Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Nov 1974, p. 16

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16 Thai Canadian Champion, Wed., Nov. 20, 1974 2/ 3 acre; nery scevic; close o 401. $65.900 48 acre tares; Mohawki Racemay area; excellent financivg. $115,000 3 bedroomn home iv Dorset flarc; evceîîeev fitancing; $6,000 dose. $53000 Stsag broadlooes; double garage; oner moved, $59.500 Gary Thomvas, mgr. 878-2366 Muriel Dubien 877-6281 FOR Audrey Neaial 878-5339 Joan Johnston 877-7210 874 Toi OHC officiai says 2,320 acres can remain in agriculture use Real Estato Division IINauna > 57 George St. S. I'*nnn~.~/ Bram pton OPEN HOUSE Weekend Ocdy 1.30p.m.- .30 p.m. 5Shlermsan Coart Georgetown maxi,00 4 adrones, 2 starey, tamiiy room, heondlovet. 274 Detrev alvd.- Georgeton $Mgo0, 3 itedraces iactnpltb, tamiiy rocsn wth firlaptade. double garage. OFFICE 457-8900am hu oy medot lans for lite area aom oued conî lite pochn inot b i aerr se oa prelode lv Ia concert Procetor a id hie hoped denetopinent cooid tokJ ploe in thut oreo when lte turne cornes and could bc crried oot in concert with brou4 pro- vincial poticies and refionol ob)ecised . Cooncillor Jtm Watson thal the region intended lv pot o freeoe on that ores ood keep il os permoneot agrctorlatnd, Proctur soId tt wooý faie. He noied tht cohune hne irom tme to tme. The tond iv qoontios b ooodd Upper Base Lioe RdFfth LIse Derry Rd. lest and the Eighth Lise. Wotoon oho Iod eortier chorged the province hod nswipe;d"ý the tond oa lite ren bel l. - odee if those torndowsers in the greenheit those inth oftre ecean centre. He noted one was ptuvned ton t.oosing and one as a service corrtdor. Affects peine Proctor soid lie cooldo't onswer thot question bot indi- cated te Greenheit tegis- lu ion wootd affert lte price oflthe tond vo agrotdegree Proctor vos cii levge for An officiel vi:, liepinciotn = meroent omrdMilto Cov itMndiay nigtt lit Il lte bon and enion sse bltock of tond l ieooir portlvi Mitton etontd remoin iagicotrl seliaIlt oay il o iy Stan ro th ie Ontario ilosing Corporation bold Concit ltaI lte province had poid oser $12,000,000 for 2,320 ocres in former nortt Oit- ville and lte province hon designledl Oie ores os a luIure urban centre. Proclor said lte fOvers- ment mvved in tv cool speculotive selion lit a s otready hapesi ng He "id ne lterOH Cnoir teprovncoe 5Sacres; flup apprGved troul pond; minutes tram Milton. $69,900 4 bedroomi home le Dorset Park; large lot; 91/ý percent mortgage; excellent condition- $57,500 Excellent valve; eear country ochool; pla- sure to show. $56,500 9 percent esortgage; on quiet court; priced rmght at. $53,990 Open 9 'tii 9 MORE DETAILS CALI 8-2365 r. Line 826-1030 Warren Crawtord 870-7487 Joan Thomo 877-6342 Bill Corre 878-494U s coonicil hofore buos h p tracts of land. He aid lte province lied certain tacho- quil fgollooed ohes onsmhlint tond osd hod .e.rnedi tooldte ver feo pe nto its confidence. Hle keep lte price dlown. Peoor euid ie ooe soore oi lte concers shoot saving ufricoult latnd. He ctaiied tth and aisig ustd ta a freater eotent for agricultore n00 thon il bitdtieen in lte pont. He nvled mmre tracts ovente and otiter tracts were tesed t0 torones wasling land 10 orit. Clent tact McGeacitie espreseed coscero shout Oie efiect lte goneroiment acquisition wiSl have os lte towns ion bae 4d os advimed 10 piraents Oie case hofore Oie mialater. lents it in wiasg Counicillor Rues Peowdiait asited Proctar 10 prvide council with a ",=dn tse ment iron lte minioter in- dicating ltaI lthe final United Church V plan church reps United Chorcit Woinen met on Mvvdsy, Nov. 10 in lthe fettoothip rovin of lte Christian Edocotion Centre, ith Mes. Chartes Thomson, firot nice-president in Oie choir usd0a gond ottandance. Mes. Thomson rend o poemn ity Thomas Grant Springr lte thoogitt hoinf,"WitO moites life wortt lte living in or fivif and torfiviof", lolloed ity proyer. A melcome mas estended tu att, and thanvito l Mms. A. Clementa convener vi Oie bazaar and everyo oho minutes and Oie treasurers stalement mon ginen hy Men. O. Fontheestane. Unit reporta oece recelned. Unit 4 hadl s tonr vi Oie new lihrory, ohicit vies a ooggestion ta otiser usils. Amng lte lellers vi Oiha rond hy Mes. MeGeselve, corresponding secretary oas ton es iev. Bnib RumbaSI. Unit 2 inviitd hum lv their Octohor meeting. and aaited att omis and lte congeegation 10 heor hies, Ask industries, . Constinued teom Page i Dring his speech hie traced said tome ood mort in lte changes in coreectional indoslry dorinf lte day and services and exptaioed lte h poidlthegring rate for lte difieronce holmeen lte caes job they do, etaxed and nend îronted in provincial centres moneji home to support their and iodera t prisons. lomities. Only titone serviog sen- He said there ood hoe tensso 51 ts thon 10 yours acommodation for 200 in the goopoincil contres. liiey odoîl truinisg centre and ar=caly for crimes of o onolter 200 in lte correl- son-violent netore. tional centre. About 135 Thte Mininler comeonled staileen mutl ho reqotred foe on lte recent contrversy the operaolion. aout itrotalty in rorrec- PotIer noled the comptes tiosal centes and jals. 'if wus ronning about 200er 25 fer there is hrotatitp, oe don't cent over bodget. Eselier oanl il. Sut lten on lte other estimstes vi $130000100 for band, pou have 10 cealie lthe jobt are especled nom tv ltene people are ont desllng jump lv $1100,10 heore wiith a Sondap scitaci clans. compleliosni lte lacility. They esay ho pressured lv Oie Use ianliliea point ohere lhey have lv PoIler bold o reporter liai manhandle soins of temr. If commonity ose oftIhe Oiey dida't, they'd have ltaïs resceulios fucilition in Oie itondo hashed in." comp tes rould hoe rraoged, lise Mlaistarnsaid there mac ho eat iIeorement anI euqory ilv tieseo bitl vol iten worteouI and paitemo. 000 andieion securily ood have lv o itis otdl elimaiote Port.o orngeti. the proittees deelsion aitout lte ose of land wll optieein ores c 1ocl Proctr eed Coatcillor ArtMeitn tacite diliterent etldle n u clg uo. dHe cesgratvioted roctar so HC on honin toreaigit enoogit bathoik lit tond and oorit towseda pesnidisa lower cotitalg aid. =oecomtor h ocaonnt litas prolo, said lte conocil- lor' slalenet os lise niceet ilag he bil iteard all omit. Iomen irs Mes. LadItle Cote ordered lte oeo study ioteami Maodaten foe 1,74-05 Mes. H. Cooln etreoned te snda on lthe Chtristian and lssioonry Edacalion, and tapa ami paes saitahie for titree-yosr-olda, in lise Sac- day Ochool. Mre. Grop eesphasloe lise news n lai Stemardaitip and Vocation report. Mms. C. Fay covered citizemshp and social action and finnces. lise Grahamn Hatl han heen pointed and traee ort tewinAoms aee ltoodeid hy lte comesitlee, Mre. Wileer Thtompson, Mes. Otan Love, Mes. H. Coulon and peident Mes. J. Gilhort. Otter binessm items and social plans hene heen complteed csors for lise , an i te ne o flo ri g rrtte main entrance ta lte churct. Clotingneedeli Somne timety commienta on Oie antique, arts ami crail exthiliion ami nile Nov. 30 in lte Graham Hall oece es- pindlie cenvener, Mms. J. M thoii Mes. J. Gilbhort r ae acnise report ofthOe r-eni.t lery meeting and some sacta ntatîng lteFred Victor Mhiaion inee gond- second clothing and canned tond. Annoier oit mas front, Koros for Candien coreop- ondenta. A mini honaar la hoef slg Do.fm lila.-t Onhh m v t otls U.C.W., Mes. J. Gilbhert, p1ondent, peonna Mes. C. 'A. Hum r iOi an emioeoed lestiter osîlel and tey case. j (hrnth Services J THE GRACE ANGLICAN CHU RC H Reclon, 0ev. Duncan Watiace. Otgavist. Robert F. Aroal Sonday, Nov. 24, 1974 SUNDAY NEXT BEFORE ADVENT 0.01 o.m.-Hoy Communiotn 0.30 a.es -Senior Chutait Scitool 10.30 arn-Matins and tares s 10.30 .m.-Junior Soolise 3iear aaa elnome Yua recseChuch BOSTON AND OMAGH PR ESBYTE RIAN CHU RCH ES Mivister, Rnu W O ternis,. A., .D. 070 4420 Sunday, Nov. 24, 1974 Boston 9.30 .m.-Worsip Service~ k Chancit Scitool (nursery fclte)Oesaoit 11.*00 a m.-Worsip Serove & Churcit Scitont. (eursery lacitîent. Yoaarewelcometo worsipwltita. HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHU 0CH The Pentetal AssenSties ulCavoda Wakefield Rd. and Hon. 25 Postur: Onu. M.> Chinstcvses Tel. 878-2064 Thc Lord's Day Svnday, Nov. 24, 1974 9.45 o o -Suvday Schvot 1 100 ..MorninvoWonaitip 6.00 po .Faesity Prayer 1.00 y.m -n E Ovevnni F.uavgetistid Service dtedvesdlay 8 p.m.-Frayer avd Bibte Study. "Whonevcn nitait cati on lte sanef th1e Lord shahho nsve.' Rom. 10: 13. PR ESBYTE RIAN CHU RC H N CANADA KNOX CHURCH MI LTON Minlier: kv. Peter aareow Iteim Muderaior 877-1252 Onoovist: ons. L. Vtasitîom Sunday. Nov, 24, 1974 11.20 arn.-DIvIne Woraip 0ev. W. K. Palmer, M.A. of St. Davîin' wttl preachin 1 cosinectio aiith the covoregalions cat lue a mivnter. 9.a5 a.m.-Seetor Churait Scitont 10.45 a.rn.-Janlor Chorsit Scitool 7.00 pes.-oung PeopleaS Society Normery lacltion avallaitte. EMMANUEL BAPTI ST CHURCH Commercîi Strect, Milton. Pator. Dr. J. R. Armstîrong Sonday, Non. 24, 1974 9.45 a.rm.-Sunday Scitool endi Pastar'a aible Clan lue adals. 1100o s.m.-rman "Adams and EvtI' 7.01 Pes.-Sermos "Jasas ta Commen Again" Toenday, 10 a.m-Cliae Hosnaand aBile Stdy. larlus your preýshitieeni. Wedvosdoy 7.30 p ._. meceting Ion proyon and Bilte Study. Came ami BrinO a Friandi CHURCH 0F CHRIST 1412 Britaena Rd.. Weub Minister Richard Forsyie 878-25% Sunday, Nov. 24, 1974 5o ..-Stitte Scitaci classes tor at1 agen. i 1.o a.s -MorneR Woesitip 8.00p.rn.-Preai'vof thte Gospel, ST. DAVI D'S and NASSAGAWEYA PR ESSYTE RIAN CH URCHE S Mlnser; 0ev. Douglas Lowry 854-2157 Sunday, Nov. 24, 1974 Sermon llsie-"My Frayer lue Yac' Epltesliaea3: 14 -21. Naasséaoaya 9.00 am.-Citorcit Scitont 10.00.m.-Worsttp Service St. Davîd's l1.s a.ni-Charct Scitont ami Woraitip Service ST. PAUL'S CHURCH 0F THE *UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA masn St. aI James SI. Minitoen. Res. C.A. Haîiner O.A.M. Dia. Grganist and Choir Leader. Mns. Harold Magee Sunday, Nov. 24, 1974 11.00 a.m.-Worsip Service. Sacrement of Baptiani. 11.00 a.m.-Church Intact Nurnery Pacltities Avaltaitte Ailane Weinoie MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 0ntariu St. O. 878 2022 Chriinv gatvttvd m the LordiJesus Christ Sonday, Nov. 24, 1974 10.20 a.m.-Brnatlso Bread 12.15 p.m.-OSudatt Schoot 1.w pes.-Gspet Servile Wedossday, 8 p.m .-Prayer antd Bible maiding. Att Are Wetnmslnt TitssoServIces. Jasos sld, i1 am te doue; hp me if any mas ener siteh alih savei." Jeho lois, FOBERT H. FOBERT REAL ESTATE LTD. 22 Ontario St. S., Milton (ACross from Plaza) FOBERT 22 Ontario St. S. Miltov 878-2365 TOTOLJ 02 61 030 WINTER'S A COMIN' ON- GET COMFORTABLE IN ONE 0F THESE BEAUJIFUL HOMES FROM FOBERIS BEFORE THE BAD WEATHER SETS IN!! Rate Dayers.. . Dontiouad tronm Papi1 ollollos Contrai front or igtosd te raet- onpantaioold hoe dloated logelta a industrel comptes s lte recycled paper. Obsolesceace Titat group eeitoed lthe entimeoto of GP? con- eroing rdoction ot garitage t source aod deplored the oli obsoleseence of glass oisinera. Usdiio lte P'ederatioo of ,grlclture aod the Es- oeaig Ratepayer grnp, CPcooceotratedthie ltroat f1 lat on recycllog sud eclamation techtniques and Id n01 dm1l wlit oiere Oie cloul site sitootd hoe. The Federation aoited o tiler of quesionsof nI 00 .ensmlith, lte McLaren ýblt ived Wolfedaswr nosome caam aod no answers v otero. The Federalion's nra et lles a olroog stand and. luit Johnason presnsed o :ompltee critique nf lthe iLaresn Slody n itealf vi 'UARD. Joitoson position enllnu o le honoe ogainot asitary luodfill sites in eonerai. He claties lte landfill sites are anytilg bot snoilury and couId li reptaced ity modem techanlogy wititin tive yonrs. Johnsoooclims lthe nýecommeoded sitl i) clone Ici s atresta systei n sd nitoold o l ho placed on prime ogricoltoral teod. Johnson bold itis puper he'l unnootnce tuter titis omit, o sites Iha couid ho osedt wiithot oslng isrmlsod or endanering treaitt or inlerim peritd. Warkas comsnttee choir- mus Jacit Rafil said lte committee wold ho loviio 010 lite slody in deptitand ood comsider lte recom- meondations iv conjoniction wiit lthe minintry 'o on- noocenient ofis reclumotion site for Hallon and Peel. Wo'ro Yens u Champion sa availe ns Wednliay ai the tvoolvOv esdeaters HA LTO NVI LLE imnîinga Gainerai te BROOKVILLE McLeond' Stoe ACTON Avion Smoka Sltap Jisn l andi OuI Royal il utoe GEORGETOWN Stavons Store Fandiepos tora Joe's Tuck itep Deiren ISole Situe SPEYSIDE Speyaide Generai Store HORNBY Hoenby neral Oite Country Fea DRUMQUIN Drviquint olre PALE RMO Palerate Stoe cailing's Statlon LOWVILLE Robtsotn Golf Mount Nemo variety Lowvîlîs Varieiy KILBRIDE codtes Solre CAMPBELLVILLE Muohawk tInn Esely's Garae aobas Truck Stop MILTON HEIGHTS Oaviau Vaia57 Parkside Geeeral Store ln and Around MILTON Cholet Restaurant, Des Drop In, Hvod's Restaurant, HocdsDriuveln, Barin's Essu, Ailfonsos Fruit Markt, West End Meals, Millesn Varlety, Fln.h 005001 Din larris Stallonery. Bechers Store lTe Champion, Einieyas Pitarmasy Laddlis lupai' Save, Milton Delicalensan, M/ilitn Drus Mari. Plaza Smoe Shop. Caravan Restaurant, Maics Mutk, A7eunvie, Rtnaurant, Milton District Hlospitl 10-25 Service Station.

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