Teacher wallkout nearly empties schoos Sty Bos iurti nugsed ans energescy su in tisati gue. Closei ol0ofthse second- suetootaeoffirisesuinl7 Jolo raliy ary scbonl leaciters in lialtan Ostaro communluen misere Haiton secosdary scho Couniy aod alarge nanber of negoiulsos beelm tes-ir teacisers met ai tbe Galas rlementary noisoal teucris chers ua lir resctv Club in Oakisslle Tuuesday as irons lis soonty joinet rants boodiaetyîbr sel- nany of danse teacsers le mush tearbers irons ai oser lied.fv omnle tisai meetin aord soon Otaonu a densonstraun b tsinnuîon liaprvnc nde railyn VOL. 11 o 4MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1973 SIXTY CîGHT PAGES, FIFTEEN CENTS osto yosteeday lion receisedflirst rradingtnm ports lthas building nias ceas Ail bni a un of tise ira- tise legiolalure tant Mondy mdl oîyadlaie ciseen Blalon tuit port in Tearisers are amo prntrsi moe pci ley 10d ge n Ibe tagd mihol1 pet SBitl 275 ltaI nsouid commît The neisedule catiod for te ffrcG ache ,,..action by tise prvnca tison to conspuinnry art ra- chers tonsareistinstbereit laclrtipverstlu tuivou abe ilosîuder eiliîsgs. In otiterQns Park bee the rSig.,en masse. The goen andithe board andteacebr nsbaibas been coosidredith I..Iirrient legisialson nias de' nsouid hane 10 negotiate nith (C'îîoifii'î onu page esisot) iy id ft ai treasurer D. E. Loogheed, deputy tiers at Hastings wiii start as tresurer for tise ton o0f Milton on Jan. 7. Mr. Louger ml as one of a nombeof people applying for the position. Ustil slow Min. Audrey Brosis bas handled thse foanc- tions of thse treasurer. Iioder the new setup Mrs. Brosh mill beo ety treosurer and offere ylonConl- elect were as follomo, Clork Jack MeGeaehin, Depnty Cierk Camspbell Tbompson, Asointant ta tise aner Sud Bavagse, and Assistant ta tihe Tra.re Vera Cd6crsim Regain tdue Broie MeKerr mît regain bis tille an morks nuperin- tendent white Wlf Pe.o and Grant MeMitisn are offered Jobs as assisiant tomo surintendents. morbo noperintendent in Naosagaweya and Witf Penoon la eorrenly on Multonsa towo work staff. Tihe tist reteased shows Bob soleiltas director of parko and recreaion, A. E. Clement as tire cliief and Larry Aebic an direetor of facilitno. Arii in crrenty thse armna manager. Accordiog ta tbe (Continoed on page six) BOOjoii protest RaIIy raps Tories CHEERY CHRISTMAS LIGHTS giow on poieti aIong Main St. mas decorattono, adding a cheery warmth bo the froety cotd as Miltonniano otort tihe annual Christmas count-down. Deopite mights. Merchantn report pre-Chriolman business in booming thse energy crioîs the whole town in agIow with colorfut Christ- nons after a nlowsnnow-Iess ntart eartier in December. About 800 seeondaey schoo teacsers in Ration attended a Tuesday ratly ai thse Gatany Club in Oakvilie whiere OSSTF enecubive mesobero exptained nciai steps bail been taiten by tisai provincia bsody in an effort to niait tise pann o u 274. 'lai but BiId maise tl ittegat for teacheen to resîgn enmanne nier contrar i negotiationo. Dnriog tise meeting OSSTI' enecatî ve osemise - plainedbhow iears acrons the provncebhad nted and exacily mit tise bill meant to tise leacs. Educatios Minînter Tonm Wells came in torc riscion aid a numiser of atiaris by leaciesefront tefluor and eneentile memitero on tise otage. ('mai onal Enecative membrs repeatediynitrennrd tise oeed for a cool, ratnal approacs to tise demonstratîn Watlace sa id tisait he ttad donhin about cisanging tise governmrnt's mind btusad tise teacheen anoid proie tbey could organise and couid nue. He noted tisere wr more diffiruit dayn and more difficoit decîntons ahead. Teacies were urged to Writ e MPPî and cabinet minîsten. OSSTP' Prenident Keits Waltace suggented sendtng Tom Wells a card. 'Wien airîrnd iosck ou snnîttim aget weiicard. and cchen yonthave a sickgovern- ment ynusend iîm agei Wirls rard. ioder qnestioning Wallace assured traciters tie irgîiaios. if pasird nsould lbe api to be tesird in tise iiepreseniativri ni thse tirer potiticai parties in Onsios lois partino a question and asoer period, ilordi iampion eneeatîs'e assistant to George err represeoird tise Cosser- catinves nhile Sam Wond, Ecctio' Vice-Preeident of the Halion-Wenticortb L.iberais repeented lthai ('îotinciid ei page çen'e) OnIy 190 students show up for class îot!y l00 studensi front Milt itrict Higit Scitooý ton and ares s itooliattended Thiriy-tour Fairvisi u - clasnes yesterduy. Oniy the dents sissord up toc clans, 24 principal and onene nnooaliter shourd Up ai Eiseide, 53 ai ieariseris ere ansoiîncoos Iteonisille aid 33 ai Camp- ai ait subers tuiord proiesto itelisîlle. againsi the provncial Bsiroueran as usuai and goseronseni tee leginlation wite the scisson rensaîncd nons being coosidered. open, oaiempt wansmadeuto At Jý M. luryen 10 cilde utier prograns instruction. attended school, ai Martini St. Iiiraey reioirnecentres and Senior Puie Scisoni 10 shown- recrea tin lucîlitîrs niere eduopa W. 1. Dick onlyiiseee mode availaitîr to studenis nst.ýivie la nnt to Milon under liniied supervision, Urges reduced parking reqoluiremenû«mts in tow ét Parking reqairsd in lise devMttomn Milnon cnre airea, may tie redueed and lot roverage inreaned. Miltan Councit Monday called for as ansending isy- lans ta, beprmsted Dec. 27, mbicb nsoId allons loi covecage of 75 per cent and rediiced parkIin reqoirements in tbe central Tise action foltonsed a recommandation isy tise Milton Planning Board and eaelier discussions ai tise Paper next Thursday deadlines announced liext eeis Cbampion mîlI ise pubisised ai mon os Thuroday. Dec. 27 lmstead of fite ooa isiednosday pubication. owing 10 tie Chisutmas ami Boning Day isolidayn. The licol issue in lise neso ymarnsllata, 10e puislisbed on a Tisuesday, Jai. Tbe Cisampion office miii resais closrd Chisismas Day and Boming Day, Der. 25 and 20 and mut also ite cloned on Monday and Toonday, Dec. 31 and Jas. 1. Adnerisîog and nens deadbinm for sesi meeis's issue are os follomo; Dîsplay adreriing and Newo Year's greclings ado, 5 p.m. Tisursday, Dec. 20; Clamifird adserising, 12 non Friday, Dec. 21; Nes, som Monday, Dec. 24. Ail nemnaand adverising for llseJa. 3 issue sonld se sob- nmtted tlthe officeiy noPriday, Dec. 28. coonicil table, -The issue provsd teoise ose Of tbe mont controseesial of tise year. Pmsitive Ads'ancing tbe renolulin, councîltor Hon Harris suggeoted tise action would ai Iront ise ometing positive. The coucil doenn'i bave tise tissyear tuodo more titan liss Hr nnggeoted tisere would ite tise memisers irons tise cuerenl cooriil onnest year's council and nometiting in moedatait nbould ise morised sotut aibat lime. Concillor Jis err mas opposed 10 rescinding tbe presceit restriction uoiil a complete course of action mas des'eioped. lHe su4gested luetiser study nsigbt indicute lise currenissituaion is warranted. Tbe nosue biadt iseen roined ut cnuncîl in an ale meeting whien il wus suggesled il uny store bad isurned onibhe main street il cooldn't ite rebuili because il mould bte impossiisle to meet tise parkting reqoirements. Tise situation came to ligisi flloiong lise Milton Inn l ire and the requiremenli for pariig to ailons rebuiiding. Wilisnlestrictin Coun cilîne H . Porter caolioned tisaI by rensovîng tise purksing restriction and alionsing 75 pr cent cnverage, ansercsant could isuild 10 Mary Si. and Irons Muin Si. nilboui restriction. Mayor Orian Hesi son dered ifcouniciinsuntedîto resleict thereconstructionsîo 10 fnotnetbaeisonnnMary and Main but Counîllor err objecled 10 tisai, noting tisai a il tfont jog couid develop in tise sîreel iront. Couiiciltnes more nerilicot iif tise merctants for sot cieaning up Mary St. exs posure ni buildings and devetopng nem enrances, but il nsas ooted merbants don't necessarily oms tite bsuildings and sonsetimen lundlords are unmîlling to onaie lise cisanges. Counillor Gordon Erantz suggented mit couscil m'ai reaily ialbîng about nus a redevetopmnseo proposai for tise sireet. Conveen toc tise siubility of the steeinan espresed by Mayor Heni snbo soird tisere wcre rigit stores empty or going outiofbusiness. Counciltor Kerr suggsted a meweting mils lise mercisansi to get an understunding ni misut itey scil de and misai mîgit be possible. "V'ou*e itbliog about ix mosibs of dialogue." Mayor Ors suggestrd. Region seils county building Hatos Hegianat Couscil Ate o long. beaied deisate Sortsers regîsonai building sisouid ie lucaied in coud $1,80,0. Tisai agreed to seoif tise Couniy thsesmoio ooelliloInthe eepresenlatines and oe tbeisouliscnsportiov ofithe aînenc nicarried. Courliouse and Admsinis- Ontaruiogoveromest osas counceillorstfronsthersut cousis ornear ilscarrent Bsutaneond aniedient trutîion Builing n Sirotes approsed and caiman iislan opposed lise îîose 10 Oeil lise central location, tisatis tise bhai nouid base made tbe Ave. inîMiltonaithbe regulue Mason nsas osiisoriaed 10 building unti asnew sitesad ceai issueatotase. otiecitusei subjet to cucl meeting Wsdnsday. ly oreis suitabir office accoms- beon agreed upos. Amotionoto acceptîthepro- lît agceeing onasessite doing so tise coaneil luid tise modatin. Ho said about Riise vns olier 10 boy lise oas deleaird. Tbat motion groundsocifor amoseltoa 30.ON squareifeelnsoud be Aitisougbsnoone aiaoyîfine building and tbe lund for asnycoposedlby JisWatson sens location, needed. ducîso lte meeting saîd tise $50,000iiO Oas amnscded te of Naisacaueya, tienamp i Arena bld $150,000 over budget Titrions bid on the propooedl tise enlinsates toc tbe projeet ome alternaîr pries in lthe bad bëes dîscossing lise nem armna mas $150,000 utove Milton Arena oard Cisair' biddîng but even delrting projeci nsîit lthe b oued mus William Homsey tise bad 001 itelped in nisairmas and oves deletions Q reported tuMilton Cousnil in meeting tbesignificontnost ofisunb tbings asothsrsasg ibrîr Monday meeting. eedueiioni required 10 conte toit tise projoci oser budget. Council ugrerd msh the oltiî tise $006.000 budget. lundi toe tbe projest eould citairman 10 deal mth tise $uta.ooopioi sot be oisiuined irons tbe project ai a yeurend meeting Lons bld on lthe peojeri osas capital Ionien sinno tbey more ncisoduled for Dec. 27 mth lthe $474.000 toc tise building plus consmîltod but il migisi be board mnriig in tise $46.000 for tise roirigeralios. sbie 10 reviens tise capital nseantiinslo consider cus in Enginrers ires nsereegosgetsinetheonsbad sol tise projecl. caiculaird ai ix and a bail beenrseqo1ired t0 debroture The ciairmantlaid council perecent ofitheotalprojec. forlbthe nssensageiteuten the boardisad prosided for Mayor Biuoloesînoîrd ie ,PîiitiiipI.î,age six/ Not neded unti 1977 May delay high school Rie niorroo of Georgeton ictoduccd a mto suggesiiog thseccgionisoud ansthse pensioncte, acadethse (Coi îiiund 'in page us) SUSAN FOliNiE wan mnent upon tottmg banta sutaua wnai anleu UlE W amo under (ho troe Chrintmas morntng attse P.L. Robertson Christmaa party in tise htgis scisoot cafeteria Sninday. On Santa's other knee Marvin Fleury showsa t oucis of sadness becauso the party wan Bimoat over. (Photo by D. Pink) Wisriier the propoird second MuIit iit scisoslislt go abead in 1975 or ise deiayed imtil1O77mill ieodecided isy memsers of Hallon Board ni Educaios ut tise Dec. 27 mseeting. Alibougs accvoodaion is scane lhscn;ghiîi lise counly. tise gronsti pattern in Milton indîcairs tise nom bigit scisosi ai Tbird Lise und Main St. mon't be seeded ustil 1977, ansista nt Direcior of Edocation Ens Lavender bold tihe isoard Tburoday. Tbe p=nt Miltas District Higb Sbonl bas a raied capocity of 1,220 sindensi and ,ros nsepnt be s tadnsepcivi b sai, and"aiblrtiee i8 soificient accommodation in Miltoo until 1977." "We oi 1nerd il tises. Sut or don't nord i in 1975," bo added. Servree ed Tiseond bîgit oshoi miii be desigsnd t o serve n, .suhdiisions ilono thi' 'ii sid i' ofth ow ad1 oi suet rm e r ares~ nas of tbe on Al ose point lite board peoposrd u speelal vocationa] ming aI tbe sem ncbosi, t0 aceensmodaîr iladents Irons spend long hours eaeisday on buoses travelling 10 locbsical scisosis along theo laishoro. The Minissry of Educaion turned domo tise opecial ming bot Lavender fonts lise bsoard sboudd pornue tise need for special vorationai places in Mitas msh lise Ministry. "Some of tise distunces coseed by tisese pupits in ionreasnabte" Lasender said. Tisiyoar 30 pecial sonuiiooai popîts are bring leansportrd lu Orocs and Wlolfe Sconisi and projections cho usai figucr' gcouîcg tu il-, >i 1978 Thebordoas asisrkdlto rleepressure on M. M. Hobinson Hugis School i Oeulingioo. b y diveeiing some studrots living sorts oIf liigitmay S 10 sebonis in Milton. Aboul 65S stadens lise in Ibis oes nonsand sany of ibem lise clouer 10 Miton iban tisey dol to Borlingon scisoni, Lavonder said. Tise preseni MDHS serves lise lomo and studenta front Eoqueoing and Nasngameya sorts of theo toms. CStACKLING LOGS in thse hugo stone fireptoce at tise Hatton County Museumo tant Week added to the festivue atmosphere an hundrodso f vinituri relived Christmases pant. Here Pot Van Sickte adjunte tise ks.ttten of water brought to a boit with the intense filett. Tea and cakes wero servod b y Friends of the Museum amidnt thse red and green of holly, poinsettia and mintlotoe. (Photo by Joyce Boston) a ,