Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Dec 1974, p. 17

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Peering into a new year bsns leaders and even edtorial writers polish Up their crystal balla at this time of year and att mpt to penetrate the new year naw on the horizon. Qualifications for tbe swami raie are fot significant. if you're on top af the news and have an eye ta the predictions of others, you're bound ta it on same succesa. Nturaily wben you look hock in the montha ta camne you'Il dwell on your SUC- cessful glimpses, rather thon the anea you missed on. Witb that apologetic introduc- tion, we blew the dust fraM aur very own crystal bail and peered into the hazy imagea of thinga yet ta be. Ye, there is ta be more bouse construction in Milton and many wil continue ta wonder where al thse new residents will ever camne from ta filI the accommodation. A dip in mortgage rates early next year will produce another crop of buyers and the town's population will continue ta increase as more and more learn of its convenient location ta city facilities and outdoor recreational opportunities provided amid thse esmal town" environment. In tbe second year of regional government, watch for tbe pollicians ta start talking about s single ier of gavernmeat, as opposed ta thse present ares and regional levels. Tbe first year bas indicated that councillors are baving difficulty being tbe parochial ares politicien wile also tinking about tbe needs in thse light of tise total region. Heady debate on thse issue will likely emerge. Regional police will take over the total Milton ares. They currently dont cuver Nassagaweye, wicb remains under the coverage of the OPP. The regional force will move inta the two former townships and Actan ta complote tbe transition from the former individual forces in eacb municipality tbat was tbe case before regiional goveromnent. Te transition wilt b«t c9mpleted in thse first six months 'aW thtz new yesî'. Tbe location of beadquarters ,or the Haton Regior, wil continue to be a controversi.-l subject, altbougii mot of the nortbern represeqýtatives seem ta bave ackao<f'edged tbat centrality of location isn't os important as proximity ta tise powerful southern voting bloc. if you drew lines horizontally and vertically tbrougb Haton you'd end up witb Milton as tbe mot central location. Early politicians earned that leason over 10 lyears ega but apparently it isn't a valid argument today-if you listan ta the beady tallc about tbe weigbt of votera in the soutb. Develapment of preaent parka in Milton will get a hooet next yesr. Blocks of land afready in municipal ownership for development wiil ses the first work on some of theco this year. There wil probably ho some amali extensions ta park land, which would ho wisdom if we tink of ages yet ta came and thse value 0f those opon spaces. Tisere will ho a move t the regional level of governmft ; ta incresse the allowancea puid ta elocted representatives. It won't come until the furore over attampta in Ottawa ta enact a raise heve had Lrne ta die down, but many f thse same arguments will be trott J out as inflation and costs con, lue ta rise for the politicians as s'el as lise citizens. The gnashing of teeth will continue but tise plans for new hydra linei in tise ares will advance and as the time between finalization of the route and the actuel time of construction gets longer, tise publieccnern wil diminish until tbe construction crews arrive on the sites. Those affectad will naturaily maintain tiseir continuing concern. Tbe problem of bow ta preserve good agricultural land witbout restricting tise rigis of those wbo own it and want ta seil it, will ho s continuing nettle for govermnents and land owners. Organizations seeking some concencua ta present ta government will understand the impossibility of concencus amid owners with varying situations and expectations. There will be similar problema as the municipality seeka metbods ta encourage strengtbening in tbe downtown core ares. Individuel proprty awners and mercbants will continue to face tbe obstacle of unaninity in what sbould or should not ho done. Planners wil ho struggling ta encourage the survival of the downtown core ares and keep it a valid shopping area, but with so many individuels involved it will ho difficult. In the meantime the first stages of the construction for the expansion of Milton Plaza will ho advancing hfore Loo far into the new year and new commercial oprationa will ho establisbed tbere by this Lime next yesr. Tho impact on the community will ho beneficial in the long termn and more shopping 'ýat home" will be developed. Now it's your tur1. Make your own lit of events and activities yau sec on the horizon. Let your imagination soar and you migbt ho surprised how close you came. But do look abead. . .witb uptimism. A whole new year stretchea ahead and every day is a new opportuaity. Make the host of it as an individual and as a citizen of Milton. Dont hesitate ta offer yaur suggestions for your tawn, but ho constructive. Dont get caught up in the negatives that sa often dot discussions ... and do have a happy n0W year. FROZEN SURFACE of the Sixteen shoots over the tiny falis. It's Mile Creek t Cemphoîîvilie ta this winter again with ail ita haro and tise raya of the warm afternoon reality. sun bounce off the water as it J ~ The Canaul au Champiose Mue.,Dec. 30,f1974 B3 Pages of 20 years ago Y!e ec 1emcc Sugar an d Spice by billmmileJ And fthe saine f0 youu iprobalholud hare sent offea Merry Clristmas cufumu fol alf my readers about thiefirst ofNovi<mber f maeesure ifoes eccieedliy Decemlier 25f h. I lieuets lo 00f le. But if's et our taitflu clrorfers feuft. eu te flt f our tevourte uelfy nermpeper, The efireblieemut resf ounfirhe roed elioufders -tliry have folie lruad uto thet modern plieuomeuu utfetticency. Cuuda Pouf. Peopfle ie taugust institutionemut lie etreid et gettoeg theor boude eoofed liy hecdfieg the averrage oeekliy nermpoper. fuit ofuvifece, cepe.murder and muggiegs. Tley prulialif yuse o ehouef Shucef if into aecrnrer ue fti oume day. hetmeee coffer breaks.,fley arr sou orrd that they recuetto u otoeg and seedieg flic ouerkiy peper. Wheel1mwsouinhe siesssoutled to maif lir pperrou Thureday. and peopler ou Ohiouor Texaseoulod receivril on Monday Nuadaye. f routou mny eekly paper egeauwrktlafteu rriuoeg. Timeaoffre tome, l'r eetempîrd fa akr up my lypemriler and dueli off anercuuragoog nule tuea oserlfy edior mlio fas orttru a perfecularfy puegeef edoriof. oefy f0 pause in the cerfeoefy tht iy tfnie oel'd rrceiuoed lis ppec. and the tome led reoeived imyIo., e hliobltisuer led af tacledor deft.uàuealfd lirtlree wreks ut 4. and as rofd ou crpser Wei,.we mustn'tlie mean of Christmas, must we? Aftliuglildu'f errmliyeuot.The sainemiserabbfruodsere guiegto le roued onSoieg Dey. and the sanr e etciet. inoenfetfinettuions mt il in tebusiness on eca.1f Sincueif's fou laer te eiselieryeue a Merry. l'fl put eerylhieg te the pet tes I hope you guf ertiy mlit yuuu'eefred toc Crisfmes, uieflier if ms a baby or a laooreaeolirhusliecd. I hope yeu got Juy. And if yuu dde't. f liope yeu ere happy witfl Myrtf e or Iae rPearl or Gectc If youoooteota par ofthooctootu ruliher kno'îo.i oi-tlooueohhog, 1toptltl(l gtthem 0001 loloîii%,it outtoltououhot.t1 hope yuu dde't 1lhope yuumweceeef pregaeefityu didn' wacitu lie. and ere if youu mefed f0 he. I hepe yoc didel hbust yuur lium osflose nwdeme-hili suiis, or fus yocr liert on thcsenem cross-country skis. lith of mbcli youcare ioog uor 100 efd le he doicg acythicg i 1hescepl feeding the living- rccm (fire. if ycu are ofl and lf eey, 1 hope you reeeîedemewrm tefephuse caf ' atout f5 minutes ortS. eand st creeel -from sumeor.00 chu ca young ccd loves pou. And if ycc are peusseand lcerfy. I hope pou gel a Icsg telepite c aît. coifect, roc, semeuse eshe fa ld adlovmesyu. Iyttu are u frmer, f1lipe you efepf ou Clrisfmau Eueuo tl ios fsugrpOms and reindee fast i yur heedeez, a tlY can't maeioy moey on beefflieedays Mgh is toril gel ictu reodrer. If yuuaera choffraclire. fhope yua rrmemlirred t Clismuaslthacou fou weeonce a faf and ugfy duchfoug. riddfed outh pimples. uliy lu fthepot of ftitoog iV aeled aquetoay a eut cat, ot of dirfy. reaffy. and yef o striciug. yeoreoeg. lieseeclioug humae beau. ift youu err a otflert Chrirsfmas- Weilff ail 1ay osthef I1lope yoo bliforu in a ffe alterdef And if youuere e a flier, meff, aff f cee say s fthaf liope yuu, fou blieintea oord ou ftle hereeffer. Preferulfy egregafed, if you arr o busines ycoou nioa leader, or aunyoner ou fhe upper eroolfou of educafiuu. f hpe your ufcer ruted your Chisotmus doeuer. if yos arr att ofd maod. and hve he f urliog these many yearo oinfthe fld ut yuur A 11000000000m att ue, lu atoitor t'îoý'itltIlt, ' o lotoIl ttît Cree'hoooil uomil, ilo/,,îluîOll Vî drohelt . 1 andflww- ottieg tteedtll ttotxte ledoiiri otrî ftwn Oth uilttol the soîîîoîil iO, f'arfroottitlooîooto "vin toothrruoooiglto*tgooooo f1top toto drrodrîl at Chritmastu00 to îtkSoneomrtc uld molr'.you'tertv îtooth to *o. ,thet prectour Tru tit'oolr' inuthero' ttrîîo' o'ot 0000tttttoîîrsoftîîîod kodn oo hv o t10 lot ueadke l Frer 10cdimrsto'1o uso 'tooahP.otooand cry. furtnt 00,bob' ou toîct il ilelt1 tee taro purvon 000 ffe r 00 ato0 Almnot anOIhod 't\ ootIl-îu'o hueot utîî' thle rumeco. are tht yrobtotrtu oooîoo o cr' drooourruoty otmor.lfjt car,'ot-Uooon'îhem obro bhrrr utttnoneTltht: , aî .obohf'o thaï, tCaoo0doooouoargoig00l lot tt'o tI flot good daArof othoght toooaitt0rtoollool(lt VotIf thoroareo' toto Pt , , 9,t1-01,11tll. . tAutand Surodry tI l Igot toVor senatve ortf wlla, it ,)tj00000thu croldttu Andt.oîgî->îîu.î all tîotoîto'n ouo' OU R REA DERS WRITE:] 1F HL'MoSN IFE Deor Sr: Wr. ou HALTON PRO LIFE. arr cucersed abumtfle foaf concept ut fole ond hou ou. in Ilie suciof tMail vafue fhliffe. Many are eeerchingtoorfthrcures ef uueruhefmoeng socoal difs. We cuuuot se fue ofutour prolics if e are unkind. uerarog ad uneceteg tumrd eecliofhr an osefliooutlieslomouwe doegrrr Nouoer evert..,od th.ot oulodhc aoy, but itour ul,000 0.0000in ciît'Oîotutot of re' andt ho' va uteofr Au, 0000,treufoi,,ci ery lir tlicuoecarr staudongo aofouudtieouwiorl moffeuftsuppomr poiton. 'flios s fte seesun etfuoe. Tlieusuon mliclieeaif stop lultake a deeplrealh and etorr eur lifesoinge w ith those cor loue and tmin neu May mespresfthe hope tol in fieeNewmYer each o0(us ilreonnmif oureefffothevalue of huaienftfe.Lifeisc o dfe giff. SIALTON PRD LIFE. "cilocens csccecced forc fie." wsmh yoa andl ymir reeders a jcymis, heppy and sale hofidoy YourforLlFE. Mrs. Lycila Ciaseune, istiie-Presadent, IALTON PRO-LIFE. 364 Aurore Cees.. serlisaica. SATul'e.FT(lift iEN'S Pi OK Dear Sr, Eouroumrut 'ofoouttter .jlL..oî.New- maoue retuvolte000 tot 0.0iot inilt'oo Onaiotllui. tht' OaufoObet o ýloofato Armoorary o. otol(u(,to oigoinOnta ltrio Nemmau acrptrd reo'oouoootio 0001of ît yolod Voasfc Tatsk Foorrîtîto'î ilt uohtd Vo'otettTootoF.ocrr t'tlt -Itl.lottt totîded Il'uvtho'ý eo le -tlttllo'tîîîîo r r otoomofuuIl odol uou ploiot it0t urgrutto'ouand telittoootgtoIlle rfrrtoîouv heeu't teuglit Mr. [tiatouduAho cohoit aofeeuoo tOur spreot'tt1oototg 0010t s aI fatQe'uPark. Votitoo OAJîohnonu Charni.oooGt' OfîfO tG roup Uoi ted A gaitu RuraltDuminog1 foior ttteru ltoithe edoor arc, 0' , oooîîo'oofo'urrcotouotoroot v'to'oti lriel and oelre le) stiSO t'outr naine. 'li c ('adianC fhamcon'Deet. 30, 19S4 Amngmembereltttheoat of60 vil preseted aChrstmas pageec in St. Pouls Uited Church last week were those intthe Nativity scece: They mere William Mahcc, Jolie Hall. Moke Ledmifli, mme men; 'hepherd CherlierTliomson, Decet Larece mJres Glert and Jacki Thistteouote, Mary and Josephoouere May and .hco Johnson; the ucgel Margerel hemeli and thretar Sh'ley Brown. Admoinistration uf muncipal ottuors i Milton, through the coeetings of towc corcl onur . stomated 1f980 mac h;Iur., on the part o the ie umesn and lu' c ru, in 1954 'This is elusive ut coc- oittemeetings acd ime upet vieucese situationon uthe partofemuncipal officiils tu etake thec oon decosons. Mltomiaou mailing their Mrrry Christ- ma' aod tHappy New Yrar messages hought 113,0000 r et tum p eto coey therrisohes About 135,000Ptrîlers wr catîrd at Mltoe post ofice ront the terst oek ottîrcemberuttt Chrstmas. Stgns (it progrus teMilton in 1954: In Julu. pretttcttttonser euies frmer touedutioo thot the long propoerd Toronto Windsor eoprrsouyould pss justseorfh lit Mlton, proidig avitlteestmrstliek. Retrrrttoeel taclitoru uerr augumened ohro thr Rotary Club hegan cleai con- stuono the oadoeg pootle the paris ptuygrouud arraes nOttoher. The pouf mas compterd aed 0 0000 redy tue theneem trar, At the ftnal meeting of the year os- dtictooeuoere gtethatsruites oud le iotttrd ilireuouth srction uf tom, ine hiatv tofutmore devrlepmet ie 1955. 50 years ago Tuioe froc, thr issue et '110e e'oeedioc ('hainpion. Dru. 25,1924 1tîrut outS, S No lu tor the FaIt Terni: SI IV-temo Smith, Metle nJor. F. tobertson. tuglior Motte; Jr. IV Ruhy Flotoitt Serou MacArthur, Grace ttuhertsoo. Jacki Turner; Jr. III-Reggie Vo totord. Mary MilStnleey Jue. Austin ttuou ASifIUgo Torelli, Ereest Tuceffo, Jr. f tlSr 1t Artliur Dose. Jr Pr.to Sr. t'c Grace tltott.VerruuJor. Augefu 'forellio.AA Pr-James Moucitaoe E.M. teotuier. Techer. Dec. Rrport ut S. S. No 6, Nuuuogeueye î(Marksliesed onedaify ork aond euomoeefiuust IV Leslie Sim. Cra fuli, Perey Hotsue. Marie Matte. Ernest t.tovd.Jark Lloyd. Loyd o"isolum, Maria maotou Peariliacue:'. Mry Wison; Jr. V--futruette, Wlsoe. Maria Nemetf. MOfrgret fuoli . CRolertson, Ju Rfobertsonî. Kthîre Hroey. James ftofsou Sr. f Edue Shermui.Norman Hifsee. Hoard Luoli. Dicli Mrin, Belfa Deen; Jr. il JolieMcTresli. May Ceppo. Frordu Meptesd r. Se fMary Ferrantu. Jackli Wsmer. Jecki Rubertsoe, Viofet ttemhlttJr 1f Siffu Mehue. Marshlel Wi lonu Edmond Nreft. (trace Cordeer. Sr. t'rimerMary Hemilton.,tiester Strwocod, tanele Ferrer. David Ferier, Watter Wsmer. Peerl Meys. Jr. Primer- Toîoy 'ofoTrasli. faeid Wismer. Mario Zecioo Ermioeo ece. ClierfenerHiosue MofrtuîuBrown.0 No. eseufîrd 45; average ,tetuduocth:3 fM. Bleck. teaclier. 75 years agio Tateniroiutliissuecfi 'flirt uuadiaue O'liopion ec. .1899 f Art t'tîîhottm ot Hamilttonend Fred ut 'foouîOî. son ot Couucoftor Chisout,. speef C'hritmasoounoder thr parentuf roof. AStI.0K tFtAL faAorelfdressed yuug Eogtîuhma.u. ruftîg homsrtt Mr. Parkier, ppuceutty about 30yer'.oftuge, caedio toutiVherfer. outhelift Loue. Esquesing o Stîîrdooy eîeoog.ftflioest.,represenflOg toîooultuulbiog a manofextrensivemeecs tie h.d, yrevouutecoming tofthelbouse, tîrroomailiîngoaouru'ryof therturmuhoch lirllogu Io Mc. Attue. utNelson, and steted thoott lieuasouhut to purchese if. eemieg tra, yîrî'hasoosainofI$ 1200,Mr. Welere ktoulîtîolîhtinoun ond gae e iom every otteîîtîoîî hrepîîîg hom lIter Sundey. 'otol.odtoc bob lookaoflier waulli orethe toro, t*crttteelerr oadlhons oeo iog absntatthe limer fte tctrtoeg on hie -oîîd utototoliea ued 'oru liherter tue prm, initt10 0pu cît ar(fourrsoes tht.ttt.îinîthe'rîom. and tliecoo'thuut î.llg '*guotdao" oreîquetly totok is drp.octoîer andtha, olt 00010 eroeheerd trmEoîdently lie ou a gi.gaotcfc raud, nc Mrf. 10horter shîudurss 0000 totatfy mufed. ttc ooo iewihm to udoîse lie pulie goluot o'teroeouîog ihos îtcrestoeg î'toucercr hom me trut'ooOt oootf000 tnd hîîoorttinthecyroperflocefoty' oumefy. u uî t a[ THE CANADtAN CHAMPION 100s"14, po , c . oo cd 0 D ILo.S OINTING Af h etND PUOLISHtNG CO. onjf3 ltVî tts e ~ MLî Dta. rou1t 000Si Et e oooto0h.-87t234 c, oO.0100000 ,t z o0 e * t c 0000.tu 0000eooote00 1

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