V - iL. T rTscalinA lhamnols m i ~ 15 un, i 1974 16 Tis Canadien Champion, Wed., Nov. 13, 1974 Hornby Euchre winners l. n. s a ptsy. Tbe prises isere. wit by Thse North Trafalgar Rssil Prestos, Marlbs Euebre Club bald tbelr Richardson, Violt Bis, Weelneecsre parly on Myrtle Cunningham, Clere sb r test, Nv. le, ut Wilson, Harvey Dorni, lthe oirtl Trafalgar Wilberl Nix asd Wilmer Reereallos Cestre. Tbere Muison. werleuesen tablessof eicrel in everal people ln the Horb district trsvelledl ta Stree file United Cbsrch la se dis, animal arts and crsfts show and este. There mas a rldlaplay of potery and g ites fron thte ARC Indat.rie offHoby Rachis The Coaimanlty Club eucbrne was betd on Friday, Nov. i. Prises went ta Mae Noble, Ans Dent, Bits Lâne, Fred Nesr, Myrtie Tevell, Ely Ellit, Dorotby Dormi, Marion Leslie, Jessie McCann, Howsard Cunning- lises, Harvey Due,, liredt Warkan, Stse ar- esftspte, VI Benttey and Csre Bradley - Cbatbsa as Use arrivaI of s son, Peter Daniel, Sl. Nv 9, weigbt eigbt poas. -Studenst badi s bollday Mosdsy for itemembrssre Day. \ v A ~ TA N H ONýFs REAL ESTATE MitJER] OFFERS WANTED Tis brasd ssw cassais ballI bains letai-es dauble *-r Os large entrasse bail aiib mnirared dele, »Cexlivs ing rois, dlslsg i-ans bas Iling glass dmss le bonck garden, large kitobas snd breakfast 41r«, ilntsbed lamlIy rasai aili Ilreplace, inueshlîns gOBai frais eoery wiledas. De large lai- 150 il 250 il. Excellent loatnsi. aust ainsi ai 25 blebaiay, south of Action. NEW LISTING Ipacls 3 beUrsin bains, qalsi court, large pie-sbape W,5 rnsy Isierestlsg feiares. Asking 16s,90. $49,900 VIIs talit 3 bell-gais brick bungalow n a large ettfraclivs lai. Feeiuring tlnseed soc resai asd soirs bedroai in basement ares, pavsd drive and garage. Olieru base bosebi. Sas tl sowl 2 ACRES - KENNEL LICENSE Spuvies 3 bedrSgin brick bungalowi stiscbsd gsaae, cii-cales drlsenay. Devers leasing pravinc. Aikl $79,900. $53,900! Oaint,-leavinvgprovince mustit ibis trcienell kepi bomse n large tenid sit-tO s 120'. Slldlsg ass dggrs t-go, disieg raaai tai large coai- desb. Mssy islerentlvg etais Inclade billiard table ssd eqoipmesi. Cali nom ta siew. OCT PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL ASSISTANCE WITH VOLIR REAL ESTATE REQUIREMENTS CALL STAN THOMPSON - Real Estate Broker 878-2455 CHRISTIE & WOODS Real EsSate Limited, Broker 189 Main Street MAilton COU NTRY eîea.. 13 acre of levael day maso, acre iresd, l'/e sierey b.dreen berne, spacoaa lisingt rasin. dîsîse rogis, Pc. baih an mals flgar aliiaum starlns and ecrese. Masigage to bt rimilld. VILLAGE HOOE-53i,0l. lImmadîiet Possession, bedrasm 2-sigrey tam lIt oee spacias liing ro larnIly rassi, carpeiead, bail init full lenglil vaniiy, aialk In cilsets, sasdeck ecnsemicat basting. Try a afier. SERVICE STATION: ailiving qaariess os ai blbwy Ba nade- lassa ta 01 Es.sPény 1 acrs ai land. Asklag gasoa0s. Far par5loalars naît os allaalle aye-2095. 72 ACRES 2 irybrick borne, bank bar. sbng 512t.oes. Open la sli. BUILDING LOT: $21,s0. 1/1acre insthe country, cies Os Milles. FOR RENT: tllficespèce, ceentrai lacaion C10.00 rntbly. Cail 878-2095. 878-6057 MMl28 itàurd' servioes 1 GRACE ANGLICAN THE ST. DAV 1D'S and CHURCH PRE SBYTERIAN NASSAGAWEYA Rentas, ges. Doncan CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN bvalluvs. IN CANADA CHURCHES Organist Ronbsrt P. Asgail KNOX CHURCH Monisies: Sunday, Nov. 17, 1974 MILTON Ons, Doglas Laowry 3 TRINITYXXIII Misstsr s i.00ta.îo.-Hly Comni-ion Rs JonM. Murray 4 9.30 a.m.-Senor Cborcb rat Mis. L. Vlasbînm Saoday, Nov. 17, 1974 1 vOsol Sunday, Nov. 17, 1974 bai-mai finel -scces 5 1.30 a.ai.-Eucbarisi and l0 ..Dvnwosi aagey Serins1.0am-iiseibp Nsaasy 10.3t u.m.-toa Saodsy 19.4-5 a. -Senior Cboisb 9. OSa.m.-Cbarcb Scoal 4School. 0.45 a m.-Junior Cboinb 1îooSa.ai.-W-sbip Serice Scbool St. Oaoid's Yesareuaiwaysaielcame 7.0 p.m.Youn Psnpls's 1.15 ar..Cbsrcb Sabasi atiGraesCbosnb Society and Warsbip Seroice Nusry tacilitlss osailable. BOSTON AND EMMANUEL ST. PAUL'S CHURCH OMAGH BAPTIST OF PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CHTHE UNITED CHURCHES Commercial Stroet , Itlov. CURCH 0F CANADA Ministir: noo 9506 Oi 3842 Rev.W..Lewis,OBA. .D Pastor Dr. J.R. Armstrng ManSt atjmesSt. 8784428 AMiosîIe Sunday, Nov. 17, 1974 ROc T_ A. naîver Sundsay, Nov. 17,1974 9.45 a.m.-SucdySbhol Ogn an Mhi Leae0 ansi Passor's Bibi: Ciass fi~i ,ainadhmLao Boton uduits. Mins Haoldt Mages 0.30 a.m.-Warsbip Seroice O1.S a ém .- -Srmion & Cborsb Scbaol (nursery -Csian fmI. Snd Non. 17, 1974 iaviiiile7:0 T 5p.r.-ernan "Quit Ornuga Ti-yivg 10 be Ci-astise" tt.00 a.s.-Wgrsblp Servine SAI tbe esen logservice .e a. Cburnb Scoes t1- ta-m s -WarsbiP Seroics ibere miii Os speclul misi by « & Cbrcb nbai. ini-eey he Ontaria Bible c.iisge uoe- Pailitias Anailabie tacilitiesi. CbCacrge Vas areneinarneta Toaidsy, t0 .m.-Caltes Allure Welnarne aiarsbipaituias. Hosr and Bible Siody 15i-ing HIGHWAY GOSPEL - erPeshoes. .1MILTON GOSPEL CHURCI4 Wednesday 7.30 pm...Moei HALL ing for- i-ayer and Bible 3060nlarinSt. 5.8itO2022 A 1ova -ssmily sI Stdy. Chi- s-ss galhered in th The Penoi-o o oel Wakeaiaof Connand si,ooa rind L.od Jcs ChiSt I5kted Rd. and Hoy 25 ____ Milon iord's Day PanSs. Osaev M. Chi-iisoenso CHURCH 0F CHRIST Tel. 87i 2064 SnaNv 717 The Lord's Day 1412 Bsitannia OU., West udyNo.1,97 Sunday, Nov. 17, 1974 TMinister Richard Forsyib 10.30 a.m.-Breabing Bread oas5 a.ai.-Sondlai School 878569 1B2.15 p.m.-Sandar Scbasl 11.00 a.ai Moroîng Wnrsbp 7.00 p.m.-Gspel Service 6.00 p.m.-Pomuiy Fi-ayerSi- a Nov. 717 Wsdnesdy, a p.m.-Prayer 7.00 p. mi. -Esta nîing Sad 1,94 and Bible reading. Esangelishoc Seroice Ali Are Welcme oi Wednssday i p.m.-Praye- 10.00 arn.-bibs Scbesi Tbese Services. and Bible Slody. Clases fo- ail agea. tWebais sha bal upil 11 .00 a.m.-Mori-ne wanbip Wbsssmeeshabli cail apes Bhe nais ai tae Lard shallbe 800 pm -iranbing ot tbe tbeanomegofthte Lord $ball be snved." Rein. 10: 13. C;Pe5, lavai. Rein. 10:13. PAULINE McGIBBON, Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario, is a warm and personable representative of The Queen and her graciousneas ahowed through when she viaited Milton to officially open the new library. Above lcf t, shle chata with Librarian Shelagh Conway and Maage Allwood, director of the South Central Regional Library System. At rtght, elhe discuases history with Mra. A. L. MacNabb. Below, sheas shosn apeaking at the opening while Library Board Chairman Bob Mackay and her aide-de-camp Ca t. Hugh McKerracher of Hanmiltoni taok on. Loaser iright, aheas pictured with Ma. Conway chatting with local SBroocatea and Guides who were in the color party-Valerie Johnson, Hazel Ling and Eleborah Jackman with leader Jane Grieg. Campaign opens Christmaqs Tbe 1974 Christas Seai campsigs opndi tss i mrk ihen tbosands sf nramre maîisd ot toahsbslds in the rrosn, presidrolMrs, C. W. ainKiai of the sponsoring [laiton Tobesculosîs andi Rrsp iralsry Disease Assoiation smoun- ccd -lnlbhe rur spiriîof Christmas, plrasr givr as genrrousty as y00 can te belpîbaose in less trate ircocslanceg,"sabrsaid. Wil ysur donatiossrrcsivsd in therprr. vios campaigs, the necrssary cootîvit, el progravon of activr irealmrnt ni Ibose sol- lerngtfrom tbr billiiig ulsiosory divsasrs; edocalson for prsvrntisv avd drlectîon of sscb dîvrases, smig millolrawai vlins; day romps for astimolic suffrers re- searcb gransoand the porchase of speciol- ored eqoipaient havr hiesn possibler Addrrnars a chalrnge Thr campai gn and ils succsss is the re- sulit of tbe rombiord rfforts of tbr Associa- lion siaff, smnros volay bripers morkise nvitb the lîreiss vlairman, CL. McFaddsn of Borlinglon and YOU mbn sop- pgrlthernampaignnviîb ysue donations. Prspaealion forlthevamagn bas bren prsfressng quieîly asd eltrclivriy ait Ziae' mub one oflthenmsldifioll asects nein Ibal of csrrscly addressing tbe lellees ysou'l be receivivg in the Orsi lrm days. If. foresomermaisonyou do NOT ecrive yoor seals, pleasrvcontact onesof te local eprrsnsaltivrnsn the board of dirrctors of Forme3r min ister The îlev Franb Lassos, a formerminister, ererdls St. Dai-ido Pebytevîa n Cbiorvlî iaiday tai, (lie 105tb annsvrsaryofte cngeOa- lion. Mr. La osos bad srvrd tbr collgegation front 1936 10 l19t1 in t irsI cbarge. ir badt revesty reirei lromn ibe active ii îtry and eetoened for the mrning and eveing .Muscvathbr rrningsr vice %,as pesvîdrd by Thc Halttses choir mbîcb conol- boird 100 anibeais asd toi_ tomai the scrvice witb a boit b ose concert. Solois i athe aiormog ser- vicerias MrN. Gibsoo scouts . .. Contîsaed usai page t tain aise agreei t0 pick up the costof dumping ive os 51 paerr the Scouts bave col- letibut bave o marbet for. Wobks Saperiedent Brans McKerr not Ie toms bsd about Ina tons of paper dibt bad bees csllected by SPIN and Use tn is alan aiîboul o place 10 taibe il. lThe sesen sens nuit Os tubes la Oabnttlte 10 O daiped and sai cot $3 pic Inn, mbicb esnnil grex nni seals out I- 1 ASTHME o~ 1974 CHRBISTMAS SEAI.S the Association, H. H. "Bert" Hinton of Ac- ton, Krîib BOarber of Georgetown, Mibe Laditil or John Oster of Milton. Tbey yuli e pteased 10 provide seal or mors nit formationson tbe nrboftthe Hatsn TBand RD Association. C.(A NTRA VEL BUEA L IM MTED Now available TRAVEL FUN TOURS0W1dî " SUNFLIGHT " SKYLARK * SUNLIVING A aai Free brochurcs available on these exciting tours. Phono or Corne In To-Day 70 OMAIN ST. E. 878-180 Milton Parka and Recreation ..wiahes to invite those in!fereste0pi,~sf-g. ON THE DORSET PARK RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO ATTEND A MEETING ON Wednosday, Novomber 20 AT ROBERT BALDWIN SCHOOL 8:30 P. ALI TiiOSi iTRSTR lt'[£i.OMI- To A ITi VO Marcelleil cosmetics tnjoy the Iasary of High Fasb on makeap withoaî 1! hought of skin irritation. THISWEEKON Y will5.05 Marcp.le C,, ,,,$425.N . 13 t, A cmplt mratnnline ... aalbl usetd only -for Dry Normalor Ol yskn. Milton Drug M'art liton Plaza 878-4521_ - M 86-m-29