Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Nov 1974, p. 8

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(Editor's Desk A. L Gus' Gouimishi, vice-president of Milton Cham- ber of Commerce, has been nomnated for a position on the Ontaro Chamber of Commerce bord of drectors. If wold be gret for Milon olbe represented on tie Onaro board. Cood lch. Gus. AndspeakingofGus,guess ohonefsandaome face popped on ttus rom the pages of last wee's Gobe and Mail Week- sod Magazine? Ys Iere as Gs, in a piclre of Canadian 5"n' rncn vind WolsfWa v9prano plaringnnreaths in cosoory of faflen comrades at Beny, France. lise Globe Magazine dcd a f eature on the beaches of Nor- ccd1ny:If yeae offere -Day andi about a group of 146 Cana- han ceeansho wenf bck inovsf tebeacfles, the battle- eîds and the cemeterien abere tosands of fefloso soldiers cSoAd one ufthfem was Gus Gooosti. The Champo had oli ory on Gs trp earlier Unis yeac bt il as a plea- ,clct urpris("tuseehlis face in themagazine's pictureeon tbe v- ofemembrance Day, 1974. Lest wciboeryou itb rrpelition of acerfain name, fr1 on doi acap lu lte folksu t flon BRualEstale abo observed Ici vthisrd nnmvesary in businss mtt a fbile cflre parly _tfisc Main St offices on Fiday allonBRal EnfuIe is om- -1 hy -yomgucnnit alireadyl-one A. LGus" Goutounski. Sorry wec ssncd tbe sbîmîg, Gs W'il t po - , ,îatlations is pcint ts ime, nteadof onpeecon. And nnsviefor eadrrbcome dsGljtedmwelllocoto Weere hppy lo receive lteters f0, the edilor and provide a :rmfor thetiesm of oters shefther lhey cotradicl oses or fon Jut as Iberer are limt on oor on wrisg, e ave to .koh oiers tnrespect certain entes and soneimes whfen me 1ilfto pubis a letterttsat doestconform to basic rule, c î<e ccanrd of sot ating tf0pubisba contrary v em Mybe wrcmld revewte very basic roes e hune tb adopt in anding leflero 10 the editîor. Il 15 mandafoey that >oo persooatty s0gb yor letter. We iii pubiait a pen name if ,on indicate il is necessary, batlme must fiet ave yosr ig naueon lie leter. Franbty, ere sot asxoms to se pro ,unsand me encosuge yos lou senyoue oms riame. eausu 1cre lettre tas more impact and it sdcafes lie sresgth of Ifse leel ymr lettre cooaims librlms stalemenso e inoyrejecl your lettre or seeti a legal opinion. Wr may atso ! jc h etri efe lcnan ttmnsi a ale 1cilftr or doole ecaîl ever invotlinli thal ene btIsermot tir oncosof il Il mmuld lie a juldgment bsed on ose oms ,cvunfortusalely, tircaune Ibreislfîtlie tise o putlisibg circexensice oallalîon. We muslalways be oosiousnof il act ta1 e are held respoosbte for miaI me pobtîni, o ficller you Oite it or 00f. Another ule Iaf n board fo define, concerna lise engfb of .urleller. Pleane keep Iboos brief. Wr are anxs ose- )riimodate teo off if at alpossible. Wr Elbe letteress ol 1 cerd 20 sords bol Iat in lfrt fose 10 altoso variations c-pensfg ootbosubject. Ausiglrnherofmwhite bondo'oý hs cibyil I cbmsdoblespacd reprrnensaoutseigbl or ne incises of type Probabty yos dont ead long lettres as ioly s short lettres ond me libe srters tr state Ibir cane odc commeolu cesply and brsefly. Wr cas assure yos yor lettere seslsot tir rejecled tecause yor coes dffer froos oses. If yms follose lie fese niles-cc hiscfse osrlves have to observe inmwriîng forpull- lîafio, your viescnillfe givr a forum. Move oer, Me.Ciampoe. Millos bas a ne nesspaper and aitmght Ibre han only bers ose issue pobftisred toi date, icI ccn braI for color. imagnation and tismor. ý hallerisos Ibe o Inss eostl ictih on a initfcld dorîbution and abSolutly so advertisîng but lots o -s anîd sîrocanda big readersbip. k ofacnIped osa- bsg offset press y tbo thosuandn, ca, LI.cf Ilmpos Ifsdone on a mimeograpismachine and ,.pi s nr4piseslvery bisgalghougis tbo paper in a ihoppinli pagrs. lmosl rîsallinfi thin publication in Iicines Tise nece paper sua publication prntrd and distribsîrd 1to ccc sil nts adstaff ut Halton CenenoiltMaso and the editor in chrge s lie Maors popular drecto.' frecreatios, iiggy lîdeboal. The Manor sed lu hvra newsletrdose hy -idenLs til fellby tbomayside and Mes. detisutdecided c. lcelcrîe l.îts a lot of fusand es'rybody apprrcits tr," -lv' ssd fisaflerisos moucnis tbo paninliof lof-yearnd Simon ,oersochte oldstlMaortrand soggss"The Musor .ý.l oolboltesamesomeowmllitheutSimon Bavestock. ic aw muyevnts and changsintheseortduarosd him not mnyofoswillbeprivilegedtosee." fieresa sloeyon a preenfaion forfarry Floodmbho retuiccd oBeremuda, anda report ons peanant bus trppuand oLoowvileParkti lled 'Huppiseso Was... Bifgo, tie Mor owioling league and a tip 10lie coan Esc Bruoson arr aso rporterd o. Also iirfisday ,.. Oc, an old funticnrd speling match,. a trip loîbofir, fai (airfvie winners front eManor, osscg curch services, orsn. s, hlduy trips, reports f nom graodchifdren and mcal cucodcfldren, cbapet sersices, office Ispeiofs nd sIiffchangssg, nesnfromtot iflrbosstaff, o elcome tlue i mîdns a apignant stoy "t'slogitbr otd' are ail lSuidc-d intlins nrsy, ooey magazine And ye, fiere are cou ieofpges of johes, 10. Sc e loisng forserd tofuture issues of Chulterbos, and c -soimagine therersdents and sfaff ut the Musor are ,mcc l oa It la definitecredsll-o MsOdebsl andiere 0007 ylclyr foiae sucban excellentlsrcseler comng ,,ut oaregufar bais. mcd luchto The Ciampîonsncomprfiion cinleres- igf-so ield. f cccv' a rumor flolîng around taI frends arr pan- nngcîtu oor George Kerr, alon Wsf's MPP andlSolicitor Gerivrîl i Ontario, a isbg dioser sn Burlinglus os Dec. 2. licisî arererportedty setiofi t f1. and lise garnI cf 0 cer mn nom olier thus Premier Bill Davis. lifoivieard sBilDavis speutive crtaisly tbople the dnnere i.,corli thIe pece of dmission. STONE CO. 0F ONTARIO Wsh to announce that 7 00 MainSi5., E..5 , Mltson 878-2351 is the local distributor of CoronadQ Stone Products of Ontario 151 NIPISSINS RD. A NEW BUS SHELTEII Wll help kcep woiting possengers wrm flots sinter It s-os erected 0f the Mus-fin St. bus stop Inear the Post Office) late tat orrek, The shelter is cotrtesy of thfe Milton and District insisith Club. Thc Kin also put o prk bench seat inide the shelter, for the con- vcoîcoce uf panscogers waiting for fthe to bus. Tackle controversial interim plan policies Mrmbevcnof allas flegonsPlanng'Cir- selicsr ingsie lse cnsîr niiemetn si eek.nu The piliciro cii sevesotlie asic fr ais nfficial panoui lice egonvaiofficial plus ns compileci abont l cm years from i nom lise mieeing is oneof m ecevol tisaI ouibr efU 10 rveîsepoiicivv licolav berî sucggevlrd by naIt. Eariervrami sctliocil the report 005 ieol ivhin- dividullanidltheioriginalire- pert.%ase bersnîmîodiird tu refecl iesirci lie cm milicer nemies. Planonig Ifreclor EU Cumosmof olvd tlistnaIt bacc aliroîpivU toinammahe s policcen lesigcU and more flexiber Nonibeorepre- setalvevoargueribolgromîth mm thertiilbsoldvI ise etivcîrd iiliste ovison centres thmcilready exist Mlton Mayor Anne MacArthur scoulaaconsortium nI Uvlopers oas pansniga maornrmdoclesol deoelop- nientvurth(Ilvlbcillgbcay 401 in Miltoni Sheicîd ne diU ont c-ans sic cailIw erfo bisn Uecropseesl t obe piac s' lati livMaoir limiviy Bareli notld ise îîîcmpîîcvmi regulaiumoc iioliiiiiie'ont0 mît flphbse o cciutm cîold elay if brcausesc'gilions boft arra îisdeîi ini e lova mL Urveiomeros Urge feibiils Bols Mayor MacArthucr and MlonoCounilior.limb Watson agreerd n lbcobl ms brîng pvcponrd bol vcggveU b tal eoery allempl ciîîîîîd bc made tu proide leiiliy. Tie maoîr c,îd ccii fen pemaîn cere mc eemilcUas bosg flexible lai oiîvn il came ime 10 exercive lise flexibiiy. a plooner pols ul a pscicy bookband say, -ook hrre. clv mnnislacis and wohie OIne nilie major cnoro- icieete oni lie farmer snouidisvei' lie rîgisilitccever cmli parclsnof hin ]and. The commiltebus iv dicolc'd a-ms-il tn prniect prme taraei]aond.isc' pro poa,ouîd limicrsparatiinn SscIscone and two soci, n farmerse bn Iad heenmon the lasso for i5yearscnormoad wois mosislisrelue.' Asop pliconi oppiyivg fim a sep rationsisodiae Ioo vicethev]and dicvision ccocîiIef the lrugis oi ownerrsip ao v u cvmber of mIer factnrs. lisolpcciiy hiscome undr allci rSivsnIb tJim Watson asnd Anse MsacArthsur of Mlils-iciacoUl'ai McKenoîc friîci ltoIîvlîils. Facis ni the lis vis cciislndn lthe armrr sboid be alnwed te neyer a sowises .ilcKescirargurs tiai bybs'ing ableivineiinsomerof the landU lie man beomes o beie rcir bcause liesoia cash i hi'h iercan finaceoro mcbîoery. Barit (l -la-ime(]iflicefrie Tim e to tire up filtte.Police asd ther IPP arr oirgisg drinerst 1 etifir wnoer soctires intfolid soo I)oit o it forfttir irrt bra cceoe ire r c a inter bc'vgrftinci souvusnon (renon cn efoenrr s [I nerd fissos,*a pcibrcisas Du oos : insred wherebrbhd ullIild in ficounce is oprulion. He cIimed itier incenliven soüuld be penvidnd so ibis mouid nol happent. Ct5y hyers fine ollise argumrnts .ofle n rainrd about selfsng lt1 arisas dselleres s tisaIlise urboo dwellers are nonsooner in lise counry Iban Ibry are requestinli services tbey mere mccunomerd t10 - und eennuaily compliomm about rural odors. Dicusoînonsthib nerim pîlicies sili continuîe authlie c mmillee's meeting ibis nek nd eventuaiIll te pîcicies wilbe thescmbjecl of a speciaicsouciIsmeeting. ASk hflp t cair IMilton Council brie4Iconstruction thieves i Milton OPP are pael.ce fet thilieves ar vetg a rush of thef lu organtzed and sorti *qutpe Dutgaes tingofMUthe ietoms moulddmastalu> fs-om jconnlencten stes and Cosot. 'iyLè.rry. uts, Coat C>nlnCmooyir :: rcoud attoaneeadibcestm nese homes under con' fntyeafsa fis-4 Conomitter Monduy nightthe lshenoryasua pablicer d. nienction is0on týarb of niMtios OPP, std0555r Csmmittterenchi brencoscof s et uiite n lx pn s seessg usythisgonu4 about tise pssible clossi f0' eb bolsu00 O ? 7,00ashot alaeet the police ilt, -Approveli terms of Ihal rosd. I ortb of tol and bulding medtateiy. referenee for recreatios ad- f upie aebren sîsien. "Wr have extra putrot s te viur comtesaAlsoie t piesbaethIeares, butmwe'ce deped reqorsi swrants hacebred A lsad of tomber disais- on susse cm-oporutloi rn -Rcommended o gtant f autheb corser f Ch' sim De pouered from ose sle, so lise citizensu too, he ald. $00 ut h prueffird f or the and HghmuyI2t5 ithere Western Ontario IHighliandla senougis traffict» justsfy Dancing Association (Mfilon pstting stop ishteIn athaï, District).tese uJn P1si thsy e toms bod aibedit'l fashlg Wislur carnivuf in Fehenary s-o9.r k:s p oet BruceW I Tbe mvent is epetrd toise McKerr no0dse ti Con-âa rusos operalîng budget of sumern Giasoand Mupiehuent Uss.Mns.,,srevenueis enstdboth in opeton in bu ulreuCAS 10 offset costo. LsI year'u erent came ittos $10 f tise breah-even point. -Grusîrd a reqoenf 10 nend Karen fibryn. Progs-om Bopo'3remsor, tuhe ansuai truinig nstitute authlie Geneva Purk Confererce Centre ner Orillia Nov. 13, 14, andi f5. -Assured P. A. Tennis Ial figis. -BRjmmend d stepa b imitW s th.nçue -,Recommrsded . V. Ae rson %Eniering con- tf estn 0f Brian Best Parti. program chairmas of the commite. Other commiller membees inriode Norno Peurre, Duvid Tbompon reprrsenlisg Bn- tary Cub, Hunef Porter, Ken Moore, Dessin Rom e y repre- senti ng lise Lions Club, PoIere Strympet of the Kînsmes, Dos Morleys of tbe Optimints, Rome Harrison andi toms staff membes Larry Arbir and Bob limait. for aquatiêtj Trrmn of referesce and 1,fr commttee structure for us uqutic committemus nP- provrd by tise ComossgttY Service Committer of Muono t Coanrif Mosty iusgbt. ? The commiter mui t îudys lise serds and type of uqlic' fuclltieo requined Iflise1 toms. Thecommilter Vils o1 look is utot, financlsg, undr posileloctions fol ucis a1 Former Partis aus ecrea- lion Commitre chirmun fis Dili o han hsen numed COSTA DEL SOL Pioneer Tours Especially Mature Travellers FLY OP AIR INCLU DES: I *Ecoormy 22 45 day Fxcursion Air Fore Madrid and Grunudu 3fE Sghiseesng tours of **Airporllssossfrrs acomoation Take advantage af this tour frram Nov ta Apr. 3 orS6 fo week rr$g excursion ii Enjoy a care free apartment holiday in sunny Spain CALL MILTON TRAVEL SERVICE Milton 14 Martin St. 88-2886 s ~I. Committee named ANOTHER** tete @@OTWEAR 26 ANST. MILTON 818-1665 ly 1tilt S p.,. Thure & Frî. tilt S p.m. WNWIN- WIN WIN ~ 500 eL$ EVERY WEEK STARTING RIGHT NOW! PARTICIPATING MILTON MERCIIANTS WILL DISTRIBUTE 0 N& THOU6A#i8kQLARS& TO LUCKY MILTON SHOPPERS 1lst Week 5 Prizes of 500 - .01 2nd Week 2 Prizes of 500 -.05 3rd Week 1 Prize of 500 - .10 4th Week 1 Prize of 500 .25 5th Week 1 Prize of 500' .50 6th Week 1 Prîze of 500 1.00 FOR A GRAND TOTAL 0F 19G000 DEPOSIT COUPONS ÎERY WEEK WITH MERCHANTS DISPLAYING "500" BANNERS. AMPLE COUPONS WILL APPEAR EVERY WEEK-IN THE CHAMPION. F,* 500 COUPON*' * 500 COUPON *'i N A M E ........................ NAM E ....................... ~ADDRES - - 1 A DESS - - --.................. ------------- ------------- -------- *500 COUPON *7W-*50COPN* P HON E r*500 COUPON* * 500 CO0 U* NAM E ...............i......... NAM E ...................... ADDRESS .................... ADD BESSI................... *500 COUPON* * 500 COUPON * 79 AODRESS - - --................... ADOBESSO................... - -- --- j-- - --------------------- THIS CHRISTMAS PROMOTION BROUGHT TO YOU BY YOUR LOCAL PARTICIPATING MILTON MERCHANTS 1 AND MILTON CIIAMBER 0F COMMERCE

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