54 Te Caadin Cbmplo. Mn., ec.30, 1974 6jgcCC tonû' Hopes for a new year Ma al )or daisbfilial îîîîh praci/r ciril )l PIiîî/îîkîîîj BAILEY FUELS R.R. 3, MltOn ig 'iA7rerigîhthbrocAul oîf chees.i lamto aa utfrieds a great Nem Year May yau have prace a. jy ..ontec aeia STON E fCO OFOTARPI 151Npiilgd iln 78-784 Kan and Jane Kiuhita. 574 Lard Siaicue Ci., are presenlly hning oisiled by Janens parents Narman and Joye Tîlin and ber sîsier Surah Iran' Brenin'aad, Essex. Eagland. Wr hape the Tillîn' are enjayîng iheir slay an Milton. iaa& rthdmyaisego viSa crlehraied her hirlhday iin Christmas Day. Der. 25. The chîlden ai Milton Ccmmusily Nursery Scbaaî rajayed ashart excursion iii the hushionMaaday. Der. 16 ai Me.and Mrs. P. C.Berryus lamai oa the Secand Lîne, the tipî mastla iînd a Christmas irelafriheir classoraaSt. PauaIs United Church. The childeen alsa enijayed a ibrisimnas pariy an Friday morsîag ai tha soul.Santa Clausuwasuan hand milh gilis frailthaeiiidr-eyed and euciledochildrea Judy Hunier plydiepiano far the iiidrranlhoiag oaagand illl, i er presenîrd la Judy and la supereisaro Narma Lepa and Eie irMalaord. Hlappy hîrlhday aishes go la Cari Anar May, 58 John SI. ,o a olebraîrd lber secand hirihday au Saiarday. Dec. The Beaton amdly used t0 adbere la a ribal ai tbe yar'snend. Wnmauld mrie whatmnibmhogblmas gnod and balaboutbthePrevius year and Ibmn prjeci u faims and dreams ior te fuire Here are the hopasws md Ian 199 ih racheiad remarisabaoat hat really happnned. Duganed a nmbdand aseparate rn (He d ni î elether in 199 bulail things came la lbmse ha n'it. in 194hbagoilthe bed Hes stiillmaiiigiaoribhe S ..Peler nanled is dra'ers licemse. Peler gai il ...Ail Oe beys n'antnd hîgger allamances. Sa ma*s nem' 1llli, heyn're raisad fram10c la7lc for the yangr two. hen hread saOanadrm 50e t si Ian tbe ninyeaeold Palan as gain io na is 10h yar and reeid $2. its inlrsilOg laday hal tbe yungrhboys receive si and $2, thealOyearaold gels$5. and Peler is nom sef-sappanlîng. Talh abaut inlaion! D. ladtbepen Ihe baya ilbe naler ia tbe camiag yrar andd erm la pckup aller Ienseloan iDada outIl laipina iis on197)0 nwhewnsa od! .,.Jamîr ani a pnyaomemaloaandail ..Lrn' ans ahbihaliall. ha gtahîeadi sem toime hashaduniaeal ince heni. ..Janien'ansin ularn ialaaaprince (beasalmays bennane ini mynyns. uthabai a maher Iryau!I -.Daug anIa ola rnmomre abou ohat l i luolabe a dactrat 1I bpe ha slîl as iusgoal au is ta slesharame mre epenivewih eaah passinggiernî ., eaallanlltoaaiîrd tireni a malarhbaatnhean'ae ga La Oe cattage ibiusummer îWe realad na obeOine mn could affrd il oanotliai I cip ..We al an a caahaout witDad'slaasb for ome irlhdays in'sh grauledî. ...Daigans a chance tuapnaclîsaIfootallmli Dad tDoug today runs circleuaraiind Pardadbutlstll lvmes roing hhall arouadn'ithanold pro.) At Haton Museum Phaeton carrnage This carriagemwas doaaidin 1972 tatbe musraaihy Ms AlaacV.YungaofHamilton. Ilmasceulamaiade ini19u4iiniiamilonafar Ms Yng's honeymaonaiaa Th wickr dash hard and leaders mîithleaihr flad danlaopand Ohe pluuh addd clah sealsmWihravy spring suspensian. mahe il a eryalga an comrlable carniage la ride an. iîîsdrama y nîiter asingle hase r a ian ai puie . * Me.ad',irn JLaycach aad an'iyleaul lOHamloa are n' riesîdrals an Cabot Trail iaMilton. M. and Ms. S. Pasiega and an'ily ran' Peterborough arr elicamero an Elliall Creso Ms adMrs. J Doyle and sua ran' Trnohaven'vd in on McNahh Creso. Wr melcome" hem la Milon Maay lhappy relarlis ai the day arrîo ilîrd lue Carol Sîmon, 9 lraalr S., n'Sa celebraird hSr hînlhday la Cistmlnas Div. Dec. 25, h large crlimd allendrd ireilivouelReal Esai's olena hueatibreorl Scilitiicoai 17 Matin S.o Thrsday. Decc 19 ceeaSanta Claas îleopprd ila Bah and Sheila Boni vierer Ssi and havîrv orlua SCistmas parly ai ibnîr home ai 128 King Si. oa WVedding Reed - Andress Charles Fîederick Rend and Muna Lynne Andres weemarrind recentiy at the Hghn'ay Gospel Churcb ln Mlo. Ra'v. M. Christenuen afiiatnd' and Ruth Anse Saturday, December 21. The Crauford n'as organist. guesia enjoyed dancing, a Mona is the daugher nf Mr. buffet lunch, and a ing sang and Mis. Ray Andres af 190 with Earl Melansila and Jeff HesIap Rd., Mlon. She in a Frd playing guilars lteller with the Bank ai Manreal. Charml ibe sas Dale and Dianne Diagman ai Mr. and Mrs. Bab Rend af aI loy Lea speul Chrismas R R. 3, Milon n. lu arnm nilh Diannes parents, Mr. plnyed a a mechania with and Mms. ihn Inglehart ia Kelys Malrcycias ia Paemo. Brampton. Malean aI hanr n'as the bridessiner Mnira Salay. Maid of banr n'as er riend -Dna miss thn upecial Nancy Vnrrbeb nwaea opning prigan' ilt asns as Raymond Jas. 4-O6asd thenvisi oflhn Barber. Isheeu wrn the Finnish mdgel hockey Iani graun' s broîbar Robert Manday, Jan. O. Traed and riendu Rîch Name publisher Dills O WNA vice-president Champion publisher Jin' Dills as elacled vice presîdeal ai the Ontaraia Wrcbly Nempaperi Association ai a December meeting aI the hard in He succreds Hary Siemp, publisher iii the Ushrîdgn Times-Journal and the Lake Siaiclîr Adocair. isba resged durnghisinerm. Cbaies omaiiler lills nas rîgiaally elrcled la the IOataria assaiaians il imemberehard ia 1972 and bas servrd as chairmaa id the adminsration cammîller Vedding Scotft - Mev ,11v Ellealas loao marridto Mr.Nranaj Scatt on Tuesday. Dec, 17. 1974 'Ihe ccenly was pre frn'rd hy Rev D. Wallace ai (;race Aglcan Church ai Il Reneption Via Mrgan n'as amena ai the dinner and dancen recanias bnid for 90 prsnns aI tbe U.A.W. centre in Miltan. Duug Caasn'as dsa jockey and the pbningrapbnr, Larry Arbia. Tbe brides maîber, Yvonne Andrens, band- baaded tbe bridai on and made thevei. be aisllimade the attendants dresses. The cakeamas made by Mrs Stan Pance Flan'ing a manb-lang bonnymuoon t0 Motreai, Vermot and New Hampshire Mr. and Mrs. Rend lents up residenan ai Speyside. Specia n'ndding guests mare the bridesgrandiaher Georgn Andres niPont Roman, ber genat aont Laura Daiiy irena Miaigas, a fiend Debra Biselu frein Germany tbe grooms grasdparenIa Mr. asd Mrs. Fred Heren- sbrger of Spepside, and Mr. ad M. HarrHenbse and iamily fom Ax. Abera. The Assuciation repremnals mare Iban 1 - a n'il neoaprs ihraughaui the ils r5h n InrAry n 197 Dlis n'as asoa namned a CHARLES AND MONA REED are nhown mlember aI thrProvincial cnsulative Cîmmilenîaor fllowing Ihir waddiuog as they olga the regîster Jaurnalisai hal is currenlly t Highway Gospel Church in Milton. Mona in the hring eslahishad by theaduoghtar af Mr. and Mrs. Roy Andreos of 190i Mîisley ai Collages and Haso dMlo n hre stesno r Universilies. He a bhem a so dMlo n hre stenn0 r tmeba sinon 1967 ai the aînd Mrs. Rab Reed of R.R. 3, Miton. Sheridan Courege Advisaey comitee n ouralsm Family Footwear for Dress & Casual Ellenton Newman Shoes Aflermards tey wmmi lue Mon. so Pbd. 9-6 lunch ai Dad's Rstaurant, TOan.& Fi. 9.9 Can'pbeîîviIle. Ibm spentalS.. Ira% days sn Niagara Folio87-97 The Seuils haoe laben 87-97 residence ai 101 Milsîde Dr.L 184 Main St.. Milton. M ilton. (MWay yo ur hri..n he iiigiî i mi, iliiiorliiiiy and aciieoenienol andl îîî1a lie saili-iIil, ordial nnaiiio long conlini. YÂ-n ous Welioon' Wagon Hosiossos 0 Mis. BoaGibson & Ms Dot Kaennaoin 09 ONy t WEEK DEC. 3th To SATURDAY JAN. 4th, '75 VARIED DISCOUNTS ON SELECTED ITEMS THROUGHOUT THE STORE00 AND SAVE! ront t.m CALLINO ALL HOUSEHOLDERS You con have pour veryOw . .. . JANUARY SALE if your house is like most, you probably have an attic or basement full of unused articles. Now is a good time to dlean up with your own January Sale and turn those unwanted articles into ready cash. Dial 878»2341 And a helpful Champion Ad-Taker will assist you in wording your ad. zuthitn itua amiu ItlU A Weekly Welcome in Every Home loba Saloadare. lrn'rrly of Milan. ends besi îishns al the ay ran' Guyaaa, Soîuth Amerîca, la ai)lubs rends an!Milon.Jahnanad lsî lan'ly lape iv mabe caaada tberehume ia 1975 and or uïs hem' the besl ai lvck.