Hear the Jingling of Want Ad Sales Money! CLASSIFIED RATES TeopOoone The Canadia« <910Main000. 8-02341 Champion0 il<108,Ontario 8<0000,i DEATHS. MARRIAGES. FOOTHCOM<NG MAROIAGES., ENGAGEMENTS _No Charge DEADLINE IS 12 NOON TUESDAY FOR SALE, FOR RENT. ETC. $1 .05 minimum0 charge for 15 09000000c per word 9900000080. 040592400< serion (no003 lhopy changes) $1,.70 minimum40 charge 980 15 090000476 p0r 09000 00<0000080r. 25c discount aloe for cas0 00000000 BOX 00060000 ho <r,0 of«,00-25c addio<0< 0000<00 000070, 00<0000 70000<60 $1,05 for 0<000 0<70 linos. 1Oc for 0000 addif<090< fine. 1 NMEMORIAM-1.5forfirs5 «09es,30000000<0004000 9<lu0 CLASSIFIED OISPLAY, REAL 0070<70 $1,00 p0r 30<400 Inch. DEADLINE THIS CLASSIFICATION -<1P.M. MONDAY REAL ESTATE MARKET PLACE AND WHO ODES IT DIRECTORY OEADLINE THIS CLASSIFICATION - FRIOAY 3 p.m.M 12 The Canadian Champion, 0000.. Dec. 4, 1974 nouc the<<0 0<0<0,0 ofterson Ce,60000ete 0000006eIb<0< VAN0 SOELEN-k and 070enie0 (nos SChenk) of R 1, L600$ Wayne0 weigh< 6 <00 0000000000< 23. 1974. A Suzanne. 6000 1 m32 5 1iSo.130 oz.06t Milon Distric 1094. O 04000 o EITOGO0O an080 y < Louise we0<00<7 Ibs. 13 sOZ 0t 000000000 28, 1974. A< 0600 Morley0of0115 Bell St, Milton0 1974. A< wel Come sis<00<or <0a<beth, Ontario wi<0000< weight 7 100. Il o8. o< Si. 097400000.anChC 0 for00 Mr. and M4. 0,0<en00zi03 Marece 1 M32DO<100000 a M m < iio <O Saturda0 No o0000 30, O94, 0000 Ontrio 84000e hU0< 0,100 00000 Ehrhard<. and chez, Elo<0 and Netof Ki10010 S<OpOO400r1i 0H00e, 146 MillI S< N , 408<0<00090 Carlisle Cemetery. Donat13on to the Hear<Fund 0906<4 b appreciated0 as an e00015<i of S 0pa 3. Sl soia even8<0 a gif.00< 060,00 y0000000a00AI5<00 i WlS to <31000a004<0 friand and00 reatve or the card1 and 0lowers that 1 08<00< ouring,0000r00<<0000040i 000<0sp <0000«8 0 My0,10 Hunt00, e <030 00d i She Se ol,4Me<005in 1971. 07 thn0 t0 <00 0000r, 30000 Johnson0 ah thenures in00 0000a0000t District Hospital My ami TOd 10003 aprcit 700s Kin0 037000gh 00tS. 0<7 Mahal00 00070<, MILLER, Harold J.A Milton13 <30430090/'350'30"'3""" 0< 000000000 2, 1974, Harold J dal <0600 Don170 Ilvr r01On, <000,17 C.mp000«411<0. [ioda Oi MITCHELL-i <1640me00 John 00<0000< Mlton, 000000 of 007 040000[609 L.r < Wî«0Mi h00la<home and 1971 <0300 Oh 7 gra00000iOOOO _ __ 0732 23 Restid< e the0 060000,0i 00000 N1d <34,03 000003 Fun er0 Home, 1140Main S< Noo00a leath own w70, 0< 1 30 900. lo<00000<St. 1973. 300ile 532 AO you7 sad 1.0 05$0 734 0900< teti og i 000000000 1, 1974, Char0<0e silence, 00000 Simpson9 in ris Sain An0 i brea<00 a Sigh of 009< 0000, 0400000 of the la a For Vo. were 00,00 and lainer0of0600. Lena LenzofIO uh i the 004301<000ld <3000 Ru Nel 09<0Sed OIs So e 0 3 M Ot M, 04 7090hil. a0M0122 S<00130 1 /1 4 0<000<00000 610,ecI 4/.o0 66 81000 hedo usa i the ~ 0 3 00<09<00 t E.ss,00009 M eeme L,45 ai 8 P. 00000 rY 5.f Admissio 75 [752 20Sîo 7 1 0.04900nt frRn 85 F0640 no *mp<0.000 sale <0 78. H041 05<0<0 8< 088080900 1. Hobbies 6600 2 TURKEY an00 0r.0 h00t S EX9CLUSIVEO ery skethes -1 BRITISHCoiaSboer r 6 Guelph Roca 8d Gu. Club: TV IO E miLo, Mo avllbl lntuas i. tellf0 fro no tell, No10 LABRADOR p9liges,0 C.KC. Eden mi a S dy pItssONO orrmIge Cheng. Owen Smith, No. 49860 regl$t000,i oe es40 and 00000ber 8, p.m. Trophy 30 oe ehf 000. ha notes a $00 2m32-2237 dohuntin 09900 forV adg soe owdrP 0 oloeoera l 00egh ah 00.00 0 0 heormO excelen petskand Il.11Mai i-x11bonre 23m033-2632 9M032-2638 head nstaled, 115.011 Milon. If or13'5000'a0l,000.rla; STREETCAR Bazaar and 40' 0090r Ovea heght plasma 5 AC0 0fv 884092 atr600. Boq0400 00000 I al O posaF e 2132-2609 MALE Labrador, regIOOoOOO Botqe onaUDeer mdng .can poNag H-99 FIEWOO for sale, $23a Cha9<plo sire, bord Marc. th, 140000Ha0o COunty head insaled, 110000 - cr; in open oOOffOON 24, obdIencOOOf810d, hou0 Rala a Raila 90 900 000h SMALL 5 broken,8<100. Owen Smith, No. han ooo4 pO O' 50ower oeal Oh in 9 L asous plnt 010930-2595 4a0ot LOOO0000r 60<0M F00s a'lmN 5oh' free 09 cunalhachel VHFOO hea IoOmeatszs174430. 97_____________ 25m932.2234 srecrrdes aildy. oosaoOS, 3000. <2485 ti90 and rhn a0fier0c09 UNIVERSITY 000000s OClub Of Extra hoads (or seo TV N W M< Of 348<900 0000 00 Milon and 0$Ct Thr the ne00<000 000 ah 2<0032.2103 nord/ Lob. Savon 0909ks 010 000Vy, 000000 . Pot LsOkbl coor wi OMPROh O0-Potable 06464060900731 00000006300. m. S0h00orn F.M. 0Star. head. Installed desig allions00. 00< 000 SOC 6 00000,0802~002 of MrS. K. Marshall, Bell $29.95. n0 The10 Cham0pion, 191 Co<hooS Part00 200MoOI 000001 Lie; speaker: MOs. T. Main Street, Milt i t 146 St., Milon. 2i3-1 2 partTeier. po l e anOdI E00001, on JapanesOe culture000 head. installed $29.95. 2100040200.13 00 000.0484 9.321090 2000 990 C0000l0ation 0010< Oead, VHF "ARL00 10 10 kO 000009002ote11< 25032-2624 00000.0000 ~ ~ ~ g:s case;00 bloiog wood00 and 001<00090 0 WEIMARANAR, 10 0909k 0<0 CHRIOTMýAS ha ke sale, ci0 UHF, ,ostaîlld $89.50. 10 go<s Eoo<0000I0 cases;00 manuel cash traie 00900, 000 hied hOtS, 00<0000ea, 000. 7, 1.30 330. 0<4<000<100<0 ro or. Insalit P000 09<00 O 0. 0ail00 n100,11 0000i condition. $50, no papiers. 85402254. K11500 bride 0 Publc 001o. 00402101.04 00 00-602. 2m223 0,000040 g0 o 10< lSlbricle0 0<033.0241 Cu00, Scouts, Guides0an0 COLOR COMBINATION RECONDITIONEO 40004MI HOT 000<70 800009000 009- Brownies. Il <090 oealhight bonster. F0000ts el10.0 fer for o 3 50000900 00000 000002612 40i 1d<905<0<naver,1 0 boomso<. 0<0 $1 0,0 0101 I10001010 D.C1erne I om2 t 400 0tS 004a VHF and UHF, 00<0. 00a0uur Service 8701.9 f op0p.OOf 100 < qpmO <00 George0s 0<001,000 000000; 0000V rotor, intaIllo $249.9 2100<1700 853-22<6. Nuial for s 9 000r 2 db n 95 21_________ 280000934100 0002 032. 260222 9 Lo01110l. SponoooU 0070 Th CAR <00110, Tandem flot 500, ANTIQUES a0090 gfsatho r. 6m2-17 Young Ang 1IoOOOl. ne09 0ydraulic 50000 ,500<t 900000f40009 o Os 00 900ý--322062 RICHARDSON'S 000r 805153 altr sw2743 oII<o ýo<90 to, 000900 IZIII. -REMEMBER S k1 1< n01090 oooOoIN 2lm Il70 Co I<00 700sda and090490un o0015000l soeme 601 fo 5 a K & CTv iï 078-6163 00<00r060.00 0000, 1060Christie S<., Rock ., 000 rla <an00 0 d000 201 <0in00<ree< East 2<0022274 Wood4 856.4735. o rlneclntodio. Sunay,100000. t.;3pfl<i0le philo 2________________ Phon00 er6pm 637-7705. j 0007. 5000 Milton BOY1.03p050000590 1000 27m32.2240 lmoo~ 200 il3070 0000000 taile 8o78000050 5495. CHESTERFIELD suite, v0100<, 500000100. al tpe 270032.0700 Spanlsh 9 01000 diffin0 00900 . LeglsO Hall. Milton,. 8 0.00 Phono 878-2336 SîMPLîCîîO connblinion ute< hndler09fea 1 Banch 136. Specil o <1h<0 working___________ 0<00010 0 .0 817ý14. rergrtr 30" eioo<0l0 010032 240 0 o ma00iC aooher and <070, 400.P. MOTO SKI, 1969, 30 CH0T0So60o STEREO COMPONENT ddyr ai Inecler o-HP. MOTO SKI, double<0011. Dee r7 .0 t<04.30. AM i FM6 radio, 2 mat09001 -_6 21M322649 28m032-267 00 Sou00000 <, speaker, ord changer,00 FIREPL0<CE woo0 81 mix00 E 1000 001<0I,0in!0l n, $130.. 20022242 0<0 LES, Macin0000 and 0000000400yel sle Ch,1000's 00CorrCVd, Cali B.5&W A0060<L 23" T.V. Oeio 00 Fanc an cs cilre 8 268000224 00700 9m32-2059 FARM ER JACK'S gasreser oVw..$20o87. Siieo Creek Orchar (op- 1970 SOT 000 Jet, 30 h0rse 30900<0fet 5. p001<0 901<00 Bd. of 000900, 0000000 engins, <0p 8n~21 210032 2645 Eduolo<IO ilo Maigris010<. 100<4000, $600 or 000< 0009r 870-237 500o100 6 srin <0etri gui. 222-026 878-3408. 2VLNEER edd We 0100931 t0r, g000 <000000000000ac ORDER 000cholN<010 go300 20000202177 TU__________ -ay or00 oe<IoIohOO fro 00n0o, folio 0000.d 500 197< MOTO Ski Bullet, <ta0 and 1.sFREE OUTBOARD white,0115.878-9308. 22m34-2409 spoo<o, slides, Mst< 50000n. d i rms1st e r MOTOR STORAGE 800<00 hou9 -vOSOOOO« now0 87896231. fe a<hiaDui ih Spring Tuneo 49.0<0010 , 2tsai 0<0<10 0900 <0 7646ide boat 5<00000 aoo<ilabi. <10 9000010<,0001972 MOTO SKI Cadet0100 Marine60 ge0 0900her w9< 90000u, H6EREFORDOO c 00100l1,09< regst e00tic s0000, new 00. 070- Ai's Marie c0s000ild and 2 chirs $25, 0000, 14 0000<00, wlt0080000 2071 ik conol -f, 6 pakr 540009000 0050 oforain 09F0000007940 Service Contre. e) 4soih bui.e tooe iliko <10001 W00top1gains 87i4580 2803232631 262 Mainr St.N., crlb0an0 000«000. 878.2018 ai 2490am0-2600 1973 340 S.S. POLARIS taille c000t00 Cal0at9P.000 ave0enin 0010008000, FREEZER SPECIALS Actoni, 210324 HEREORDi< coiw<; 9.0.ier ooioio6ls r053-1682 F100<0000 for sale, y040 854.23W0. M> 00 veryfst olaris. 480100an Grain Fed evelyg&wekOOS09000OE0 Orly.< 877-9952 20L32 n: 1, Milton<00000 6 0.00. Saloo~~~~~~~ &OT for10 saole090010700. 0<0 00, 854-9827. 280032-2617 leEvnrd Sle Srvc 2100000.2623 2400322653 1073 -OLYMPIC sn009000011, 15 Prime Beef 1______i~.3 FIREWOODingle6 cod $25; 0007, 000100 and Hockney, h.p., g0000condiion 364Berton Frns Sie8RE Z R 78-3643. 20316 24m033-2621 61<< 28m032.2618 , FR EZER BOY'S bicycle, 500000c, Ilik n & Hinds ail sizes telscoe (ota toy) $5. 878 V 5127, ci Fron00, Sicles0 and indi. Cu< CLEARING 2m213 n 0 and wapped 90 004 0<061 ADIA 94u T,2" 02spec00ficaton.lton0 0«<0<oe OUR 1974 STOCK 878-6056. delierV 00.0000400 fo _________________ Fri<ayo Buo 0<000<00t <0nth Phono ExcLUsv cure &ie far0n. Burlingtof' <000010 x1" batiul M L O 639-3814 seetowOlimk CH RYSI ER Bud Organ 211132 $24.00 SC;sto o 90.00. Waterdown Orly $350.50 or pa0 omaoi 100000< IkO 0009, 000<RAN<0NE. 21m3l mon09000ayme< 878 75290alter6 .0 1974 D000E SPORT DART 2103 Ca"< 210032 160 Auoo00ic, whit0e wa1ll0irsOand 09009< 000800. A big 6, o FREEZERS FARMER JACK'S reordo radioo~~001. 000. No. LL29C4B85268. 1 ~878-2373 n i l'elfrS0 876-4241 39 ho' LSZE 1a3 210M32-1655RN E ALL SIE 1091ONOWtires, 775015,1 yearoOiO,BRNNE 17 NEW SHIPMENT $30. 878074930<05.0 1974, 6OG pWIG. hoJOYCE BEATONIS 00400 00P <0r 1/2 t<on32.16k, 2 DOOIR HARDTOP GODLT' BOOK 000< 0<000, 878-4791 Big6,aoO00tic,.3 spee0i pers, radio, 090l1e609011tires gh~210221 0<0iv and00 Wel"an 400$ ov. 000. No. LL23C48391643. Georgetown iifao901 ,LARGE glossy prints of $350. et. 5002 $3.00 for your 1Canadien C h ampi000<0< I of 87-25 L<0O0 s04y 8001< 0000000000 >p.1z. Cash M 1971 VALIANT DUSTER ho219007 Box 117 accomparh 0 0<10. 1012 DOR OUP 4, ~ ~ ~ ~~apbellville, Ont. Mo aI amiO ofie,11<00.RCOP es21 m34 Main 0<i01160t Il. 0 000080erforance) 340 VII, oufonnofIc, power Siffler ______________ ing, po0900 braille, radio. F<InIhed ln black and white0 ce, MOVING FIREPiLACE 09000I a-Ci 0,0- 09< match<oo 10000180. [<c. No. FK8393. rd MUST SELL 54 2ulsz obe digwo.8ç-891-032 2628 $2190 IMMEDIATELY mattress and box GI FT croit sets and<000. nt, sprîng. Quiltod top for -nulle.11 eil P< 000001< 1974 NOVA HATCHBACK 24 ange; Frigidaire re<019 ooily $49.00 Bach. Sldeoad no00 Kelso00 Ope 8 Vo, aoooooO, power00<800<00. 000900 00.009, radio, et! 0,0<00. 2 girls bicycles; Pleose Cali , O 0. 9 000ý SOI Fri0000. <9m<oo4OO 1<04< oO010mfhn Vinl car carrier; Miscol- FARMER IACK'S 2<00320265< 10000<80o. LIE. No. FAZ95l. 100004$ <001$. SNGW tires0 on 00 ri t fit Ford er 878-2373 rd utoo<o 010 o$3595 o 87.34 21000031 p_ 1972 DODGE OART 210032 210032 2600 YOU WIL[ 1100 buyin09004 STORM WINDOWS T.V. 24 000000$5 Amribadw Bg6utntc, radio, white0 walires 9<00 [ No. ., uidn 04,17,o0l0a< and0i0000001t 0000 S000rm 09190009 ln sel for $0. Phone 878.3017 BBK665. <0. 00009<0000. C00000114110000110 excllet cndiio. OSifoble alter 6.30 0.00$29 00 ic service7,, Il0901< 0 osi d fr00000. Make 000 2100323003 $19 6581 hoeCa00oe Iio 1.i 85422.32 Y990000540<000 0000 <0000 recod0poye, one <021001<1957 0040S4ummer cottage. Gsod de<00000lO speaker, excellen 878296 FI" .A IONS $4.440 00d eache 2Il 10032<03eecri 88 Ontario St. N., Milton .034028 00$3 0 ./c î 1 y0004ld 5 01206,2 a3 rd0<V41 4/,40<0l 82 44 4'.530000 C 21.32 2238 0040<9 04"oaîWadlerU 83 31" x34,S 2 5000«C Si1NGEO jn m09<0achin- in 34" . 24" 03.500 09004<00 <000u des 01<0<p caintsA1 '70 MAVEOICE, 00.000 miles. 1970 00<0600 Rally Sport, 40" x 34", $3.500 ch conition, gosd COON<00 0000090 One 0 00000Poe ltr5,0878. g010, 008<00100 l<000ior, 09< sports05 E .000001 26. 31l" x 24", $2.300 010< 00000 Phn 078-3539 a9<0r 6 48<2. 9000000, 00010, P.O 0.00 P.S., Stuclent Emplo00000 44 10" x 35", $2.500 0 .00203..2 94 8 29m0322243 a Ir coclItIone. 001<0<0509<0, Swaps 13. 2___ M32____ 2626__ 19 00VEG. 00000 Ofe.F00 buc60 Sai800, console, Il6 CALI 854-9943 CHRSTsMAS tracts, freshi< cot, mo0re I<f00000 motio Cali 9009 ne. Lbc. 8O050, 800 065 2lm3 tOlOwSigs o L.er am oo0319 <11504-4173. h000, 199 Guelph S0.9Gerge Tende, 76. 21.03 [100 iE0<I1090 Ave.)1t117 000032.2665 00< 726 Tr.n p.rt.t<oe, 63. Sin [100, 00095. 070.6480. - - -___________ 29o.0002-4723 4 1T00 0 n000000000Crstas 0Fa, oif. <960130TSUN 3109 00 <0rsda,164 09EV STATION wagon9, 0< H.EC.. 010<000, y01h. rh21034.2096 10radi, radiais, 4 $0009 01009' 58ý Og ,0< mil es 010. Nerv.0 the00 PinsTre, 95 Main0 Si. ONE000<00 p 9008 ln0 000000108 Nee00i0i09 Vacation 005900</Os Bdp. nsoO 8 9.00. 00000 Sno ras0000 mi,l09.S< body 1100< 50000k 45 500$250.W0. Ph0ne8877. 5 0, Sol nt dey. 09111 fit 06808010k, 040.00. 854.2<03. 0071. V000<100 00000<0 74 87 2<00833-2654 Phone 870.2493. 29m320.2646 29000024.4190 00<nt« Solo 28 IN 2<0932.2622-r 165 PONTIAC, 2 dor, $150,on 197206<0<0Cooper, radial tires, 0900<00d I pon 41, 00000 00or sal or001 00000,Pom 40010 "000000" p<a00, In lie corti9100, good r090<ne rs00000ol, $<495 or 5090 8 000< W 00 0 7 076962, Harris Sis0JOhe00 0000 condition. 878.7403. 00000. 878.68490al980 0. 0090. Cali g8-3147. an9.2100002324. 2<10m32263 2932-32640 20.032-2115 !i AMER ICAN MOTORS lwEEOOW VALU E BUYS FOR THIS WEEK 972 DATSUN DOOR DELUXE MODEL LB110 AuOrn.0oIctsmission,9<09 radio, whitew00 tires00,05< whel o' air. Fnih00 ln ora0g0 with o<otch<ng <098,180. Vero 0<00 condi<9<on, <20<009 on<0 34,34il.miles L<c. No. D0X03. Special $1585 1971 MATADOR 2 DOOR HARDTOP 0<0<058<2 in m94al bowI< 5<0< 0<0 custom0 <0980<80 <ocludin Individuel re09«0<Og soi00 V8, autonn0O<E, power brakoe power0 89800<0. radio. LIE. No. 00Z<90 $1995 1911 DATSUN 510 2 DOOR Finished ls 08<0. Lis. No. BSX063 SELLING PRICE $1495 1969 FORD 2 DOOR HARDTOP V08, auoomofIO, power steeolog, p00wer 508009, radio, rod<o< whit0e 0901 000$s. L<o. No. DRZO35 $1495 1972 TOYOTA COROLLA 4 DOOR LIE. No. ADS215 $1495 1969 GALAXIE 4 DOOR V8, aoromtic. [<o. No. ORZO3O5 $999 1971 DATSUN 510 2 DOOR F1o<ohod lo Gold. «o No. 0DSK922 $1495 SEE PAGE B7 FOR PRESENTATION 0F AMERICAN MOJORS 1975 MODELS CLEM ENTS MOTORS 0F MILTON Bronte kt just North of Hospital 878-2328 2.3 1 ýq VFijj(ýjLS FOR SALE 'Il,