Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Dec 1973, p. 11

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Jessie Powell MR. AND !RS. MERRCHftISTMAS TheCaonMtnOtWdDct 9~i andl Family Mac ELLIOT AN A HAPPY __ WISH EVERVONE WISHALLTHEtR FRIENOS NEWYEAR o f -I U I U I AMERRYCHRISTMAS AMERRYCHRISTMAS Tam aosL .. I L V.DE I aA HAPPYEYA NEWYEAR. freods&nnighborn Y E Y A In lieu ot cards, a donation las i ln. In ~~~lieu ut cardae, a donation 5s being sent to the Star Santa BlWnFte ftSociety for Leukemia adFr~ n ha eserch andi Waily ýe township annals We 55 sh al ou, triends, a.d GREETINGS FROM: _______ _ Tthe tant motionofu the onst wus panseit Moday utter a uaitnu to bu s intd elted!ri Sine ton eupresuet relatves VANDEVALKS ... . ~* gtrpubie ueeting ot maruthon mueetng that toed Enquesiug vuocit chuirs wttl tir grueal fuelings ut regret A VERY iThe Ret. Rn.t. and Enqusg townshi pcuci 1 trom t0a.m tii 5,opm. bcthecutu Actn curu i theuist metng. VERY ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W MER REHUE ER HITA otrWnish o., -_________ h u break for lunch. tables in furnishingithe room. Me. Htill, Mr. Conu and Mr. A EYMRY GENOSS MRYCRSMS Ms otrBrenda, finBue&Dna Cuaineillor Malthy and Ful cueil meetings und -tonîi wiii reappeur us Hal- AND A HAPPY NEW tredsanitnighbors rc on detyecCormeiasuilheumîeeet toe iisecouucit Mi Muttby CHRISTMAS AND A Woulit like to mtnh YERBrarengrin AM olo u ht-ev enunn udoen. aisltheeu iuepulcu îitritLsi srtr AVERY lintreuoiteitthehleuh mu. ingsuofuuiîuut-llscuecil uot n the eleetiun and YEAR Barýara and Brian Cosuataul thcurc oun. wil prusu. epbi ad Wlfi eli sreii HAPPY NEW YEAR frienits and customers Ta att aur relatives, WEWISHYOUA MERRYCHRISTMAS anfmly01,tee, ntndM. rs.Clr aît Fenhun auJack, Lois,Jion A MERRY triends and netghbors. BLESSED CHRIST- ANDAHAPPYNEWYEAR WinbuaIitheiutriuedn Maithy. prenentutins onHon Cieeh stafmue dren-ci uni JetMu HRSMadelatices nusa" Me. "x susn nilIums jinpt uissafasde LUadJf od CRSMSMAS AND A HAPPY ansnncun le LuAND HEALTHY GORD and KA AMRRY ubserseit muutly "Tie o'ieittheiucîs'esiui heir ls Mre. stuub theechiireiu oruylion lu udjouru atays meeting andt tormuly pe reaia motion of appuecation EseadFakSannCHRISTMAS enits with the ite tu meet nente tlhem scilh ituplicutus î es ,1letecu lie Sid and Edna And li adFak hno N E W VEAR. BIGRANA tn eaelu]si ppeiln nîgh uhev bul fouithe our-h M. BIGGAR ANDA agui,uo omeetet thecuofufutheeetitieuies giseuailthe tenus aeiceunt muonueri 13 Dance A AP E ERWe mish ait our fionds & Mu moult Ilke to misei ait nue tAPhNWYER fe reeee wnib uIu asif unriat eb nih iheiindu tdtwsi ,ni Wlsh thoir relatices, trianits A A P E E R eigotu uuyeihosau ned __________________ T renee tan i bn asumeo muets an ummes P f ee M 1hi le useni n- and nnlghhuen fa¶y egbr n red xsec a.1t su e orsadcm ite.Pe r ilhdfrtescn A JoousChritma aihe posit iuumyuc uf Hatun seulte nucepi the ceelîficairs ueeting hue cumplaînn To nue Milton teieudn andAnpuCrîta GOODOLO MERRY CHRISTMAS MýERRY CHRISTMAS Hills. atn'ibfutbussce biih aeu i e AAndMrr eihunAttA FASHIONED AND auto Thebcist Hatuu Hiilnsmeet- Catherinu Leslie, Ruth Case, cas missieg, undit t eap- Christmaus nE mIntt YDU Happy Newom r CRITA ing ciii bu Thursitstîa. 3u Cairolttuctt unit Gai] Mail seued frmCcillrHw ntF8.JOS er CHtTA APYEYA HAPPY NEW YEAR ,a2.mclbituetfu b pok' lbt a nec en- undta Happy Nem Yoar A MERR CHRISTMAS ANDA toali our nuîohhonus aeit ra toc ai (Glen Williamn. Mes. Hill bas bren fi unit mcihuit plaque. ueamîeg us AND AWONDERFUL PeeRt, Gerald HAPPYNEWYEAR tluns - oluteod Gtiing ready ca ebeualni.iassuileCebouîl CERSS aRETnd NEWosuinun1iurotid Esquesîngeucu bttepdal - assisacier Cathb fleimar tra heA SRES GE Ta e ndMr Vnow ee &Mra Rob and Mary Ltu unit relatives The meeting ro nr e high sbe is hume (rom cheete in noihuer isoing 3. att au t HRioni s, r otativesd Mar Gates & Family Bacon Bob and Patty 1ship hall is heing rens'aet Oni bebilf cf the cicus Mus. trench's chair, Il hait buen ________________luhienec usouneil.ePanellg aHettllsait itespiteth nights eueboisrei unit bre un the uit oi9hhass, teatve ___________ MRYCRSAS W etniarBsO Christie antd 1ooy Hteîgo sgig bscecieauecu pouifu yo. bac b a ueo branss engras rî 14 andneighburs, o thes Figg MRRYCHISTMASWe exend ou BeseaepetyHeegelieson i! cbuge colins i Wrgcoro besdeburted luagelu gyouoplaquee - stfft ut the Champion AND Christmus mishes toaiut S Ofietai ail the nurses, Wflnhlngeereoe 1 stutt adi patients at AMERRY AHAPPY NEWYEAR aur rotatives, trienits t Miltan District Hospital. CHRISTMAS unit neighbars te Miltan A specil wish ta Dr. ANDAHEALTHY TuaIt letfrlodsand undt itart aisa ta ISms. May 1974 bring AND HAPPY uuts Ju Mfrion.r au yan heuitb, huppiness, NEWYEAR mt itn lave ande pouce for thoso Floyd and Jean Brigden DAISY McLEAN Ruby and Jim White htessings. Stnereiy, and family SEASON'S GREETINGS Elmer & Betty Chartes & Edith.Coln totrlunds aedoighhours oln 1 We suud liii, tu club ail our Wemisb ail our triends le Mil- tuon Wouid like toclsh a mriendsnd niteisthue: eue a tEes' pMoon' Iim and Pearl McLaren ail theirelatives,LJ A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS unit a ha triesandnenlhbos F o aF b r e lE t t t .t p and Family AVERYMERRYFr C H R IST A S a R rusi aN d W M Ear A P E A AND AHAPPY untlnprusNPtVA leu ofu Christmas nards a CHRISTMASmF be t R a Esf e L d. a clonaton is heing made to ANDA aillaur friends - Mav the comina Stella Mattini Tufford MRYCRSMS Mwudlk ows i u Soi]_ 48Ml iTonbrot red adnihor e r brin g health, happîness and HAPYNEWA AMEOOYCHRISTMAS HAPPY1 EERVN ANDAVERY TO EVROE HAPPYNEWYEAR and 1 alsu mlsh lu tbank p o p r t o y u a d y u s eeyn hmaeI o.Wayne, Mary &Lianne: r sp r i a y u a d y u s nihie tue me f0 be croumeu Tri Cbhae Quee Timbers *~ 1 I M L A~ Mrs. Marion lrwin A donation has buon sot lu __________________________________ ad May The Star Santa Claus Pute. REA TORERNIE & ELDA i' eatî. Florence Gray Gaetan and Famiîy and boys START THE NEW VEAR IN VOUR OWN BUSINESS Woui liSu lu snîsh ail nue 111 his ail thoe triunds, relations, tfrins, mfighburn Wî5l a mel equiepeit 3 hu e nrvice statioe, seack bar and rula'tislv aed enitthuen 1 unit the Milton Tome Works neosueucia. cncoel en u nr loin a paveitroasSuth o tII Georeown.e Anuititd ousnintheucna etauhoit3 bernri A VERY MERRY A EVMERPYý hi ooSre. This very profitable busness son ho fours tue oniy yHîT A ,RIT A N AND A HAPPY NEW VEAR HERE'S VOUR INTRODUCTION TO GOOD HAPPY NEW YEAR _________ mea quietecurt in Astor Meatoos Ibis reaeiy resu, elecatet IIM AND LOUISE imtyrileothBilliCurrie Terry Gilbert Warren Crawford .rylms rourS bungaowsu perfctnfeo ariuie seelilet o prie locationastyWrglsot aita eeoliîtc price. Esere wonus wiii loue ibis lneueous kit. i HOINr Sii Winh nourysue fng uSer, aeit thu brîttit, îmriauiae banumunt suitt les Ileishi ier Avu ER re raonm, pis a utS benrim. Quaiity beoianri thruuoouf le ih al ter AVR E R uoeof uth ibmun t r f uun eten. Donet miss ibis tosuieatieg trionits neighhaurs and CHRISTMAsS ýoon utaiv ly a an,000 milS uocip possession. roaie, AND A HAPPY' NEW YEAu FARMER'S FARM - HILLSBURGH AREA M aRndRSTA TheoResbe ent ii J ucth k ~ ~ lut aucuns ot gntiy roiiieg, fertilu lord oieS about atm te. HAPPY NEW VEAR. Cude' unei truntageo oa sueil moieloînuit sîdeenoi, cufritabie 4 beteari ____________ Mome, tu nit arn, cuhicher houno ont drive shed. A mcli MERRY CHRISTMAS 'Twas therghbre hrisma n nuu Dadthuu a house moultd iîiiurt w10 aus ail mepi bus and,îîe l a itsý.; 0 eu-sutum.cl n e nteegh AND Wih frpvrue n nlbunobie foreîbmuneî A LITTLE RUN DOWN BUT SQ IS THE PRICE A VERY MERRY AAAp E ER' c hmýc A ntupulraefon rncaeaîTo 4 bhom2seomnîena areacore lot 1lmActan. Due0 CHRISTMAS noaîl our treues ont neighb Wate eaer andtîurnacebothbuulnmai pans ce ibis opputunlt e lubu yur owe lootiloci for lu ANDA hors. Theerc ace lhee sparsans berams unit vionulu galure Joan Thumu HAPPY NEW VEAR GodAndori u Our fuaiceeflite finesuharditcflon salsOgtsu at at inruo. ul pie 1an.od thaek u oi for Sue luit ailbe hall isa siny nec buth Cati Jane Warner (5191 853-2918 praeru n a is ont n ifs. Aandai Tb iso taes ntpaeo fsiicual: lilet cîi cure, Repcenentinq F. Penney Real Estute Ltit., Marian Vanderheyden MashllTe osutds a inibecows instlle cre 123 Truaalar Rd., Dativitie Thetfamilya of Tbepiuanîgssgoand tbecirirgn lto. 845-3737Mrs. Josepb Currie No repuicng ut ail lue Datty lu do' tis 73 tmuglu .ll'I& ais to Ihele frieets, cua& luaced the buse cs a braset garage tives& neghbor ;ganthe hanse is a laun cîlb sbuubbevy voitres A Very Merry Christmas Arteca therc ro ed l puysbnee ce pline' and AIsirs vie f te erabuse aune urc K 2.ev Wbisek w brr he v best iseltmas ofaisce .,b . Fucfladdysplesedithepasurntsoonuî it IIGN N M PSON F&L ESTATE MHEM Happy New Year 11 y~ Ths aest ats nu-Sucha nice plae iuevunta In isihisyr! Muriel bIien bou M TbneauusaehuehahouelvtvmteeîaeaedThisse ev o m aythe Cis t. ou .you Ian, hasvaCbhristuma nve, imitn lue mus time is bore, unit $31,900 ON LARGE TREFO LOT cous ng yearî Sincereiy nnrnevstbllre lving rio ri va l siaed kitutien, tieieg eom or de, tmir place Maurice and Grace an a -r oleceatris ehuitsuo t urneînsrtoge.Readhead S $44;900 SMART BRICK AND STONE FACED 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW Myrtîe and Date sjîiý ý- a atrcielv n opart o ud gr oom larou hiseuss kituen, full baisemet, IosIefsiip y"~ Juan Jahusn drt edan nonS eit Osner tansfed uandthav ugst Smilli $52.500 DESIGNEO TO PROVIDE ORAMATIC LIVING AND OINING STYLE ffi vort clis This spuýos spfiiiircvinccîo im ues arenbedranms -mostumhotrrimbastdublenremance cinbîbneir man relatives nd door , al o l luuives an om rking sizen urea iued ufthe Miltn ateFOER. FOR SALE OR RENT Campeiluilie istrictusF OR 3bdomiepio ag onrlt mogmtr re.Akn$9.0mnh MERRY CHRISTMAS AND GET PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL ASSISTANCE WITH VOIle REAL ESTA TE A HAPPY NEW VEAR REQIREMENTS CALL STAN THOMPSON;' Ta ail mny frianits unit7 - 3 5 O ON O 8 61 3 442 WOODWARD AVE., MILTON, ONTARIO rotatives, MEMBERS 0F QAKVILLE REAL ESTATE BOARD -PHONE 878-2455 M34 Sarah Bundy

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