Tis Mlbe Sdr Citizene dois Me'lbseSano Ue Senior Ciliees orcestrla iraeaei ybuosSahirdoy, fiel. 1410e Las Manr ai Oseen Sound. Tlney eejeyed dimier and o nhipaeaod Use Marier. TieSesior's Orchestra provided enlertibmissl for Use renidse1ni Uste mane. Aine eneseiiing mecs Russell Clemeon, Mahel MeNobis and Homard Wilon miso gave roodiego. Ev. Gordon Porter feose Aneas, o former seinieler ai si. Poolls United Churchisn Milts, aiseoviniled Use masor and miel miUs is friendo from Milton. HoppyhitdaY misias go teCnreen Gervais, Fîve Sidsreod miso ceebelas bier birUsday on aisdai, Gel. 20. Wiiyman and Useir ime sn irose Calgary and Mc. and Mes. W. Guard and dagiser front Streetsvtiie. We melcome' lissa le Milles. Mark James Hepisars AiUsen mon baplineli ai Gere Anglican Chorcis on Smidoy, Gel. 13. Maris sh Uson ni Me. and Mes. J. H. Ailisso, 282 Fay Ccl. Foilomieg lise chorcis a chcintening pacty mon hetd et tise Ailisso cenidence. Mark's God- parents are Mr. and Mes. Clifiord Homillon-Greeer fesse Kemmicis. Tise christenirli cake mas Markos groodmoibet Mes.e Focmby front Yorkshiire, Engiaedmwho visited Milton i April. Many pie are moving in Elien Horeen and Doreen on Frobisher Dr. Among Lendvay, studenis of dance ibem are: Mr. and Mrs. R. test her Heather S Houie and daugbier frnm, McNaugbiofl, cornpeied Missîsoasga, Mr. and Mes. N. Saiurday in Godericb. Ealei Rice rdio Waierloo, Mr. and received tise trophy in lier a ge Mes, C. Lambert irose group, open 11 years, came Torntio. Mr. and Mes. V. second jn tbe fling, fistin he s .. o y e e ( ý p a t 0 A' Quiet desperation within mariage Laura Sable ni tbe Siaies ni Women conmiliee, maile lise staiemeni rsceniiy duit lise majorili ni wo- men je marriaige are sol hsappy, uit tbey Nie lives of quiet desperabos. Sise conlinueli t0 say momea are afraid te a lt wei other women about il, for ie of misai iiey se isiisk ni tisem. Thse proisem sees tilfie i te facdit e aresa, conscersedtwilisoce ptayingmoutis tentoe of gooriwife and motisermweare forgei thle pesonmmieoncemwere or mere capable ni hecoasiig. 1 have no quaerel iulisislsvves-bnecaoni, i'm one myseif. Wali1doifeei lswe must'ttslt te pocass rois us ni our basisando, a daagisiec-i-law, a daugisier,t and seon,? Weareea peeson orowoneigi ani lise strsggie le find ui peesos aller nses ieen in biding for 10, 20, 30, 40 yeaes eqe Sae a iremendous upiseaval. Sesisi ln my siruggie Pve been accuseli ni beinli a man isoler by an adjodicalor ni a draeaa festival misere ose ni my piays on lise sabjeci ni wmsains mile je society bit 1dm misere fi bort. I've becs bold by a pedialeician i sismld spemi os muc tjme mush my cisildre os 1ido tryîsg le correct lise problemo nif polluion. To Sae more, expiscil, l'Witde yoa're irying 10 noce ait of Immanili, a tillie lime mils yoar Sm lsn't tonmuci sait.WbsNhnlmPidamo tise irsevilaisie tean (alter al Sa mast Sa rigisi, be's a man and adocer, sn'h5?> Irehzed hiseemark formbhai it mas-emi My cbiid mas mil Saiog negiecird ami yei Sare 1 mas Saing iolumidaled hy one male remarn Motheen, me've Se braimanbed. Brainmaobed itotisiisol usai mien a mornes becornes a parenti ls a foroyer chais arouod bier necis-she'n more rempos- sibe tise chiid'n mellare thoan ber pantner or thon lise cbild itell. Have you everarad a manld he'sa oîmsyparent becaueSaiedoen't spendevery wainig hour ofvery day and sîgisi peesonally lending bis obispisi? No, of causeeo Sa's gol amwils Have youever board hon calledlamomýa istermwebo ie eailran oribook paisiing out the imiigiim le moohimi' No, ni crse net Sa bas aIl ni MANbisd Saiims. A pesrtos We mustlSa responsihe for mer children aod fer minis eusse, ni corse me must. il must stop Saisg lise moie rempamsiilili ni lise motSar ai lise exclusimi ni berneli asea peesmimilis talents, abihiie, a brais tn her Saad. Tise delailsofn hem me iaoi remoiue lis identiy criais mill peohaisly Sae as vaeied anslise people iovotv:d. Litte cbildren nemi lise levinli care ni liseir par- mits, providiel lseir pareloue lises. We al eed lise i oefeacis and i'seoly tisroughthai lovemwe cas mors le a natisfocioey arrangemnent. ln mny base vie are soitl tryisg le finid a solution tisais" foolpenet. I se longer fmil il's my noie resps- sdoilily te dlean lise balsrmmn, isicioen fonor, do lise masisg, etc. Everyoee cie in lise basse dirties lise bhiis, maths on tSa lionr ami dielias lise clolisas. Wisai me are merhing ast 1 suppose, lana form ni com-' mnal living. When nommsne maises a maois ey dlean it up, il's as simple as tsai I mustiadmit il's casier mSan i have lise excuse of holding domoa taIt-Sime job. Witen i mas bemeall day i ralurally iei il ses my job, and come Sali or bigis maie 1man going lbotSa GOOD WIFE AND MO- THER. People liberaios We're nlomty cisangîsg ui to scInde Use isind ni pern I eeally ose. My chsange is rois playing os es- pandiog to inde my isbami and cbiidren. Hom smish more humone ta coider Use personelili Sbre lis mIe sorieiy bas impased. Tis oa more nfia movemeni for people liberalilis ltas jast for momen. Tise reasos momas sa baving 10 moiesuchaisienof il ai tSa momeenti e, site doessI bave Use a ose ie Sa ids. Ilsa a lmomway sireel. i have liadt t letigo of terri- toryi1ieit as exclusfvslysO mine 'ma preily goodeoi bal Usai doeseol mass i sisasld depeive my famiy ni tmarsisg Use art jont hecanse i do il Salter. Why shmuknds1idoilSaotter, miUs 20yses enpeiesce on lises? Nom my boys cadi ami cook oeil. I've loiaiodmit UsaI perbapsemeoeseocon love and discipline my ciîd i ne longer gel uptigist mSan a principal or teacher nitrs adve, afler al tWsyre witsicy cild aimlt as many houasr I am. 1 cones1end hisitamuly nd friendsand no lngr ook upm it as ioierering. fitisn t sovitally necersary tor ee ie top log in sey cisilds lie soim ili bave noms amily Footweor for Dress & Cosual Robert Newman Shoes Mec taw".9 Thurisesi F0. B- cm. 040 878-9877 184 Main St., Milton. i ly Page Wedding Wharram - Peer emocdoand fiestin entribuis. Dore mon o Usird sn tise isorepipe and Use flieg. t Il A K a B J o 9 A fdmiIv The need for eYeglasBOB cam run in a familly. A lot of these familles corne to the Houa. of Spec- tacles for friendly attention and the wldeut cholce of styles. ~ 218 MIN ST. 8. MILTON 575-552 V8LM m oeIN mbile broUses ni tise bride and groeom Brocs Pe ni Mollet aed Bruce Wbarrom of Wnndsiocs sere ashees. At lise recepiios for 70 guasbisied in lise cisorcis hall, John Thomasmwas eeee. Tise nemlymeds have laoe np roene ai Lucon. Prier to lise ovorriage Use Smeaboeg cointnigj Itarps A surprise mniorellasmun shomer mas eivee Use bride isy Cisdy meli ni R.R. 2, Miltn and tise bride's aunt Mes. Bey Pomell ni Carlisle honloli a mîsceliosenco shomer. Friend and biesmald Shirley Ars of Bortiegbin hsid a surprise persna] sooer for tbe bride. SLOVENLY Political lavguage ns large- ly Use deisase of tbe indesen- niIs . - .Langnage becomen inaccarale hecaune nue thasghts are footiish, but Use sînvenliessof ni 0r luegooge moas il asise foraus tlohave bolis Usougiss. -Gege Orwell in a double ring csremosy at Lasevilîs United Cistirrin Sepismiser, Helen Christine Peer of Millen and Jacks Carlyle Wharram Jr. ni Woodntocis enchasgsd wedding vnmn. Tise bride and eroom are Sali seecond ~er stcdsn10 of Cenleatia Coi g nf Agricoloural Technology. She ns tise domibter ni Me. and Mes. Orval Poe, EHR. 2, Milton. Tise groom na Use men ni Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wharram, E.R. 1, Wnedsiork. Rev. Wayne irmin per- tormsd tise aiteesoon ceemony mils Mita Mary Heey as notoisi, Oc- companisd hy Mine Lindo Hssney. Tise bride mere a dress mode by baer moUse and aromid bier nemi more ber greal-greal graodmoUser's watch. Maid of boeor mon tise bride's sinse Gmsn Poe ni Angn.Bridenmoids mers lise gros omse Barbara Whaream of Wnediork aed a frsend ot tise bride Shirley AlSars of Borliegtoe. Orval Poe gave, is daaghlsr in maretog e. Genomoman mas Mueray yrmainse Rd. mise ceebrotas is birUsday today (Weil- iasdoy) Gel. 23. Newmess on Woodmard ivs. enclude Me. ond Mes. A. C. Roy front Brampton, Me. nd Mrs. J. Vas Bovel front framplon, Me. aed Mrs. J. P. aevieoand tbsirlwo cildren rom Londoe, Ontario. We melcome these to Miltn. A biribdoy parti mon hsld în airday evening forEarl delomson, 17 Martie St. and liven hy Borin musf Beverli. itlsndieg Use Party mers EarI's parens Lawmence and Viivian Melonnen from Dominion, Cape Breton, Nova icolia, and "Porks and Geace Gervain, Ger and baoron Enomias, Tommy and Bet1h Watson, Helen Watson, Lerni and Pouline Watsoe, bel and Doires Melann, and Bevin Watson ail ni Milton. Studeols of Mollis licoregor Scisool of Dancing =i pat ie cnspelfion in Cndris on lise meeked. Orîng bomne omords mersu Novice (lit and coder) Caroline Hendy - lisird on mword, open (11 isors) earbara Vanenhscvsl bhird in flind, Uird in sean- esîihis le tise open I 13 and undeel ,lass Charlas Robartson mon bhird in flieg, second in smord, second in Sailorns Horepipe, Uird in nlralhepey ond hailtullloris. in tise 15 and ceder open close lngrîd Manien mon third in esantesihais and Kim McLend mon second in fling, Usird in emord, second in seantesihis and ibird in honpipe. 1n tise 16 anli nceecionn Lynn Pomell mon lisird on tise emord. Sorority wilI aid families A regclar meeting of Eta Phsi Cisapter, BrIn Sigma Pi Sororitiscae held on Ott 8Ont lise home of Marg Burgss. i man decided 10 invite "Me. Dreonp' 10 come to Miltonfor be o performancs !n tise spring, and lise Ctsapler is planningto orgal5izean smsergsici cothieg scpply foe viiltimn ot lires, etc An scîsetaisni prugeata oc tise scisisct cf "Prose" (ccv givro hi Anc Harris and ElînaSaU Fins. -A Georgstown girl, Leslie Anne Nlitchell mac csen Mita Oabville aO a receel enter tise Miss Canada pageant Gel. 20. MUNRO-RICHARDSON vows were exchanged atSt. George's Anglican Church, Lowville. She la Use former Nanecy Louise Richardson, dasagiter of Mr. and Mrs John Richardson of Milton. Thse groom Gary James Munro in fromt Ielington. _Mosl of Use beacon isave snom ban bllon a cople ballon ieomn tise treas and tise of limes je tise peet mosis but bIsas minier is nearli boe. huen't stayed arond long. nassee nigisl. Maite eafely yocrmatcssord. Mh i. Dotn Behebacket ofgfand4'2B54 l Ifin(l hositing vii interview show iv a lot easier thaut explainiîîg bow you du it. 1 iltn't tbink you cao lie ini i is busîivess withcivi lwittg genvuinely curious abo(ut people, about tbeir lices, and tbe million tbingc titat make theni cifferent front eacb nîber But a person s difference ,lîiîsiit always show on the suirface onu yîîu can't force il oui. It takes a lot of lisic-nung, soit only to the Iîe'soit's wîîrds lîtt tu the bidlcen man tir womun lielinîl theni, My main effort is alsvays to make the pervon feel ai easy-, fo let my guests know tIhe moîment they waîk iti- liv sudîioi ibat t beyIll iligulit tuîlneîs-. 1'iitttng peuple on the spot or deliberately embarrasaing them doesn't interent me. I want them to relax and explore the thingo that really mean soomething to tbem. When a long-time inter- natioital star tells you candidly obe bas no difficulty relating to huge audiences, Wedding Munro - Richardson James Mooobosnm c e reely ai Si. Geoge? s Asn csChorhi, LovIlle. desbe-in5i ceremony ma M nere wiUs Mes. KaUsy Pose- ell os siebil and Mes. Elea Middiebroob a oerganisi. Tise bride nath ibdoogiser oi Me. and Mes. Jobs Richard- aon of Milton, and Use grom sa Use son ni Mr. oedl Mes. James Muses ni boliegios. Tise bride mas gisee in marriage by bêr lausser. Margaret Poney mse lise ma- iron of benne. Beidesseoide mers Buis Verisosi aed Val- scrie Biba. Wayne Richardson mon the ringboorer. Gisloen mnon asisin miUs Peler Poeocci and Chis Richardsn os u haes' Tbe bride aoer assisied by Use groomns moUsse re- svdtise guss ai a diener held ai Use UAW Hall le Mil- ton miUs a dance immsdiaely fotioming. Mes. Mocy Prie made and dscoraisd lise %ved- ding cake. Speciot goasts mers Use heidens grandiparens front BER. 2, Milton; Use grnema» greodmnoiber and omit irose Bnglaod; and graedmoliser front Tornto. OUser goasts came irose Tornto, Loindos, Sîseor, St. Williams, Waier- ford. Berlieglon and Milton. ito ctnly in one-to)-one relu- tionsnips sbe caîn nf-ver make it, yuu know yîîu bave reacbed ihat pervon. She becoîîtev a real itersuis talking, noît just a vtage usvo by Mes, Ires Muore; nrs Jean MeGraUs and Mns. Wieeie Heslep; Margre Peeny andBosVboi Mes. Wieeie Forqoharase, Mn. Potgy Disese asd hies. Jacisie akeplsesky - Mrs. Bina Middiebreek, Mes. Daris Dolas and Mns. Doris Grant; and Use bride's belose oem- pleyeas. Gleen Muero, isel a eieg bonorini Use groome. Tise bride and grmBe speel Ibeirbhonsymonens Bersmida. Tinoy are eem renidisg ai une Tise East Mal, Apaeioteei 1a0e, ision. -Kmp abreasif ocrsia astais deveopseents je Tbe Cisampiones Real Eltai Morbetlace sectiee. FTELEPHONI ANSWEIIIII SERVICE OCONFfOENTfAL 878-2020 SAVE 10% ON THE FABRIC 0F YOUR CHOICE Phono Today - Free Estimates 878-9094 Have your furniture beautifully re-upholstered. Choose from hundreds af fine fabrics. .a You receive a 5 year written - gaarantee covering workmanship. ILO UPR x l O:LSTERI NGa: ~ goGd interview are the intangibles you simply can't explain. The tangibhles are eany enough-the amount of homework done in advance and your OWfl ability to concentrate cGmpletely on t ho guest. If nomeono controversial. je prenontifli an unpopular vicw, the listcning audicncc is ontitîrd tu a fair and impartial prenentation. 1 believe it is the audience, not the interviewer, who judgee the monits of a guent. Audi- ences have a lot of common nense and are quite capable of arriving ut their own decisions. Broadcusting takes you into many different worlds, but ulwuyo 4t iv the people, wbat ibv'y tbink, wbat lbey leel, wb 'v they do the tbîngs they do, tbat counit most, pervonulity. Its that kind of recponse that suddenly ~ ,se makes an interview take off,. s v- What I am after le exactly that personal, 7I~~6 human quality of a guest which can often lend a 155W percpective to a otory. Many things about a My life in the listening business BY BETTY KENNEDY HELEN PEER and Jack Wharram Jr. were married recently ut Lowville United Church. Bath are students af Centralia College of Agricultiiral Technology.