Bi 2 The Canadian Champion, Wed. Nov. 13,1974 i There are dogs and dogs Says English Bull Terriers bred for show, flot fighting bs.trerleatei saeeetceysspeccae~~tc -"c~.-'"'"-'-inu-tbevesseng b Tber n a cantcasrrsy be sed ter "a mental egoa ilthe dag et tay Sait Terrier Ctub et Americe r aglsg loibulsldbercding trip" oceftee s'îctaaareýnnv Sprtile aibs ai ci~rcles ibese days abaut 'Snnetres are bredaongond Tbev merrause ai 'ssiias assatjais anibe Gulpaibea temperameni»" Lyna Scys Engis cauntryitie 1r sprt. far ieir dag. ta 1972 tbey brie red lar rganti "batt'sUP tuthie saytby mny times bed dtabear'or taab asaay the Sitvermeed . tgttng.ttecently 16 Stat- are teated an ta basa thepil bail baitiag. The lamer Teapby foIse be bs) dog et att f tadsbtr pi) bil trevers tra ut."classes began sing tbe tiaga the clebs in Americe tal 1973 er csied b: (Ontacio Tbe breed in a crans, blt ta ut llrats. and sampetitians bae rec eidraahieraptc httctl Scit ttitcis ers tbe bal deg. terrier. ere edttitasee basa maal aesibIbi aiebt crmi ulhtriatid taimattan and geepheanti rats in agîven eritid (t) tinte t'trtcia. The dog s the panpy iiwdi)sbltrcvin Kit- tteedng asdane yearlega dag cautiiS. Tbe recardi oftSaabrst Solitaire, mot er chneaflEngantad attat time stands ai t0n rats iseigbt oatriseminning daga. tar s sel) t' eTravsers ,tsitir ft havebreabreediag sailit eiers fraacsixa ars ancd a r t.tbng excepitafilte b q lt'sicttng e e e tiths ame dsg. (acs expais. "sic a e h*eectdigEagish BulTrrisetres. i la belo. il lit %fi, h E gls tGo ad Lcssasder en osto hcgratis' rasy "har ar g ttthb jle u ogs .are astitantid, t lss's'esitdtb liTttdareheitacsed ti ib \iercnStatirstibre yti hutltrrier"s wbsarc tatard 5to c caninte ttgtag mtatbhites,ppaceatin the Steatndtipar, iaaaa cliaeisae shotrt ia lcg a lbh taog.mstalar shttldrcs Ta oi in stitintttivce latre.. il Il lo g. da'ep t'gg-sabard hed Thetp oi tht' 'bali ale t t i[rca r cc tarc 'r hte 'ti lte dsg cuse Sgnt dsîsnaaads ram tbe nsevichbleristismcarct tflictsip. Tbe eyev tf tbe GUV'NOR is an English Bull Terrier owned by Lynnette and Gary an alrc s acesantd Travers ef MottaI. Showna here with their daughter Samantha, thse couple tty i tî ul aritt ib e a) br tctttie c ttn aya are takiag exception te thse recent cantraversy intimating theme dogs are Gaatti Lyoanct'futecl, dangerous and bred for fighting purponea. They say their dogs are gentle sel]Ittertappes It tornes and good wth chltiren. $T JO NiNW Sdeý.1 tIttureport t, g g îa t,'dl, ai ton, vripplCd. tt'es tttt' ae itspitalsina 197, n increase l.'ttl,,s dlîtItapicalittes- VIcIt i IS b ttte t'tt tttt'c tectît t.. pcet"tt tongtttItctctss tinnces'sry .Stî.,,'l id tît ct' ti at letvi Il I, ti t aure'Sti ts. ri a 'l tt ..,Il tttll t t. t i e .tstt-.ttttii iiju % au ei cItnn I t ttt tin a otile il I I til 1a t il dip r e i e h u t ii-m â a tnt in ga*gL ightfu mg tI' I g i c ,dn o iJ i ,ci tn> *aaMotol inhabSales-un a t i e*I Repairse nt o -1sion pr* Commercial Wl n hr I N \5ulell lie*peMotoriseniRtwindturng IlaCA S H s Your opirtunit td btyfromfth T CHORItsgt$HOR * Massfacturing * Installation _____________________________* Pumps * Estimates * Appraîsals NADALIN ELECTRUG Sunny Manfactarnsg & Lghtng Ltd 318-4111 TORONTO 826-1223 3153 STEELES AVE. W., MILTON Trend 15 reversed as mission priests invited to Canada minutes, 65 secngs. . _ __ -.- th- ill RICHARDSGN'S Open Thurs. & Fr1. tfl 9 p.m. 201 MAIN ST.,, MILTON the doa had no resemblance 878-2336 OneL~I, thetexpffpié Zenith. A nesa concept in ebucar l mission mas enacted in h Torontoatbis pas) week. im as c catted "Pertnersbip in Minsions" and isteed et the I asuet pitrimege et Nrth b American ctergy teI hetp Ibeir P brethren in treiga tends, 12 Cetergymnen tram Arice, I Japon, Singepere and Bhe Caribbeen caene ere teibeptp the chereh ia Cenede.It) mesb the irst step by tbe Anglcan chercb in esking visitars ta observe and etter suasions. Rev. Jobn Asbsina Wetelsr etfeBans Ilnd,d Newa Hebrides mes the gaestc et the Lasavitte andv Nessagameya AnglicanC cengregations Snday. e f tatbed et tbis aem experiences ih Be Agican cem fie and oftlbis esperiecelitbc the National Escative l Cammittee meting n Toronto. ,Our teera ere me reetly eeatdn'tsay sabat men reatly tel)," be sid. "We are net ased te Btis style et I meeting bt))etamuedeout ta be very intormat." a New directton E "We att badtBe fteling the cbarcb ls gain i n e *direction," be cetinaed. "t) * aane0pIl teitbeca5e *w meeVet"hbemlear Chur- cbrsbatud berumnig bacS home and me eara ti rami eacb tber." This is Mr. Wetetmur's irat1 vit taI North America. Het arrived an Vancuver anti travetted and visitet ram there te ithe canterence ir TarantoeBeldet lsimitar prebtemasitb the Soath Pacitie Anglican Ceancil tor saebic e as spebesman. Tis ceaacil enCampassesf Plynesia. Melanesia and I Newa Ginea. " Wr ait tiad e ase similar prabtems,-"lie i plained. "There are nt) suticienttasndstaortrained I n=C wrof the chrch.- tiataman Island% "ta tbe Setaman tsands for enampte, ibere are peoplei sababacaven maey t ail. Tbe gaverament is trylng ta devetep agrcultture sa same mney can beearned" Mr. Wetetmar explaîneti basa tbe tuly pebave ancanat plantatians and peaodce copra (a smabed cacnt met anditfortth manufacture of margane and perfums. "Most peeple have no landon which tega cacanut," he said."TSCy mnight cats $3 casedian maney a monthbySpsellingaa bag af kumera (sweet patate)." The cbarci confeqaently rneatty missionsuapported an the ti s ds. InNew Bebrides they ere closer te seit-suPPeet bat situ seiy samembet an osersees beip. Oneness Mr. Wetetur exprenCed "e great teeling et asenes durlngbmsviitwit Cana&dien clergy. The idee et enking visitera ta betp Bhe Canadien charc look aet taett cae tram the Anglicen Con- aultative Casnt iinDublin telteming the Lembeth Cantereace e tew peers ega. tnteed oi atmays baisgaa "giving cbarch" the cbareb in Canada ia caperiencing e mutat iving and recelving. Upen bis ratera te tbe diarese et Melenesie, Mr. Wetetmar miii asume dalles as cbapteanta tbe Melenesian Brotberbaed. Dr. Poatter ta speak Tbe Honorable Dr. t. T. Patter, Minister ot Carrea- tdanai Services witt be tbe gees) speeber eithte Milttan Chamber a) Commerce meeting neat Taesday, Nav. 19 aithIe Charles Statet Ran Barris. manager oethe Cbcmber steted Me. Patter sait) eaptaia te members tbe tacilities eithte nesa Maple- bars) Carrertioal Centre nasa nearatg camptetiaa. Patter mit) atittine tbe rate the te acility sait) play in tattîltise bis depariment's ceapensibitities. Jus Snam. Minister et (lacernatent Services ait) accempany Patter ad peab an bis misistry's avelvement ia tbe decetapmenl et the jeul Accarding ta Harris the meetingisaopen lutbe general -Tbissseeb, Nec li1ta 17 is Yaatb Apprecietian Weeb ia BEY. JOHN WETELWUR of Baniks Island, New Hebrides, was the guest ibis week of Rev. Paul Moore, rector of St. John's Nassagaweya and St. George's Lowville Anglican churches. He is concluding hia visit to, Canada as an observer oif thse National Executive Comflsittee meeting in Toronto. Tise two men knew each otiser when Rev. Moore was teaching inth ie Solomon Islanids last i &t pAffl #MNS WEARLIr# ' q'f V1 884472..MLO the iCaTS ARE COMING ig s". ig. er er- lis- lu]* ý'n.