Bowling 10 The Canadian Champion, W.d. Nov 20, 1974 Fedleration rnerbers Youth bowling. asked to endorse 02~02 00802002 2208 lji II nJicultu*re*~ PEWEE8G2OIRLANOO McoSXI and OO2O. 207 1z2Mo87e .r022070h 110271525"'1il 5 and00a 117 g252 don 0281secon .2Ila ton 2 .200 l 2uant20 Au225 ha a flant 18, 0222000 0C2 ho-115,0080 12 ,10 .11011 ,,12 24071,0522 JoO CSioh' -I10, :104 single. )-t77.10g57777 1 . b010201 Brc.Liait tank th.2hig5 doubl 25780 a 22 double an K M2 01577 2752 d teoSi28doubl 1.,8le, d ouble20, 08778 Jarvis0111î. Le C71-1-189, Lyon Mlnoosh-IOO, 011001 1Cu2.71C75875.7 7075 ood a8 22 dm527 55wh7l20Annette0Brown an2 25717Gray727 7175152200180 Shelley Eoski- th7-0a 52oîîîîlSlt177 il 587 f1787 for7 . 199d1.10er seco0-,9Nice bea750, 5221 in be secod1177 tare.-1, 111 11l57 0102 00257 a8811 and7Shelly20c0207 , .0153 ,In 500757100305 tuait se d = ace1127h50022,1108a15 Wason 'd a 5 05,085022 e5a552 Diane52ervaisoad30.12021 255011Standings1are1as0711 007 Puy0itte i Inf7rtM18 cew 11 2 tean wt180points.7Kim 7022008' 875,72 ne7w27 1.010 100 002an1 .Ic101518- e ta1870l'0î 7100 8'050110, tes^ ta d fa7st7n..1.11mi0»0ni 0a72222c20 ,ne75 a07.n. f2770l088115 Il71.0 Oo NTAM O YS 205 28 577,01,77257 8571 2100 0came 1 14 si00170215081 1"P12Il27200527555 ie258 5221711 77C0770082 w51072"115175"220015027lit, 32 .5 ul1158ecod.i0Un8fo y l'05e 51755gh271 Team Sta.dIn a, 70e 0am8- At Mohawk . T7,î Sheridan Coleg o- men0 27,12compte ih fonr ,,hnn 72212ge and uisensiy studeol, in the lîstIntoercol' 2771211e H anoeso Dnîsîfl Ch711lpionfl2kp aI Mohawo Racevay, Canplellville, CnynReîd,2-f 71Mssis' 027717 2«74,del.oAylvand, 2, o Hîîel.gton. enroled in Sheî dans Adanced onne- 2520521. Couse have loen selected tonepresent the col- ege t57722715BerinStOalles in g aks le. 1h77 hey hase taoed on the last lhnee moths 17 25701 cmimîllloo Racev'ay in New Voor, Fn. day, No. 2. The ofodeolo mli loe dn.siog eulannraceway pacnf c2110 ttinog eseni. Eotrans 0f7087 the Univensity of Guelphkr Gary Eagleson. 21 ot Park' il, asd Alesander McKn lay, 21. Ane Coseos, of Woodbidge and Solo Scott, of Torntoo vlli repeset Hum-7 len College. Posl ime l5745 oîlilo e loecollegiae Campion-' ships ai I:45 Halos Federation of Agriculture iii Se asked 10 eodorse a Sejef dealing 25275 inceoises for agricultur as the rosios assual meeing ai Hilrest CSooch Dec. 4. The briefhus beendeveiop' mi ly a committee which e gesl5 timheFederatiofl. t"n. Halon oiIOandCrop as sociation 22, 177 yutAtgn. culure and Food aod other ioîerested persons. The brief ecommensla number of incenese,îOkep land inagiultureTnd sug geeoîofneziog of Prime agic72i5087IIland ssoStaI it 700 De u11872forno p0 pIose othen 1h00 agriculture. SPt to 102 (air The brief as Seeo a2s0urce of 70517'05770y 2870110fan' mes îhemselveo aod alOShe egional planning le2777. The commrittee bas met 25115 sonne 27ea7010011211, worked cIoselY wilS regiosol plannens and Sos maodepresentations tu the Niagara Escarpmeflî Com msson coocernilg land use matIens. According 10 commrittee 8e00en He1ny Stanley, the o5jec12il tu fid ways l077î725 agrieolîural land and 10 Se fair u t05e whO 0257 and The bnief deOIOis wta 02587 ber of a117702î7 25772 in 555275 157entives cao Se pno v.ded. enfiosal Panning dono.,the sdy. poiding Oe Zools, îox defenraIs and a oumbofono2 7577areas are proled in thereporî The .,omm,11e as me mf7ore7 157117 year n 11developiog the study. i pl i2ln2 po0inte white ths t7 0 :1 C507' 0025,»dCKyI2ý1 Chiait. te008. ObS710ce.j ut 17 points. JUNIORS 2 . o12201 logis te ha201Ce 527 a triple of 18 Satnsd.01 ~I70 5d2 0 211, 205187 0870001202 20202 oa e.,Phlîn Gray b570222 à 199 Logis, chrI0 20718-102 0and 201Date Mlray-'IOl. PhiWo 577Gray .-d p .5282 220 . 15, Kat 14 Eokiso lobthe2 525 trpleIî o: n 502 &adit554. 202ae Dam.. -1-528. 20520s oon-2 ami2 Dogmorto00005SO T200 Sandings are a 021l128'-87587 Cnos s.120a Eakins8 eaplate1son place01 Evt 3 o ints, 1 lied o 0 087002 220 i5 da70V11,2220em lio with0 1 te221108200001 Lym2e C502' t00001in 25 0018 another 00o2 week on Saturday. TherD wIde81225.171210e 2100 1h a206. 210and20. Tho'. 07,,,e"1051 000 a d 24 82 mg0.2tio 0le 8 5202211a0222 Pot Sales 520124. 210 d 0c- B0.c7k 2 cheu152 108 00872 0215 lus 20. 07052 m8l7d 10 and20 0020702001015le 87011522 520 00878 o22 510210. r 087280115Oa20 and 20 ad Ji8 CI-nidge w00 in 1528e 8180 0115 d 1D- f,2 208 d a1102t0ul722 16 50, 52010 Blckok-ý5, 0ean 2507-562 2, nVandefV122- 51, 2187CIOI'712087'15, David 1278010z-53 and 22 Con- 1. 1 Tes8m Sandigs are e d f2Ilooo-David Smith'$ t18087i V207Ith . 260point. ami J52 5" ConoO' te2m hos a total1of25 points te 1ak2 252r2 place. 75,0, tes87ma5202 5285 1-y7clos02f2t25h h oo. -r777110021', .Snors7. 022717op the d rit kilh the 52,11270 an2 0'lI 0sec7111 rat n -k at 0outh BmI1ng 77 e loddeo n ornconsant Ask foe poins T5e report clts ior pole lomens 17urPhla 201177 105 es 0070b of Hgloay 401 wloene the lise is loîglly vis- ible. The pole t105577re0277 domîaisf ut more e70770 The epont alooo ugeos 15e17550 o Mloon20075,1 the roue with respecto the pro acynlth of sogh"vy402 and tofuture proposed urka deve2op877010inSe blocmk o ]aod etweeO the Milo Trnsformer 0ta1io0 and tke easterly b0undry of the tow ioduslially dsignaled lands noonh o Higkmay 401 HaIf-way house topic at Forumn 1964 a0d 1974 Stanley ClIps are beng shownin amovie at the F08787 ai Miton District Hg' chool. Tke publoiec ,.td to jointhe studnts t Le he action 07o87 1072072s agosaod tu compare il s Sis years' cup acion. Tomsorodeah wllIkbcilhe topc as guest DonSmth ot S28721212Fuoeo'ai Home in Burliogton wil ead a dscusoiononîîthe57phlosopky o funls and thein 287' portance in modern oomeiy. Fida y 0,1117 Gaia of the Churcl ofo The Millenium iii iead a discussion oinSe bliefs of thîs el isnmed churcl. Mooday'0 F78787 soli 0ke the f0787 o a day o recneaiion. Tuesday Oeve Bowling Kay direcisn of St. Leooda'd, Haftway House in Braaalea.1 wil tello the importance ofa1 hall 5577 house in helpng ex coosicts adjust 17 s0citY a1177 t hein 7727727 l,'om "on,- -- 0 -o ONE HAPPY WINNER in Milton Fîre epartme nt's recent pster contest wao clrsohr Croir 0 fHly Rosary School. Ne received a set of two Canadion silver dollars, presented by Fire Chief A. E. Clement at the school Thursday afternoon. Thse top girl in0 the local contest was Lenore Chioholm of R.R. 3 Milton, who is a student ak Brookville Public Sehool. Budgets start now lalîo Rnfisîî2ITneasurer hove ihem 17 15he 770170 Don F272577 hopes 20 have reasuren oy theond722of then 1975 Sudgeting pnces Decemben NHe opes 10 hase undnnoya5lmosit im18thfiveîsYean forecasts ready medately. oî, 2 1277' 10 Iaon eview bly 1he co2m11177 fiîalizig heuget 1772ly Apil ly Feb.21. 15 I.asyear nthe7121'lyean7of Aea municipl tra.sue'77egne00l gîsernmenO 7,22 h7 25k712 ,,î Jnaft 1157 57401ig osnt cmpleted yean capitl I l,,nr'7015and su2 i he 52872577 Lottery winner Milon lad 71 Iî',sl 2557o'n nrin Monday .osîlymPî op t- c teny dav. Mes Don M1771ni of 117 Lv- da Ave. vas s $].M wi5510 077 she dîdol 2.2,725site had 1 mo lîntl Tusdiî morn7lg vhensitSe calti, ilîs Cham- po toask wIS h le 20270102 05012eno were andnrecep- loîitMain I2,2iîl d hen thal 17.'ticket îas',a2$1,01 Shirley Sm. lghsids 1r. JENNING'S GENERAL STORE (HALTONVILLE) R.R. 1 - CAMPBELLVILLE e854-2593* * FREEZER BEEF SIDES Appox. 225 Ibs. Il . A$1,0Wlccharsipwilimbc Bowling LaishgsnleHd Ro .pitby firt and second pace 28;ldie25.s' high t 122ripe ude pro 1250 bs. 1 J.29, wmoers: 700 and $300 2MINOS ,g n1l17d8y ** Apo Pswtvev LUBO24 M0...7n 211. 187, 2501 S The hamponshlp, ailn ladies ho' 5gb tinpe. h527187 A770 Richards. n8 Lb '.î,ncd y thn Onario Jockey s;s 68000O0he, gn tilsJ05 . mhn n Èesd il~7POfY0U4, Hldo i 3,EteA1à Pr'Ces include Cttng, Wrapipnt, (lS.Iîl 7sI f mlii ISetirsI o 72 orothy111, arO 80 %2 and Freezing 5I rîîhenpresentillg O0152nmd trgesGinni 51 Canada in2an easero U.. sipeuli5Pel2 te 6l8715 i Rw ywo 8fr77 ,7ntcollegia edrisîng Adryo ,îL7jMýr Doi28,foYr17 3M6,îl MillieMTomasSLL QUALITY NOT QUAnTITY Jl ,.smpetitioll ai Roosevel 0 l" o o L1L I - AMcr HORNET ,from: ORONTE ST. josT mn of fospilL 878-2328 * ALSO NOME 0F14 JEEP CHEIIOKEE had 171, 25111071, bitsîo smsl ons.Sh held two tickets that wee727h 55<17121$1002 7 mn 121v l21.21 nber combina- ion a anoounced from iamilton Moday sîghi s15w 0oe32, SisKat. 7 for3 . I Folks2 fo3 'S!xp72& J OOor25 oke1801.ln8e0 o' 21, S1raa1ers72 for0. &.AL IR Oriel usi OURI%'UILumqw, LARGE ELECTO F SHOW LARGESOC IHTNWRE INe GanTsfOK en N eraElCENTRE &berliBA GCAMES PEOPLE P LAI Sensatiol n72 ew famTily tuon odîpel, ubber back. co tinosflameet, tow l1e21 up. ideal tor above on beom levels, cornes on 12' idîlos and a choice of Imo Seautiful colons. $1450 sq. yd EcXCITINO PCAME Kf FREE ONE TO A FAMILY, VITH A MINIMUM 20 SQ. YD. CARPET PURCHASE Order now and we will give you guaranteed Christmas installation SFLOOR 228 MAIN ST. MILTON FASHION 878-2067 5 q CENTRE Daiiy 9-6, Thurî. & Fi. - 9 p. .7 .7. '912-9?-1 870 - -* '7, - - Race competftion for six students -9 'V il 1 1 ~8TONEO.OF ONTARIO Wish to announce that 878-2351 is the local distributor of Coronado Stone Products of Ontario 151 NIPISSING Re. MILTON 88184 seat the RUSH vor SNOW TIRES rOeght 1GW Popular sizes lîke this Generai G78x15, go nstalled and baianced. ONLY 5 PR. Planners oppose new hydro line The roposed 500 Ke roule ceise endosoios frntm Ha- 1to0 Regloo's Plansing Com- mittee Memloensof17the co87252t00agreed Ilere vas very li00e ley could do abouti efused 10 sanction the action. The commitne espnesrd stll opposition t17257 oue as il aff7c52 Halton. The coomitee 87027 a concenisthenroute,lom' ee.Design and pule nn' v iemofaooerall anddetail- e4 plan of laodscapisg, efor estati011 ands 107e1120g 55 called on. The report nooed Oai due 10 tke openoess and1 flaness of the area blolomthe escapment, sucS orS 550924 have t10 e 7777.7 out i vis