A BIG WELCOME for Uic incoming Gracc wardcn William Thomson.-Mr. Wallace succccds Anglican Church rclor, Rev. Dunscan Wallace, 01cr. Bob Fostcr onho has mosscd to a Hamilton aras cxtcndcd at bis Sunday nigbl induction by parisb. rcctor's wardcn John Morgan (lcft) and pcoplc's Car slamns tool shed A car driven by Crraid Sassoavobi, 20, R R 3, Miltoni receivedan esimated $900 damoge Satorday oher il left theraad aod caiidedowiiba 1ont shed. Sosossi was traveling wrsi aong Conces- sin67 inEramaaTown- ship. Tasa passeogers, Rase Hanausebiti 2.Ra ,Rcbwod a nd Annafiartinger, R.R i, Acton, Oece b Irroird aI cA Guelpb Ornerai tHospitl for misai colories. >~-ho*gaper areIOc Ibisorel BOY SCOUTS and Cubs took to the streets Saturday morning for Scout apple day. Milton Scouts sold 19 bushels of ap pics and turncd in a profit of $300. Scouts Lindsay Rbynold ilcft) and Andrear Lander arere omong thc rendors with baskets dccoratcd for thc occosion. Wants to "I'm tiredof brio g bouaced aroand irais Oabvdlr ta Mil- tant Qarrn Park," J. Molle told Milton Coaocdl and MiosJ Darreli, a senior plao- neroithiiieMinistryofHous- Molle told couardi be cor- rrnily liors in an apartoirot andbhad isvested in land o in the grernbet Hr said lie hadt bers working iooards the day ohen br cautd bud a housr on his praperty but is o being bold tbai br cannai buildand the provincr isn't willing ta buy the tond. letter tronc Procincial Trea sucer Johnv Whitr, but thr lti ter tld lis sothisg and nmade lle sme Miss liarrel sort cccii caancii at caascii'a reqornilc discassncammrnts !' e tiad miade abnat ibrer atherars a'herr caunciibhadowantrdla pric secand dorliigs an parcein cl andý Miss tiarreil1 bad arigaiiv oppaed caancii's ivisb bai tainý oitbdrro brr apponi- lias Sbr rxpiainrd tbe situa- Ian bod nol bren mode cier ariginahiy. Sbe naird a cancers abrut the iree applicatians camîvg îinancerand noied sbroas cancersed abous sritisg a precedetaofitoo ntureand aiiaoîsngtarmiond tags sut ai agriculture. Caociiiar Dan Gardas tld Mons Dorreil ibat be tels tarail councliors and niaffit m brn ore besi eqaîpped la scole tbune decisiono and isdicaied be dlds't tîbe worb- ang aîitb saiscae lasbisg Miss,crl iccichil -,r goveromentcvasasmelhisc muicipaliis hadt ta lise oitb. "uts o fart of flfe." MatyorAsor MacArthur oediegrecobeil oao to benefit ail of ihe people of Ontario and thseroalohmdod ha ahared. She argoed landowo- eas shmdld receive paymeni for their land nom and sot have hi waîl Imo or ihree years. -Robeit Baldwin Schooi earolled ii new studeota in Octoher. a Volkswagen e Pomshe Even if something weaes out yo0 Sans monep aI BAZ proposais byT. Rioaon, Noaom Prapres, Ilogb McMilan and flaila CredO j e Audi e New & Used Fn, SALES and SERVICE Phone 811-5286 Pree Courtisy Car By Apointssest LATEST FACTORY DIAGNOSTIC EOU IPMEPIT build or seli land Scout project in jeopardy as plant refuses newspapers A dciiig market for re- leh over afhir lasi moolhas pahers ao liaoled awaythi mahke ti worîhohile. ycled nemapriol hao il drive. ihdompM"he oaid . Ta usie He saîd he wodld oiti go to Mio Boy %coulo rhl Prlees dama towo la maved the collection cooncil hi discosa il ocOl where il horlo-i tie po t. Shiain said the p ieo worh aod lime aod Oie wear week. Bol in the meanlime, hook. paper boa hee drpi aondltear oohe trock, while Moo<lay of tia seek Scout oled In . eo fto m a p1 h le go o ahnav officiaio iearoeditherecyclina 081 hob iocos ata moch more o ace in Oie ~lal Bampon oheR monih ago The Scouts collen regional doms ta an fil p ln nBapo h i seven In nine toms In a norma 1Ihat tlie Scout were "aving aysomopopergaer moolh and had a record 16. Oie iown enoogh mnycc la themonm yaScoutpaperai M lt n S h drives, oo longer wiii accept ton hauti n Seidember of Oi mooOi, the cimnci] wouldi the fper. A decliniog morket year. endorse a aoboidy hi heep Oie o ame h District Presideni ad service operaling ond make1 rs be Omd h as concerned wheo Oi' the peajecl worOi ail the lime 'Tbere goes ar maiolaond- priceoflpaperde opp $iosa andirooble roining prajeci," District ton--ii meaolOihe Sciz mr Needahaye Presideot Jim Sîrain tld The really oaaling Iheir lime Bal now, Sîrainadmihi hens Cbompion. Tbe Scouts have coilecling il if Oiey onty stcmed He doentko hedepending an Oie paper hrooghl in sus worOi for a wnerercieto goooInghfora drives a Iheir major source morningo maork. He planned hoyer, and afraid if ha fiods a of revenue for the r ni few hi go hi Milton Cooncil nent hoyer the price alili wonit years. Nol only an Ihe weeh hi are if Oie hio wod frecino pionlar cul off ail sohaidize iheir nervice. ..faor pae drives-ihey 'Aller al, ohahiver we oa' ve ae hala iier coilect doeno'b have hi ha lnofpaper the Scoots had looded on Oie lomns gorhageS A E( [Milton Council briefs J ON THE FABRIC 0F YOUR Durn Uionareai inconormty Phono Today - Free Es Dornga meetingaof Milti non oeotncnomi Conî Mondoy îgbt, soilh the sflicial plan. -Deslared Nav. il to Nav. -Panard a by-iow 18 as Youîh Appreciotion 878-9094 regulatîng self-se r gosolîne Weeb. locilities in the ton ai Milton. Granîrd $200 toncards the Hase your furnitare Santa Claus parade Nov. 30 -Were advised by orough and uoafficiatiy nnminaird ci Elohicobe Ibol ibere op- csuncilior Rick Day as Santa. beautifully re-uPholstered. pered ta br litl caniral a manicipalty cauid esercise -Reqarnird the Liqor avec landiards adsptiog an Cantrol Boiard aI ostios ta Choose from hundreds aduit-aniy rentol pilicy. inotitobo oyaiemn afrbargîng Agrerdla inite l a o ttie deposil he puqar- ff0 rc --Aree toinvte andcbasing isine and piqor- ffn fbis Division Canimitter merm Cooncil wanted the boletro besta Milton Causcîl ta dis- br riondahir and recycird. issia nobtrotr Pse eslto sme prablemos and mis- You recette a 5 year written à o dicoiing the sown is prepalred ctrs ta poy $88,000 for the Forest guarantee coeigwarkmanship. Baowling Association per- on arro raird ironlage mssioan tsel]cacoiae chorges 10 the brnefitingi caird aimanda durnOthie propertyoes .M L O P LS caolb of Nscrmbrr as a asd raising drive 78 Poscdrvei. 751SteinAve J.D. CURRIE Plumbing & Hoating are now Iocated af 161 MAIN ST. E., MILTON We supply and instail American Standard uines of plumbing materials ond other namne brands anytime for Ê ail your plumbing needs! 878-2452 0 !94 ING CSrajon aaid the November paper drive schedoled cfor ov16 oi likely be can- ceiled, ooieoacouncilore corne Up olth an idea oeot Mooday. Futore drives are aino0 big question mark, until a deciaion a oreached. timates I t