82 Tise Canadian Champion, Wsd. Nov. 6, 1974 OUR RADERSWRITE. Armas are mnssllaf.1 AuthoritteS ot uither tise OuMou, Ortc r2 s Coleg 0' Ara s nd Tuusay Oc',L.er 22, DorotiY ut' titeCourt ut= oeL Stsrprtud lu the Couneilo in ScotIand. ut Mto od Hattuo HIS oukville lu ose of tissa 36. titat ou Saturday, ort. 19, site Tiseir Arus were grated iu rocusived o ltiler troue tihe 1906, tise design lie's issed Cleris of tihe Court ot tise Lord ou ou eurler une oue by tise Lyou Ootudwsch ouys town for many Years. isprt, " Os lupn ur nrmat The records show tis.t our ou are isuvigluncolie Toronto ued arias for nearl witisapplicatious froue, O0 uew 150 yeurx hefore applylul for tocal autisuritims toowing tise o grout. Kinguso relebruted re-urganiuatiuu of local tiseir trireutealy sn 103 hýy goverumeut in Scottaud. Il isaviug tiseir previoouly ued may ise saime moctis isefore arias reguturiuud. la tise Lyonco ra uie op comsider- t950's Victoria, tise capitat of aliuu of yoar pelitiou. British Cotumiai, diuruvered that liseir arme, proudty Sysmposium dptyed for atuust 10 Tseo isouro lute t ws ou a y a isa d isen recorded plane for Ottawa lu attend tise nultiser ju Eugluud sur Scot- aoonutl meeting symoposium taud and were heratdicutty and banquet ot tise leruldry incrrt.Te pripy Suciety ut Canada. tusseat uuaietsi I dlsuuuod our proiteins uoiouadtsseedlg seits mnauy ut tise direrlurs h e ffaisdsmtulyl we wait. tise old one. Question: "Wisal do we do iu tise meautinle?" Aswer: "Iomemade" "We Mn Our designs au lu Canada tisere il uotiiq 'Provisionat Arias'." Tise ittegat in uig "hornemade Couuty ut Hatton was ariasa uthtie preseot time, but ",provisionat" froue 1053 tn tise Registerud oua. have 205h - atmust twu yeaes pase te test ut scroliuy hy Mauy ut us cas remesuher tise 'experts". heuriug ou tise radio tise lu Scotlaud tise dluplay ut aurieut proctamation "Tise Arme for ohicis tisere is no King ix dead -Longtlive the graullus au otteure -tise Queu", whien tiR.H. Tise penattiesl, strtly eufurred, Priurexs Elizabeuth was peu- are tiOes, confiscation aud ctaimed u on tise deatis pusie desrurtion ot ther ut lier tasser Ring George VI. rutteudiug maleriat. Yul tise Corouatiou did flot Tus taise place foc almoot 18 Tise situation in Eouluud s moutha. dittereul. Tise Britiush Situation Partiament sn tise Mid- Tise prenent xituation iu ontestis cuutus'y impoued Canada ix this. lu 1967 tise au anuelu laix fur tise use of Olute Departiment ut Canada arias isy Art 32-33 Virluria nehtlixhed a Ceuteuxiat isoois- Sert. 19 regardleuxi ut et etittud "Tise Arme, "whetherxouch armurial Ftagx, and Flurat Emisteus iseariuL'- cetoresg li of Canada", bie thoxu xtuet ut Arme 0OR NOT" '! acrepted as "officiai isby ou Iol fn egenetmedh Guvuement for tt provncues tisere areu tim0,0d tisas aud 100 terriluriex. Yul soent re up lu 51use0bu aen-s ut tise have uut ruceivud lise xli s o svtu sanction ut a Grant ut Arme. regixlured in Euglaud. Arrordisg tu a rueuet se- Tise taxtseau rupesîrd In ticle isy tise Yorks lerald ut !945 iseuxe ut tise difficulty Euglaud. several Canadiann 5oltdn5 i.. Dioruse appeae 10 hae in tise It ouemeeting in Ottawea samne position, tise gusl speaker oas Me. Joisn Brohe-Little, M.V.O., 36 conflied M.A., F.S.A., F.H.S., Richs- Whiteiudrudu of muni- mond Heratd ofAre sud cipatities acroux Canada dix- Registrar ut tise Colluge ut play anus us their officiai Arme. lu spilu ut suc h an tlerhadu, pelice and otiser improuxive array ut Itusours, suhictex, xhSdder flashes, lie ws quite appeouchaiste etr., tise tateut figures as ut aud autugraphed my cupy ut Octuhur 19, 1074 show tisaI Buutetleu Heraldry 1973 unty 36 have heeu confirmed Editiuu udited isy isim. This hy a ".Grant ut Armnorial isokmayuonedayisu arutlec' Beari ngo" isy tise Cron to' item - mstof tseuld titrugi tise Autisoriued editiuxx are. NO SMOKING LETt FROM Dear Sir: Duar Sir, I have atteuded muxl t liste Junior B lassisck games in Miltun tissueosou aud nutice tisaI Milton Cune dexpile large NO SMOKING signe, mauy Brick Cumpa peuple cumpiutely ignure them and oloute dump. t am i lise air 1 tue clegrue tisaI uually by tise Milton Huigs tird peeiod lisere ixs isheavy inte fug of lise people issnging uve tise ire surface. hell. tisave un Nul uuty do lise peuple so isete in- dump in at coneiderslîuu tue son-xmukers, il muet Delaweaee. Is haliser tise players sud ilis against tise lase fcom tise gar If s liee slueted in isis utd stens tl piaewt pruhaisty seooldn't taise mure than a n isuot lit acor luishu ltite geound (and periassp laisesa tgacr few iveswihil.)tise mouicipi teselice setis l.)peivate se t uuticed Ina tisaI tise timeiseepers oere tisas tisaI, ex settisg s guud eusmple isy smoking lsruugis iuteecepiuuo Mos t tise gamne! lise pe ltd Most areas isave adequste staff oe l police lu sec tisaI lise "su smoinig" sows Ioxs ixto sre enforced. Wisy not iu Milton? muicipality Yortu purification lor tuv, olliout sou. Gave Hendricx, dlean-up-l R.R. ,Miltuo. dollars. Informative Mis sueurs s informât Hsu paId sel le iou pletly reoegauioed ua.nd ou o result t ley have iseen deallg wItis 4w1 sese petitiolia lue Muicipal Armeu. H0e saitd that tisey -er able lu regrnu uhu of u tise utd uns sihout mai chanue of desigu, but forthse nuli tise us Healdu haut "rcoue op seith ueo ideas."1 Theu proisies wsea toisher roposdedh loch uf talff and aouitutsuit- iue ale and andrullu. lone regisnal Iltwuuld appear thathutis Eugtand and Oreollasi have Il ws a prvlgeslu muet and chat seti o ad olish thu tup lieraldistu and Huraldir Artistu iu Cauada. Il has laiten a oeuh lu, ntlu doo and try lu diget lise seealtis ut infunuation giveu lu me. Meauseiile see juI have lu osit aud for tsoue seh May wusdee'- "Wisyhulisee?" ssay t ney this. one ut eue duepext instincts ix lu ha recugnizud tue seiat weare and what we have sccompliuhied, lie il tise tirst isiris nutire lu tise paper, tise g old stae un tise otrievemunt tecisild isriugu home froue nursery urisoul ne tise Ruyal *telegeum, shicis come liste i001h hiethday. lu 1907 many cilluens of our couuty seere peuud lu diuplay un theie humes tise sigu "Cenlsry Fana 1907" uuly lu t867 and sf1 in tise family. Penelalia In asutisur isudeed y eues perhaps tise cilinens ut uur towsnd regiuuseiltusStthe llluminaled Wareaut u tise seail uft lie Couril Chamisur tureiseaesluuh ustepa lu record lhaie "Enseignes Armoriat" un ne ut tise gruteut HRofu Are esistiug in tise seurld lu- l ,ïed m onue day have ier osen fu Arus and higisun theuluiât h lisoae 30 eholsteoulua ppY aud see sout hae for bhiind. Sumeisus- perhapu il's seortis seitiug tue. -Ouolishy Slunu. 4AYOR VIEW 01396 BIER FRONT WINDOW îed auddismayed lutuearo that il oe stIl seeinig tise Milluu sy'secavatin as a gaehage lixappeinled tisaI lise peuple ut lu have uol luises tise example ut Asgrove and rased isuly fite an example ut a garhage qsarry in Newecastle Couty, tis instanuce leurisolu (fluide) ,ý na grave'. pit poltoted anate artesias oeils ut s r compasy to miles sseoy. ,lisis gravet pit wsa ter Iiug lu experts). mhe eesslt is ttity lx uo compeneating tise e compasy tue lisls s. Worse pertu called in decided lu drill oeils halseeu tise dump asd W eIls. mhey did iis sud leucisate lin a streuse, isupe- ixg tise stresue. mhe streso tise Delaweare River. mhe seuerisud tise U.S. tue s xystem lu treut tise leuchatu- cs.Especled rost f uthtie Isweeu 10 and 20 million riclu liste Milton Brick Cumpanypioa s shows t l e peliuled tesm 43 ditte TO PARENTS sources, lu July 1073, lise Gahoilte CreeS 'EN uHOOLIGANS Wslur Slsdy sisused asy eupansion ufthfie Towu of Miltonacould eat i:... t. lucreaoud arisas rus'oI. 2.I lreusued watetloudromourhaserus tise parents ut tise 15 off se lu my isume os 3. Increased sanilt'ry seld. iudltupull offlise gala, Thexstudy shows thal sxRheurhan aea nd tRes sluueu in my expandx and uehan draiuage increaxeu, lise sgingerapaac wste tned caeeied in Rue stnumu drainage ust ut tieir nomes. syxtem oill uncreane, Rias degradiso doseu- s lime lu insltgple steam wslee qsality lu Rue deisimunt ut yastsues Rinh.1 waleessees, etc. etc., etc. and live afone .1 would Page 13 ufth110 repart udue recomn- tgy- meudation rends, "Since lise exsting sealer chemistry isd Mes. Aima Carson, isacteria concentrations are nul cumjtatihle Kilbide. mils msny ufthRu ideutified and legitimate sate uses, il lsrecommeuded that every effort bc made lu impeove the quality ut 'jakville Crecis- P'OTEtTI'b My question; Would locating a gacisage dump in lise sese oîcîntty ofttRu cees impev i? Cedtise hacleria cuncentrations sut euplu seis siguedup ýn ideutified lie comisg froue, tise uid garisage .R.D. sehen luomin dompa? M,0tonluoougarhage iu Mes. Macrthusr rlaiss Rue onus could toe Anusn seul oise lie turoed islu a park. If I lived in Millun Ide Rublic meeting ut Iteigis and I wsea ueisfunued ufth Runu- lu Committee in Use vinummeulul hazarda ut lusdftilag t oould Chambsers ou Nov. 13, sugget Ruat Rue excavatlus lu Rue oresutf tons garisagu. I hao Rue luth Siducnad aed Rue SixUs Lise would ruroue rdom MI. lie un ideal localion lu, pal guehage, Rusn aotma, Zhamms seu il oa eveusly baroud inlu s park, e Bo a 0111e Usuire. Mayor Amiu MacArthuar couId ait and gaue mse cus heome Rue ai il tesia bar trost oluduse. ciles or Burlbuglua's William A. Johnson, wsy ta1 luIfurmua lu lu Rut. 2, Rouiswood. P.S. Theu fart that th OMB beeigouIis WilliiaA. Joli-a, situe lueg oudonte c" a oseis' Chiulesl*, G U.ARD.. day deisa public paOcpatient. Il -aai R.R. 2, Ci thd baewltislberns luIotsllltthulbuard. MM706TEUMAM5 ~ 'IUITI.gs..5..104 MINI ST. ff1 leUI Is .Il 818USi-4483 fiIIL1sLPS0. WARNING 0F IIALLOWE Gear Sirs- t seisis lu adviue isuudlumxs whio rat liaiiseeo nigisl tei coiled vne naines as yard, 110t1 tamr srs in rouet. I have Mn taltosee'un lx uot aud deutruy prupertI am 94yea'stofauge appreciate au speo Iluar Sir: I hope ail Ruhp support uf G.U.A wuuled lu, depeuit 4 Usue excavatin uvecy effort lu attet dealig its Hait eomidty seuda Anisa A=bea Koutihufl asd Us Asp ufthUese a reclslut Of Ost g.The onlyr 1 1, * 1,