Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Nov 1974, p. 1

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Trucker loses lif e in f iery collision Police are stili in- veatigatial a tlcree-truck collision and lire ThersdaY duât claimed the lite et a 19- Ter oldTronta man and tcjre oc thers-ace et AseZ cf 'l'edy, police mare atiS r pe crier hcwac tb 1. tratr-traiterdecnp truckts callided bea-d-con, Steelea Ave. jusetsct d but-a part cf Milton, in mid-attelrcccc cn itrad daytitht. bdriver et lte tracts dut a ara te have causaid tbe celicica, Richard Hope et Toronto, died in due ttamicg crceaead lte driver e lite ls treck icvetved ta due head-cc crash te eericasly injured and etitlin la spltat setterlgt'cm tiret, second asdoifd degree berce. Wltsesses ceid Edward t4lmielx. 3t, ot Kitcbeser cms lecky, te escape witb ics lite. lleraws cet Lemiece cas ducows tram lte rab et ics empty treute chea tbe two vebictes cetlided >colice acd ceigit- hra foocd itim cn a field beside lte mrd, is itacde hadty haraed. He wac reebed tei Milton District Hecilal for treatmect. Police investigation and eyùeio acceusn lle litractèr-traller driven by Hee, geced by Dontine HCg e isisea, wae eastboecd mn Steete Av.,, conmig dcwc be bOt tram Millte Lieelec:eh Qarres As il reactsed lte xR r0 maicg etcc tlite FirsI Lice = .nrsctca dul truckt veered lin lte westhaecod lace ct lte road acd a tew yards peet the tracks, roidIed bead-oc witb due treckbdrivensby Lecieau. Thse Lemieux vebicle, owced by Barlin Construction Mhasissaega, eau empty ac iteadicg ceel tecard Ibhe samne qearry for a load ot stoee Jest prier la lte bead-cc colliio, due Hope tracts hadl itraeted due rear corner and aide of a single acte loaded demp tracts drivec by Car- mice Acdrota, 36, ot Weslac. Tite Hope tracts was ap- parectly tettowicg lte Acdrecla trucit dccc the bill acd cas eiduer ecervicgtol avcid a collisioc or aI- lemiplici tei pars wbec tise collicion happecred. Acdreotas tructe was, shoved entc a ditch but th driver ecrped citit miroir Icieries. TIe terce et lte coadisles drove due 10. traefar-lrailere 100 yards eat on due road and they esdedp in ttaces ic due eaethaed lace et tt;- s ie i front cf lte aprfets itcowc as Brickt Roc. lie tira itrele est et ence, cildeese Tberab of Hopes tèuck p ed off acd tasded ai dhe sdei ethIe rced baeside fse crasht site, whcite lte tractes large eeice wac drivec decoagi t du rab ot Lemieec' truckt and came la tesl t duth front ofthIe Bartic traller. Hope'se wacsreoe trom halw it crcg. Il wac berced beyocd re,,;cilice and il lests untit Mody atteraesc for police toi mabe a positive in- decttiratiec of thle itody. Dentl charts were sed toi Caoninued en palle 17 It's hunting season Man shot twice A Geelpht mas cas ebot Icice--occe ic lte arm and once ic lte leg-by a hecter's iutsl cwhite hae wae cear- ring for lest caltte In a besh cn the corlterc rural ares of Milton Friday. Bruce Pieder ot 449 Woodliacd Rd. E., Guelpi sic Gs1plt hespital bel rqer- let recovern c rom lte icidect. Police tria, Milton OPP delarbmect are ctlt Oteesald lte boetteur- believed tri have been trocn a .g0 rifle-src Picder cn a iteshit res, eI of Second Lise, jeat soetb of 30 Sideroad. Aeyoee cilSin tormation oc dethe stg le askel lai contact police. Mesccbite police are crackineg dccc encrarolese huniers and tresepaseers. The ssos toc ecmait game has begeopec aiote 10 daye and l teia OPP delacit- cecI has already rereived eigitt comptaicte about rareless citoolicg, trespassing acd damage. ONE TRUCK DRIVER DIED in e violent hcad-on collision between s losded Iroctor-Irsiter gravel trasport and an cmpty ane on Steeles Ave. near First Line Thurcday aflernoon. The crsh dcmolished lthe rab tif ecd truck and both buret ito Rlames on impact. Heat trom the fii metrd portions tif boîth trucks. ïhIie ùneibiauc Iamio Vol. 114 No. 29 Expand plant See new hope for population growth TRUCK DRIVER Edcaed Lecteox of Kitcitener eeises attention troc Multoe OPP acd sablance attendant itefoe iteadiet foe bospital in lte ambulance. Newspaper drive ends ca" lier tdsccc ta A report carried oui ity lte Micictry of lte Ecoiroomecl la si summer resutted on directives troc lte micistry lit could bave etiertively itlocited Milloc's uritan secter froc expacdicg iteyond 1l ". Scouts may collect glass for recycling Milto Boy Scouts bave dis- coclicaed teir moclthly ,oprdives as a recuIt of lte cahtfor ued popoir Seing tlooded. District Preuideci Jim Slraic said lte prire aI lt<G Indstries dropped troc taIoloSr ,: loc and fin' alty 1KG ese tel accepi acytfurlter ship,,ects, notiog lte markt hradit een gltted citit ceveral ageccies and csncipoltiec coOtO to1 lte rerycling field. Strain loto Ilts sIory t0 Mit- Region A sacilary lacdfitt cite io lte Milto Bricit procerly could last Il years. Milton corits sopecicteodent Srce MrKerc blId ac Ontario M,,niricol Board itearicg Friday. Fill is availaitte les titan kalf a mile acoyandithe cloest residents are more ltucn 1 ,000 feet acay, Sie roc teicued. tegal repreccltatives of lte Tocn of Milton, Milton Brtck Company ocd Ballon ton Council's Commucity servire Coccillee Mocday nigit. He ecplaiced lte. Scouts hadl lrucited more thac lIti tocs ot popor out of lte 1050 cn lte tact year. Noticg ltaI lte Scouts had iteec leil citiotos Ibeir prime luod raisiot projerl, lie coode. i f coccîlter mec- bers migbl itave ideas ltaI lte Scouts could follow up oc. Try glass Afler discussion i cac sgli gested te Scouts could roc ctorc drainage s a major factor. Snce dec lte Icicis- lry bas caid protrecu of lte projertflloexpoo lte plantis col contingent on lte ressîls of an uritan nlorrn drainage cledy. Protertîs A leller 10 regiocel coritc directoir Bobt Soitte frocn G. C. Citisamore of lte Mioistry points out lte tocO cilI itave to say ciithie rertain guide- lices or parimelees tf lte ex- pansion laites place in order 10i prolerl lte 10 Mile Creeit lroc forter pollution. A csdy 000. sodercoy by R. V. Anderson Engineering Consultants citI indîrale 10 cit estent lte population rc groc ciithoul haîcg in- jurious 10 lte ecvirommenlal slaitility of lte cleam. Milton Mayor Anne Mac- Arltur bas goce on record as favoricg more iodstrial and reoidectial devetoprmeol in hale and glace drives and provioe a oroauer ta ase assictinc trociting lte glasis for lte oparation of lte tocS. galitered in Naccagaceya tro SPIN cockers. Stili under Slraic coled lie had a tenta- tive otter ot ball a ceci perin e tg io haoule or glass piece, if cep- n e tg to plied cn large eccagit quanti- lies. Milton prerincl tif lte Coueceti to betp Halloc Regîoesl police and Thte rommilice agreed 10 lte District Ico deterlive acciel thie Scoutsaic pcopidicg cqsad are sîtîl inveciigating itis service ity msiting the liebreake-in and cuitequecl publie acare of lte plans. Thte tloodicg ai Miltoo Higit Contioaod on page 16 Sckool Halloce'en cigit. Millon's ottiial plan nalW for a popultion of 18,010 ie lte' A Sltudy te siso briof carrned outto indicaletcm provemels in lte bcon is Som swr drainage syolec. Appareotl storlo ruooflis inftttratinf lte Oaci- tary srterr and derreasing the elficerncy of the pollotion control plant. At PLR Talks no solution Tco meetings Selcero unionoandmanagement aiP. L. Roberton Macolarlurtot Co .Lld. have taited 10 resotor lthe strike by 315 cockers, chieh enfers ila 301h day loday. Compary aod Loral 4970 oegoliatnes met Nov. t anti again last Tksrsday, but n agreemenit cac reactei No furtSer taille are cseedoîrd. Titere are 315 ceciters in lte PLR barf ainicg soit andI u nio slca presideol Peter Edge reports ltere arr 218 potd pickets cacriof the pichet finrs 24 itours a day. A Champton otory lsl cent iodiratîng there arr 100 on strie vs interor. counters Milton landfill îan Regioc met cilk lte 10.0. parmin haard for a sevec bouc ý btlic itearicg aI lte Hallan Ilîs cooccil okachars 10 ronsider bilton Bririts reilsut thal some of lte rompocy's londs ha used au e uanitary tacdfill site. 0MB decisioc cac reerved, pandict notification ity mail. Tite Tocnovf Milton presenlly troutes lus garitage iR a regiocal site in Gateville bu t ilscilrsitcingcwithinsa lec days 10l acotiter site te Georgetown. Milton repreueclallveu feIt fi ld1 ha more ecocomiral le bave lte use of a rImser docp site. Miton Brick il; loraied coctit ot Steeles Ave. belceec Tremaice Rd. acd lte Firut Lice in lte former tocnsuip of Esquecice, but lte land te o' cn Milton. Haltes biche Halloc Regioc isa- tempting fl klock MitIon's itid for a clomer lacdtill site. Region repreuenlaliveo argue that Milton doe nolthave an officiel lan gooercicg itis area anî Ikat tke only plan covecingibisuarea is set doco in lte plans ut lte old itsienade ol iy stalles lte Milton Brick lando bave an indosîrial, anex trace iesdussrial anda rural Claim traffic study needed Region haits plaza growth Milton Depoty Clent Camp- bell Titempuon lest bi tomi- er aller receiviog letter trcmF. L. Crace, Maceger et lte Devetopmesli Ceetret Deportceci wIt Halten Re- ioc. Crace's tetter sueee regiea apprevat fer Mils c Pl.s fctosin mould cet ha toritcsec I l il the 100.0 cadereute a trattir sudy ic duat sros. Titocpsec blid Milleces Ceceelt Service Commit- tee lte reston staff cas "a Suert et idiots" and cero acing irreupocotbly. He totO lte cemcittee ite and other loca ulattere hard met midi thoras regilesteaf- ters to discu ed probtecn. Thte esiceme et due meeting cias, lte plees coetd go aitead, hat lte trattir ro beleti dutht ares mestd h'a ta hae deat midi. Be sld everyone if site meeting agreed. He claies lte tetter frocn Crace ettertivety uhelves Tbompoo salt istes t cas te crute provincial eeurtes and cap duera cere teer lrattic stedies ecdecmay ie dult ares aed diero cas o sese in a tifti eludy halcg eederlaeen. "We ara amare et acteriaI deficieocies ie duat area and are endeavoriegto10 correct resd detircies," lie sald. Ttsompo told lte commit- tere lte ibre people ie met citi te it ins tancewero ce-oporative but the lelter t0e a tesrth person latter a 'Cocmtttleeh ciairm-acn Caumitter Bic sý ayteced Commuter aion on the matter cas deferred Posdlog a ftuoe slaff report. desttOation and rannnt be serd as a dumcping site. Eset httsh ibic ares was crded ta lte nec to00.o Mttonshen regvoat gversstoeoleeplaced the couvIS systrlO ai lte lirst of lte yrar. the toco of billon has nl et mpteted lte veut official plan cooerlog ibto t,, ccr "Thse by-tacs contnue la re ni otrce untl lte ors, nicipttltly eoucIs Sec y tanS* Reîittn lasyî't Nttî' , yot Ithiik tkere wottîl kv once en peralvon troso te reftvo, arged Miton Brick lacyer Peler McWilliacs. "Tite region is iteing atseealttir," hie claimed, 'you'd tiit ttey'd cooerele on a calter so criira and urgent. t docIt iteoc Soc lhep cao sutter ity altocicg Ikie moditication in the plan." Milon's 00.0 tocsa plan is crently hatcg drace op. bilon pIoncer Boit Zsadacyi bold the Board duat cesi ot thtelandcwasvacant witholy a iariory koilding asd came acadoced clay Plic. "I'd ttte Ccctieaed ce palle 17 MILTON, ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, SOVEMOFO 13, 1974 FORT', TWO PAGES 15 CENTS Lcegion, citizens ,rem remfrber wvars Skies cern osercasi and lemperatares dacplv preerating as 40ia'cked tO tke 56tk avouaI Rerac Ssonce Day Service aI Vic- Ioria Park on Stioday for the OIes CaonoF.fH.Mason of ni e Anglicn Ckureh trani thlie ketiosiot oI the fiîrt nand nie drrisionof Ikose voies tkai calletI for j teparedveso SBecare nf A sss*i.iais ,shen t isean paoitpe J s~av ie tIn't ited oac [le suggested (sat liiday tiere ,,,cmd ii, ke a 1 e lis'hness and ct.sicio0. A Wrseem o havie lnsinsr .,...%a. S5riied a relaro to the 5 \ s'failliiofottrtatiersnof oonesty V Points th, cav Cann Sîson liatlroted hîs fitIsos to Irs v 10etr >itoiitof nlherteeraioo sufltrsd and AnIed As Jsas (ilnie fr rs. lie ad ot s'llisiss Suol nSielf 55iealSîis uer planed ai tke * <nii.tih b% thr provincr. the tIln i,.h tolIl niofotiakile. thti Iniyal Itoadias Legin t' e.,giiiuih ail. Miltn rýl Pint 'pe Band. the Lins toii Miltotn t.aplrr IODE, Orlinkiti t.îdge. L:.55 LicaI 1 liiiokwii't soiali aod Alhti titisb. Militon iiit0imist luh, ecpityeeo of Miltn Distitl lînispitlt tAR',A Local,97 aOn id a Pie . tltnttray hyisoirs and taiighirrs and Pie. S. L. WillSams Su hus sisiers. Thr p;inadr oI 400 cas tintîtîd )vitihe 'ckmioed Mltonitinrs* Ptpe Biand and ttîtri' Siitls ipes ad)Drumls sunePairaide MaehaI Frank REMEMBERING might be difficîlt for Ibese yosingolers a. the sîtî 1 ted Sy Joir an Iremrbrance Day service on Sunday bol tbey, were kvnoring the fallen îtîîg Aiti ,ai sîn lye d ni prevîvon wars as flago werr lowerrd tu liait stff and lthe bogIes t Ist aind IîRi eils The l,îtttîîed Itînt Post, l'Te paradeno ai 0 Itti is ' t-ir naý t tii ofI t'e lrg'îin o tIl i re ffl vitvicei Eto tir cuit Syd Childs Consider expansion sersd as c hairtsianof the prntrac sîk15 th readicg of the nacmes Sy Legion Peesîdent Rokeri Egglelon. A rrocd of about 150 GO service here iiesjidth4Mmr nontingent froc lte local Milton coald eventaatly Toronto Ares Trasiît Miltson sîîsd cake She ex- Scout-Guide grvapo Selped, have adireectilk t nion Oparatîsît Aslksrîly 0 five tenson ofth1e lin esery sivetîthe porade raoks. Stativon in Torotino. Premier top priarity la estaitliskînt a desîraite. The Legion kad alco air William Davis itas called foir commuter fie iteer Acrnrdioc 10 TATOA erord Receckeancr Day an extension of fG Transit Toronto and Streetsite on Ciieci AItar MeNak, the cîit She sntiat dicner and Commuter Service 10 titrents lte esisîing CPR lire Ati*tsvIill1e run nos Id Se progracn ai lthe begîoc Hall' ville and eventually licking Acrrrdicg la atoslintpruilinoa tial Sasîs as Saturday eoeoîog. Poppieut Milton on lte CPR lice. Regianal Ckaîrmao Atta asreyasonelt sprint. cere svttI on the ceekendf hy The emcîce asked lte Masson~ raid grvclk in Ctnisc, euepae 17 Legionnaires and voleitees. 1

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