2 Thse Chriaml. Mitona. Ont. Wed.. Dac. 19.1f972 Milton OPP issued a wamntlg ha matau'lalo iu week about thte ley rond conditions amd atmo etlaned drivera uho peraul lu delvng witu lce-eonered and front- coeered nuduowu. Safety and Infortiocln officer Cost. Jion Redpalth nild "mmny ut tise collisions lnvesti1gated tis weeb reuti rmdnceru beluu omable ta utop duo. heb sllppery road condiionm. A ouow-eovered road lu slippery and tise atupîdua distaonce sn gremtty iuereed.' Redputh sold mmny com havehbee sean wili s nw, ice or front coveriog thse seludumu and nom, have ooon-cuvered rear Ilgbtu. lit lu almout impoasible 10 ne onn u..f thalle remi lîgs mIse tihe drlvers have uot clouruti tise uonow off tie... Automatle tundng ulmunaj and braise fiuIsaureal but omeleusen tisuhappens,' be pointait!0ou. CLOWNS did their funny tricks, balloninas danced Iightlysoldiers marched smartly, dolls danced in ryts, and Jack-in-the-boxes jumped up and dsnas pupils.froc g rades four and five at J.M. Denyes isad their Christmaa ansembly. Taking S TOYS ON PARADE as fairy godmother 'MacDonald aseaken the sleeping clown Helen Boyce, Roddy Bell, Frankt Schmid 4 and direction for the Christmas productl part were Kevin McTaviah, Randy Peruoello, Sophia Hopwood. The children worked ot Derek Hodgson, Denis Laroque, Craig South, brought their own coutumes. Anthony Eige, Tracy Morgan, Nancy DeVogel, Heather Godfrey, Debbie Wigewrh e Edwards. ___________________ s Debra Prior and Terry-Anne s David Kerr, Kim Anderaon, [toand Mark Cannon. Thse music mn vere under the leadership of ut their own dance routines and <Photos by J. Beaton) hopping tip Wben boying meal, fh or poallry, considier lise aono of bone atnd fat. Estimale tise oumber of servingn per poond. Tisen compare prie. Milton Heights iFAIRY GODMOTHER Terry-Anne MacDonald and Poul Dennisan. Still sleeping are the lbas awakened the loy soldiers Joey O'Grady, ballt'tisas, Julie Lyons, Karen Appleton, Ginny Jerry MeLeod, Emmanuel Anassis. Dean Dredge Penrice, Janet Losole and Heather Kerns. Milton Planning Board espnessed cancrn about retaininâ the mns Main St an a viable commercial entily ai lise bourd's final meetingi wednesday. Milton Mayor Brian Bnci bold piannera nevenai stores ut tbe seest endi ofbte Main SI. bud getotof bsiness or lire on tbe pracessof aietio 001aito business snace the ilton tnn fine. . The mayon noled a hard- ware storea geanalnstore, a osed forniiore clore and a =eut salon ainne ail nîlber ciednpeeparn oa close Ibein bosinsses. S4atob il die? Piannrsfeardithinrend wouid creep dicnithe Sreet in aneasterly direction and monre stores ood close. Ma y o Rsi naled ather tîons bdbeen in the posîiin ai malebiaf thein Main Sii die andi be did not waci ibat la -happe bereï Tbboard necommnded eouincii repeal the parking regsiations an the dawnlawn ae.The nenaolîion, if on- dansed by caunicil, wcoild malle il passible for stores wicburbnrd down Inreboid olîbool providing parking on the site or iihin 500 fr1t as is no rqnsrd. The rev;olotion also siaied thal boildings cosld 001 caver 101) per ceni ai the lot area, bat 75 per cera. Member Haari Porter noîd no store on lise Main St. ýoold be able la reboîld il deslroyed byifire, because of the parking regolalions. Rean entraenes Piannens noed Ibal seacb ai tbe soccens ai tbe bosiness srction wouid fou aon the sboildnrsoflbe mercbaaln Il ,vas olnd bat stores bacing Cote, Mary SI. sbouid be cleanod on and enraocrn yravidied irom the rea r as weil as tbe front of tbe building. Duringbhe discossion plan- ors rocaill tbe laîlue of allenîpîs la impiemool tbe tt N'T DRIfVE caN FLAT tf by cbance yaa have a flaI break vioentlysays the Canada Sft on i b.Ltte car re a omplotnly ol tbe noad. Drevangfonna flai la garage ille a c ea ivn on a short distance is dangerous becaone tbe driver Norwcichn rno ation ncenoe, hasinesntban fuillontro. Tie tbe faiioeofsevnna parking mabers aise point out ibat prooais' and atber sinys ta 100 out aI tbnne tires non ii bster lbe commercial cane o'ay arr damagnd beyand ares. epair. ,JLaido18Reguraàn $f Foin### Chia. aad Casa/J.. fan/ Foul coiunose eaissteabs-chops-fush and chips DON'T FORGET OUR 'SUNDAY DINNER SPECIALS" For floservations Phono 878-9061 SPaalallzisg la Taka-Ogt 0,/a,, Frio Iclivery or Piok-Up 10% Off (imum $5.00aOo ou. in ton l 3,00, HOUAS, Monday ta Tisday 1l arn. ta 12 seîdoobt Frida and Saturdayt11a.m. t102 a.a. Sunday 11a.m. to 8P.1. Aller bearng about bow a Milon Heigl strnieeeýr livesinfeanofasb:d acident Haiton Coonly Roadn Com- mstllea 10 lenet flasb 1ingis aI tise intersection of the Esqumsiof-Nasaa weya Town Lioe and Nomb Thnne Sideroud in Milton Heigisîs cillage. Nassagaeya Reeve Min. Anne Macrtbur said tbe ninrebeepen bad iivnd in dnnadaofmure bad accidnts tbene. She dnscribed thn conner as panlicuany tneacbnnoas on Soodays wbeî b..dneds af cars bead loto Keiso. "Tbern is a stop sigo tbIre. But tbe people going 10 the conservation anea don't nen tbe sîgn. AIl lny Ibins about ns gelngto ae lbconsenrvaian airas.I bas juslen bybhe ceace of God Ibal mare plpl baven't been billed bere, ' obe saut. Wold puy Mrs. MacArthur oaid tbe se oebnepenasoupsnl and nsoideveny Sunday tbat bn bad olfnred 10 pot op the $300 or Sm1 10 ya Ion the ligtib 10 boy bis peace af minc. Counly engineen Jacks ConseIl said then bud been efforts 10 alinviale tbe Irallir situation lbnnn by movinf tbe sign te a more prominnt spot. Hn suggenled tbe warrants fnn Iigbts be cbecbed belonn installing llasbiog lîgbls. Allen discussion il wsea old lbnnnvie oa set of ligbls tbe counly bad Ibat bad been nnnsiousiy useil in a dillenent Th Wegk CHESS CLUB There will be no Chess Club December 24th and December 31st M ILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY La~NuiNC rwi NewI YOAR'S EVe? Make your Reservations Now! Celebrate in the ~auaria îltiru of the MILTON PLAZA - PHONE 878-3901 $30.00 per couple Includea. Contineena-style Bullet Q 1 bt. of Champagne per compte Asd thse swleging lee-entertainonent ~ NOTEo othe',f"Cambe We are open Dec. 24, 9 tb 5 p... Closed Christmsas En., Christmas Day and New Year's Day. 'LL EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO ATTEND THE GALA NEW YEAR'S CELEBRATION OF ROMA SOCIAL CLUB STEELES AVE. (West of Highway 25) MILTON, ONT. at the ncw Club Houe DIEBR31, 1973 I Dancing f0 the music of TONY SILVANI ORCHESTRA singeroiu IUOpAOMBsA lest cf tic cvmning UNT SUMPTUOUS FOOD - FLOWERS FOR THE LADIES DOOR PRIZES - PARTY FAVOURS & NOISEMAKERS Dress Semi Formai or Formai Admission by Advence Rcscrvatlon - $25.00 per Couple Ii For information cmli la Mltcu 818-6527 0 878-2460 I E A I e Drivers warned Toyota Community Calondar What's doing in Central Nalton Arec i SPIRIT 0F CHRISTMAS Nomv a thne lime toi share nie loyr of tie festive selson mith lamily and friand. This Sunduy, attenid the CImecn 0f your cholo. Ail Charchus wli be holding sPeciai services fo honour the holiday sason. CHRISTMAS DRAW Milton Chamiser of Commiarce and local marchants mmnd up Iheir pre-Chrlstmas dram fisl Moeday. Dec. 24. Coupons fo the drom have beeo appearlng lIn Th. Champion for the past three maaks. Malle sure your tickets are deposited mlfh partlcpalng merchants hy nmon Dec. 24 - you coold min the color TV set offorod as f lest prlan. Se. how much car your mono y wifi bu>, ut Dlnlslae ot fanon %TranSk 0alas lifl "079-4M826-2931 HwY. 25 Just North of 401 Stores may get to stimulate cou 878-3272 or 878-3208 lhowimes: Son TSia Thons. MILTON Fi. anot. a:00 anid9:00P.m s.jîn.22 Th& .20 &nL21 set22 2:0 oorM. loied Christmas Ene seel n 'i rw~ TU se Y TOUFis min 10N THAVFL 7 DAYS ASTS il AiIý. Fio 3-F iEt-i !9 179 s""V,( roi) ", 1