Six ballots give mnayors police commission seats tas IX )NATIONS La.i year n ore than SA blond donors receivrd ther 1 00-dunationncerttic i ron the lRed Cross hin tran- suin servie This te latthnt atrdnr' 'v rA dnr rliits Ay each toi thAr recipients "'Yukon ttnntch" is anu tAhe Ytuhnn trrtney The niecre rirm the Tttugrt tudran wnCd lttnao" a nid the et9l rour mxtuttr'e ive, trsttutrtited detng the Klondike Gntd Rush. Nvlo votart crrsres. torne bis speechr an oal ('1urarrc reeter Masrrn suegesteni ite crrm llltrn îîcgionat c'rrneil [rrirrabe or ortrte ira beerrme nutrrrins lu oru rmrro et irre iht e * ,ailiity ru cape nt rr'tirr dtturire poiyo' * predoral neanfles botltir 'uggested biat il corun .runi'sefuerrrnpnnt c irlre sleli itire huid resn nienber li I l to Borr,,u;,.assneut, they uiruald .'r ,e thmrsinr irsintîppri tire tn'rr inrmbenis * rte rrrna the greatenil 'rsed o elgrtrerahront ible regiurr's fioscrit;lu dao. tu re ,eate il trrkorrbenuil ris balrrIs ard srtire tigbly ireegutar îrrau'ic trri, rase tObkvitie New headquar Mayrrr llaeey Itarreti and ______________ 1lilrglrrr Mayor Cc-orege * iarringn reapprrinid ;a polcecomisines. H iring ar T'ire Its ballut nos dlesrre andeonbt onuted aler,*rn mnner vte c ll d pr frInndy rot' norme --unicued q two, as inorrucird Tire BalnRgol uei * seconrd baot shun'rd Baclr alarRgint oari rciti 14 sues, Ilrrirtou 10 rilI nul select an architeet lue and Ballou hBis Martr Trrrose region's nnw administra' * liii, Miltrrn ('auncitire o liru ton beadquartrs antit tbe Warorr and tiakiite C'nurr- building and site rummitten rillue Bill Mosaon wrtb 'rgtrt prensent tentative plans abot vrtes rarir wbat s lu Ire mabuse1i th Ie Cirairmao Allarrl Masrrn ntewh uilding and the approx!' rrrted bhal farreti woud be mate space reqaied. Curicl rramrdas one ilrIle rtulwo corn- ________ rnis'rirrnes .berause he t'ururrrandeduul5s leum nore WOMENATWORK îîriair 5u perecerri mn the 24,I Meurbers ut the Red Cross 'm'rrrrnilues Wamnen's Wurk Cummittne in Wtrilr' Ibere arc opporrotîs branches att ocrons Canada nencra't maya nf breatmf Ilire matte ew clthingand qillo rie. rrrrnt cracedtures rcrotd lue pe in need ail oser the rase esn a specil ballot for ' wueldi. Laut yeae mure filan relirer candidaren lied Irrer son0 cartons ut inIants and tus' porsitiomn. l'lire irtrucul clrden'Il c lotising, aduîts rnmtrrld drop mui oftrihe cunleti tathine apd quils wre and r he remaining tror arratd sbpe lu 32 desetupief Ar' brck in the ruer', wrtît run' co=tis lue free distribution rirr;rpping rtf aller catch ballrr. and ta Leagoe aI lied Cross lustra4 Barretti nos nanred Sariettes ruaretauses lu trs a n'rmrrsiner'rand the sturuge pendiof distriburian crrtiugerntineditthe fror ru disaster. The marebause .tbes lratcrridttâve lrad n buses are frequenrtty amauf furtential mItent ru the rrttt th, liest assistance recrived ,onas tirrar %ting irr hy cictirus of flond, ear- Irarreili n tire lrrsi rrrnd tbquahe or utheenrataral ncýretrenlfeetrruscingrbcrr' drsaster. errudnvote irsrrucrn'clm' Mrrnun ruas brmped on tlire » Io o tbiedballrt, t ilt ror fle fouari Wasonrr and Ilacrgrruto ttrcc tiedhe on the7 IIbalo udvtard by sodi'itr Nr 1 1 1 talles bial be art rrrri clitird tr aia decn'drg urne rbelC lit fie iro.rr l c Bills C saord boat Massrru firid rno tr,msresscsren teg in li~ cttor Tire prteedarat by-la, says lhe r'cgrrairohirmnn sri o presrde vrci fl rrgnlar'r'ounc'tlitrttnm.'A lrent n dires' ravén' tir riglilrandntmusctt th reak rit,' rittr l iar al rutnistr, frty sene,itiIi'd tiir', ru' teonm lItins Irr tt'rr'ersgt'mu. Watrrr ater th ireo Mrrrtr I C M arr 1Irecu tarît. arndtî tr t I O R niord ro rrrnt uaing t t ertr'r'cd t hergu i e Tarr r'nrtttlrc ;Irr it Ittc trrrrrrte, rntroilcr Pul' Srorcerriebaerosrmenl. lie rrrrnted rftire prrblcrnu sacrraunif le cease r thr' ttrrhsille rlcemnl officesn n itteit brrc rt rrrring firnt tem nfire regirr and tire cii s irn le rrrrrrtn't t'corm'nt lteyrmrd liral. truce trlot i 'nafent lire hoe crelatio's relu, ce ru fers chitect emature reeected a matin tsar ruod see an arcitect choses fur tise peajeu t. Cauncittar Ter'y Manneti esptaiued tisaI ebonsing a Item nus ncustd sut subjeer tise cuncil ta auy expertise bol uld alas sumne ut tise pire- ttminary surisfta bu dose in aduance. Hie soggmsted an arcbmtect sisold bu cbonen now and suld buinvoived in tise earty deristons tibat buse tar bu mode. Caruutten ebateman Tum Hilltld cuancil bis cummitt- tee buped Inisuas rubics ariser goseroment ugeuctes saatd ruant lu' bu isaased in tise building and rubtis site tif recommend early inDeeem- her Seserat enunceitturs argued lise mose lut select an areisi- tetwspremnatare. Sume soggroted tise taudscape aI tise site renuly cisasen and tise ugencres lur bu iosuuad shutd be isnwn iselare an arcbitet tucbnseu, 'lie site cummittee ls still considerigfolue sites. Btill lnriganand trdgn'W. K. larrender nf lntn antd Gtenu Magnusson nt Blo llsarr' provncialo apporlrtr In the cnmmtnstnn anrd sihr nntomisiotrnfr itren'yea'r terms lianh oflile tire, are c.iizrn apptrintrcest asippnurd Io ricird ori ttcais. Mltorrtt n fn -.niyrreatin IllergtnrItat ru co eprrneldn rirrte Acr'rrding t, Sart erciet. 'trtîiiýrr Gtr'roi rrrrr' Krrr'sertr'rrnle cn sitdertng tettîst,'rirrn l 'iyr crs berdmrninr'.i rire ratnisi. i Tilre rreor thrrtin, ni s'rti h' rrrm'srrrr rrrrrur'i 1 r'nhecommris n tacno arri rite lel SM-82 8-track AM 1FM, FM-teAo.,-thr Ittlt tghtcd ch.r,rut .dcatns. Iot Sttength tccrrn sel.OTI,-tttts'.t additioa speakes rer ,( oar' , 339 5q>)99 List $249.95 FAM-500 '199.95 T M 5 0 List $99,95, TRM0 $259.95 130W RMS List $769.95 SIA-9090 '699-95 't, lArT 51 Fruru rhe sirte. o can aspona MGA's suoprciastc imrneduiey. Orsnets arechus tsr tan Mo5 u st thartrs toa o rii Ferscenr segatine ouad Aand Alan es matr x PItee tube Su tbnc lo beAnSe And are tsar srnnb Asunser thAma. MGA unves vouthe 100u innae cent Solicd Sraro Chasss Nut ust on os tnp at file ite. but an nhe vwAuu lirr Sn thcr'nstess ra, oasnn And leus Seat; thchtut, fcolonataleisun braokn For nhese reasons, atang wthtbe tact mal cripu cor MGA tsaoUgtr4 ou ns ut re duiou's trture resernu. acTe able tn cal os Sers Faisate. And tbee scatic are. Bnrettoteti Stet- Sytetu AM FM, FM Se .rtrrr ttttai tnsceak List 269.95 1229 9" ,, r.ita.ttttr D t., T , ts2t a',, 'ty ttt rt orion rtt List '169,95 90W RMS List $499.95 STA8080 1439.95 bal.. OPEN MON- IHURS TILL 7 P.M. FR1 & SAT TILL 10 P.M. 6WRS List $459.9 WATCH FOR OUR RECORD & TAPE STA-7070 1419.95 Otast.t~2~î DEPARTMENT OPENING SOON. rib Exor# inst O d ithOut r ) 3 *mr5 tri Iran Railmnps tea Match 41J .U11 DECORATIVE-SAFE 1ti~I PERMANENT j' FREE ESTIMES CATHEA CONCRETE RESTORATIONS LTD. 250 MARTIN ST MILTON. ONTARIO, CANADA 878-6853 m if sure pays to boy your gas at Norfth End Dats un.... .just asis Wgs. Aima Manilla the happy oinner of October's snuw tire draw. Parts manager Arn Coulson makes presentation of a pair of Gulf Trait Blazer snow tires. NORTH END DATSUN 610 Mortin St. ltNon M0 Vils. Southi of Hwy. 401 08-4131 1 a ....................... .. ........................ ý' '_.- ............................................ SANTA CLAUS is cuming lu lown and just lu gel inao the spirit of il aIl and be reody to parade, a group of youogsters have been meeting atthe home of Cinda Richardson decorottng the "preseul" boxes they'll be decked out in. Exuberantly slsuulting for Santa ore Juni MeLean, Amy Richsardson, Miehelle Miron, Kristin Kerr, Mattteo Hoyward, Jusi MeLean aud Katlsy Verstraete. The local parade is schedoled for Salurday, Nov, 30 and fluaIs and entries areweleume.