Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Nov 1974, p. 20

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82 Tbe Cenadlan Champion, Wed., Nov. 20,17 Irish influence .... Continaait tramn Page B1 chuda chair purchased in Jomaica for the Yoanget Holet child, George, when h. woo o bohy. French Canodian ilpelairs thse apore raam, bosan 01010 Frh canadien het ont matching dresser. oght in Cohourg it ba a pale bloc background with hant- pa inled picturea of raies ont coanîryside. The large maler hctroom waa origiaally tw0 somaller maisa. Upals a .ompee romad s ite lanting. Pine cuphoards and chif- fomier, are used for linon and clalhiag hecause of lacb ai caphoard apace. There's a tan room downstairto the rearoflthe bouse. The Haleta refer t0 il as the "rock room " as il bas the rough atone malts. originany m bock bitchen. An unsoa ceiling tamp Was mode hy Brio, Mont, o leacher of architecture ai Waterloo University. There ls atsa a tilc-loppet coffee table by Hanni Rothschild of Toronto with designs ut ballona and clowns. The wite-bcamet ceiling in lbe room in Oie original. The Haleta bave addet a gale Closn althe oorway which ln o t on charm. An oIt woatstove ln the bach sonroam, and a fireplace wîi tas cooklng crane an Oie basaement bcep Oie bause very ia loocb with past generaions. CEILING LAMP waa mode by Brion Huai, a teachar of architectura at Waterloo University and hangs in thc Halet "rock room". -- mx LAZY SUMMER DAY la depicted ia thc ail Meister-Schule in Offenbach near Frank- painting by local artisl Lisa Wirth, rigbt. Ad- furt/.Main. Her paintinga are found in seyerai miring ber work ai thc Peel Museum and Art Toronto Art Gaileries as weii as many private Gallery in Brampton, la franc Hunier of bornes in Canada, U.S.A. and Germany. The Ashgrove. LiSa begon painting ber flowers when exhibit in Brampton runa until January 12,1975. a child of 14 in Germany. She studicd ai Uic Lisa Wirth Local artist breathes jlife into her flowers hy Joyce Bean t om ber tarher Alice scraping ice a mal hrougbOaLsaW ywell Lnsamorkedl Wirh ort enhbt a hak Serions study teoninghnouses. 0 malhng tbrouh atfeldntf Lia began painting ber - daisies on a marm nommer lomrsmbhen a cild ot l4in Ressmed day. Mer ligbt, ratrasbing Oermany. brious art ntudy ttmwasn'tounlil lomers are donc iba sott dd01bgn ontil ber 2o's rasamed ber po delicale nîrohe ofthOe brusb. mben she atandedtIhe by Oicn mas The hrigbl. vibrantîrolors ot Meister-Schule in Oftenbacb naccesstol Misi the ails stand olive against near Frakt/ Main. Mornby and Lisa ponitive backgrounds appliet Mer atudies mare in- in Slrelsvtlle THE PAST la preserved mîtb a mida pallet boite. tlpe= hy ber amigrotion technicien. She hy the Haleta in Ibese Lisa. a Mitton renident. n ta Canad 1904. She and ber art courses a lovely old reminders. carrently nboming ber lomar husband Ruti and thaîr Imo Collage ast basr le O tatien and landsapes in o dougbters Uta ont Ursula been on the a Trop aeti a pý pacial Christmos show at arrived in Canadamwith$54 in sinre. Cupboard made in Peel Museum and At Gollery teir pochet. Iouring these Hailand in the 160s. *in Brampton. Hecmworb ls tiri ycars tbey tiret in Awar Right'i an aid pîne cun mainly dane in oiln bot aime Coohaville. ont lite mon a Lisais recent hourd and hottom let, are in mater color, combining motter nt auraloal. Wbile incladed the Jo the met technique 1wi th .the Rati dit any worh hie couid aI the an oid woodalove. dry, o metbod sbe tearned tint tfrom.,tarm jobs In Roleidoscopeano Dixie Arena, y the day in '09 1969 that Lino mimei. Rndi operaliag o k ranch in was worhing asa a b. louh several .1 Sheridan *care han psmîng ever ts amorda bave dge's Choice Borlingtan dlFirst Prize in Painting troin Oie Oakville Art Society. Mer poînlingn are 10 h.e toond in sevcral oronto Art Galleries as meIl as i mnny rivate homes in Canada, U.S.A. and Gcrînany. The show in Brampton isot 7 Wellington SI. E., andris util Jan. 12, 1975. Moora are tram 1:30 ta 4:30 p.m. Alan Klngslaad Obariag the eahibit mîtb Lisa is Atan Kingsland, a Eaglishtn tram Oobville obo ntudied art in Sidcup, KenI, Si. Marlins ond Oxtord. Alan coame ta Canada in 1957 and altogb be is on illutrolor by protession, be sa a painler ot delicate ont variet moler colorn by chaire. Alan bas alan cnbibited bis mark in nomeroos gallerles in tbe Galden Horsenboe section oftSoulhern Ontario. Min mark is ot porticaiar interoul ta Hallan os he includen an Acton tarmhnase and pamIn on location in Oakville. Irene Dredge leaves R.R. 5 Iron Diredge bas bea the mail carrier as R.R. 5. Mâtos tor the paît aise years. Eftec- tive December 1 she le retir- istlit beai. "Il iket inaottejob mli BELL ahpsofce "hIl bcsid inan i=eve. -lbe peape along F II the route are very aie la me FO and l'Il miss tl." hics. Dredge sotters with artbrllls. Larcy Pbllhps mho ba R. R imilI ie isclstlag 0.R. 5 in bistaties.Tme route cavers the Third andtFrth Lises up 10 15 Siterad and heimees Fine and 10 aiterooda. Mrs. Drctge sa the mite ot Rtobert E. Dredge. They bave tive marriet chitdres ast tour grasdchildrea. Prior la, ber job mith the posl attire she morbet os a mallreaa aod o sales rlerk. -There arc bagis MME Champion clamileis. Rd tbem ant sec. --Sanla came la Toronlato Ootortay. He'D pap bits ot- ticial visit la Milton Oatsrday,8 Nov. 30 at 2 p.m. I. -Thse aid CNR stotian an Branle St. han hems jocked su, la Uty ParkaIth = orl entrincsi ta lam, wbere IL mIll serve an a Chamber af Commerce information boooh. BROS. ULI. EPUIULE FUEL SIL IILIVENY SAVE 10% ON THE FAIRIC 0F TOUR CH01(1 Phono Today -Free Estimates 878-9094 Moin St. At Commercial Have yoar forniture ~. beautifully re-upholstered. Choose from hundreds of fine fabrics. Vou receive a 5 year written guarantee covering workmanship. MITO UPi HOmi S:[' TEg Ri: FG Buffalo roam at Rattlesnake Wbat do yoo hnam about buttala' Have yoa everaseen anea of r native animais i ta notual habitat? Tbis San- day, Nov. 20 belmeen I p.m. and 4 p.m Maltan Ragian Conservation Authority n in- viting the publie ta cîem the AI the Buffalo Compound, Lamer Hatîlennabe Point north on Walber's Lîne o con malbk alono the 0rucr Trait a nd oec the battolo as bey ba ve lived for centuries. tlibes bave been arranged by Gary MotIon. bialogiat mtb OCRA.' Cottec and hot chocatate 'inlbe served t iaitors. ARTHUR A. JOHNSONO D. OPTOMETRIST 214 Main So. Mi lbon 878-3673 ChiId& WorIcI thvir nem ..orrcand- inca.. l'ail 'tsar Walcome Waon Montrs MRS. 8EV G113SON MRS. 007 KUEHNCAUM How to wasSeeeg îhu itn a- flgr WTHE GREAT ESCAPE. D)îî'l hiîlssi iIiiuang Lui5 \Ousacr walls hecaîhe. Of1 cisars. lieis niaNî hc icîcaping ini %inte1r an i .11r.ssdiiuomnc, an sacovnier. BîI thai issu tltio c dciti iý - itchY an\OSii.\. BRING THE OUTDOORS INDOORS. Ncî'cr luif a fiîiccr ti uta the %v ioai Once agaio. Na osas hc c, .c.lîog lîcî. hîîl ali thal fresh' aiîr \% iii qua.lil ssou h . ia sîîoc nature ho\~ uih ai .s acone \ car rounid ciild. LET YOUR LIMTE LIGHT SHINE. Here's a bria-ht idca! Leave sîlor idodaci lthtinciii .111 oight lîîogg._ t Iîî be a %vaste aie clctric- ltv. bal satîl bc i aircrîli. Bcsidc.. sîîîî'll ocscr haNe co 7 tivc oil.î iii CREATE A BURNING SENSATION. Hcrc's .1 ocs qu icl.ic rccipe idca Yau clin crc.tc.îauî hi ocs cr toroiog hc guis dîîcn an siorstiic. Let thc llitoe cîiok thc sîdes oîfîîîîîr pan is v , cil ,îs the handie t'r ic ,îo îooîîl la orsconsatiilo. ('harcîtal fiaiîiiicd stc.îoîcd i coc.tibhies.Thes 're sure lii jr c\ cn thc l discrîiîonaliog laste hod. 011 THE WHEEL0F FORT'UNE.(~l llik rtiilh r.An n rabe Ilt ina ngbils WfliDfl ORS NaUralGCM& Enery ttSworthsvi THE SWEAT BOX By lolling yoordtyer roouon endiesss'. voor permanent press ocili ho perraocolly wrinklcd. Bol aI loost yoo'll hc selting a cholr acm trrad ia fa.shion.Think ofi the iodividualily you'll achieve ais a prune. if voo fail 10 soc thec Iuîviiio ail cîfthis. Ihon lif't a linger. Ni poitio il aIt vourself. 1Enorgy conservation starîs c, 11h you And h a c a hlp. hut rnbeig Jodoa tho mh uc sweht B o mppe are sîull wasliog cnergt. Sa lhînk befare vîo mîsle. Il's vîllr Oiu one Isîac Sîer s,îviac Rcmcmbcr. Lîit a lingcr (oi kccp (hî pol troîm boiling over. Shol the taîndaows Keep the Ihericoostat set ai a constant terrpfer- ature. Insolale. Shut the taps completoir off. In aother words. do your part. Now lift yoor wholo bond and give yoor. .self a pal on the bock. l'ror ail of us. aI Union Gos. cOSIFOT SERVICE PHONE le-S38O

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