Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Nov 1974, p. 27

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St George's Sldes of Jerusalemn shown church ladies By Mes, Harry Rinhardsh Mo i inad the SAtarkeyapperwas hold at Thah o he Day hy St. Go ge' cegla Church Mr o lhardson. A Hall, L vlinn Nov. 2 mille Christmas meeting oaa a largo attendanno. plonnefo Dec. il in the Rov. John Wetelwar ni charchdhall. Bankes bslondNw Hertid- Ilpavesea was gam e uke 0 St. Me.. Jean E:verît ahowe Johns Nasaagalweyaand St. 911c 5atipnead Gerges L vienSanday, JaeHughe ad mds Nov. ou.Inrael, llaly and Je-oalenn. A eUchre was held Tuesday, Sho vlowd piclarna of Nov. 12 in St. George' H1all humwers and olive tre.t "n coitl p ciao wissees Catharine Jerusa-lem, they sw the Carnie, Floronce Corne, Waiig Watt a= the Upr Colin Beoty and Gordoný Roomai. The city han nu motor 'rlompsan. traîfie, aunt donlsin The pnclipial fond i nîth, shte On Wednmsday, Nov. 13, the saill. Aitornoon ACW of Si. Vers King thanked Mes. Goorge Wet ai tho home ofEvort for as inteesling and ane Hgesto . bthe ahience educalional presenlatios. nai. eint Francm TIEiS, Lunch was merved and Lily Mai oio k lte. chair. Jay actod as ouartmsy con- The Bihle readlng mas ginen venier. L o wville Volunteer worker tells about blind Iny Mite. T. Ratoshaw The altenitios unit ni the U.C.W . mcl ai Oie home ni Mes. Mary Mordes. Tho premidesi Mci. Camy Campbell npened the meeting olith praner and Oioughtu us 'gns"A showo businss peiud lnllocd. Mc.. Garfield Cnllisg gave, the Bilheornadlngan, Mes. Gertrude Dickinson gave a devotinnal us the 23rd poolto. Mrs. Dichinson lntrodacnd Oie apeelal speaker, Mes. In- § am ni Hamilton, who han Zn a solunleer coucher mith lhe hiind for may ynors. Sho enplained hum the C.N.î.B. mas furmcd and ld about the sew hume sn Hamiltn huili espeelalin for hlind Peutp le calnd Wedgemnnd HalTh is homo mas ongle- aily spononed hy Mes. Hnnd- rie. Mms VeIna Nordis Oiankcd the speaker and the hontes. VisItor. Mc. and Ms. Boy Duncan ni Detroit visitcd relatives in the cnmmuity font meuh- Me. and Mes. Featheestuon Colling anddoocnet andMyr- dle Coling. Me. adMes. Dan Gmyu of Perrynhuce, Ohio sisted mith Tom and Naney Ronhaco balt coeeend. The Bidgeriders Somoo fle Cluh heid a naccetoful diner and dance ai the hye Centre on OturMs7 The Nnsnmhoc meeting of the Pairsioco Homn and Sehool mas opened hy the Hornby Euchre Ily Mes. Jim Haumilton The North Traflar Euchre Club beldlins conkty ouchre purin ai the North Trafalgar RecreGlîn Centre on Salurdoy nighf, Nos. 23. There ocre neyes tables ni cuchre in plan. The peines ocre con hy Harald Sonellie, lresr Goodîntioco. Clam Wilson, Donald Douglas, Audrey Wilson, Marie Murray, Louise Davey and Eilfeu Jackson. Friend wil bcsorry ta heur Ihaf Mes. Tom Brown- ridg n s in eMilton District Hospital. Hec masy iriends mîlihoc pleased t0 sec lie get Frieds wilhoesorry ta hnae ihai Mes. Frank Peaeock a in flic Milton District Hospitli. Wn colnh hnr a speedy recosocy. Assivcrsaey greutîngo arc exnoded ta Mr. and Mes. John Yong' coho wili cenleheofe iheir ceddisg -There have hen a irco ilurries ni 0100 hut sut cnnugh of the cohite oluf lu stoy around. Ton lche fmli surih of Adtos ose day font Fay's CLOJMPi ff "INDIJOTRIAL MAINTENANCE "ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING "ELECTRIC sIEuTING "WATER ISEATER RENTALS 878-2o48 premidesi Mes. Icene Cnuper coho conducted a short busi- nesperiod. The progroon for Ohe oves' ing masoa serins of films taken lean the sehool cacrcllt onFamiIy Lufe Stadies PCe nnnted hy Mes. Hilda Clark,' Physical EdacaBion Consul- tant for the Haltos Board ni Educatios. Panel dehate Pntlomisg the films thee oas a discussion mith hans' Pkysical Edacation toocher Olas Baturcssky, girls' Physical Edacation teacher Mes. Arnos, principal Me. Trnohbridge and assistant Principal Me. Lorito iocmisg o ponel lu ansmer queutions. The Up par Buelinglon 0911. misClub inn sosoring a tli est sighl ut Fairvicco Schnnl os Fcidayeveniog inhboiof Youlh Week. Everyn se wclicoton. The Upper Burlîngios Optil- miel Clubkisspnsring a tli cnl nIt ai Paiýrviecow Sceen on Fr dy evening in hnir f Yoih Appreciation Wnnh. Everyosn sawloe The Locosille Minne Solîhai Association sa havisg the os- suai meeting in the Lowvilln United Church hasemnt Mondan, Nov. 25, ai O p.m. Anyone intnrentnd in con- frihuting lu Oic improscont 51 ihinor hall on Locovilîn orea ns ocicome 10 attend. Oficers for the 1974-75 measos coi lieh elecird and refreshmnnts snrsedi party a ns îsrsacy on Thuendan, Nos. 15. Beul cishes f0 John and Linda. Drumquin Birthday greetings IOn Mes. Cecil Pal5nr5O5 ltirfkdoy coîshes t1: Mes. John Pidheif Se., Mes. Jico fillaoy. Mes. Agnes nippon of Port Saskatchewan, Baiph Peafhnrnfon and Javel Me- Miii an. Congratulatins ta Me. and Mes. Olese Trencs on Iheir 251h coedding onuîsnrnary ce- cenfin. and Me. and Mes. Meesin Curfias on flir 121h anniversary. PEREGRINE FAnLCON, a -agnfin bId of pry, is near extinction in Norýth America.One arecently been obtained by Mounsbrg Wild' lite Centre f romn the Mlnlstry of Natural Renourcea and in nom on diapluy at the contre. Bfrds of prey Peregrine Falcon at Moui The Monîshrg Wildllfn Centre resentîn nhtained a noce Perogriso Falcon froon the Minintry ni Naturai R- sources. Thin onagoificeot hird is on display wiOi the nOler hirdsofn pen 10 asnisti n Oie centre's education pro- grains. The ntceamlisnd, pomorini peterise faicont n ose ni the smiesi hirds in the orld, capabheîo nivertahing lyig pe wilh case. lis vucîilou oitcn strucknsuch ahlomhby the large talnd foot that il110 hilcd in the oie iostuotiy. Ion m.p.h, dise In adive pursuung prny.the pore grisc han hient timed ut Pped up1 11 p.h. AI- thh il fno lvlmont en f clymde a ithec hirds. if i s soohere sulfiintly numrusftnhave nyai- preciahîn lit elieci os ay one specie. ls mnotiers hase de- cýinnd sharpin increceol For centuries ihis magnifi- cent foln han hon snughf hy royalty as mcli as alterao seehing luexotulis hunfiso rasberg talens he p erors' din- rnm une fpicîn npeficaly D DT, allert th Second World War. High rast dueinevnlnalso wnrelound in bath the kirds and their eggs, FaPpornte k supcion that p'ntiides once ike enonno for a dramai .tic pplatitn de- Comehsck Thee is hope ikat tke in- land titrant of perogrîne lai- con ohich searnd extinct ion in flic coud Ihis ynar may make 1Hs comnehack in capli- sity. siofogints and technîcions ai the Alberta Palcon Re- seorch Station kaveosoccenss iuily hatchnd and rained yong and innd ta prncecd coill eserimens that wili reintrodu.e the hiedn lu the coud cohen pesticide resîdun leies sn the envirnmeni permit tl. The hiologis hope that 15 ynars feomnow 0here may agoin ho peregrinen on the ores and Ihat Iheir spectacular liights willnot be o thing ni the pont. Chansonettes plan songs of Christmas This yrar the Milton Chon- praraocn of "Miii the Snv'co sonettes arenprnparing apro- mon". gram ni favoritn Chiristmas Tickets are avaîlabln fromt song, tobe presentnd Thu's- anyeeimnmeror may be day, Nov. 200a10 p.m. and purc l daDominion Hard- Saoday, Dec. 1 Gi 3 p.m., aI woare, McCuaig Insuauce. thn Ernst C. Drury Schvnl and Barkara's Bnaoly Salon, (Or. auditorium). at$1.Ovioradultsand 75 cents The choir sa directed hy for sludenîs. Judy Hunier and accompan- ied by Win Necoell If has eowin La ovner 40 memhero r tmtepool six ynars. Pull s ar Thn Chanoonolîns tion ni Lynn Browon, Sandra Polies and June McCuaig coul ho featured asconil as an vcetete. uaflgeroIus duel and solos (rom memhcs of the choir. Ousan Phillipo The "groundhog pi-l" sa a oih e adding her fulnltoone goad produci lue dmltroyîng oi Ike choie numhero. Dacon groandhogs, however, il cao Oeodie andWin Neceln ill be b e of equai eflrcliceneov in paigogao and piano kiiling yooe iamîly. The Ofi =eeioshbeioreethe concert. fice of theieMarshallire- Thn siaging will be dieed ports Ihal lwo firemen have by Dr. Orian Oornhoid and hi n recnevd injurîes travm the coine Penny. phosphein gos flynn off iromn Ail thpes ihmse pis cohen lhey hecome Theeconcert is aiamiy pro- cet. Someone had nvfstored gramo and coul inelude Iradi- lhem properiy. lionaf carois, chidrnn's fav- Do your iamiiy a favor and orites, and popular seiec purchase whal you are gomng fions. 0f spociai inlernof t tv 1000 1h01 day. Be safe, and f he ehiidren coul ho an ap. do sol 01tre fhe produci. 4A 202 MOIS ST, MILTON 8 78-44712 ONE KUNDRED AND EIGHTEENTH IN A SERI A Mark of Progress in Milton:::« Work ismeil underwap on àsmo subdivision helea hafit hehind Haicon Macor. The u: deoeinpment baconstructedhpyAllilance Building Corporation 5 faitO t e one of flic ont prestIloas taonhsa develapnts. Il will include 11a tosmhounan and :1: O::: 3liichhomes.A modern rstion ampeu sa hlilnhtaofthe deoolspment. X Forp Prgressive U nscmpnasîse rate.s 11 IJ AI' tact.. . mX a4C IN SURRN CE 111 2108 Mals Street E. Milton 878-2894 .baitpion Disetrict Page invitations ~d by 4-F d iSCUSSE sy Mrs. CecilPatterson A smnarf honleso coili loti Th lnrnhy SouthO 4H held lrîendscwonare cnngenialna a meeting in Omagh Preshy- nnjoy doing thensamnefhin frln Chuech hall os Tant- and are oi the saine a dayrsveningcoith ightfrmcm- grnup. A hosfcss should ma hers piment. The discusuion sue esee gî\nsf has a port led hy the leaders oas hoord the fus, hoing eupecially it on paefy ideas and important lunecocomersorshy eule ihingsftohnep in mindcohes the group. A guesi shnu0d planning a party, such as onftime, atend ifihey ha fhnmno, decorafons, entir accepird the invitatin, tailaintfiood, and meihodo sailahfy and alleacliso ni invitations. The type of drrssnd. Lastly, lic sure iniato GO a indicatiosni ofhank fthe hontros colin fe the type ni party. isforma] ing. poynvifafinns mayhbmesx Fuodfor apary should ver threfli telephone or appetiaing, attractice, nos hy noie cohilstfo meceddings. preporrd and snrvnd. C cncepioîueceogeascd vr cakes have a place in pot peinfedlformat invitationssare menus andifamiiy mnals. A iisd. (psinen demonsfrafnd i Mrs. McCann displays stitching, quilting Hoenhy Wono's Institute prepornadrndfnm metfNos.13,altthehomen "Som hring happin Mru. L. Sampan coil 10 coherever they go nili mermes,nensisitnr andtco cohrnever thny lnasn." Ify childeen pesent. The noighhoe hasolt a smiie, e paresiden Mms.RI Wilson read himnonenofyourn, she sai Etplieasad Mes. L. Sampton To articlrs mee re gave flie minutes and "Whyl1oilt nnsnrhreinsi Irnasurer's report. hock aeain" and "D. Correupondene inciudrd staing. ' Sainconsas receipto front, nthe Sase Thr hontu ocre gisen. Childen Pond and hursary Mes. P. W. Merry lhaid monny a notice ahutu the the speaker. hostes nutrition oorkhhp Nov. 14, a lunch commilnee Norval Junior Insfîfute prmentnd the speaker mît Christmas fe0 Nov. 30 a n maifgI A dricinus lu Montr Fends and vi cake and tee creoto achievement dans for o-H nersrd hy Mes' H. 0OConi cluhs Dnc. 7andl14. Mes. C. Poileron and Mes. C. Paflocoon and Mes. limiens. B. O'Connor coul lin ensponsikin foc Chiristmas gîfîs for six concatencing S ,pas s. Hornky ladies. The roll cati u er io coas "a god hralhhint for aii ge"Demonstratin o S.Pa I Mes. Polternon oas in Ballon Preshyfeeyt charge ni Ihn prograco on nacord rs Wayne Ircoin Pamily asd Consumer sereeast.upeevsinininit Aflairo. Mes. Humer MeCann 0i Sf. Pao 's United Chu oas gunsi speaker. fili kad cohen rsv Charles Bai taken a creafive sitchnry ceases the local polpit on N c ourse and quilt mahisg '10 coucrs.Place mato pot Mr. Iroin of Loos lilliers, cunhion tops', Ie na hod Ctuecl icoll cosies and sampiers oere on asiilohie forc et dispiay. lisant qailling and pastoral duliecu un l machine quiling once Fours cols a e mis demonsfeated and meohers Nanomepreonher once soocn hoco lu mahe a rsv James' McFe, t caihedrol cindoco quili, sfnp assume prraching r09 ky step. A thimble, teedin sihilifies ai St. Pool's due caseuandhbookmarkhnreaEisa liececher. on display. Mcr [lainer fraves tav Memhes oece salukit t up a charge ai Iiiovi hring a hohky ihny eOjny and Uritd Chuecl in Whihs items shocon inciuded liit- ___ ig, croknig,,scraplhaoks, qiipatterno ait cnvnred -If's docker canline 1h coult hangrs. Mes. Pottrns esnings. Grise carriuiiy. -girls île ingchterry cup cakes and lui bah errrerved laine for go lunch. p e Recordhbooksare due Nv. lin 26 in prepacai ion for Achieve- in mentfDay, Dec. 10 ttd Ion hospital in Gel coI coishns tv Mcv. ho tSon Pinnie fie, a patient in se Milton District Hopital. ho Congratulations ta Mr. and .iy Mcv. Barry Coin, lith Line ta vs the hirlh of their son a av-fakviiir Traialgar Hlospital on riday. Nos. 15. hoe Svrrey taeportfthattHarold iiY Rluthnrfordis apatientin Mil- iP on Hospitaland Mrs.F. Pro- rlY cvch is in a Tvrontc Hovspital onfoc vuegeey. oht Oirfhday greringo and gondcoishrsl t:Linda Buron., Mes. J. Wildgcocoe hMcv T. llocodnn, Mihe Jones, John De Bor. Dasid MeCann, Lyn Eltis. Colin Duiiy and John Congratulations tu those ceafisg cedding annicer- 110, saciro, Me. and Mes, Mac Mc- nos Kinnon. Me. and Mes. Knesr nrs Montgomry, Me. and Mes. toc Lloyd May and Me. and Mes. tee C. Peacckh d. The Ontario 'itrac and eAntique Presereîrs Associa- le ion heldîthe montvhly mceeting eer aI Boyne Centre on Thursday mec ening Nos. lu, coilh nerly ed 00memhers andsvisiors ai- ketending, Peidevi Benard and Ponrer oi Wvvdstvch was i and the choie. h G Capf Joîhn L.nard vfi. nch Cathariesevhîord anoinfr watt cyfînq covie an thehboat"The nor, ('harles l)îch" Mnmfiees the ce present lom Dtroit, Pemhroke, Trenton, Wesfvn and Georgetcon Lunch was sereedalîthe cose ,FàA B 1A N rchl Fine Furniture her te PLAZA 1- - il RICHARDSONIS FURNITURE a TV - APPLIANCES 201 Main St., Milton 8782336 OPEN THURS. & FRI. TI L 9 Omagh Party ideas, --~~1 i /.- Thie KtichenAîl upper racki adîss Io vine different pcsitsons Tv o use cous family extra hmai51 protection. elie fin ai sinon wains oa heaied u o8Vl0 ivg île FREE: Snowblwer Ataclment (valued upto$555.oo) when you buya [~WHEEL HORSE LJlawn & gardien tractors For a tîmutred tmc you ian buy a tuggvo, ail ynat. att notylso Whovf Hotse Ttactot' 8, 10, 12. 1h. 18 ot 19.9 t-P and you gcl a free snooblowet vIf ochtmontl Cleot dn.veways vr minutes, Duneciual chute rolates 200 dcy.y05, Save movey on ibis spocial olbern oco. Son ycur parlîcipatmng mheni Horse Dealer. D 101 OuAüusuu1 Ct #I-13t C 120 Aut.uusa u 1 049 D 180 A # Ct1612 C 100 8 ..,u#O(O35 ~RRY INDUSTRIES tuab.. A .... 4f. 0 .. . SARNIOLD'S Lawn & Gardon Contre Hwy. 2s5et Derry Rd. Mk1111on 878-50U3 Vous opportuniosOt nouv fsom the 0 yln manufacturer importes drap insoati ad LSJUUI choose front our large snfoction. Thoseo Scauifof light fixturs5 are vonafantosnd rightse in Milton. *Lighting Motor Sales FoEot ic Lighting *Repairs Commercial * ldustrial *Domestîc *Motor Rewinding s)' i *Air Conditioning Mas ufacturing *Installation *Pomps Est ima tes ppraisais NADALIN ELECTRIC Suony Manutacturing & Lighl ne Ltd 878-4111 TORONTO 826-1223 3153 STEELES AVE. W., MILTON The Canadian Champion, Wed. Nov. 10, 1974 89 just in time for Christmas.. Special low prices for KitchenAid ITeme are 3 ondercounter and a wide choice of front and side panels to match four kitchen decor. KitchenAid ODE BerTHE WOROO" OLVEST AND0 ORGEST MKROn COMMERCA- SOWGSOV-rEBS Look for these exclusive KitchenAidl features: I/iLot vaut KitchocAid ssohb vatpt n asfryu

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