12 The Champion, Militen, Ont. Wd, Dec. 19, 19,73 a Christm as in other Last-minute brie f ands described d s st o s "I asaeyal Chrss BusnechFe in N eu , enie s i ville Hall, with draws for gterdttie hme ut e qatît aod otiser Items. 'Il L ageo eesa Dec. 141h Trial lelerealton A oortc soulis hydro co utotoOakv le, Milton 100 fof yotu h100ey5 2 r Decernier Confereoce of te Associas rider suould issve a "diasir- a.od'in.gosagaweya have pre might buIÏd th , ot Chrismad) meeting.Ttre curyW ueutleWO aoeffort" edou tOqoiG y ote r lugbi aod whiy i suould hoe disulos -u3rer r five- gu= will ilie place on Pert towuhî, edfnd ar- rpreeoalieu i iteSo- Mr. Garhoue recom houe, R.R. 5, Milton, weute and commisio hearinogu, ho meoded Gordon Kidd uand 10Clrol peeseel. A1974. fu Ot Ol lu Esqumsing couueil. And ai raid. ludicaliosaeia tie sad ho heu a moult ot mal- Coetu r l sunrppe Th1 Critms4.o thites lasi meeting Moiay litad a mrnured degree of sue- erialte support a ouitmissioo prrsts ore tied ande lin ascnute Chiîm y prog counetiors ugreed lu hasiy resui "and perisapaiEtes sueitsîrdyteunol theot were wtre sudt stoo mas M odlie d hyrs Mer cuit anuter meeting su su- iug tumusiS's cpense, yod i peepariof the Fedor- Wti il uh uîosdMs cas ulter prrsetatiuu lu lte Sot- No rilical atiue u Agriculture itrief. f yen lu lte Oceitk Centre je tucisded in il mer, cao andl cummisuionmayhoepe- "W, have js au muet ai 's.yedig Nassegaeiys. AI the silging, a readîog hy Mr sndiylieduflt ee slhsaytlioe.tmet Cueucr ni urgcoess suggestionuof Mrs.F. Poarce, Deeiausu, etitied "Th liecocrdte preuideut, lte meochors Seaon ut Green Magie", an Couneiltor George Multy crilical of lte stand tai shoot lte laie date but Me. sud guesto cueducted lteir ladies whu itad corne t agiredtumoelttisseehmilb (Esquesiog) rounti lookin 5 Maliby deelared "I'm miling owne intruductions. Canadia trous Germssev ttai Federaties ut Agriculture ropresonialîSo Chu is invul- ced milh itydro prosoulaiuno, sud the luunsitipus imu roproseutslîveu Dlly Muul- tues sud Sandra Symmes. Me. Gardituuse iufurrned couucl ho bus s great cn ceeu uvor tbe rosi pussihiliy ufitavîng a titre, if nul five, lusr curridorecumisguorth sud uul tbrugit lte rulîre touwnsbip. Cbîuguacuusy towshuip, cng, fer t arn in full accord- eur, siith il. Wita1iam guing lu suggesl il ltaI rueucil peu- pue a strung, siraigitfur- suard suitmisuiuu lu th, effr ltaI a uurth-ou1h corridor suuuld have a disastrous et- yuu go unerudahog Ibat yuu agaiospotyu urignia rore edtonu tbe 40t rute, paralleling lte itigitsay lui the Haitun sta lu try anylhieg." Coueiiluv Hsuili suas cou- crned hum lte brief cud ho prepared e quicitly. Ho re' vewed lite fart Esqusu' rurridur route ad epo Suldanti cosmmissiou mas "eveu tbuugtse ddesI surp and wail". Te cuecero bau ariueu latly mîith mure reoult lu- furmatiou, Me. Homili coe- liuod. AIl ut a ouddeu lte resut, ends up ut Limeiteuso. Husuever ail memhors indi- raled suillugueus lui have au- ulter presoolaiiuo gu in on bhiaîf ut te tomuship sud lte basly meeting miii heors- oauged as euo as pausible. Meo brief miii hoe circslated lu cuucîlluru au scos as pas- sible. a i a' o'. ut a d Rouaideibi Citristmnas cusomsof uthlie rutries from mitici t ley badt corne "OSeo.rlpai" The giflo more disltibted illte teithildreu, sud ,ect mernher discuvered lthe ideolily ut iter "secret pal" frum 1he card ou bier presse Mrs. Ruoberts, cuurteoy runveoor, ltanhed Mes. L Digi1 for upeniug hiec homo luoite hraueit, and invited lte visilues lu heome mernhors. TAKING PART in tihe Knox Church Young ahepherds Marlyn MePtIi iete L Peopie'o presentation of "Chriet the Savior io Ctiiy Jeffersons. Thse Young iseople orgil Born" at te Chutrcis Sunday evening were Marilyn eveessng service chronicllng tebrho Martin as Mary, Richard Arnold an Joseph and carol and ocripture. (Photo b] Chwri Servicesj MILTON GOSPEL HALL 316 Ontario S5. N. O78-2022 Chrsîsaus gsihere in tuhue utrr ste Lord Jesus Choisi. Lord's Dat Suuday, Dec, 23, 1973 luJuo au, -eshlg Bread. 12.1 'o 5 u p Sudait tubei. tu0s p. -Gespel Ss' vcre Weduesday, t Osu.-Posyr sud Bibi, oesdîug. AJi Aue Wuicsuve Tu Titose Services "Fou r ityu s buru ibis dlat asSscuvr hich is Christithe ST, PAUL'S CHURCH of THE U NITED CHURCH 0F CANADA Mdain S. Uai James Si. Ministr. Rnu. C. A. Hluer, B.A., M. Diu. Geganisi and Choir Leader: Mes. Harold hisse, Suudsy, Dec, 23, 1973 Choisîmas Suday Iîl: 0 s.su-Whîie Dit Serve Sundat Schei Chr istmuas Coucert i su esedîstuir iuiusuiug iu Grahamu Hall. Choisîmes hue, Dec 24th 70117:45 o. Fiily scrîpire sud Carol 1l a. .Churcit Scitool Nursert tevîlils. GRACE ANGLICAN CHU RCH Onctue. Bec. O. W. Fesser Miltoun, Outariu. Orgatîsi. Ruors F. Aruail We in v îe tu lu loir mt vs fur Our Chrismas services ai Grave Auglicav Chvecit, 317 Min Sireet, Miltuv Suuday, Dec. 23, 1973 Adveut 8:00 a.sv Huit Comuniuou 9:305v a.ijuiur Churvh Svhuui 9:30 a.5v.Houit Echriss snd Surmun 1 0,s-Sevur Churrh Sviîoil 7. 30 o. Cerul Servcve, iuolloed btsasocîi vais hue on the Parisit HalIl forae presenieiîuu tu Canun Ma sse or lthe ovcasior us th, 50ih auuîvoertuy f inurdiuaion. Onvomber 2Sth Choisîmes 1 l 30 OC .Miduieshi Eucharisl sud Sermoun Devesuhur 25tia Chrîisumas Dat 10:00 a.mC FaCily Survive us Hesiy E îîviiss A speisi t1Oet lu sboSus sud girls Fr n s o m cisS iîesva Savcuc. whu is Christ te EMMAN UEL IlA PT IST CHU RCH Ceusservilai Strent, Mi Itou. 878.906 - 0 8-35452 'uteoile Pasor, Dr. William Fossur, Ontario Bible Coliege. Suvdsy, Duc. 23, 1973 Lvi clrvas Sunvdsv 11 u00 a" Morn ig wurhi P. 6.50 psu. tuos Service. 7.0O p.s.-Euening 500e. sitlp-MusiSsie "lThe King Is Cesuinot" Tuesday, Choisîmes Dat 10.00 à.su.-CtrisimSs tee- tice, speaker Mr. Warren Cearltos. geopel hall "lLet senter instise liesse t lte Lard mth titauhsiln. and Into His Courts mli pralsO." BOSTON AND OMAGH PR ESSYTE RIAN CHU RCH ES Minisier- Bec. W. R. Lewuis, B.A., B.D. Sunday, Dec, 23, 1973 Citristmas Suuday 9.30 sus.- Wursitip service (Nursery taciliiesi DOHAGH 11.00 a su.-Worstip service JOY 50 ste muid-ute Lord le TH E PR ESBYT E RIAN CHU RC' IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH MILTON Minisune: Rev. John M. Murray Orusuisi. Mos. L. Vlashlumn Sunday, Dec, 23, 1973 Choisîmes Sunday 11.00 s su-Caudioligit Carol survive tut the issulit "Tu i eho uieshi to veinitrain Chrîismas esith vs sue colcomo sud greet tou at ibis Jotous Seasun." CHURCH 0F CHRIST No. 5SiderSd and aih Lîu, Minisior: Ar, id Rossel 0878-6050 Suday, Dec, 23, 1973 10.00 s .-Oihie Sc-cuul. Classus for ail sues. il s.mu.-Mureing tvurship t00 ps..Preachine ofthWe Gospel. ST, DAV 1D'S andi NASSAGAWEYA PR ESBYTE RIAN CHU RCH ES Minisior: Roc. Dogles Lowury Sunday, Doc. 23, 1973 NAS SAGA W E"A Sudat ]105 C Worship Servce and Svvday Scitool Sudat 7:30 p.m.-Sudsua Scioli Corcert itoudat 1.30 ps..Chrîsimes Cen- dloiighi Service SI. DAVIO'S Thvrsday 7:30 pCm.-Suday Schoui Corcrt uday 11.15 esu.-Wurshîp Service sud Sudera Svtei Otouday 7. 30 Psu-_Choisîmas Eve Caudieiuit Service HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH A loval assesubiy ot The Pennecosfi sembiie Wakefield Rd. aud H. 25 Miltot taclor Aoce M. Ctrisiense Toi. 878 20ua The Lord's Day Sundcay, Dec, 23, 1973 9-45 a m .-Sunday Scbsol. lits0 a.us.-Mrning Worship, 6.01 p.m.-F&m"iy Prro .rn.-Onin Euans. Wadnesday s p.m.-prae end Bible Seudu. "WsosSeuer shal cati sPoh thie urne ef thte Lolrd shahl 1Bd saussi, Rom. 10:13 TABAR OPEN 1:330 A.M. TO 6 P.M. THURS. & FRI. TILL SPA VA BUILDING SUPPLIES 878-3263 YOUR TABAR TEAM 878-5400 Ted Mist Ken Lefaive Terry LachWelle lit DEPARTMENT VALUE PACKED PREFINISHED 4'X8' H POLYNESIAN 3.99. MAHOSANT SIK $OIHOCKEY TKS OVER 100 DOZEN IALL PRICED AT IN STOCKg§ $di sys. "DONMT MISS THESE STOOKINS STII Listsd bleu or@ jusf a feu of thé 0 e FFER SPESIALS"1 largains! NANIT Amoy FIlM MAI SETS BEc MITRE BOXES 138 95ALSESPO STNLY EVLSFnm3.65 UTIUITYKNIVES Rou . 75 STALE MAMES FOM2m98 STANLEY HAlo DRILLS FlOU669 STANLEY SQUARES RMu 3m69. LUFKIN TAPES FlOU 1 .09 VISE GRIP PLIERS FIlM 3.79 CEILINS TILE STAPLES 98e COMPLETE LINE 0F MIAMI CAREYPICDRO' VANIllES RCDFO CARANO $3 EACH MARBLE TOPS COMPLETE LINE 0F MIAMI CAREY RANGE HOGOSA PRICED $1 -wT jUNE LIIW rnMIu ....TOERIW W WE OPIAT 7:30 A.M. MON. TO SOT. IFREE DE.blIVERqY