GINGERBREAD HOUSE s accepted by Curtis (iils af Lllian Neville's grade eght clas DeVogel an behalt af att the chodren confmned ta bfWd the cake at the achoat OIt was tero days in Milhan District H4ospital during the Chrnttmnas the making - the fîrut cake fetis p art and tliey season. Curtis and nurse Linda Lyo say thank- had ta start agon The beautifu]1y decoratrd yau tHIy Roary students Christinle Churcill, cake s ail edibe. Hete Pruotaa uiy oniosoansi. oes. Satffety Corner Theres a Iis ise elmees life and deathIl isl raled ire Every seinter peule deone aase thepcrase hausci ie surfacesonsplii, labos and rivera Tmplts vet.e sto the firttfragile glaze; aduilO lobe cars a s osmobites far frese shore; teenagers beroîne imepatienttalusart tien uaingse sson Tien RdCrano Watr Sfetp0Service as soiseme lip p for inier ice safrty. Taie hen svee wih peur famitp ai seppertoiigt Itsa discussion, titcoulid sve a ie. -Ice sheuld heast least fonr loches thicie fr oaiog and igiet eches thc fr snommobdsg. -nBottes" ioe -Weathr cndiiose wilie altersote freeise and thaise eabens ice structure. Air bbies fores is the ice and il becemnes -rutes'. -Sunssisisg thasugi esiraotu sasd la reflected acli up, eaiensese tha underside. -If soeneibreaks ibrougie. slap aclifru te Mo bie. Lie doms fat and usue a ple, ree asci hockey stick rop, ne mesebrealires ied togeiher to etesd ysue rescie toi bise. TeU isetlu mach eut is amnis as for verlier ce surface as le ras and te kic bard ile ie tet 15 gel is bodp horizontlt. fThe msemes of i te ikîssd1beip loch is body ot of the hole anonlleicnWace e npl ise lesalnty.lBe susr e uuu it nOe ra ditrihalu is eigit. Get hitm arse as1.ic ielp as psible. Report lier aceidet te tihe policen ordr t rvent lien saine lieus happengteodeter pesple. -If pon sres sier menpeu breaierou b, fol h sane peedore. Stop as flat a e ceup eg towse atreugor cr and dnt îla d p util pu are sureeil ras bear peur migbt. -Be sure our chisdres ssdestsod te bazarda of fesses ater ssrfaces in peur neighbohresd. Util peu oomte ce autre ssgie bnonsehre Mrpare oh Me laia tesendus attractione especealip teuo ilde Redi Cross bepes peu ejep Mee inier sprtise seases and remends peu to paysale. cetrulew 9 175 undthsn RLECTRICITY, %oon be àarnkerer illes ,,Ca1an expert for *Wring % 0 ONew circuits t % , Adduitionai astînîs % 0 asîdeur LiqOits t SFEATHERSTONE î ELECTRIC 878-a378 Holiday remind "First aI "Asminimutmseof ose-third of the adut population diek and driveeonattreasteOne eccasion a pear." Ths qate tshes fesse a Northe Asericas Medical Assciatieonseasut gives rise1 te tie nost esenasenahie1 assoseptien that the Heidap Sasceutd entliebctheJ peried dernse shicie the msjerityofetthone avesal" eccasiens et driskieig and drivisg errer. Tien reaseseof conrse, iesnis the ceuesesonmers et rivate parties dsrisg hie rieds gatier te teast the hlitdape witli leverages gesereesty taced ,sitie Escie year the Hasittes Atemobile Cuie resinds mteriste et tes First A Friesd ,..Tiees A font" pregre se Seves galdelises Siseptypupt, the ystetide safetp casepaigs ffers thone paening sech parties seves geýideises test wilt help rivivg gest edce thir drishisg Forrteson hine a liesv landed apprescie teitis e- tert, tien rograsnenealtes hote te oetera ai shens- trrtaiing vneisg, white at the aser teme vastty redecisg tien tieatetfiigie- wap accidents caused by ton muccli miiiig Tien Cuieetines seves points miltee resinder that per rote as hote aste entp a tes heurs, but pesr status as a riend s e tar more remardisu ifetime ex penn s ce: ROSS- --CHRIS- 0 -MARCEL EC ONOMY BEEF FOR FREEZER-ONLY c FRONT Guarter 59 IL SIDE G..,t., c 69[b. HIND Quarter c 89 lialýlýi,,Vciv Yearfiom Me Stafl of West k't'il Meat asd desserts tiereogliotit the Ttve Canadian Champion, Mos. 0cr. 30, 1t7d B, eveniflg. (Hem slasnideai ter msp te prove poar laveases ry as s hst-instnaofetbpasns~~ la a mesiqo.d t. Gret pnr gentsb c ther activities that witt beep n.rervsgthe firgstsdrnk ueta rircotatifle, divertisg porseif ff pou isi, but th t eirAotttn hfese te r direct them toa self-service 0 ?ICasIss efr te bac. todies have shows test party droms teoa clon, serve l, thone mie sterve theonseives ptentp ut hot, stease ieg CfpCU eeertt sak dmis nsceffeen and otmops sueOest a hope ailpsr ou e le geeal aedik scsp inplace oft-ene fer lien i tsar s ces nen_.t -Y eýyopfÎess'or 7. Sfeeld a esest doms ton tosmeo hoe! this lar-heversees that are seany derieks despte ponr Thooks for se tasty and attrscilp1 efforts ose et three s eesrro lya paciaeed that gueste w Il e vtlAtmpet t ptone. tesepted te tep these intead iser te seber hise up liefere pfoOO et the 'hard stuff". he gets e ieind the mienet et 3 N ever rge drinke s 0 ivite im et'sleep itf" ail~,eî t geeste s iii ha drivise. perihoeese.t' t. Ofer aselecienfricieand Be FIRST A FIIENO ..eV ....!îî~- stsrciey socks, mais dishes THEN A HOOT! .-ir k\iY NOTICE Ti s' trame-sp.. te secu With the exception of lune, - htappy mesie foc ly and AtiguSt, we wil ont - gec ta o it bedelitering water on Satnrday ose tliaektMlto afternotns or SunldaYs ELECTRIC Janitor Service DOUG & ADELE LESLI E 878-6378 A. Van der le NOMINATION FORM CITIENOF THYEMAR 1 nominate as citizen o the year for fic ear 1974. The following are my reasons for ftic nomination: The etient is sponsortd by Milton Chamber of Commerce with a iew to hnnoring a citizen each year for outstanding service to the community. Tht winner wiiI be a gatot ai tht Chambers annual meeting and dinner dance on lanuary 251h atd wiII rectiot an appropriat award. Deadite for nominations is Jan. 3. Mail four entiies fa The Canadian Champion, 191 Main St. E., Milton. SIGNATURE To our wondertul (riends, our thanks for the joy 01 serving you.~7 Ast ntel hi t rnCe donatio asbe omd to th Haitn ContY (ilto) vnntet s cial Services, inlieu Oeîsrvdete ut pos e crd May tht comîing year be filed with ail the good tings in life for you, your famnily and your friends. We thank yoti for your patronage during tht past year and we look forward ix seroing you throughout the "New Year" Staff .& anagment IIGHWAY 25- JUST NORTH 0F 401 TRAFALGAR MOTORS 409 MAIN ST. <~ MILTON 878-2369 lieather Piraught ànd Cindy Nicholson. The pris,