiar favorite sosakara. child ers =haid 10mae a mant soc- caoail.C.W. pat lach Ian- chaos held ia dia lovely home ni Mc. and lira Fred Akhatt. on Ths"dy Dec. t3. The sec- ond factor was dia warsadi and wonderfal feilnmstep os- tendnd le evéryosa. Darisg the ailecoon lira. liacDon- aid played Christmas cerais os dia orgon white avarynne sert$, hrlnglng dia feeling ni Christmas tei averynne Ha. RLay Harwnsd wan dia spea- ke and krnaght hanse dia meanisni:. the autide. Tise lndien dinhad Icone Ahhatt for dia use nf ihec hame, and wishad evaryn a vary deg day was field on Wedams- day Dec. t2 and in ait 3t2 lot doe ware served ky dia con- vaser lien. Shirley Davira, heipad ky lira. Blanche Coal- son lia ir gda, lira. erees Anachk and lirs. Shirley Watson. -Local storco are open tnt9 p.m. dis weel and outil 6 Lm.s il aturday and Manie se maisly religios fol typ= mnie, an lie rcrd isg luns litre "'Try a Little Klsdnena" and "Knmhaya' diraagh te the pewecfal "Be Happy" and dia salamis clos- ing l er. "1 Am The Resurrection." Seoesaemsmille Fol manie is ion asd dia choir oparates 'on diat tie- oey-yns can ahant sae diasa smiling as dia y strasa and singdhir way lhrogkdihet17 noanhars. Dempite dia day- long recording sessin and dia sacosoity ni rapaating soe ni dia sosr as oRtes as algkt timas for dia record- ig techaicias, the chair- istars' frcohaaso sa evident riçht le the vary end. 'Thair spirit of joy is conte- glialen It pearcos die large congragation sahicl attends the 0.30 oa. Sanday lîtorgy and hobles haynnd and abaut lote dia commonity," said parmis prient Padier J. J. Morphy s lits introduction on dihac nio the record jacket. And li's traa. Wkat'n se spacial abaut "Open Yoor Haarto' is tiat il lu not parformed ky soe for- off star but ky dia girl or hay seoitdoor.... .yor lokysitter, yor clasemnate, dia boy saha packs yor gencerias . n i as local as dia miii pend and as ecres t an tnday's nesn. And it'i qsoiity, ton. Ail-day joh lli 'Dec" Wright, mIn midi hie mite Jean serves as diractera asd managers ut dia ynudi choir, repents IPS Racording Sltudios kennght in t75,nan Worth ni recording eip nt ta tape dia choirs saoasThay set up on a ilaturday aitacoons, listened tîrangh a Saturday sight masoe 10 check the sosed le- vals on dia 12 microphones, started aglain at n a .m. Son- day, tapad thaO.30a.m. mass. gava dia chair as hoor off fnr a communion breakfast, îles want backtownrk tapigand ra-taping outil fine n cr. Shirlay Conaîl, Diane Con- naît and Shirley Daly hase so- lo nombera os the record lut the rest se strictty a grop ef- fort-dia oay Holy Rosery Folk Choir han leen ninca tl mas ondad os Tlansgiving Sonday in 1971. Don Wright recatte the yoong people at Hnly Rosery mare sopirad hy dia folk choir iraom Si. Andrew the Apasial ClurcI in Londan w le.b lad visited lare in Jane of dial year. ilo Fadiar dia chair prasentlyi Mncshy andi a gra ai intr lut diat total ns o e adu Laeollc .d2 higk mely. IL las lie ichool sindenle, tnrmad a trikntad tac and chair and pr-aa dMiasa for ilacktant Indian Rni singin on. mi m asaenh Alberta han Inught m 'îi Tisa chair was tle a 90 copienl ni il. tormed for dia prime proa Shinanthenag ni promnting congragatinat iingars wnrk ir, sga ma hin di itorgy worda ony, thayI moemannlu 0 Laver- sarittas monte or h one," Bill recatte. and maire np their riqtsai thay go aini. Vs Bustthecknirwastnvar so harnmining shinra waii and previdad sudh an on dia record in dia sapiration tL mas soin îing- Oms inimitable may. n avar Sunday at 9.30 Tha tila "Ope aso, Il lies gcow La 7f Haartn m as select ma sr ad pran of dia the mords ni ose ni ynngs s te edicatios n. cord's songo, "t sihowimdiae Ithiat th.di gaer for What oriinal 22 are st active. leve5' PotIer M Tis choir las 12 guitariste introductin says and six maehaera mIn are exnlerant teens li% Cap fn directing. Il's a dia kearta ni ailw self-rs grop mitk ita omo Isard thym. Miay ti eneentiva, committees ond yoor hearts' In a moi, aven a discipliste commitîso. and meaningfol mn. Dnly diana ni higk selsol aga Gnd.e"' are accepted adonce in, Records kecame a diay cansntay sn an long as. .lIs meel ai the chu tkey mont. Wright home ala48 Ja Wright seys dia choir kas iloogîton's Boches hean gises diree prioritias. Country Kiteken Ras Firat isynur tamiiy and home licCuaig Isurancet le, seond ne yooc selsol ChampsofieAn wnrk, and diird is the choir. kat niek record fa Slould hockey, kanekati, fuît color photo ni the memleranofdtenponitae Holy Rosary Churel or any odier attractions gel in ly localpogrp tle may tle mesaher is disci- Buorgoyne. ptined oui ni tkv graup. And saveral gond singera have lunase o eve, sot ly Ju or the directore lut ly dieics Afittecramped The Wriglt ad athdi choir practieing ai diair home ontil tl grem toiovar 50mmers and lhImas got a ltlie crasa- ped in thaîr entra large tam- ilp rsom. Doc says hae spends iive nigisaameek andmost of Sundap on choir mork, sot conting tkv entra work mIen tkv choir tors on a trip. Tkey have perfnrmad ai masses and concerta ta nev- vrai otler cluechas around Ontario and are in great de- masd formweddins. Tley aie sing ai fanerais. sa yeae they gave a special concert for Maris vandren chorister miso was hadly nri jnred in a car accident. And Ikapovinit lospitals, scîsels and othar institutios to npread a littia cheer. The choir morks irons o Fol Hysal diey lad spec- iai rnted sa coagregations coul o atong and jointsn many of Ileir songe. IL con- tais e kords 10 74 numbers Extends its grateful appreciation to the members of the varlous municipa contributed to the welfare of the town in the post year end aoier the pu hours of personai effort fond interest are extended by these public spirit serve on the Bourds, Committees and Commissions and it is only fitting at the year end, that the past contribution of citizens to the operation un of the town, b. publicly recognized. MILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY Robert MacKay, Cihimufl Councîl expreses lu G, Jacknon K. Murohu sneeappeectatin .Rdel(r. .B te ail poeiicipating E idl Ms) B e individuels, groupe and organizatios mIn have asaisted imaktng 1973 sudh MILTON BOARD 0F PARKS a ouccemioli pae. MANAGEMENT AND RECREATION COMMITTE! Jim DiIin, Ctsairr.n J1. McCann A. Melonnon B. McNeill H. Hopkjfl J. Kerr R. Hurrison (Mrs.l MILTON ARENA BOARD W. Rowney, Chairman M. Caputo R. BrunI A. Melunson C. Johnson R. Harrison (Mrs.) S. Childn S W! EXTEND A VOTE 0F I THANKS TO ALL MEMBERS 0F THE MUNICIPAL STAFF FOR A JOB WELL DON! t MILTON i<EI G. Krantz-Halton Rej Mms. W. Doignun-Hu] R. McCuig-Miiton A t. Armstrong-Haibon A. Tonelli-Huitois Coi ierforss kangng an dis- nide-a rerrin taemony t divir dirough choir' s n Voue vd irosa thde re- and To- 'on Be- nephyns e opesmi ho lave ey 'open vailala ccl, tle mas St., -Shop, taurant, asd The tkv jue- tueao choir tis ,tahan erJisa IL-fecedesThe Champin, Mil ton, Ont, Wad., Dec. 19, 1973 811 Cars crash Currce ca es epore lb front ofihe huilding white the damaged Bnucslt ohleopecith did icie suid on tle te A 'an Marees drives kybulig Ktkai Gudgeos, R.R. 2, A '72 Olde hetengînt teide Milton caceived $1,200 Douglas Currie. t71 damage early tast Wad- Kinsielg Ct., and a in66io nesdvening mIes tl lait Dngelsg ngto HarvyJ. nlto îlth o on Bconta St. sean iludd,' 122 Bronte Si. recels-rd the CPR teocla. lies $400 and $150 damage Inflation is c'aoscd hy Gudgaos suiiered mirorcote ranpvcîîceîy tolemînt aPeople mhc beltase in île and kraises. collision in dia Mac's lI romoitie thesry 1ha1 soe- Milton police invratigated Store parking lot Snndoy doy mates will catcht oy cite dia accident, aiteenon. prîtes WE'RE GIVING OIL A WA Y!( WE HAVE 4 BRAND NEW '73 FORDS AND 4 '73 DEMOS IN STOCK... THESE MUST GO!3 73 LTD 4 DR. 73 LTD 4 DR. Giioger Glont Gînder Glom Blrand Nom Demo--HDN 464 73 LTD 2 DR. 73 LTD COUNTRV SOUtRE Ginger Glono Gioger Glom Brand Nem Demo-HCP 288t 73 LTD 2 DR. 73 LTO COUNTRV SQUIRE Gold Glow Medium Blrown Brasnd ew , celebrate a 73 LTD COUNTRY SQUtRE 73 T-BtRD Medioum Brown Goît Pire Ch ristm as WhZ. Zorcaso osns oflnh alose auobile o :ill reeve FaEa The Knox Junior Chrchb oil chasto over 28,000 mils of carefree drievg' Seksol reachedthde peak oi (7 oil chaungsased onmavofactorerssontvsted il change eero.let thele hirdiday party for iloîy miles. This citer expires Janoory 1tf, 1974.) Jasus Susday. Praparations for tle party lean tîrco DROP IN SOON FOR A GREAT weehs ago The corel scînol made decorations,osant neeandnild MONEY SAVING DEAL. . stoey it t flir Bille lensono. The sellant vnjoyed o film ntrip Susday, as wvil as a TRAFALGAR MOTORS message frose Rev. John Murray. Childeen olso joined in a oint 01008 euth Mr. 409 Milton Kennedy. v h Main St. '~~ 1-369 Ivaclîes and euth lien Santa's help yodh ckiid receivvd a gi and a treat. The childeen wiii juin tîvir l b O i parants in tke ekocel dis Sunday. MILTON HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION W. Rowocy, Choîrman C. Thomson B. Bcdt I groups that have st cetury.MonyMILTON PLAN NIN<BOARD d citizens who as Milton expands N. Pearce, Chotrman d amiistatonD. Hayecord Ed. Gawronskî Hl. Perler id dmnitrtinS. Childs P. Barr B. Besi A. Rigo J. Kerr PRESENTATIVES MILTON COMMITTEE 0F ADJUSTMENT iion Conservation Autiiority D. Green, Chairmon Iton Museum Bourd A. Frank S. Nodolin E. Reed L. Wood ra Fira Commillea Coutsny Board of Educution MILTON PARKING AUTHORITY înty Separute School Board J. M. Ledwjth. Choirmon G. J. Bonin MUNICIPAL COUNCIL BRIAN BEST, Mayor R. McCUAIG, Reeve S. CHILDS, Councillor A. MELANSON, Councillor H. PORTER (MRS.l, Cotniscllor M. POWYS (MRS.l, Deputy Reeve R. HARRIS, Couneilior J. KERR, Councilior G. KRANTZ, Cotinciior C. W. Bîggs MILTON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION D. Jackson, Chairmon J. Boiiey G. Brown A. Melanson J. lJsticr R. lJif.oi Ii. Perler R. MOREAU, Councillor M TE COUNIL TAKES THIS OPPORTUNITY 0F WISHING ONEi AND AUt THE COMPLIMENTS 0F THE SEASON A HAPPY AND SUCCESSFUL YEAR IN 1974 L------------------__ -----------------------------ooon'i M t/s~e C<«» cil fi~ t/s-e Ï<'Wft '(M ilt' N N N f s 1