The Canadian Champan, Wod.. Oct. 23, 1974 15 CREATIVE DRAMA sessions started Saturday Bontie Hill. Creative drame is sponsored by thse et Martin St. school under thse leadership of Milton Parks and Recreation Comnaittee. WHAT ARE they doing? Amy Richardson, Jana MeLean, Joni MeLean and Kim Whintler are waiting for lte free movien to begîn in the oentral library hall Saturday afternoon. ITe filmsa re another service ef lte public library. Commnentary on trip to BC given ladies A .snny, mclu anieme alternen, nremiegty, con- trihuerd te lte gend ai- tendance ni the Oct. 15 meeting et lte Nelsn Wemea's instituerit the hume ni Mca J. Venaîcite, Paierme. Thirty menehera andtncindn answeredithe roll cati hy raihitine an article fronmanOser provinceeor contry and descrihing i. The greoup viecard snch tesrsas ceeusc jemettery, sovei sponn, ahetia, cartans itnndccaiis and an unique tray frcnm Brandl cemperd ai presard bat- terily csinga encaaed in a ceiodes trame. Mca. J. Tnylor, secreiary, hadt additinnat minutes tei rend de ta the tapar ai meetings amne May. The iniersenieg esenin wecm a riait ta lte Erland Lee Home en Jane, an atterneen ai lte Haitan Museume ta Jnty, caca ceati n Angeni and par- ticipation n lthe T. Eatee bhan ceeptemhee ai Ose Internatioal Pteming Match. Fuause eente Caneiderahie carreepan- deece mas rend and dincasseti Mcs. G. Mecer mach and Mea. G. Camphell weeapponted detegnien te the Area Conention in Kitchener, Nas. 25 and 26. Att cee emtnded ni the for- thcaming Nnut r ii10n Wahaa, Nes 14, tram 1 lta 4, ai heManier Feeds Lions of-fer. . .. CantnedFromPagea1 centtymasa't hat much. dida' s ee why an aaswer Nadatin snid he aaderataed coutdn't he ready sean and the tasen didn't tave ttte salt he ddn't want the matter $20,000 ta tunmeh the hait and shntited trm an ne cemmitter, Pointeit out thrat tf deheatarea ta anettier carre iaaaed, the $20,000 waatd Catindcanct cat the townclose ta $40 00 Rerratîen Directar Bab ta pay off the debt arer a smraitirecemmentteetcaaari periodo ar arrept the agreemeat bat Allter ceansidecaite ranimnt the memhera af dtscansten the cammitter roer aboaut tetting the hait agreed ta Nadatin termas ite tied ap for twa nighta a aad recemmended an- week. He aaggeated the hait reptanre ai the agreement ta raatd be r-enird Frîday crnar. Satncday and Sunday nigita. I tanddiîiaa te aaiag thr teaeiage enty ina aights pr tariity lwire a weeh the mveeh arcammanity uae and Liane Cluh witt have the hatt pragramis. aamed aller il. Nadatin naled Ceenrittar Ririt Day said the hait waatd ite ratted Liane $20,0e0 aeemed tîke n lt ai Cluh ai Miltona Hait, o raaney bat eser 10 yeara tl namethiag apprepriate. -TICKLE BOXO by Ted Trogdoî "My Freddy is a litile different from mont husbands. He matches the commercials and fixes his snacks dering the programa." Research Centee, Trafalgar Rd. andetftthe Nelson Braech hesting the Distict Annat in May 1975 naiSt Panis United Chnrch, Milton. Mrs. G. MrCncmach reparird an the istrict Direciers' meeting hetd ai Milton, Oct. 7, and aise tare lthe lhenght fnr the day, "The Rucal Weman." Mcs. J. Vanaichie, cen- svener ni Edacatian and Culturnl Arcticis, gave an înieresting cammentnry an herithceemeeh tripleo Briisah Columbhia and Vancouver Island in Jîîiy nit memiters et hec tamdly. Paning saapsitt te, incter ineisrate iter rlit, aite salid site mas intriguedmcitCaaadaasgreat itennty, lthe crenac commodatin ai lte Provincial Partis, lthe trieedieesa ni people, titeir vacied culturea anditheaigt ai 13 large veasen tramt arnnnd Ose mectd nncitared in Vancouver Hacher, te rtnsing, site rend nl Thaingiving pen, "Tite Werld is Mine" lit etYnsale Alîey iteti hene iettnmed mt n ente ni predace (rome lte gendre and hitrten. Mca. Mercis Turner acied ne anctinneer and mth hec persuasive itargaining itad n eti-eni, ltaus smetting lthe Cheer Fend. Cenetesymwas enpcesaedity Mca. W. Seale and munth mas seredity Mes D. Wendoee, Mrs. J. Vnathenand Mcs C. Ynn, Obftuary Robert J. Inglis RahertJeffrey (Bob) lseghn of Camphettnitte died Oct. t5, 1914 ai Haltan Cenienniat Manne. In hie 940h year, Mr. I ngie had heen il] for ahut fohur yearn. He mas a reiit tarmer and waaewettknawn in the Miltin-Camphettnitie Mr. tngini hadt spent ail hie tile ai ihe hnneeiead lares at R.R. 2, campheiiniale anhil he rehired in 1947 and neeved iv tse nilage. He mus a gmet hanehati fan. Hal mite predeceaned hint in 1952, 45 yearn altier their marriage. Sarsiving are a snGerge L. Ingin ot camp- hetlilite and a daaghier Ceea B. Denasen ni 922 Danlnrnh Place,. Bartingien. Aine narsising are Osier grand- chitdren and ihree grnet- grandchiidren. He wsea a meanher et ai. tiasides Preshylerian Chnrch, Campheitsitte ad Bis, Douglas Lowry of St Danid'n cnndected the tanerat nervice ai the McKersie Fuierai Horne n Oct 17. internent ws in Ose chncch cemetery. Patihearere mcme nephes Claude teglin, Chartes tnglis and Maurice Watker and eeighhare Robert Ettiet, Gordon McPhatt and George Gaidslcase Johnson on radio Local ceaident Bilt Johnson and Pollution Prahe's Peter Lose are achedued ta hi geesta ai a phone-in hmuad- cai n the Brampton radie statin ihis Frtday aftranen. The tapir sa garbage. Johnson, a resîdent et the Milton airea that man former- ly Nasagamnyn, ns preaident ni GiJARD lGranp Unitedt Against Rural Dumping) and a represntatise ai Gnarie Gachage Coalition. The isea men napeci ta firld station -CHIC tietenece' qeerina aimai crat garhage dumping and aaiid waaie diapeai sitesand Johnson neegeateit anynne in thte Aahgrase iea mating tifrmeation an na-catied asanitacy" tandfll sites asin sited ta catlin Hatn Hegianat Canrd n carreety deating mdth a con- auntnî prooai t loterne a major tandtitt ai te near Aah- grase, toi handie ait et Hal- tn's arbaeand Johntson ia penenta. The Ontario Saley Lenge rrmindsait driversait saee and he anen ia sitai nesesnity ie minIer nenieriag. Bere yen atari net, ciean the giane ai ait ire and snw.that meane aide and rac nindnms, tan, And remember ta er hedtghta ciran. Dicty nasean cal illumination 25 per cent. Savings can run into hundreds of dollars if you place your order before Oct. 31-only 10% down, no interest for 12 months B31G 3OH4N BY UQWJOHN DEERE, A NEW LEADER SEE THIS FABULOUS MACHINE AT OUR PEH OUqSE FR1. 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. SAT 't6115 p.m. OCT. 25 & 26 te Colored Slides e Free Draw te Special Safety Film a Refreshments e Steve Bernard, John Deere service technician on hand to discuss and answer your technical questions. e Special eut away open -view model on film. Steve Bernard wil b. ovailable Fn. - 5 p.m. vil 9 p.m. and off dey Saturday donT9 nil s elsan Io gel a#l Ih fae/s . . .e PLUnS! 10% to 15%0 CLEARANCE ON MOST SUMMER STOCK ITEMS A-%rnold's Lawn & Garden Ctý'i.,tre u ni Hwy. 25 at Derry Rd. Milton 878-5063 ~ NOTHING RUNS LIKE THE NEW LEADER 1310 JOHN *Fri. & Sat., Oct. 25, 26* " Diaîy Of A Nympho " Forbidden Sexualities " Love Me Please Sunday, Oct. 27 - OnIy " A Good Man Is Hard To Find " Eugene And Her iourney Io Perverion " House Near The Psuedo 'CLOSED MONOAV TO THURSDAY' h.. So Mafi al Banh l'il1 -I ----------