EARL G. BLACK O. Coet., R.I.A., C.A. Cliarlered Accecrtlee 143 Maie SI., MiIcen Phone 878-6542 Gordon and Lomax Charlerad Accccelacic lc main SI., Milice 818-7251 dli ALUMINUM Windows & Doors GLASS and R E PAIRS STORE FRONTS WlJ. KOSKI LIMITED 324 Gleele Ace. 878R45 KAISER ALUMINUM SIDING Scîlil -Pacia. Wiedowts and Dies Aeteicgc. Carpcrloand Porch Enclosures Raîliege. Eaceslrccgieg Federal Industries ot Canada Foote Pfet-sylthe ti. 0>1K VIL LE 845-0318 Jack Reeves ALUMINUM INSTALLATIONS Free Estimaies CALL 854-9817 DAN ARBIC TV ANTENNAS Coicer Heads fcr VHP and UHP. Rotors and Teceers FEE ESTIMATES Siartien $190.00 Acton 853-0111 dargll Hiluis Bookkeeping& Incomje Tas Service (Est, en Miltce sîncc 1965) ce Maie SI.W. Ail phtoces ci bockkeepico for bucsiness and ledîcideOls -Accecels Receicable -Iecctee Tac Fenancca Stateets -Phto Cepyieg Caîl 878-9162 t BRICK-BLOCK & STONEWORK Citeeys, Fit-opIaces. Alterations, Repaire & Additions AL COULSON 870-4484 c122 Additions Oec Roces ROY GALLOWAY O.R. 1 Metiat 854-2024 daîl SAVE ~ 2 SOLES Nm THE WAI Deep Steam k ExtractionsM Cacpel Cleaelcg ',eilîcd iceet reccmeeeeded by carpel rTe eltietete onc to :leaeîeg eettcd. Thte dirl s eclracted lteat is lte dîiereece! 878-3969 Till 9 p.m. DURACLEAN CARPET &UPHOLSTERV SERVICE 870-6104'tli 10 p. DRAP ERY orResideetia * Iedcclral orCommtterial Ready moade Drapes in stck Fer Custcom Setrce CALL878c21>67 F00 HOME A PPO I NTME NT 22BMan. Milcen Ontario PHONE: 82067 Decrgetcowe Carpet InistaUations Ccsitioe Plccricg and leseroitce Repaire. cîter epairs and relrectitg. 878-42800cr 877-6302 TPE BEST FOR LES FLOOR COVERINGS Armtcrong Vicl G.A.F. Vinyl CAR P IS Olymepia -Peerles Cotettet le ed Ocideer CARPET CERAMIC TILE Milion lorgeci and ecst comtttllete Secte deccrolîeg 340 Maie St. Milice 078-3435 Free parking at rearofsre BLAKELOCK CARTAGE fcr PHeme Ollfice Aparteet tor Lîgit Ilcdcslral 0F Cotmeercial Deliceries- for PianocMccîttoand Disteaetlieg fcr Ccrteccs Sercîce antd Lces Raies Cail 878-5222 CARTAGE & MOVING MILTON. ORTA0 ID * 0000100 Aparlleel.Hccce-Oflice * CA RTAG E Geceraî-Ccelracl Pat-cel Dellcery Disposai Sercice Pree Estietes - Fact Cocrt- ecsSereice CALL 878-3351 We Caler tx "PartiesaLcrcees e Banqees eWeddltles Aed tealere hcmee Sked Bread, Relis aed Pasîries DEW DROP IN CALL MOS. WAYNE 878-9229 or 878-5111 SPRECAST lmUNIT STEPS Oeplacecld seps Installad ie clit Cathea Concrete Resîcralîces Lld. 2coMarîîe Si, Milice 878-6853 dM1ai ACTON PRECAST CONCRETE & SUPPLIES *Seplic Tankc GENERAL *Wtel Tires CNRCO *r Oter Concrete Prcdccte OTRCO *rPlastic Seeter Pipe Ecperîeeced, cety dîcersi *Puepîeg Sercuce lied, ASie lc takte care of ail ltccseScld eeede. Ecceileet 853-1529 rfrre HALTON MASONRY CALL ROGER BLOCK LAVING 078-5492 dri ,CONCRETE CLAUDE 878-6397 PAUL 878-9701 DruWal and Taping deraf FREE ESTIMATES NEW CONCRETE WORK 10E SEELEN MIL TO N Walks, Steps, SaeîtFccues Foctings etd Fcctdeiî.ute 878-3337 flccte-curbse.upatioeetedehe GENERAL BUILDING Fteeep,ettte cfct- CONTRACTOR CATHEA CONCRETE Retecdihit RESTORATIONS LTO. *New construction 250MARTIN STREET Free bicecriets vihcnrc 878-6853 G I IOt IE WiLiI i P AC ON I Dead Stock Removal LIMITED Of deadcrducabiedcCoitie and Perces. Pitoce 16)0 692 0021 cubtcerok Lic. Ne. 299C71 Europeax Dressmaker Fer persccaiced styieg and perieci fit Coul Lydla Deys 878-3234 d01 MCP HA IL ELECTRIC LIMITED *INOSSTOIAL . COMM ERCIAL PARMS & HOMES ELECTRIC PEATIRDG NSTALLATIORS M6CitOl e-eS Milce 878-9513 -877-5795 GORD DOWNS Leader Backho Service 125 OeIl Gi., Milice 878-9451 878 3534 scý BERT' HOME MPROVEMENT 853 1159 or07802131 deri IMPROVE YOUR HOME BY ecddicg a baie cr rec rcc Fepoiricg wcolir cet iigc. paining or deccratleg. ONE CALL ODES ALL 878-5936 Don Leadiap FreecEstates t Richard's Work Shop Ard cotage Cote Home, cottage repoîrs an4 maintenance 854-2100 e-i FARM BUILDING Steel Rosi and Repairs PHONE EVENINOS PLEASE Waterdxwn 689-1086 M. Harris, icreely George E. Parris. &1 Reain., Lxwtou Raesc Cal I 878-2226 IEER - NORTH HALTON TREE SERVICE eCeaie Lt ck Foecing cHeese WSreck ieg FcIlîtectcurecîcý,l Fit Pucs Actas . 853-2179 et Cee. (416) 52904454 Aise Lace Mainenance Weod Cettîeg Ccetpcetieg Lotes daetl MIL TON CIENTRAIL LI BRARY Bruce St. Tel. c7i c879 Mceday 12000ine 53 Scpe.. Teday 9,30a et. OlOWP. Wed. 9.30aet. -s530petm. tGctedaîu 0.30a.et. OMperP.. Frîday 9.30a. et.0 Olp.. Selcrday 9.300.et. -5.00 p.eti CAMPBELLVILLE BRANCH LI BRARV Lices Ccteetiy Centre Lice's Cmet etiy Le-cire Caetpbeiiciile Tel. 854-2102 Tcesdoy 7.00p... eMp.. Tt.creday 90po 0.00p.er. Saterday 2.WOOpP.. -4.Op.et. OOOKMO0I LE WAR1ABBiTOUT rnNorrR 0ç-~«eVfIhIJ314 Ec-r c Ier l-desa Everyothe Wede dît s Central sycteets lcstelled by liceeseci lecltccae Maierial and laor gcaraeleed. Pluiîe 878-6032 Pcr estictes and cIfoa VERN'S JANITOR SERVICE Offices. Rocks Poctcries 878-4618 dit MILTONc < lZ EVICE -OFFICES o INDUSTIRES cteplcte Jaeieccîol Setcice 878-6388 KITCHENS By OAKVILLE KITCHEN CENTRE 93OBrccie oed 827-4611 Mon, Fr1. 9 5 Gai. 9 t>1 MODERNIZE YOUR KITCHEN Let ce itelp ycou plan ycer k.icttee fcr ellicienc and beaci y., icclcdieg pre- ticlehed colorai hardecood cabinets. Ak 1or a Irao brochure ait Chasc B. Ccpeletd Ltd, 700 Meie Street E. Miltce 878-2351 HOUSE PAINTING miner£ Eciorlor Ocascoble Raies Atwxod Painting & Decorating Co. 844-0206 827-3366 Setcîeg lte Milice Ares GIL VANSOELEN PAINTING CONTRACTOR .NDUSTRIAL-RESIOENTIAL INTER 100-E XTER 100 Coul No.e for Pree EstmilePs 878-6137 ox lia. Milton CREATIVE MEMORIALS LTD. ex0 Octarie St. S. Phtf '8 -6523, Icrceiei2e-1363 GRANITE AND BRONZE MEMORIALS Sttcerîte Sarvce - Satisfacion PH ON E 818-4111 or 826-1223 NADALI N Electric Cx. Ltd. 3152 Rase Lîce Rced, MlIton TOWN 0F MILTON TownteOerk andTreasrer Ieepecter et Buildings, 878-2016 Plic tng, Trachies Planning irector aiier 6p.er..689-62l1 Ceettt oi Adjeustme Carf Celleci Towne SuperieMendeent Recreatîce Offîce - 878 7211 2345 Toront 862 168 10. Corne Wcrke Garage- Nîpîsîeg Rd. Plcmbieg Repaire Brceketille 24 Heer Service Nîgit Colle Word 1-Trataigar 878-2452 dii etergee Piret 0786 002 P7 LCAIR - a -BUSIRESS F00005 HALTON aWEDDING STATIONRO REGIONAL POLICE ACopteDsga. 878-5511 ProducioneService - 878-2341 NATURL GASDîlis Prîntîog KEN'S NATURAL GAS fl/) & Poblîshîng SERVICE V Co. Ltd. 240Hr Servce -i e i odeia tam erii Weliegtces Peetidiliers Sales& A lestaiialicec 878-3281 BP Canada [Id. Agent GEORGE B. THOR NBOR ROM Homre and Forr Feel 0it, DieselS & as 2 oliceOctierServce Pc eace Ceaeng 878-6538 HOME RENOVATIONS FREE E ST IMATES 0ec Recors Kiteluece Sathttecet Rcclitg Peuinting Scco 853-0342 n - -IL Scrap Cars Servce SOF 84-89 dfWATER - THE WAY !T Sewing Machines SO UB SALES-SERVICE AIAYRU RENTAI WATER REPINEOS PHONES878 -86 AODivisionco Milton Fabric Centre Weetwey Fiels 12 MartineStreet 20 irt oftService Services aed Repaire ce riHctceCcctly SIGN ~ ~ PANE LOME ST MctttU - Rectal Ratp VIC MORROW Bus. 844-9781 SION PAINTER iecete'cgS & eteekeedel -et yciii lccatice oattt tospet Deir -et yoerrcoetieece Buriion M-ico dc 637-9740 di, O B U11111l I: BS SCHEDULE A VCRY MILTONand TORONTO r-nnn VC A D ARCTIC CM CHEETAH 75 St,1 the beîteofbett c-cAds Peîleîtîcîîr atAitt 340 o 440 oreceAeee gel plel tfee Milton Marine and Sport 25Ceeterercia 1St. 878-6521 dti il coses ce erore te go ist clas ee Craig Royce ai DRIJMQUIN GARAGE HORN BY 878-4807 detîr Kirk Maintenance SnoWploWing DRiedryso & Pringdots 24 HOUA SERVICE 000'< 50W: 070-5412 054-2371G Ocommrercial; parkîlog Ic0te, apartets. seescol air per SANOHU Mitch's LANDSCAPING& Rootîng and SNOMPLOWING 078-490dolierd6p. m. Eavestroxghing 279-644 (24 krs- i H OUSE Specuaiitg en rercefleg and dît gecerai repa ire. ________ 0F Seeivcrk onbarns. NWL IG SPECTACLES Free Esiimaies iSeasonai. per po-ing 218OMain Street Coul Colieci orCec SeurrcestEf Tues. &Wed. 9-5 519-86-472 Sevce Thuer.09OP ri.09-6 51-86471 i C Gai. 10-3 df 878-7634 dii EXIAM R AT 104S ARR A N E - Il 878-5923 di This space is H. CLERK MATHER Dispensing Oplîciansaalae Cý)ý for your We-kdaye c eti ttoe or byt eppctittteetpon Ocelustes Oc s prrelPir f11100 6M7TRAPALGAR 80>10 BRITANNIA 80>10 AT Artier A. Johnoni,0.0). MILTON-2ldMaIln Si. 078-3673 Ry Appeificteti m Le. Mloe .0 lOat. 10.15 a-.35 pet - b-H-630 pet. Arý Milice 10.00 a.te -6.35 pttto--7.30 pet. MI LTON a cd K ITCHE NE O Lc. 6.35 p.et Ar. Millt 7.05 e et - 10.15 a-, ào.20 p.m. o-8.15a.tt GALToed KITCHENER c-Saterday ceiy a-Scedcy et Holiday ba-F riday. Tues., Thers. Sat Solciy MILTON U PHO LSTE R iNO Have yur unte beeiiull yre ephltcltered by tîcesicralistee Heedredeci lite loibrics irete cht te chccee. Free Estîteote Ne oligaonce Eori Betey 878-9401 dett CHARLIE'S WELOING WeliuccRepaire Pertable CHAS. SPECK 878-5365 _DTP RENO'S WELDINC OercGaetae WELDISU REPAIRS- PORTABLE Se. cl SSîdcîcd, 878-2640 clt aoecet Dîcîders CATHEA CONCRETE RESTORATIONS [10'. Aliîo Di Pede 250 Morfie SI. 875 6853 commercial message Cail 878-2341 n Pîaslerixg & Stucco Ail TypescOfStocce Newt Placier. Repairs, Cece Ceilleas 191 main St.. On. 5.30