Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Dec 1973, p. 10

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S*0s Oionosuou, iOlIiiOfb SAli. stea., ueo. IV, lE/J PO Fi TAK in prom andal bridg n foi Stree ahino &MOU filles foVr a yeaks. mithin Te t01 heoun noatice, approo. 3: TOn Boardr the eieo qoîreol the suiot hn 1e' apu ncioou 0,3 1 'hlo,dnn Ol b.t. ,[c eW O hedrono, toh"Iouse DATEOIttheTownoifS 'BDOMbuei on Phn onnlg 877~'.8167. ItsOfi d O f D.oembr 404e 010194002127t ma7. BI 87-49. J.OACGEACHIE, Tîdii1 hm Clerk-Adminîsîraon ATE-hr gr e hr 251 Ma In Sf.. E nieir m sO funSec 070.40 Milton, n. mn 6 00h 878m343 3a1 IMameo0t donr mifh address LA- ml3-31 -Morn 2 .aamon wharfsnotices Maybaet ELECTOICr Ho' Waler OnatO,-' âP89f8tmt e00'icall hthSO Loof d"y iBr objections t .ool eo service. Phone minI Individuel thermostat wy 3'd, 1974. Miion nodro 11t 0045. oonfni. BaIoany. Phone 075 771981 ilmta14 4216. Gibr oisstaff as a roui Sales reproset ltivn. Bill Oas ESGOC NTYFrom notule sains rnprnoonlotion. succoosfuily coOrpinted tOnLTSG ONR ob eLwn&Goi Reol PState infruotor- 3 hedron bcngalom, large livng-roonm mifO Stonn firepluon, Bb tLWn&Goi Tory Oas neacIve in salsis course af Sheridan Coinege in seporate dinfing ronm mini slidlng glassi dnors, a kilthe tour__________________________ fors8 yn.trsan s -ollgfr Oâkill nd 54 sot. ynur an. off. wiul love, larBe cioeo In sun porch, don or sewing ron, madadigus sing for eiries 5ta yanr frisa asIote .aetra large double garage, fll hesient partiy f InIsmono. Ail wardte oin buines wt eedstforthls ara He il a this onlilcrs oned renhnif Cashte an eIsing irot z pou and meting naim friands residOnf ofMiltonand hua re- mortaageta9'/2 InI. rote. Llsedot $7,M00. s bi n. ar. We0f ob.sided In Mllton-Camnph.Iivilln In ls ew&ral.We t ob. aeailhesfill. This appint- FOR FRIENOLV INFORMATION AND erF, fietI Confident "uae T"rr men 'ilachthe9 ostleingn R EAL ESTATE SERVICE wilawrk dliientIy ta safisfy for oti of iltssii pifolef DNI A R E8894 ynOr roai estat. roquire. 88'owlng and moist progru- D N I sW EC.7-94 A t mant, f os t mi ties. 66341 8419 -85-27 634 Notice NOTICE T0 ail owners of land in the TOWN 0F PL EASE TAKE NOTE the Councl ot the. Corporation of the. Ton af Miltn proposas ta amena con i.rbly,m an .tmdnainawt agbaradNme Pprnaoting sustn MILTON and in the TOWNSHIP 0F ESQUESING THE MAYFAIR ffteOffioIai~~n Planla grIt Imminentn Plinn Areaburoo uoroiddbS.tl 3.fwPanigAf adjoining the TOWN 0F OAKVILLE. 285ONTARIO STREET R.S.O. 1970, ChapIn,- 349. (inenrf1wPaawssfepdîndtoîl alop olce ndhc uosFnsAatel The Propnsed Amennien Is Clted Bni..' IlPOOdfracs oNihorodNme ,wIeeifn lz ulig llrtl NOTICE 0F APPLICATION TO THE ONTARIO Many extra fiatures In. AMENDMENT NO. 6 TO THE OFFICIAL thl frontage on Ontario Street an arterlal rad. ldnfrisaartfac PLNO TEMLONPANNGAE ()h mpeefngZnngB-a wl noroeleast pa ih rvsinfradqeeMUNICIPAL BOARD BY THE CORPORATION~cuigIa an r.rn PLNDTHMITO PANIN AEAoff-Street parking spaca,, Iimited nahicular accag pointa and buffer pianfing te protect 0F THE TOWN 0F OAKVILLE for Approval of a rnIM, fren hnbby rnum. frais ThefniInming tnoland the mapscdesignated Schedulnn "A" and "C", attachedhafretocnstItone adjacent Residenliaaa yIwt euaeIn s asdprun a pring leila. th Amndment NO. 6 te te Officiai Plan nI tll.Milton Pl4annIng Area. ylworeua anuspsedusatt ueInnet. 1. PURPOSE 0F AMENDMENT la4TM O . DETAILS 0F AMENOMENT Section 35 of The Plnning Act.M.&Mr.Snge T'il, prposn of this Amnndmnn ls to change ihn designatinn of certain lands d.scrlbed haiî (a hdu) IT " IN fhi 91,liMlnirh. &aena M eeigaig m Idsrisaa AENOIE Sl1h hici091nornaio ftI.000 front Industrial and Rnsideniai te Commier-cial on Schedule "A', and froso Mediumi Olsihi Residentiai la Conmmercial the lands sol of NIpisaing Road and east of Ontario Snrent, Tord 0f Osholîte tnhepoinds ecin 35oy el of aThe MunIcipal Residnnlia ltNon- Rnsdenia un cedule"-C" tue eOfficiel Plan. whichaore markn as" TEM NO1 on Sodleo"A erto Ac fadorua nprov o eB-Io nî 19iin-1u Thnlao In8464 2. LOCATION 0F LANDS AFFECIPO I6hdyo coe,17.3 asdo h 107 day0 cnu,1. A c097 nf thn by.iaw là turnsheld 4 This Amendmno appino lu approoiinainly 4.9 acrens of land lonaleol south of Nlplslng Rond ana hi) ITEM NO. 2 heremt. not gilam an sî atn ntion tepuomose and .l aSlof the noisting Milton Shopping Plaza. oon h oulh-nastery corner ut Main streetana Ont Sctadule -C"fttheOfficia lanI seoymwbrd«gaig mMdu Dewniy efc fteb-a ttn h ad fetderb s =,,E.RO p& arloilint th Tom 0fMii,. lsinlifaitNonRanduntai onia a50lrnIshed heremini. nonl Janua-y 2nc. w0 aroSre nteTw fMlo.Rtdnilt o-eietalteanssuthol NipissIng gadand eastl-oî,ntari te, s Ruburt SI., Milton, 870.1400 whloh are marked as "ITEM NO. 2,-on Schadule "C" tarein. U3 3. BASIS FOR AMENDMENT AN E0O NTRSEDMY wti 43ten(4 3BDOO an lo The lands affncnol are dosignated aI prnsenf as Industrie; and Resldentil on Schedute "A" la 5* IMPLEMENTATION dey PfERSedao h N oteEA, thîn toustre..14 dO mailo prmnIn Mito. 09at the Officiai Plan; and the souuttirly portion of the subleot lands is <esignated aes Medium DenThsOfcePlnAndnthl bImeetdIncornewi hempmnain dayeler dte CJr0f thes Notin, onakvll rgrnaeo mil or- optanmon i737 Milton. Pîl. sify Rnsideofiai on Scheduin -C" te tOn Officiai Plan. I11là pruposea f0 redesignee and.s as h5OhilPlnAedelohl ulpeon. codncmt teipimnaln dlin-f o iekn 1 os tOkiInoin0h0o. îac.58OOOfeOpm Commercial anol Non-Rnndnnti rnopnctiveiy on Thalln Schedules. paicyof the Officil Panes conanî n Sinsacfîgf t, noetion le approvai on the said by-iam, tngeiher milh a BÎ1LUL Tmoeioam Stafeinent of ihn grounds of such ubjections. WîLL SSE nt. a n m- (ai Milton has bnn inciuded in The Zoone 1 urbaninnol growth ares 0f fh. Toronla.Centred Reg. 6. INTERPRETATiON ANY PERSON mishing te support the appicatfion for menaey. 878 9992 or e7. lmPan his Officiai Plan Amnnfe sha lu beInterprent In accordance with Oie Inlerpretafion p0f c y approual ot the by-a m'y amIthn fourte.. (14) deys after Oie 62598534415 hi) Sic the nostioî Milton Shopping Piton mus dnonioped, Mileon's populafion Oas Oromn 01tthe Officiel Plan as confainedIn ecinthref. dae 0f Il' s notice, Sand by regisfnred mail or delîner f0 thn ULT2 ero aparmifnt. SCHEDuLE SCIIEDOLE "" clerk of the Town of Oakoille notice of hîs support Of approoai Stv n rde Phne a7. of the said hy-la o lgettar mitO a reqonot for notice of 807 5078. Onl1 Interestad parlons LAND USE PLAN RESIDENTIAL iiearng tit may hl goînguaisehnamnand add-îsst neno appît OFFICIAL PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT PLAN whlich such notice shouîd 1w gioon. 85m34-3316 TH1E MILTON PLANNINGO uncu OFFICIAL PLAN 0FYONMAba priett AMENOMENT NO.-----rTHE MILTONI PLANNING AtfEA THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARDOmayapproonoof the YOiiNeAphaaparmn 103 AMNAEN O said hy.iaoc but hefore doitg soif may appoint a lime and place 235Oare o u Inilt9 aarmen 1 mhen anY Objection t0 f0. hy-iaw miil be consIdernd. Notice of lt .9. any hearing thatmay be eld wili begiven only t0peo,-n59 tihoag hav "G , aofiledan objectionor noice of support and wo hae ef1 O. mlh or delionrel lu fhe Cierk undersigned, the a(;irens f0 2 BEDROOM aparfim@nis$15a THE LAST DATE F00 FîLîNG OBJECTIONS wiii be 85199-325 January Ath, 1974. -----DATED AT ToE T0OWN OF OAKVILLE fOis 11910 day of ---- 7 ecmber, 19;3. UNDER CONSTRUCTION - t.0 & ' ®0. W. BROWN, Cienk iRaidEnho onr-le THE TOWN 0F OAIV LLE Raitrh n coulsonn b,' 7.0. Box 310, ltmobia m, dlning Mi) Cakvlle. Ontario. mm.nn kiiohen ana dînette, 3 1~) '" baOuldrooms, 4-piece bath, plus aii1dfml aIelae 'e and~~' Theh I Umm The Corporation Of the Town Of Oakville 2pee J Masfer bedroom 19110 3 place cro ooNuO. 2z: CHANG A by.Iaw to amnnd By- Iaw 1965-136 ensuite Plus 4 pince. FinisOna L. SI. RtMEIDENIM (Definition of service shop) iitiy 01 il0 f ireplace To oON-RSiocsN'îIA and roogled In 2 plece. 0010 0f tOn aboce homes THÉ COUNCIL ENACIS AS FOLiOoS7 aeoupoaracoef [TE. 1. By-lam 1t90.136 là amendnd by additg t0 Subsnotioo 260 o ul PoSS Ion t be RILSection i the iolloming mords' lrnOd o appoinîmont 0 ID ;'"ooOluding any rpai-s or servicesit oorovehiclen..softhat c.li 000~I IciOTAL .'i,"'""' inlfinmino ndalOos MYRTIE McCLELLAN - "u. "service shop" 191005 a shop, mOntOn,- Oonduofe nt C ns aaSî ','."' . conlooctlon mith a reluil stor-eu or0fe, forfthensi'icingr Or0 Sfi'-.-r.. pofr of articles excludin any rpai-s or servicesteîotor KR A I EA ESTATE t ,~ t ~ O TMlioîaionrd Oaltor, Bur'Iington 'OM0îY vPAhbD byfthe Councilfthisluth dayuf Otobr, 1972. 86m934 SOUTH TELLA PAPTON Summary of the By'[aw 1972 r -.831 Estate Limitect PURPOSE 0F THE BY-LAW W 398 Bell St., Milton ly prsun intnrootool iiay cithin the presori04lime, fite in miting he,- opp051010n to Or Scp. TOn Council of1the Corporation of the Town nf.i un Ml 0014 a Public Hnaring on Oecember To nolablîsh tOn lact that mhen the Zooing 117 law 19,mils a Hm ntecunr rt ofthesaidoaniment, tthe Cio,-k Admiistrator, Towniof MlIon. 201 Main ofrent East, 27lo, ît73at 7:Op.m. te hear pnrsonal represninfationsanlette-s of Support o objctio in con-"eccoo"otnnocud-pi-O0-11s0000 Hm 0lnoor lio, Olirlo mtion mith f0e Officiai Plan. muuld nul include the snrvicing of motor vnhiclen. Oldnr 9 roonn homn divl/na noldlnirfînoclooonolloOocmOn-Oli 173.J. McGEACIIIE. CLERO 010 o 2imu bnd-oot sart. nalateor ilng bjetioswli e Dcemerlst 193.DATED AT MILTON lOIs December 7, 1973. TOW.N OF MILTON. EFFECT 0F THE BY-LAW mýesZ fatr cyti. m 017734TOndnfiniiion of ihe mords "Onrvico OOOp" 10 nopoodel 01 tOn pluc nach apariment Îles 4. a.snarsu.a.w LuKInIu~g~ umyçuyu! ~ l adition 0f tOe ioiIowing mords "exci0fing a07 repairs or pleon batht ntrwcuro NOTICE beII ~IIâ 1 8'iOsomotorvthilce. iSubSectioo 200f Snction 1 e:arat t n ,192 OF APPLICTION FuII Equippnd Ultra Mtodern I FARM ACREAGE LANDS AFFECTED BY THE BY-LAW 1 cr garage. Vendor noious te by A UCT O N SA LEAi lands In the Tomn ut Ookoille mhnro "service sOop" isa l for ROMA HALý ~ ~~~~~Froml10acres and upmitO or bomnlomt Business DisticI (C3) Zones; and ai ýndustr1a a tlaPro f the Toton of Milton G CVEO3000 STEELES AVE.. MILTONONT. miIOoul, buildings. Suifabie Zones. 1923 87-6705 todispenn with a G00Sla o 0-. LoI. onesson3fWIaaro DA Make yocr 1974 bookings nom for ýfor 00,-ses. For contidential 8783 nOeOfteElectors to ,IuaIo un t mot 04 Lociono 3Wst tar Snb f rous D CES - WEODINGS - BANQUT Cal.ARS ANE EP NOTICE THAT Cagvil R%~o oad (ock Farm - 2 miles East of Fnrgus. CNETOSEC.IgWohrd749r SoOanpanî.to o ne Counoîl of Thn Cor F eience 83-1990. .2 ae ,eà iho tiencIofteTowof Mlt,îon SATURDAY DECEMBER 29aOS1.00P.M. *Accommodations up to o ' mIiout buldns p ral *s teapy8Te0n-B' o 26' dance flon,- E. W. Stone Ltd., demand. Have,-nady Ouynrs LS HERB NEUMANN dsniciaplu oar fonn , Excelent bar iacilifies nd 94 ltctan elo,6 LaShrM slofthederroilon of the 120o Heafdn Reotr die Lakeshor Col f,- frise noaluation REAL ESTATE LTO. Conrole aghwe Rd. W., Oukvlle. EA-ýI. in PnoSl-othrgn AL AEOPP OW PRHAES* lMI decor Mmîf JIM BERTIIu9 Woolich SI. hecostucin f nwAL AE EE OW MBCED.Tn FR084 WESTERN * Fu1l eqoîppod souod syslem Business 844 I7nn Ounlph--821 3600 eonslut of . iRnu OANCHES SINCE SEPTEME.Te have ben eoamîned * Complet, air recycling ilte- system Rnsidence 827-47 Mtree Prie S Rpreett le noldo 1S ao DrMillinru Elora and 4,-n uaronntd lu on saie lncolt as Frrteinrmio h0kgarneens Adonîtiso your saleabins in~tu BALY OCEN T. tas front Fulton Stront ofDcme sh e ute nomto booIn Ionsemnt bo Hark l Iee re -o.rsnatv t Pn h0Wst4e Cnooa esiloonhrn PLÉASE NOTE- Champion classifia nalo dcostol ut 2,000 1 7 nionthopnn eeod n Charolais CARMELINA SEIAWILL ACCEPT VOUR Meitr cliPIV GLR 819000 (o,- i th moniioS proonant - 31 Herniords and 5 B.W.F. RESERVATIONS AT 878-24.0 SA.M. TO 6F PM.PIAYGLR nt1 On b debnnlured is3Shortoorns and 3 Charoais O 74008803ATRP I iIi t00e non tonal cost 1 mOnlOS prognanol 2460erntords an 8 BW. ORc 87062 OR88'3I-6l..EE IL h 8ce fsclso ihaceearvr w eol the amnici 4 -ronths trognani - 18Herefords and2Chrolais 8A.ufi fil , orul lisngnur bacl rAa eryI, a ale~~~~~~ Ef SESneie MILL lutb ace 5f onclusion andO a crnnic. 0,-in,- Thou al ePre 1 Onrotord -nlCuoas1 .~ unT iucl 1,-o F -nsOI821.3600 or noeoings 8M6.4366. ututIn 00,a rb î'inîorgnann 8OHereforls and 1 Antus lsj 'r e o111 pnrîudnoctnoonnumn20 20,o may On tresO loy sale A fIN~ M N iclomi 00400ThenoOdnOîlie ort naolpols40rdite t oif ofV0EARS' CONTINUOoS SERVI.CE E3 taroe Municipal Bourd prognanot and wiiiono$0d in small groupoot Sorôor lis. MnmthnneO Toronto, Oihoille and Bramoo ordnr to dispense wih Thonoreachie r of 's-al ae yoong andt Real__ Estais oad CROSS sent o lthe nînoloro 10 healthy o ar ReatitpHrfodbil.B6 M I T dertaking ofthe suid Thecanti On elettl Monduyath 1wyr' s 6 AI T Any ralnpaynr mar. t.e________ on 111111111TR RECAH ILO sennouy Postnpropaid NOT RESPONIBL EFOR ACCIDENTS at th addess iveýMax Storey a notice in wrîning ISRNEL Ou ublection te 500h R R. , Rockwood, Auctiomeni cal n the TrordcIof jeto Ooudo 7801903 Ontaro Munbopai 1i TERRYGILBERT BILLCURRIE nayorilrt theant of GENTLEMA Meuie CERN Oearomthome i h H. FOBERT H. POBERT cflotouooîu nro uniSe apar fin 9 bes 919140.Imede H. FoOrt Real EsaneLtd H. Fuher Real EsftaLd lors sai not b re -t0 hefo, a.ry Posson Piss1 aknpesunanoco aanyt oa sPnosedI toannouncetoe k Y aapprtovofl 'oacc 1iý Bx o 9 TheCande GreetingsInanonin ppitmn 0 et morlcs but befo,do iA.d.mret, 887po mono: Mhmin Te foun eto M B or 'Oay4pOOOi Sor. Bil Cu . opntalm 1r3 45te ponmn fM er i o isSat elsae r q 1 V1ý4JViV , _1

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