-Mneyl RUA LTOR COUNTRY LIVING IN THE CITY On equiet trou iteedtret le Goeiph.This eider type Otrey bick home stuated en 1/ 3 acre oter maey tenture: 2 erge bedreeete ep wth huga cieol ;high seiinge oe ground aval living mont witho irepiace; sepecte dni o m ei th a ooeveiet pas. throgh te ktchen. aed a rd bedreem. den or etice. Just $42,9W. Cait geryt Diqice (519 8n3422. HAVE A HAPPY NEW VEAR Bp mevIeg peur tamiiy Ite thie cstom but. 3 badreem brick bungalo ec ½/ acre nier Highay 25 soth et Acten. Large tivin reemn wth leg brice irepiace, saparate dinieg rm, prtiatiy ftiihed ec rsem. 11/ bath. and piitered weii tebe paietedtyor chceeofceiecr. AskIeg eciy $4900. Clt Jane Wrner (59) 8532918. HERE'S A COUNTRY CHARMER JUST RE- DUCED 509odedacrcemnpitewth riverendplcnc Islanld. 3riet sotemer cabin, 0»0 mtai cied base and a rear brick bcngalow with meny blitin sores. 00.1 mis. tri. rare proerty et $9450. Finemcice arrenged. Cati Brbara Lad- beater (59SitU064855. INCOME PROPERTV 5 apartmetl, 3effces pu. a 2M s q. n. nees ceccrete bock buiding. 90fi. retage ec maie treet ln Bckweed. PrIced et $110.000 and Oener wciiiheid trt mrtgage on ecelet terme. Cti Barbare Ledbater (519) 8-4M5. F. PENNFV REAL ESTATE LTD., Country Cornet EARLY CANADIANA Nstied amecg mature cape, flTs atmoepherto 2 toey home, Bieatituiiy ritored throvghout Feetring, 5 bid rooms. cetre hall with winding qoatt etircase, separte dInIng .eem. botte'. pantry. tormolliving00reem and lerge celenial kitchen. esored barn and garage crate e cbarm- Ig curtyerd aemspbasa. Att tris on savn e ly acres. Okiie-Mlitge location. Aking 120,000. Excelet terms. CENTURY FARM Locted 5 mie romMiton ln e aneiy seting mith e megnitIcent view. Oneint 2 tesey home (centra hai, and 4 large bdreems. etc.)Itmmecoiateiy kept trsaughout, 2 cer garegeend trgebenk hern. Excellent set up for he'se term. Vende' cli hotd mortgage et reasonabte rates. Aaking 1200.000. BEAUTIFUL NASSAOAWEYA 23 ecree et rettIng tend wth mate.boeh and pringe. eer- ai excelent building ites. Abut 10 acre. ptanted ln Rase- terry giones agad yertyIncorne. Vende' ciii hotd lt mort. gage et 10 percent. ACR EAGE 10 acres and up. Leeipbuiding os, se witr trees and pend. Dont ceit tilt pieg, boy nec and buitd tter. oued tem s. For f urther nformnatioes on these properties please catli cge WInther M-57549 or res. 853-1990 and 878-5131. 12raiga Ra, agil E.W. STONE LIMITED, REALTOR 123 ) 845lgar admakv61 Lakshore Road W., akville OOem2l TR EAL1Y AND MB E INSURANCE BEST[ID. TRAFALGAR SOUARE 310 MAIN ST. M ILTON A.E.LEPAGE vi1 E05S CONTINUOS SERVICE Mm br h e To ronto, Oakviicand Bramoptvn Rèai Estate Bords MINI FARM 50 ecree-JSmworkabie, 1Sacres coaded t 90evcelent e e aspringt; ed pond. Base sutebie tes terses, tramne houle. vinyi cied, nom 80mnae and 3 plae bath, large kitchen, liing meomt, plus4 bedrosems. yendvr 09,11 heid mortgage. Total asklng prlcc $5.00. foacres-c05ser property,easkieg 50,000. Vendorowili teke back earg. i rst me'tgagc. COUNTRY ESTATE Large tor tedroom, separate diving 5000e, ground tiser tamiiy room oith tir epiace. dn. livingrooon, large kitchon. double garage, maey etras. Extre large cre lot. Liste et $104,9. caeil eeriy to ses tris ic, home. GOOD LISTINGS NEEDED.- ALL KINDS. F00 LISTINGS-TRANSFEBS-SALES F0060COAST TOCOAST FOR FRIENDLY INFORMATION ANDORgEAL ESTATE SERVICE DENZIL LAWRENCE 878-9543 OAKVILLE 845-4267 368-4121 The Canadian Champion, Wed., Nov. 20, 1974 15 Halton 181 Main St.E. Real Estate Ont.19 Ltd./ Large 2 storey br, tlrst t1095, 2 b.d seprate etrance and hydro e. be $59,500. Cli 0evt CAM Brick bungao, lot SiZe 100 .4 Priced tesel t $6 FOR ALL YCI Mau rce CANAI Haltor TAN K _Tri oiwmn Bargaîn!!! Beat the high cost o living and lice ln this home for the samne cost as retIng. Aluminurn siding on front and sides. Three bedrooms. This home needs some mrk but the lot alone is morth $25,000-00. Close ta scboos-good area. Calt Dan White. Only $29,900.00. 21h Acres - Escarpment just isted, this magnificent 4 bedroom home nestled in a heavilY wooded 21/2 acre lot, only minutes tram domotown Milton on the Escarpm0tst level. Double garage, lamiiy room with fireplaco, separate dining room, ocquisite kitchen with bult-in stove, oves, dishasher, central vac system, ail broadloomed. Watch the birds amid the lowering white birches and hickories tram any window. Cstom butIo 1973. Coul Bec Cassidy. Priced ta soul at $119.000,00. Three bedroom brick bungalow in good area $47900.00 Executige ratch ioaded with extras. 15 rooms iu al - $6190000 Three bedrxom brick bungalow with fiished liing area lu maikout ltwer letel. $55900.00 Three bedroom sttrey aud a hait aluminum home in Milton Heights. Very cleat. Good value. Askiug $39900,00 lVo storey rick home in Milton Heights. Extra large lot. Large liiving roxm. Froit trees, good garden. Famiiy home. Listed at $59900.00 Duplex - fuiiy retoated, excellent condition and location. $5450000 Two storey, four bedroom home-Dorset Park, across from a park and schooi. Firepiace, 2 car garage. Beautiful condition. $5890000 Fite bedroom older brick home ou uearly an acre. Very weil maîntaiued. Lots uf character. $6950000 3 bedroom bungalow. Large garage, paoed drioe. lu immaclate condition. Large liinig room and kitchen. $4590000 4 bedroom, aiuminum two storey borne, central location. Large lot. Couid ho a duplex. $5590000 Ater hors. Mike Ledifh Jim Baley Bec Cassidy Ross Cescon CaBest Real 878-4118E Toronto Lice 826-, 878473 878-6506 87:-4294 8782755 MEMBERS OF THE OAKVILLE REAL Ity Today -4915 Mitch Laleunesse 78-,5861 Bob McCuaig g78-2894 Donna Murray 878-9744 Dan White 878-3001î ýL ESTATEBOQARD OWNER TRANSFERRED 4 Bedroem home ln Immacuiete condition, guality broadioom throughout, large teeced lot. 00cr. wanhd-oners have bought. Aklng $59.9009 QUIET STREET Omvnerleaviel pravince must sait his attractive wvli kopt homne on large tonced lot-dO ox 120. Sildng glass doors rm dining roam ta large codas deck. Mar' interesfiig etras include billard fable and evvipOent. Cati nmc 0vvico. 16uA Just Suth vofMiton. cvt i-trse barn 30' cM6', ruitf and strongly recommende MOHAWK RACE WAY AREA $2,00. Negiucnd forqutk ng ot 0 i0 arge 250 font rontage. Noolytfencedo h d iled l. Idcai forhose ten. Al pemts aveelbe - HESPELER- NEAR 401 $09900 Uniqueesa.eo MILTON acre of landscapooi grounds, broom brick, 2 storey ottorlng er0k homo, i bedsoom Oapartenton00 huge 05mai living roose olti edroom eaprtment on second ct marbin Olsopace. Lrge lOvl ceand laneway. Eech pay ooofheet dnlflOsoomO, eetlonktchoe, ione and sent the Cther. Aklng coy library. Master bedroomn 'y Bradîrg 878-4191 rs. 870-6716. vlth filsopice. 4 moe spa- clous bedrooms pus extra kitchon. Beautitul staIcse oitto siined glass window, OPBELLVILLE NORTH triple garage. 3 bedrooms,tfullibasoeent, garage, CAMPBELLVîLLE 35' uiiy enced. Eoily possession. W S W,200. To iew cali Muriel MacMilan W S $ 4,900 Stone type, 3 bedroom bungalow,. itoated o oeil treed20acre lot. Bright large 060030 ktchen, paneed living roore with filepiace, cheery sur. roum. Smai barn, driveshed and garden house. )UR REAL ESTATE NEEDS EAST ACTON Phono: 62,900 5 bedroof, 2 storey brick home. Living room and se Beaty- 878-6418 -Res. taoiy rSmeoith tire~plac. 451-3341 -Bus. Lre 4pe Prcent irsi mort. RepresntinoHIGHWAY NO. 6 IDA TRUST REALTOR SOUTH OF 401 )n and Peel Division. re home witto hoge coun. 8M-TF try itchen, living room, sep. ara te d.inig 1000 , smmer 1k itchen suitable tor toolir room pus 3good sizehdcl rom.. 75 acres ot topnotch toarmiaed, balance hush tream. Oniy 11,500 par acre. Vendor i Il hold mortgage et 9 percent. EDEN MILLS Orly $24,50. Cute starter cot- tdge, on large treed villege it IRE L EIAI ~DOK BriOght cheery k ichee. p0Oel ldlvn Slarge hed. rom Nw uracepfumb- ng androof.Good foanceng WILLIE ESSERY (519) 8245054 (416) 8549963 86m30 ,çlaPa arton $51.00 CUSTOM BUILT Attracti ve and spaciouo. brick and stone bungi Mlary interestleg teatures inv iode floor to celling rnarbe firepiace in living roonS. large separate d rS'm; broadiaom and custom drapes sP0 condiftio.Large lot 700126. 050100 $60.000 OFFERS WANTED The brand newcu stom Sclit home eatures dot doars tolargeoentranco hall wlth mlrrosOd cios spaclous iving rom, dlning roons bas sidino doors to bock gardon. large kitctocv and break area, finishcl a, y roomwith fireplare, magnifi veform evey wedo. On larg lot - 15 te25 Evcellentivocation Ist west of 2highway. so 0200 .$4,000 ACRES $49900 isto buit 4bedrom hme, W111l ScîlO 3 bedrvvm brick Ovgalo n îto trefrcl4bodroo hme. affractivelvf Featringinished rec rom ande; de treS1,tistisevsmet bdroom nbasemnt area paved drive and gar lad 0 $25.00. overs have bgught. Ses it naml FOR THE BEST SELECTION 0F HOMES IN MILTON CALL STAN THOMPSON Real Estate Broker 878-24551 gaow 11. sorey, 3 edroonl brick 1 hite 1 homo. large livng rovm, dlning ilargckifchon. hachelor 00105$ apartment opsfars, soit contained, fllii hoemOft alth rec room andoextra bedrvam, chowns and tvlef, 'u car garagea, ilarge orner lot, cloe t laso Evcelient terrrs 0afe arrangcd. $49,500 Stella Parton 878-6705 t,2 gubie ose., glass FARM ACREAGE 1 taît firvof WANTED 2500fi. Froml10 acres and up ith or . th of wthouf buildings. Sultehie for horses. Fvrcovnidentiel and tree evauativn piease Ingo Winthor 845-7549 or oes idnce 853-1990. EW.Stonie L., Roal W. Okvillie READ THE WANTADS large 'rage. &-30 1 1, ý P! A[ FUA 1 8fi Pl Il 86 RIAL ESIFATE 1 1 ý t, P, f A i i MAIF 1