Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Nov 1974, p. 22

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84 The Canadien Chanpion, Wed., Nov. li, 1974 Bs misis goa ta tise Rer. Edwavds ard sans fron W. R. tiRad) Lewis. Wond- Clartisor. Mr. and Mrs. t. t. uscliAve., uha etsirates isis Msndoza and fanily frsm iitiday laday erdnesdaye 'isti and Mr. and Mrs. N. Nise. 6. 'Irinite lests Toreenta. We wslcons then ta Muilton District of tse Girl GsiIdes of Canada met ai the honme of District Cota mloniooer Edit Tharntse. 585 Chsurchill Ave. se Monday, Oct. 20. Plans use mails for lise Braunies and Guides la participaIs la Muilaonts Remembrance Day Parade on Nose. 10. iliton Braunies and Guides bave alo becs ervited 10 participais sn the Georgetown lseenterance Dsey Parads se Nov. 17 Guides and Braunies suti atm ltake part in Miltor's Saita Clans parade or Nov. 30. ?dasy hapfydrelures ufthlie day se uts for Barhaca Besney, Sintis Lias. stes cemisisales, ber tirtisday or Susday, Nov, ta. Beltld birtbday grestings gs t0 Eva Pierce, R.* R a.- Actn misa celebraird teer birtday as Tissrsday. Oct. 31t. Neumoers or Frobisher Dr. are Mr. and turs. J. Milton. Onst wîshes go ta Manica Haviant. Ontario St., esio cleterales tiees second teirtis day se Friday, Nov. B. Congratulations and hast wshes go is Mr. and Mrs. aw ceti Woodward Ave. sho cseratrd thisse 5th wsdding annivsrsary or Tuesday, Oct. 29. Tissy werr treaîrd ta dirner ity Melves and Mari Cragg. Ttey recciord a special assivestary prescrit se tOc prevesous altsrnora whes their great-grandon James sas bers. Pod parents arc Mr. and Mrs. James Cragg of Richsmond Hill. This is tise firut greut-gvasdcteitd eette the Cragi sans. Htappy hirtteday is Tonmy Waton, Woodward Ave.. ubo celeterales bis teevlbday os Psiday. Nov. 8. A menof s!tise nsebers et Melttes Csnuoity Nursery Octeotl tscorpsratsd itorcerly Milton Ce- 6jOgcC~JLL The rewards of writing a book What dosait feet like? Aren't you excitait? Friasandfamily were happy for me wien my fient haik tinatty became a reatity a feu wsehi ago. Titey auted me tisa questions trying ta imagine haw lteY wuld test in a similar situation. 1 wanted ta teill tlssm aiB ltse standard titings sachast I as like giviag birtit" or "I'm in seventit heaven." t wanlsd te, but tisat waatdn't he ttie truth. For one lius, giving isirili was for me)ite ultimate experience 0' m ile (peritaps ltatos uy t isad sa many cidren!t A book cerlausly cmtldn't reptace tisai satsael feeling. Besides, the creatian of lise btook toati place several ysars aga. titis was simpty a mattsr ai jmittisilg and prnmatitw. Wimt was semsatiaaal was lte kindns ami sin- etY i weil-uisisers, ami thte support of peupte ulia r=adm weltisgs and fonnd comssgrt asdinspiration sn Ie. Nom ltais tivig! Timi's peapte relating ta peuple, rsaciig sut and laneltini ose anather, and ltais mit maklattise sa soritiag. Labelllsg My grestest concero was ltai tocal readers wontd becmtliaed bythe persanlissy seeinathe bookiand the pe=ititsy have came ta tisas tmrogh my wetily clms. t imagined ltem ltmkisg me sciinid, sie liling i a Split personality uta wrîtns taday in a femii rein and puis nit a bot if religias ami sirituel psy. Samehau Ut i aren t considerd compaliti by las's standards. Perisapa titis pointa tphecnmptiy ateitunan persaaality. Peritaps it i tirates lte growth palential we ait have. Peritaps et shtaws tse mitaits we att matre in patting peaple an seat litais categaries and taitettiot Uen. The buo reflectu my esperiences of five or moare CnamM"ot ha invatved ina targer wortd. Titere were longismirsof qaietwnitaiabies were in bed andater tontles Ud up wsith itaring, repetilive jobs. Perfect at' asispisere for tiniig, readîng, cantenptating and refisectiag. Perfect for uritingi t remember drapping tse vacuan cleaner ami lsaring tolihetypewritersnitan idea ta recrd. f wunt juI postry dariag Unis tins btut plays on tce socil sttcureafasor sciety and the curct Crealis'lty A time offeerishcreativity. Every experience at ltait tins uas iaterpreted an tce wrîtten word. And monder of wamiers, tion itseing read. Churcli pubt- tis wsre printing My staff as fast astI conld tamn il ont But tere an one nagging daaitt t always itad i thtehaclsof My mid. t wasn'titeig paidfarnmy ariting and i devetaped a camptex tat tl maald er he psbtiuied ifthay liadt la puy ne for il. Taday ny runptex s gotand it's agond feeing ofsorttuhne ko tsoln atter itut il dues, that'a tise 'ay uesr slesctired. But it dsn't natter as mach as the a'awan wio titd Me MY wrltlngs nave hiped iter ta ses Ide noce clearty. And tl daenni naie ap for the fanity wo isagit sen raptes hacause te teenagers reaty dug ultati1 ussaig, or te yoga teacher uha read tat lie rIis dorth meditation periad. tisare Ue ewarda. Amdi t feeîn grea. * Guarant.ed 4 *Income Certif icates %, Il 1 ta 5 YEAR TERM I * INCOME TRUST MEMBE5e CANADA 0f 505!? INSURANCE COOS.I F OR PEASONAL SERVICE 4 CALL 16 Murtn St 878-923 spevative Nursery Scisete___ ' esasthecdeseda o vn iaE"e, Ot. 30 aiSt. Paul's United Churcit 'l'e iiewty elcîccca board ai direciors acelodes presîdesi Cars! Booss firsi vice- re, A president Tesi Kerr, second vive-precedeet Pat ricia Fiassîgas. sccrstary Marilyn Elsley, treasuver Oarte Lavc, registrationscretaiy Lînda Leaver, chairnian of moilgI paclîvipatesti seetiers Sheila aurtt, chairsean o! aftrrnsss I partcpaigseethers Carol Morcy and atesnoso lasso Congauaties and test Cateyes kot rc n Ne ma Kelmn 14 Onai Ste S. ste ceebhat the 26tt eddisg aseîveesary todayv Wedneedayi Nov.6. ORDER QI Teeday is also Bruce Kelcean' hertteday' tacot Qsapter 280 wisescto hies' oreskI the The od MttontSr Isobet Bird, PaThe teedaMlo Oressiry mâtroo Mt mnt os Wrd.. Oct. 30 sn The Lillian Rea genecat pucpose rouea ai berry, ast Roet Baldwin Schteol. treaurer fi "Teceies*enretlcd esre: Ctevyt Keotecrt, Sosn Coetey. Kell> Ase Mitller.p locetece Vao Oves Lîs socites, Pennvy Wells, P t A Yvonne t teevîlne, Meonique Hadtcy, Steece Outeter. Susav n sai Fournier. aed Kim Walhee.i st l Breown ttc!. Pearl Mc55aters Newo leaders o! the pact arcN o l Taoe y 0i%1 Mary Langi and testY lw Sos Sehaý G rand Syreia gue8! was Itities itritct Comssivoner Edite Bh~ct~tsc cesr 5The otticers tottoocof tee oreseed Str Retetae1 stder entitlcd a.11 ateout tes ocre instal * ores itooso day, tctotev itcypy tortteday oesites go eo!'e Presideet tee Ke' tGevais'.. Sedseroad trie! I wteo celeteraitees i-itdy Ottîcers fer t! tnoritedayNov arc Pot Allen. os Teovvay. ece. Marti Ocele. Ne% rvede's ut the tccerdig Sec Maytcev Apte. ave Mr. aed Maxowett; rie Mev. K. Snetgrve tcom tory.ill MC o Brcampton aed Mr. and Mvs.LoîeCt M. Oeatos aeddaotittevreston Ttee opene is Mesisvaogae teltd St Knox Newomeev'on Wilsen Aoc Ctevcte aed at areeeM.and tîlvR Desand meeersasdsv ther thee cîetdvco teom oas scevco tey Engtand conveser trris We wstcoeee tlees to oc te teelpeve. Happy biteettd.y osetes go 4 8O IV o Marie Hove ng who U 5 cetetercees tiere 1ttt bevthday on Saeovd.iox Neo' 'e ced tee cMart Ftovecege' 'eleevites hitee i Fetyu 'etýondas. ,in o 'etece hapyoetueu oftte Tire arenon da ave coished tor Agns' Haltes Maso Itosco, R. R e, iteon oteo Chtampionse velevoates lier iteeetday een seces ugo. N'ecA ucManrsscs thece ese *'a \'e",t ecctly at- heave ived 90o tact, Gtes Wiltiams asd the fi1 eceite (y and tesooted 17 puetested sn a grvoetoneO et[ theis haves. nsws stry. Hos o! thes Masors r! ARTHUJR A. eeINSONO.D OPTOMETRIST 214 Main St. Miltono ý878-3673 Hopital Auxiliary to hang local art Milton District Hospital er sa suitl reedt Auxetiary sa ineteating a osu Deverseonal Theu project beeby tonai arlialu nîlît.I hundi -'are sncnuragsd 10 dîsptay uhs tekes mortini Ibsîr mort in te ospilal for les, hstpisg ten viemng by patients and vîsî- pis isaodcrafts anc lars. Wtater cotors, ails, and nomesosmisocaut pbotograpbs mutl be banog for tse banderai% bit dilta weah nalenialo pr in"tser recsniasuwslsllsr Quiliî thIe andelary -rsparted re- A Craît GroupeIn F' THE EASTERN STAR, Ballon t, inslalled ils 1974-75 officers last front row tram left are conducîreas secrelary Jessie Watson, associaIs irjarie MePhail, worlhy matron dead, worthy patron Lloyd Ras- ociate patron William Gable,' iva Ranberry and assaciale con- ductress Margaret Gable, fIn the second row are chaplin Anna Cairins, marshal Mary Booth, orann Eleanor Coulter, iAduee Marjorie Pdy, "Ruth" Frances Clements, "sther" Donna Coulter, "Martha" Hazel Smith, "'Etecta" Mabel Hadley and warder Kathleen MeLean. Missing from the photo wos sentinel Perey Barr. edmpo Facmi/y Page Silver Cross Mother ta OttaC-wa est Eseseof sodgc 79, Met- lsd os Titurs- 24, ity Sister District fe- o! Centre Oie- ie ycar 1974-75 Noblte Grand; Vice Grand: vetcv Peart acval Secre te, Tvcasovev, Psesteyteiat ierded IV 1.50 'esetors. tLunch Gilbervt ami tis. Assis taudi. as 83- oece otd iliver Cross Maiher ivoîs Stetîles, Attesta. esiti vepreset Caradiati motteertesd an Ottawsa as tbe ncatieon veeneiters its war dead os Nov, te. Site tead theocsosin eheeroice, to ot whesom sers hettsd. iippec Thsmas Oodd sas tettcd in Franse sn Sep- tevaier. t1944 white sevving coitt lte Royal Canadien Esgiseers, Ste Field Park Comepany. Hc was 25. Sgt. Fracis Rodd sas hctted oe Hacoose, Gsvwasy, Oclohar c., 1943 eshits seeviof as an argcntier witit the ISCAF. Hs cas 1 iyears of age. A tird sas, Captais Jackt Rudd. witit t in W tirent witb Il andi tasgiv lanoritesI rer-90 club c thar Tise portsd tees effer gocssed bout toenc r moeysars. fronst p age atisties sheos ladieesyocaressrolsd in lte Ms Iov Perbirs is lise cldest ai j9 and way ite fiaetto's "be citien-o- ose teas corne lorward yet ts despote tierv laise -Yocogsters are startirg maiig oue C'iristmas esant tests alrecdv. c~E9UO gFOOTWEAR FORMERLY TOM DEAR SHOFS Now you con purchase your footwear from a shoe and Iectther craftman, one who wii fit you in cam fort 8~ quality at no extra charge. DACK'S * JARMAN GREB -HUSH PUPPIES BOULET-WESTERN BELAIR * ETC. * ETC. 4 Plus a complete lice of Rutebers & AIl Waatteer Boots, Zip- Lace- Pull or. CHO1LDR ENS SIPPS $395 to $59 221 MAIN ST 878-6902 1STORE WILL REMAIN OPEN DURiNG PLANNED ALTERNATIONS vélis is stilI seving ie PPCLt. oaw service rn Ialy la 1944. Hs bas ulss servvd in Krea. aI Europe and Atrica A gcandasn is nrsstly se Calgary Highlandters s ltse LayaI Edmontons' ssvg in lte PPC il as as ceaI. Hs sas wondrd escitage officier attaceed te tise Royal Green Jachels le Ergland. Mrs. Rudd'e al-ysar-aId iosteasd Thonas wittse cswpasy iter la Ottaewa. Oe s a dual wur velerar, itavinli r served in the Britishe Amy ie World Wac t and in tise Veterars Guard af Canada in Woctd War Il, Oc sas awarded tise Military Medat le World War t. Mr. Oodd larnrd in tbe Stetîler ae for almont 40 ysars. Tite couple cane la Canada fran Etiglasid 45 y sacs aga. Bate are still active Legion esoriters and ave tifs trera- bers of Otetîler Brurcit turs. Ruddositt place oe of tise neyes officiaI weaths ut the national wac eora Tise cscswasny esill te APN tE RU10D tetevsed ai il anm. E.S.T. Party in Septenher. 'Ticktie sales on tse chair and quit realinrd $835. Crafns Tise Auxiliary Crafi Graup is lontiing for donations of sew cotisa scraps for their qttigrojet. Tbey can hae sf1 in tis Gift Shsp, marird Crafts. olive Oison isas relirrd as canveser oflthesewing group and Psggy Disitermns ias laites over tise dellvery of lise he aisy piclures. A coaven- dfor tse capy con- it put- s ut sin- suzatehar svided. ceet on te eacimnntatt1.30 p.m. inte Clinical Clausronn. varions crfits suris as flouer arrang- ing, prssei flouer piclures and Christnas ornanents ae currenlly iteinli uorted an. Quilling sa alsa haing taugisi ty group eers. Christuas soie The ausllary sa holding tise annsal Christmsas sais and nsnisership tea tis P'riday fromnt0san. îsa4p.n. and 7 t O P.M. My life in the listening business BY BE¶1TY KENNEDY Ifind heoting an inoterview show is a lot casier than explainieg how you do it. I don't think you can be tn this business sithout bcbng genuinely curlous about people, about their lives, and the million thinga that make them different from each olher. But a pervons difference doesn't alwaye shbow on the surface and you cao t force i out. It takeo a lot of lislening, flot only to the person's words tout to the bidden mon or woman loehind them. My' main effort is always to make the person feel aI ceeue, f0 lt my guesta kos tbe moment tîhey walk itt the stuioe t htut tbt-y'01 ce tîcauele uicîl te'et anIid lhoîeghtfulness. Putting people on the spot or deliberately embarraoning them doesn't intereat me. I want them to relax and explore the things thut really mean something 10 them. When s long-lime inter- national star tell you candidly as has no difficulty relating to huge audiences, it's only in one-to-one relu- tionahipo ohie con neyer make it, you know you have reached Ihat person. She becomes a reat person talking, not just a5 stage good interview are the intongibles YOD simply Carlt explain. The tangibles are easy enough-the amount of homework dons in advance and ynîîr own ahility to concentTIte completely on the guest. If someone controversial la presenting un unpopular view, the lioteniîîg audietnce la entitled to a fair and impartial presentation. I helieve it la the audience, not the interviewer, who judges the merits of a guest. Audi- ences have a lot of common sense and are quite capable of arriving ut their own decisions. Broadicasting takes you into mony different worlds, tout always it is the peetple, what tbcy tlîink, whct tbey feel, why they do the things they do, that count moat, persoctality. Its thut kind of response that suddenly makes an interview take off,. 5En O What I am afler in exactly that persotsal, 7 7 t(.iNe.human quaîity of a guest which cao often lend a new perspective to a story. Many thinga about a .tsno ô y's business how much you weigh. itcee il, yceUr;,esaoyetypicil o i cî(,gt Youriî wve evght, the tek, .t y , leeiv eiiey c, And c- i w, the cci1iek ceici icfol u,, eIie ', pn e 'e'.lly mil'omaned, CLASSDINDASSTREA GEORGETOWN HOLV CROSS RECTORY Garage Entrance Mapin St. - Tons. 7.30 pes. W[IGHI WATCHERS@Q 'i

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