K. Camnpbell (Costinued troam pa0e08 ifiaeif t0 prosote tle dis- tiribsotios of Bibles assone elemestary schonis for claso- meontsstudy. In oies, of Mn. Slssgteton's ocilisary attention te detail, fisignorance ofthe fas of t5sis situation is rather appallise. But his public ilt is o0f Resaissance in Ilsis motter is sischievous and dernotory in ils iten. Il bessere ta inqoire liest belore slandeennsly inisrenresn tino the work of a voontory oiUens' grossp, 0e sould find sssefollowing lo be the lacIs of the case: 1. TOat a trustee coslacted Resaissance concernis earts received fros, bief seelteachers for a sodern lien uage version0 of the Bib e; 2. That the trustee asbed us toe sugestions in Ibis . aL oie recossencded "The Oreatest is Lose", the Living New, Testassient, M ubished ky The Worid Orn1e Bible League; 4. Thut the trusteeoasked us if we miglst beinterested in ssppyig the serre for tbese eabrs wlth the added sugsinthat there migbt b thbese 0 reeton isbo woulaioso 0eilsterestrd in kosing thes, in teir clasoos; 5. Thot througb tbe gesrnty cf ao aooyssous Re aloace sesee, one avere aible tesoppty lreety tbe original reet for about 50 coes andto o.ffr tocontinun to maire Ibis publication available freely t0 other sîmiarreuests. 6.That Ste trustee agreed witk tbe suggestion tbai a maneo e sent O ail the eicipots il the r00100 ioi toig Oses, ofthfis offr, serelease points out. Tbone tacts baedty sub- stastiase the accusations afant Renaissance i s, p yteDirent or's commenta to the pess bhat vie acre eseaged in a sort ofi sinistr bock donc bit i religions proselytiotof in lie sclsools! "Renoaissance sysspatbîoes aish the trustees osier the poklesu isich youe Dfirecfoe of cdueation is casing you and thepeoplei i thc reelon. Whîte sonne bave sgmed that one solution s'nssd Or for fhr trustees tu sake bis resignalito retroactive 10 last March, ion wsslddreeosseod a cosspas- jsionisteIrlave or absence" Or granted to the Diector, to go Intocffectat once. Camvpbell said. Grant to) HRCA dam A provincsal grant for 13,0777-55e tinal payoceot ILoad cn&.5elion nf the aetbsebDs nd Ronce- nets-bas Oeen tnrssardcd to Hiton egono Conservation Asds y Boton E ai MPP Ose acVols onofeuliderable land asd the ýossafrution of a odasm Labont 45 Wre bigh andl 500 test long acre thc Midle Drca"s of Ose Stoteco Mil5e ti hul1rh servces J EMMANUEL BOSTON AND BAPTIST OMAGH t CHUIRCH 1 PRESBYTERIAN CommsercialiStreet, Miton. CHURCHES Pastor; Dr.J.R.Armstrong MiWonos,O.n Nean Y" es Eue 87n 4428 9.0 p..12.00 miolite- 1,Sunday, Janoary 5,1975 Watch Nigt Service 0930 p.ss -nîble S0cicr omno udy O tus, The Prior Cloi, Co omson Sso r Sunday, Janoary 5, 1975 9.3f0 ..Cosssunîon Su 11.00 a.ss.-SeessosuSpirituol Seroice and Church Sool Il100 Beggas. (Nursery Focilitiesi 0.45 7G0 ps ' .Sermson: Miltos's Omoth Sco Biuaest Fool 11.00 o.s, Cossssnios 10.45 Taesdae, Jas. 1 Service (Nursery Facilitiesi Soho 1000 s, m Coffee houe osd 7.30 niIe study. You are weicosseto Socie (Nursery for prenohn aehp ith us. SilO childen. Cosse andl brisg aST friend. ____ _I HIGHWAY GOSPEL . ST. DAVID'S and CHURCH NASSAGAWEVA A localîassessîeof 'CHU PRESSYTERIAN Thr Fentecostai Assesbles CHURCHoSCanada CHURCHESi AoeîiRd. and Hay. 25 Minister: Mîltor . Rev Douglas Lowr> Pastor .Reu. M. Chrsesn Oq 854 2157 hrnst0nsen004 Soeday, .January 5, 1975 50LdsDn Sun Nossagawrfo Sonday, Janoary 5, 1975 900 s, .Church Sohoni 11.00 10000 ar.Woeshîip Service 05a ,- Suedlay Sohoul MoF, St. Gouid, f1000e Moming Woruvîp F 1115 a.s, Churoh Shool 6000 ps,.-Fassîly royr surs assd orship Service 1ý00 ps,. - Everinu MILTON GOSPEL Aenesdlay 8 co F--royer - HALL isnd Bible Study, GR 300 Otario St. N. 070 2022 -Whosoer shai co il upse 110.. ians gathered inthe thesname ofttheLord shaiibe Rect ,iaothen saond"- Rom,. 10:13. Wall Lord Jesus Christ Ora Suoday, Jasuary 5, 197 CHURCH 0F CHRIST Son 1030 a.snBeoking Bead 1412 Beitanio Rd. West 12 15 P s, -Sundoay Ssbooi Minister 8.200 700 ps, -Gospel Seruice Richard Forsyth 0.30 Wcdresday. 8 p.m.-Frayer l 0 78-5606 Scoa aed Bible roodinu. Susday, Jaooary 5, 1975 S0.3 55050 Sorvices 10.00 m.s Bible Scboi 03 Tvou uvait soul Hs nasse clese 'o. r1 oi ges T Fo r hi 00 is ,0. -Mersîso Worship 10.20 ssoiple from tlssîr sins. Math: Yo .s Foohn o h Ul Gospel THE DR ESBYTE RIAN CNU RC H IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH MIL TO N Roc. Peter Barrow, leterion Moderotor gon ist ard Choir Leader Mes. R. Vlasbl or day, January 5, 1975 or..Oloîne Aorslvp - ..Senior Church as..Junor Church p.m.-Young Peopie's ty sery Facilities Avaîlablo PAUL'S CHURCH OF THE UNITED IRCH 0F CANADA loin St. ai J ono St. Revc W. M. trocs upernising Minîster onîct and Chir Leadner Mrs Harold Mogee day, Janoary 5, 1975 as,.-io<rship Service, tpreocher, Roc. James ery Focilities Aooilabie Aio re Weicosse lACE ANGLICAN CHU RC H nist Robert F. Argill day, Janoary 5, 1975 Christmas Il a.s,-Hoiy Communion as. .Sesior Clsurcs 01 s, -Jusior Clsurch 01ss.-Hop Euchorist hursdan. January 000 a.s,.-Hoy Communion o oreal.iayswel~cos1e et GrecsCsrch 1, Tis Canadian Champion, Meon., Dec. 30.,1974 DON HAMILTON REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE ITO. 132 WALLACE AVE. N. -LISTOWEL Telephones: Bas. 291-3500, Res. 356-2558 ?ACRE HOBBY FAeMoilba hialsaan location le the Stratford.Mlloertan are, large bars aana2ntOx3D ln 8500 csndIleon, lssp. shed,. 2 ca aage. 2 storey, 7 rase brick home In immaculate conditin. rhis preperty has a oery attractive setting with ssany mature trees, askina S70,0W.0. Try an ntter. CALL GORD MEPHAM 1.5 19-558491. MoACRE rAPM, Batr ithîhai-ssnoabush, barn 5i55, $il0 14c50, 2 starey hnnme lnexcelient cenditian. This Is an attractive tarm alth irst ciass buildings. CALL DAVE SIMPSON i-519-291-3458. 200 ACRE CASH CeOP FARM, ail snrkabie systematicallye Simd land, born 6OccU, 2 welis, no house, ..celent corn nr bisnsa ad, asking $163,Ols.0t. CALL ORVAL HARRISON i 519-291.2927. 198 ACRE DAIRY FARM, approx. 180 acres onrkable, 4 bedrsorn homse' bank b0a i1, 33 lies pics pers, stable cleaser, bull, tank, steel grainery, silos 16x65 and 20072 alth uninaders. autnsnatic teeder. pnle barn 25si00,askinq $115,i00.00. CALL JettE ARENDS 1519g 2'/ ACRES octh lsighway location nean Listossal, cery attractive 4 bedrooss bungalow alth kilcfsen, dinisa Nrea, lliig roons, den, recrealios mors, sasses roomn and attacsed garage, sssaii bars ideai for horses, CALL BOB BALLANTYNE. i-519-356-2576 200ACRE DAI RY FARte, large painted bars wlth ssilk isoase, doobie sighl ,siikisg parlour, space tor approo. 125 ssiik coas, silo 24>90 lth usioader and feeder, nearly ne 3 bedroon brick busgalow, smailer hosse for bIred heip. ideai fanoiiy operalios, SENO FOR FREE FARM CATALOGUE DON HAMI1LTON REAL ESTATE & INS. LTD., 132 WALLACE AVE. N., LI1STOW EL, ONT. OOnsga36 Jais the people you like 50- much and say hello ta a sparkling Nsw Year 1 To ail aur goocl patrons aur tondest gratitude. DOINO HARDWAàRE EDEN MILLS -YOUR DREAM HOME partlaliy finished. Picture this; A beautitol 2,700 sq. f. home, 2 guesfo cabins, a lazy river ta swlm and tish sn, 2 troot pontds ssith tffeen acres ta strol ln, and now the clincher-listed ta seil tasf et artly 585,000.00. Close ta, Hssy. No. 7. Cati quickly hetore if's sold. Village of Hiilsburgh Have children? Then thîs is fhe home for you. Fine bedrooms and a large backyard backisg anto the park where your kids can play in satety. Short walking distance toi downfawn and a qoiet oeighborhood ouIl most Iikely make if appealing to yaur esite alsa. Ail ln ail thîs ls a home your ochole tamrri cen enjay. Why sot caîl and get more Information on thîs beaotitol two-storey Tudor homne? Executive Retreat Erin Ose year old and 2,000 sq. If. This oltra- madern unilqoe home ls worth the price ot a phone caîl. Sfanding os approo. 1/2 acre, it's the home you've prabably only dreamed aboot. Why not make yoor dream a reallty? Caîl tor more tree informatilas. What have yoo got ta lase by calllng? SVEND A. ANDERSEN REALTOR 5 Mill St. E., Acton 853-3570 or 877-0323 MILTON OPTIMIST CLUB YULI LOG DRAW WINNERS 1sf Prize - Doug Hyaff 2nd Prize - Kay Boughton 3rd Prize - ton Adam 4th Prize - W. Hoggort 5th Prize - Mike McConnel 6th Prize - DoroFsy Trlpp Dur "250" Draw Tickets are now on sale. Each ticket gines you a chance on 5 monthly $250 prizes and one of $500. The first draw wiII be Febraary 6, 1975. Tickets may be obtained tram any Optimist member. Oreetings of the New Year Flyisg bogO are our hops POol yoîar Neta Yeor will Oe a prooperooo asd hoppy ose! 99DM THE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF SENTINEL GULF FORD RENT-A-CAR SYSTEM *CON TIN ENTA LS COBCTS -COURIER PICK-UP 'F 700 - 6'VANI EQUIPPED WITH ELEC. TAILGATE LOADER For Carefree Motoring Pleasure. .. For a Day! a Week !a Month! a Year! Drop in and Check our EConomny Rates. * SPECIAL WEEKEND RATES * aond a î'eryspeorial "Thank You" To al lar casioînsers for making 1974 ».r fon reoîkieg aind <bar nos stes.sfiil CrIaI. if /100. bees ao culore in reeseu'ifg <.81< THE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF Jack Richardson Chsv Olds Ltd. nAIw ,oit the News.bor, lei*s Afou irs.l in oil0o f ocp ond iliion for broilinîhoco ohi over the lond. May noch lcomorrea' bc ich in joy and loiendsbip. HALTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION 44 Mais St. Miltan 878-4168