The Canadian Champion, Wed. Oct. 23, 1974 7 ORSA Squirt "B' finaliata. Team members are David Brown, Randy Smith, Larry Small, Richard Stanley, Steve Davies, Donald Bucbanan, Ted Windmuller, Ronald Wunder, Kenit Day Steven Hughes, Ricky Smith and Rusty Elot Standing behid are coach Bob Craig, manager Lynn Smith and coach Cople Snmitb. NO PSJLt, Fauitiesn brakes are a anusitee for îter drit'ieg saftt> Have 1the equaioatiee c11euked. A pol le ose sidr cas cause a dangeeous skid, otaros th1e Ontario Oafty League. Ladin' higb ciople Tbcimc Bourid 260 ladies 1110h triple, Thcma o.tidtii; 707-men'1 h "leAiste,olToncO 374;a.h bobg triplo. Fr011ig 518. tes. Gray 26. 0111crjgo triples, Anîclo Tean, EeCrdrmn 674. Waraen rig 80or 0 JUnde' %010 « r Witcos Ori 25, Ref, Gry 2frt15 Jck IBor cdS 5ror 2b Lyd iodO 2 àe- osase-g Ûhent 3 for 18, M0e-toi Grcy 2 foe 10. Ladies' hsctge,, Hautid 212, lcdtca l gh Irtels, Mariner Meao 831(Mo, 190, Oui) mcn'. ut be hýi Jerh c 66582m(1266. Othrr 10 togir.n AI Orlh 24 Do McrLec 227, J2us rcr 226, Bsh WcOci 224,11Arnold 0111cr top triples Ai (lent 604 ars,12>3, BUt Oeromol 02 1212, 211, 1112) Jo. Berard 83 lm616,21 l6o0 1 0,6622, la)126, Bob W-iFe 11,24 Bt 5.Foroit 0 for 17 l orlilD si 1. 'bih a141 Jcie 0211 sa.r1 G 26. r ff 62, Jle Vie0 760,e Rcade F trip12,Oue Leon 71 LrnercntoMaie uelSi.,intn 'colo Rei, ný 3, "aine'. veinucles, M4, Surdy. fiose 2. Su 515 766671 ,t ros 27. aop tipe a reil d 1l.r' Dillon c9,c SAce Panions ASe, WI.arofilou 51 7,1c . 0Ie.1.0.. Mlb lo1ris enLor Sriicicc, 26 Fil.rII 2u, obcnci te 22, ar triplel,Cmis Wlndmu 1. a 22, JIe ise*,ta Pte, Goc Mt1e. ary La THE NEW EXECUTIVE of the Milton Ladies left) director Rita Morley, vice preoident Ruby Curling Club includes <front row, from left) Childs, Business Girls rep Nancy McKenzie, treasurer Jeosie Anderson, director Ano directoir Baba Wingrove, bonapiel convener Ptolemy, public relationa director Anna Evans, Florence Mabon, presidelit Jane Hughes, aocial director Pauline Venn, ways and meano director Martba Stokes, past president Ruth director Dolores Gottenberg, (standing, front McKinnon and oecretary Mary McEacbern. MR./MRS. DOWNTOWN MERCHANT LANDLORDS-LAND OWNERS THlE TIME Wed. Oct. 3Oth Place sa The Charles Hotel Bar sa 6-7 p.m. Dinner as 7 p.m. Meeting as 8 p.m. TH1E ISSUES e Regtlated Store Hotrs a Parking Meters si Off Street Parking fi Downtown Mail si In and Out of Town Co-operative Adoertising a Planned Promotions C -JANUARY SALE DAVO D ETC. -ETC. -ETC. COME OUI AND HELP DETERMINE THE FUTURE 0F YOUR BUSINESS YOU NEED THIS MEETING AND THIS MEETING NEEDS YOU . . IT'S THAT SIMPLE DINNER $5.00 MEETINQ FREEI For tickets and full particulars contact Paul Muanger at iTe Canadien Champion 878-2341____________ A - SANTA CLAUS PARADE B - SIDEWALK SALE DAYS 5ATREPAYEit0 Ladirs' htgb »lIn 0e..m McrMorphy 310,ti. 1 ig Itille Orec. Luale tS0; n. 11gb siugi., D0101 Cain 320; men. 14btil, e i John 710. Toorse 235- 22 Oraco Littlo 7& aW230, 1,cn S1. John 101-210-ai.* Mrtho t ripir., 010k Coin 766, Origo r &nroct 724, Nora. ieMur1%y a02 D.1102 T.ri, Ms. Pm F100 64,. ta-rsvo it fuiOare.17, ckol Kota 2 Ire 16, 014 Fnlk& 5 00r 14, Rc. Jet& 2fo 13, Suaaen.rr5 fr 12, Roikir Enies 07e-Or. [cAr. fl 1 15slAdo Feýint "il.i'elmhightripirey Auidiei F.rrio en5. Andiey non 5 for 2, Mary 2 for 13it, y foern 12, Jean 7ifor 1n. Mco 0 ler 1111 Opn Audre2 Mao (21ag r. E03 725.3 -i 55. Hlnochamouoo2n. Skiers training Meabern ni th1e Gin Eden Ski Club startd their sa Sunday atternooaji atb dry- land training. The prmmeson choec wili continue antil Nos. T4 he dryiand pinysical triing ta open 10 th aboie iaaiy an anti an a film on stoing technique. The Gien Eden Club ai ain 1e hostiag a ski eqaîp- ment saap ai lia Keiso Chalet Nov. 9 and 10. LOIN PORKT CHOPS $ 26114e R g. 250. Dorothy 011cr ond tripltos. snt., Ch.amps en, Hil0 c lho 018 ElcAodiFarde L.-eeOO __yhai 2 fooy0or23, Menton A toms tie Ching Chîsgauaceooy tooght hack lotlie th1e Miton Aioans t-i ai 111e Fred Arastrong arroa Satardoy atternomi Tommy Honston pot 111e Miltonocrea a geai ap eariy in the opening period from Mark Johîntos bot th1e Chingos Brion Chesonie hsotted the score at 1.45 efth11e secood trente. Derrick Neniands haodied th1e Miton nlaisdîsg choren. The yet te 11e spsnsored Atoas faite os Brampton in Milles Satarday atteesoos. "This one ta mroring t euse. my Sm Mdco. Ih camn a chas oS ADDEIJ tAZAtIOS Whes you are in an ae u'herr chiidrrn are piayieg le or irar 111e siceet and 1the siden ure piled] hîgh wiuh plowrd îflow, sow dean su yeo cao brohe sateiy if you ha e lu. Staiolico show that m et accidents iiviivinf chiidren aI ibis tiar et yeae ocu ith cbldres rnnioen toto th1e roadaay, etaten ther Oitarie Oatety Leagor. En- peut theooneopecled-kids oe nieds poppisg out of drive- ays aed sidr streeis, dashing outtrean behisnoa piles, etc. Kitchen.Aidl Look for these exclusive KitchenAid featu res: i l )'- Let yaur KitcheAid scub your pois ndpas for ou. The K,ciunAid uppor rack dis a nie dittnent m To gin, your toisily oextha hehpoton a t fina ris 1 lfi baahamas look wbat your adventure tour includes: Return jet airfare. Complimentary InfIiOht mietai with champagne and cocktails. 7 nights air-conditioned hotel accommodation with prîvate bath. 7 fuit breakfasts. 7 fuil coure buttai dinners (hot and cold tonds) in Out Island Dinisg Roomn. 7 days golf (green tons). 7 days tennis (court ires). Craile aboard a Mississippi Paddie Steamer. Open bar cocktail party. Rum swtzzte parfp (orientation). Tour Ecnri Service. AML FOR ONVLY $23900 jy : PHON E: ACTON 853-1553 MILTON 878-3519 ~SI~0ICi TORONTO 364-1034 TORONTO - by Sus! Low Fares - Good Amy Day One Way5 1 .8 5 Return $3.5 5 Buy "10-Trip Tickets" and Save Money MILTON -TORONTO 10Rt DES $15.75 Tickets haveano enplrydate andl are tns ir WINTER TIME TABLE Effective October 27th Buses rus throogh Milton via Hornby Side Road, Ontario St., Main St. and Martin St. Complete Service to Toronto 7.00 a.m.-eac," Sat. Sun. & Hot. 8.10 a.m,-Saturdays 10,15 .m.-esc. Sft. Sun. & Hot. e4.20 p.m.-eoc. Sat. & Sun. 4.35 tram Arrow Truck Stop 6.30 p.m.- Fri.- Express f.30 p.m.-Sandays- Express aVia Milton Bus Lunes til HWY. 401 interchange-Arrrw Truck Stop For Complete Service Toronto-Mi Iton-Guelpi- Kitchener Sec Time Table No.6 Toronto Airport Express Service Rues tram tstington Subway Station. Tickets and Information at MILTON Mr., illte caim - Afme Tetepteene 878-26 wie C-MY