2 nus Canadian Chsampin,. MOu., Dec. 3 11, 1974 SeesI Dy Sais Beaut tormed and otd raie d.ý wshm I ts ite mor thona bop ye, ng réZMso z eaby by a sta lpsetsceny couicitors seoinan ata tadidig on Steetas Ave. in tO np btise '0iCu sta Milton~~~ asts bt ion bs, icie reno. eblorn in .uto Ws-'C bim tf= fise t. ,sme sidel bo bod juit an acting cleris plana. Garf1.td Browen and a serre- CoetticiC beiseee tar Sunun Jacoiss UTise ara airmeeta and regien eoa eo a t air, et regenv aieiigtligisted s-erited tîea quariers moen-p nths of Clt Bortingien and boe about t9 rg0n0 niesfee.M peopte in tas emptoy. ;Cais = regsoo i ts tean interview recentiy bv mrnt eSi Cbiraan Maseon outieed tedge ef abat tise region i tise triais aed Iribstatios ise about bon increasedi. uad is ti-meaiser cenaéit He suggtat tenca J eecmertered dsrieg tise fisnst iseen aendd aed rela year otrparation. sis treen lthe regin Moetlof tise tiret yenr ws tise area geverementa I upent in devetopiet nese iaproved asi wett. depas-Caenta ibot isad eccer CAOý ta big bs-p fancbeeoed on a regionat orale Massai ctaims cota betare, irieg nea depari- decinion to go C irotegi mant bouds and tabing ocer iseter partothe year tunctioeu tisai isad iseen oui a Cisiet Administri tus-merty bondied ai tise tocal Ottîcer aino bompered as-e tevet. grans Ie sarmtil Es-nie Reid was iiseti For ontoubes, the region tisai job only a tese as ws tise scene' oft issmoil ago, and accCrding to Mai das-ing Cee earty mueibo as Reid's experience le reg aie depas-meetu seere boieg goveremeni in Sudbury Masson reviews region's first eer -ilton shaking off its growing pains oes mei It and oa thie tne have tion- and have icin the wiUs- etive ps-o- to do enta, ional and Thunder-Sy o preven valuable lme tin Worb bos haou on tise otitl panlaend Massons Says tisIjo selî p tIlaner booy durinftCecse nlg'year.' bo donc auitis th se ceur Pe s r~ qcitiedt "Ie tise tise region sll'bo seavr ievotved en engiCeering for public seors- projeta Tise addition otlauedrp to Halton Ceetennial Mano- sei bo a ajo- projet and lu estiraied il cent meore thue boIt a million dtae pubtic tait ilu asn a tisai le api to domiate isead- inas inCes-mittentiy troogs lsv Mossen seen tisai au a as-rvice ibot met bo CO- ordinaied ibroagisoat tise reiobot net necessa-ily taen ais bs tise regin. He eotes ibot Oubvitie and Bus-lengtOO bots rue hun services. Miton runu a tiauted ues-vice and Hatton Hitte bos no bu uervice. Accos-ding to Mason Haltan Hitse coueit isnni inierentadl CHOIR LEADER Gary Carter reviewu a pteoe af munic with piantl Clurtu Penrtce and salost GinDy Peotice befare the Christmas uervice ai Emmaouel Bapit Cburch. -Tse 1975 licence plate -Tise Champion eses -Sideeta isad a ful tao seaieal uticisers ai-e on sale i-e ýulus Wedneuduy oeeliuotChisitmaand Nea oetit Fnb. 20. publication nexi anis, Years isotidayu Usis yeas-. ~fi MY 1915 rOPERA, BE VERY 11MtllMjHAPPY FOR YOD 20 MAINW ST. MITO Vr878-4472 WANTED Articles suitable for annuOl June White Elephant Auction FOR IMMEDIATE PICKUP CALL: 878-3524 OR 878-908 OPTIMISI CLUB 0F MILTON INCORPOMATED bus ruaenId c sa cr t hcat ben dariea ndine-e tie reg Ieitsout a peusat deal uf aeoniec. Fromn areina neoienibt no ex enet in tise regin are cbaniic, ise gays. Thse eboirnian taupiistie Usaitis regin eue bo In permant ottice bead- quetr isetre tiecuee neboayearu'1i.me. Ne noied co-operatiag aits oiss goverement agenia in a Firefighters thank helpers at dinner Mton Firetigstern' a Cbrietenan social nigis hedFrIda , Dec. 2t e fiehl & .500en ALLAN MASSON tor a dinnrer preparei servml bp tise bigade'e commitiee. le isavieg tise service iro- Thseanneul pas-tp tatao duced. C=ie and es aise Massue uaid ise sees 0op- bei e ibe rougs tiaintic tisai GO train con- nections cenld bo made to e. nerveushe people oC Milton. Nie Fire Cisief A. E. Ct. ues tise need for co-ortin wsea mante- of caeni boaezn tise va-oa uni, a brlef prngraa, tolio"i Area Witnesses look to future Gave BShepperd, preuidiog Tise Useme ofthUe ta ovesees- of tise Milton anseaisly lu "'Wbot S congregaion, bos aaiennced Peruans Oagisi Yen to ioday a tao day, seai-ainual Keti McCann,i Circuit gatiseriet of appeintedtrctup Jeisovaisea Witees en the for Jebhrais Wiiee Muiton, Brampton, Soutisere Otarin, Geos-getoa;n, Borlingion and p-ethtie highits Port Credit ars-e. Il lu an- lcueta 2 pam. S ticipaied tisai apps-oiaatrly atteronn 1,500 persoas all attend fs-ont a total of il congregalsOCu. Tise anueaisty seul bie isetd AL H ut tise neely dedicaied LOI Asseaity Nalt bilît isy MEETS E Jeisovas Witnens torated one aile aeni of Miusissauga Gracm Anglican Rd,, on Cigisap 7 near Pas-isis Hait Nos-val, Gai. 20 and 29 AL-ANON Fer-the fssture "Witl continoed inttation detroy yoor uaiorîiy? lose Do peu hsaoe a itiai ailt openpereni orisooifood? wis a drsinkieR ps-o Witl fond suapplies rue out? Witt dangers to yens- isealUs or Mees Thus-sdayu,i uetgrs? Con Use ntions ooiiss-ea otes-siyieg arn"" pm. Os-aie Chus-c astsed Ms-. Sisepperd. "Tise Puti Hait Bible bos aucis to uay about the fttose-Col ae-e iuma gacueses, ise es-MLT stie.Tbot iuai wy ae as-e MILT teiie osard to tiepEsi taIksecisedoled fo unday attereeon, on Use suuijei 'Wisat tise Near Future alt be cios Cloldun" and Januar THE ANA IANCAMPS! CHAMPION Tise Lin Autbns-ized as Secondt I Claus Mail I ill be lot P onlai Regsls-alce usuel diener. Couucilor Brad Cle- tawu menta extendeti boni wihen l te tis te flretlgislers and sesa- bued senes greetis on isefl ef Iand thse town coundcil. Former eoclul ciet Bi BandeS, Or. C. A. Mas-B.n, SIgt. AI Graieger et MtnOP]P antd Depety Rire f ire- Ch e n Gere Bondy aine bove epgbe itl y. *tise New nrengitere Tise dir'es newseen members ment et tise brigade were introduc- esnfer ml-Bi Ruenet, Put Ryan tghie uaid Atian Wiie. Ouasta tis year tncluded Cisarlie Johison, George Swaue Ed anttsm Bill Duiliu~ser Jones Dmar ;ý ORuna Reliertsen, Frd erms, R~ Duwms ami Perey uar isa elt tormer meaie= etieCre deparimrent. A dee .bo- e day cbema seere give ay in Cri et dras Se?" Bilt Van Roeyn iseaded tise newty eecial cemmittee atachisur- s-viner ranged tise roust beef diriger. 8 In lelpers seere Jobo Jo- wlt stone Dasg Gernais, Dai pubilie Marsall, Geerge Prier, Hlar- unday eld Cousllon, Ivan Ctarridge and Hlarold Peenon. LICS ANONYMOUS îIERY TUESDAY O p. HavieR a pioblea? Ds-op en ALATEEN t la youi parnes' bita? drieking bosiseing voul 8.30 Mante Ttiuredayn, 8.30 h pam. Grecs Ctiorch Parieti Hall N PUBLIC LISRARV NTRAL LIBRART 4 Bruce Se.. Miltoen ed Doceaber 31lst ut 5 p. lu1 t, 1975 ail 1day ELLVILLE BRANC14 s u Ceamunit? Contre Gempisettoîite sed Deceaber 31lst, 1974 Happy New Year INAUGURAL MEETING AT HOLY R0SARY HALL of thse 139 MARTIN STREET MALTON BOARD 0F EDUCATION weili b. hnld on Thursday, ianuary 9, 1975 7.30 p. in the Board Rooa of the Administrationl Building. 8PM 2050 Guelph Lino ulinton, Ontario Admission $1.0 Toyota Surifllgh Oommunity Galomiar Wasdoing In the. Hoiday Speciais Central Hlton Arec 1 A LOT MORE VACATION HOCKEY TOURNAMENT FOR A LOT LESS MONEY. lises stIIiliie io ait in on sonne of tise action ai o Miltoni Minar Hockey Associatiai's week-Ioflg Beaer- Ns Tourniaeot, beinu stageti Dec. 26 ie Saturday, Jan. 4, ai Che Ar-msrong As-ena, Broowi Si. About 1,00 boys is îhe time! ar-e partiîcipaiiig, wIth 80 games scheduleti. To corne ini and ARENA OPENING pickup your trac AIona Memoloal Ai-ena on TiioaipSs Rd. ai be oC- mnysvn ufih ficiaiiyopeiied Ca public use Ciii, aeekeiid, wlii oetahniifih imulcîCles Jan,. 4,5 and 6. The Fleelis hockey Ceam wiliHhd la playhiiO a Mtone mdgei loa ai Moiiday and Hldy Speciai scall cesemiîes are plaiised.Brcue See how much car your mono y wUI buyaut <CANTRAVEL> H L 11: 4 SUREAU LiMiTED HAPPYNEW YEAR T IO Y T Ato ai oui fiendo and cusctmer DiviionOf a"»70 MAIN ST. 878-5680 HWY. 21 ,o N rth~ 0e (opponîte Milton Medicaîl prIvanctuhgnee n ond .Mamaon nom mbe pnibit ta Dists-ici Heal iCournut being intrntaeed in Naton daing th i75. lms eboirmun iere bod beau, anme suggen élntia tise provine seatdbove lied tobave duns "At itt ime S eaidseebohd oor platen tait. Were bleaae seiCe goud bealCe service ta tise relgion.We havetfour gned isepitaln and tus gond hsein 1iboards. We ebasld't dtassi tisai," be naid. Thse tuncitun of a district isenîis coucil ti sapervise thse isealte ner-vices. Italien Humant Services Coune illt do tisai jeis as part et uta s-nIe, once it us net up and oper- utive. Doring 1975 Maeson nam expansien et pollution contrel plio an aea ni litm tiusi sto ey éere.Polltin centrel planta ta al ftusr area muncipalties are at or aie- SKATING AT CAMISLE Attes-noons $2 per car Bunîaed $10 Evnnge $3 per ces- Buelaad $15 CALL 634-6023 (Bus-tingtorel for Cuti deuaile 'ABIAN 811PM Fine Fornituro MILTON Pré. end Sot. 7C111 Md ':00 e AT FACTORY TO MONDAY i-enr-y Fonda *Terrsance Hill YOU PRICES DEC. 30, 7:45 p.m. "Myi Name is Nobody" MILTON CL SE TUESI DEa. Si J"J 7.45 p.. oie--- eanamkdamm 2 Pa ,3 s.4 Drw nx i/PR(o OF R ACH (ITTol mk jlÂBff KltRR DFODOMIARP9ROW cchiftae HAfln Pr3IRH JOTT WIL(Of WItLi tlIcCq om Saturday Jan 4 TOM THUMB " a pkoýlf.mouqMatérels 2 p.ma ~s« um.6 r..7 wat8 C ILTON A A UBLIC jLIS ARY NEW YEAR'S HOLIDAY HOURS. Dec. 31 7 p.m. ______________ Re-open Jan. 2 10:30 &Wi) Closed Jan. lst RESTAURANT The home of the famous "FOOD'S MORE FUN AT A & W " COFFEE SHOP "*DRIVE IN 30 Statn Ave. Miltoen ___ I i~ 1, e, e DEW DROP IN RESTAURANT m wy. 2s Jut North of 401 . To speciauife comPletelY ia "CATERING" f Tprepared and ered meinlé of ail types. Variaus buffet style metai. Att pastries 4_ bs-esd and rotte as-e isammade tfs- cat-' ering as-desn oety. CALMRS. WAYNE CAL FOR AIL BOOKINGS 4 878-9229 878-5111 " Garage" and 'i'oing Service" 4 itt remain et reguas- hours. CIERY C71ReEt11-7 We hope your holiday ian T illed eaith ozoy Jnmily gatheringe and laeautiful aueeoriea! " Our- gratitude ta aOU our patosa.