14 The Canadien Champion, ViWe Ot. 23, 1974 ATMOSPHERE AND PRIVACY This charmine tome ni lotai nIe tice, vey otonit In ooed ores six miles trom i-by. 401. HORSE FARM Eoxceln buildings and prime inrmiand. Located toe minutes trom Militen, clone t0 Trafalgar Red. Askin0 $c85,000. COUNTRY LIVING Woid te a pinanorc on ttln tcntory ol4 tarm. uont tmo storey feeehaoce, garageandhbanktbarn,encatednveevSncie n rolling acres sorrondd ty mature bost. Very roostotiby priecd. SCENîC BUILDING LOT Ton ocres of rnlinoland wlttptond dmaturemaple and tiirct. Entoilent orna of large country tomes, clone te Hny. UFO PROBLEMS ? ?? ?? FARM 1N ACTON-MI LTON AREA Plenty et space tl n o6n ttic contry acre. Large Foor beffoin termtoose and toiliy g004 bons haro mittost brick, modern 4 tedrenne, toge coporone 010100g mmm, Icaci mnenha of thc land ta e M omkable. cainctc nalore in isitcten ilth breakft ores, living renne mith plane are&, main tioor Canelir mrenn, cut HOoeY FARM Stone fireplace, 3 btis, dnutle garage, tigt toll Lare nseer toor tedrenne tome on ten ncrms or mr tourment. Show teco liftlicgreentfems bonecown te (Scane). eartt living. 0119,900. 7 miles nortt ni Ooknliln GOtrain statin. Cou on Antoine 020 10650 0r 70.6395 Theni propertins are for ot-.etonn toyers. Fer torther informatiton on thece properties pleosecali lngeWlothenO45 VtdPorres. 853-1990 and 878-5131 TRA FALGAR AND STE EL ES TnentyScaniecacres mltt large nid tonne (centre piatned. Cine terennes, dif0100 renn ett.), tig tort ot tee tipnxs0all pios Catkisn. Propcrty an4 boilings In nery 0000tee dlitite. Asising $175,010. MILTON INDUSTRIAL 8.9 acres, omnerai lndostrlsi proerty. Zteed M2 lentide 5. ~ ~ str . c o te c nossde et Orente Street neor Moisi. Fron. to0e 1063 test. Adklng $18,700 por acre. MINI FAR M -Foyr Onrher intormatoe, on visee.nrapcreiea 0,900. Cr ti acre et fruit trais garden tncse and please caii Jolies Gelst 845-2749 or e. smali barn. Onm mile to 401 and TraCalgar Rd. Ttree 8898 tedroone, tinisted recreatîte renne mt Franklin tireplace. Oner tas tnnett. Appis. cail Dos AntoielseSoe iie, elo 026 It5or 070 63t5. M. E. Jones Llnelted Atoeharsofe ..tn imtd elo tte Mîiccoceaa Osai Estate Bonard. 61 LAKESHORE RD. W. OAKVILLE 86m26 ine17 T IN HOMPSON REAL EsTAT[ mRokiR NEW-CUSTOM BUILT $73,900. liOt qcollty neaterlan and noeimsnemtp ty lol isclider, arnot location, 1001 nent oC the 25 Hwy.. cent of Acten. Featores double doors te large te- Ironce tall nIt mirrored niosets, spacloos living renne dinis rnne hasisiding glusdenrs ta bonkiser. den, laree isitchan and breaisfast ores, tlnlsted OîneiIy renne mltt lireploce, 3 g004 suce teffroies nagniCi. cent sien Irone enery nindon. Ample tienet a04 star. âgecspane. Lot 130n25t fI. $79,900 Im Magsiticesl red brickcansctfmulr suce toe.t Do- signdand buill bys masIer crftlsmis. Large correr lot toé om rcil rirnéc1&0717W $49,900 O heaasill lreed lot 037120 Il. Smart 3 bedrenne bruisk bungalow, ft isctd roc room.osd extra bedreoneIs biscementlores, pacoddriveoandgarage.Omsnrstave tesetl. See il 07001 $5 9,900 immaColate 4 bedrenm Mome, lirorlace sn lomir ren, large istcten, extra 2 placesro m, lare2 car garage,tfenedltemqietcourt. FOR RENI Smo ri 3biedroom brick homse innew cendlller, liissed family 77o, extrs 2 piece wash17.7, 2 car garage, fflOcc lorl. de,,$O 0 P -oOcc,th LARGE CUSTOM BUILT BUNGALOW 11111111 On large iot6teli6 Ct. In gond renidentlal area, testeres the tinent quaiity nenstrnnioe-lnartic Cinars In hall and bottrennes, larae master tedrenne bon 3 placeeon. cSuItcandwaIk n cioset. Professlenaily CinIsted Caneily rennnwithniilolltlfrepice,are b eentbos 0001kou toienclsood 2 car garage. Tastetoill decorated ed, lorstîclans fimbres and fitOlogs ttmosvhte. PRIC- ED TGSE LLNOW! Exilsq mortgage ai914 eprcnt. 111 1-21 Country Corner Commercial or Offi w in a climate controlled mail, from 750 sq. ft. up We have the best selection of homes for sale that we have ever had. 3 bedrooms bungalows, side Split, bock split and 2 storey models, mostly brick, some with fireplaces and attached garages and ail in excellent condition. These homes are located invnarivus areas of town sol that you can locate where it soits you best. Prices range from $45.900. Good fivancing is available. Caîl our office and one of or experienced and coorteous salespersons will be gîad to assist yo. No obligation of course. Indeustriai space on nnw buiding trom 2,000 sq. 00. Competitise rates, ail cprinkiîred aod good locatibQ4 For Service and Satisfaction Cali Best Realty at 878-4118 Torono LlmO826-45 Atter tenrs: ANkeLedith 78-873ANlînt Laiconenco 070-5867 Mill LnmIOt 07e407 Donena Murray 878a9744 .Ilm Belley 070-6506 Dan Wtite 078.3001 e Caccldy 870-4294 Bab McCnaig 878-2894 MEMOCOS 0F Tilt OAKVILLE REAL ESTATf 0OA0D 66m26 D. GODOARD R EALTOR Î> LIMITED LOOK AT THI5III Lot 132 o 1321 4 lare tedroonI 15 fto ntry kit. ttent 18 fout lsingrennel PLUS Walkout bollement aperîmnt (lireidy rentedi. See Unis nountry charmer 004 malle an etCer. Owner tas tongot. U NDER 45,00011Il Cemplcteiy ronovatedl ,lont park yortcar In the mcersie garage. relax In the nomCy litin reone and ko 006 con atord Christneas le yonr very 0750 3 hadlromnnhogalow. tCOMPANV SAYS MOVEI Doml o transter coul4 todgc the emner Crone fis trand n tome. Enoras lnlode qssality shag, 12' beoirooms, Storm denrs. tempeCely fteted lot and nesch neott more. PrIced te seul folee11 OVERLOOKING CREEKI Il Beautisltoly decorated 3 Sedrenne bungalow, goreoes 160toot lut. Close tescmois aId shopping. Atbaroalnoft For Ferther Information F1ease Coll ANNETTE CHUCHMACH Torocîo -23908166 Milton 878-2051 MILTON INCOME PROPERTY $16,00 own, 7 rannes, large gloiaedl sunpemth, opn fIOpiate, pius 3 tedreoom groessd bonil aparent. Pleieco maittie Innann 1100. Large eot 132 el 20 lit, excellent tinenttsn, Aobieg 00500. Colt otty emIlten, 826-23M6, mes. 020-sans. REG GALWAY REAL ESTATE BROKER là ManSt.. Streesvlle IOnSa 6iVEARS' CONTINIOOJS SERVICE ttember oftiheTorno, Oelleland Bramptn Real Eniain Boards COUNTRY LIVING 50 acres-35 norisetie, 15 acres moodaed wMi ecelent orna for a nprIeg ton pend. orn noltoiee fo. homses, trame hance, v1071 clad. Cen fnrna and 3 piace bth, large kitnhon, living rOOre, plon 4 badrname Vende. null teid moigga Total anhleg prit. 11000. ACREAGE Moncroe par0ly wended, lovcly home site, ery prIvate. Geod ternes, ndkine $ss,tnn. INVESTMENT AND HOME Largecstore le Ton of Aton it 4 bedreem spart- ment ahana, building le modern, Ction and neli malntaled. Oppeotnlty Cor cemene te oe tils enn business, carryon theprentbusinnes or0t porchaen ocst as en Inveentm. Vndr wll teld alare lrst nenrtOoOc a 0 percent. FOR LISTINGS-TRANSFERS-SALES F ROM COAST TO COAST FOR FRIENDLY INFORMATION AND REAL EOTATE SERVICE DENZIL LAWRENCE 878-9543 OAKVILLE 845-4267 368.4121 d isease IVenernol dionase ln Halton more than triped ie the Oive years iraen 1967 t0 0072, bel a reducion as goted ie 1073 Final iguesc are no1 acooletie for 1073 y et ln a epr tal the-Soci acd Family Srices Cammittele of Rglnai Concl, Medicai Office et Heoitî D. J. H. Chambserlain netlined lihn situatin le Htaln. ln 1072 Ihere more 400 contes and contacts in Halton, or one Ioto et very 5W people. In !973 one et abo)ut 350 were invoived. le 1972 the merbier et cases of norrono aloon wac olmoot thren limes the nomham ofcasec of essieinl 0010r-.- ')a,, encnomovinv fonl omone lion figures la ta lion increoce ln the incidence et syphilis is ot te dromatic -14.4 per 100,000 in 1967 compared ta 20.6 ie 1972. Theretore sypilis, aithengh more serines tiooo gonermInra tf lf unlreated, a oese precoien initie port et lie on nld. rioene figures, et course, indicate on oirming spreod nf venernai diffune. Whonmn le VD. spreoding? Il le o respecter et social Stroita. Thol le. il is prescnit ln ail il is more pmevaen aemong the yoeng-prototiy tenante lion younf are more sennely active. nie ove graup lOin t 24 hto lion inent incidence. à humh senvtesJ GRACE ANGLICAN CHU RC H Rcler, Roc. Duncan Wal lace. Oreooist: Robert F. Argill Senday, October 2 7, 1974 TRINITY XIX 0. 00 î.ne.-Hoiy Commeunion 0.30 ane.-Senier Cisorot Ochani 10.30 one.-Matits and Ser mon 10.30 one.-Jnior Sosdoy Ttursday, Octoer 17, 1974 10.00 a.ne.-Holy Communeon Veoreoimaysnecone et GrâcecCtorch ST. PAUL'S CNURCH 0F THE UNITED CHURCH 0F CANADA Mois St. " a James St Mmster: 0ev. C. A. 60 mer O A.M. Div. Mrs. Haoled Magee Sunday, October 27, 1974 11.00 a.rn.-Worctip Service 11.00 a.ne.-Ctorct Scteni Nursery Fonliies Anaillh NIGHWAY GOSPEL CHU RCH A local ssembir ot The Fesiecostol Assoembies Wakiseld Rd. and ter 25 P-o 7ev M.Chrstesenr Tei, 87806on The Lord's Clay Senday, October 27 1974 9.45 onm.-Suodor Sctenl 11.00 o.ne.-ttning Worstip 6.00 p.ne.-Faneiir Proyer 7.00 p.nm.e Eve n insg EeosgeIistic Sereine Wednsdoy 8 p.ne -Prayer and Bil Stcdy. -Whaceer chili caii uot the nomsa of the Lord shai has Saield " Rm. 10:13. THE PR ESB YTE RIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH MILTON Rec. JohnM. Mcrray Oreonssl Mrs. L. ViasSince Sonday, Oct. 27, 1974 Lainy Sunday 11.00 one.-Oleine Werntip 0.45 ane.-Selor Ctorct f0.45 ane.-Jener Ctnrct Scteni 7.e0 p.ne.yone PeoIplens Society Nursery taclisies icilotie. EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHU RCH Commeercial Street, Miltons Poctor. Dr. J. R. Armestrong Sunday, October 27, 1974 9.45 i.n.-Sunday Onfeol and Posterýs Bile Clans for exulta. Il ane.-Sermos "Ttc Wîtchoord of thse Rater- neotion" 7.00 p.ne.-Serneen "Ttc Door Wac Sht Toesdîy, 10 î.n-Cofte Ilour and Bile stody lern0 Vor prc-sthenls Wcdtocdiy 7.30 p.ne.-Meet. Ing for prayer 004 Bile Study. Cesse an4 Ormeg o Friend. CHURCH 0F CHRIST 1412 Britannlo Rd., West Minicter Richard Foroth Sooda y, October 27, 1974 10.00 one -Bible Icteni Classes for ail aeo. 11 .0ane Z Morning Wenctlp 0.00 p.. Preacittg ot tte ST. DAVIDIS and NASSAGAWEYA PR ESSYTER IAN CHURCHES Mieoster: toc. Denglas Lowry Sunday, October 27, 1974 Nassagowcya 900 a.m.-Ctnrch Sctenl 10.00 an..Worstlp Sereine St. DasId's 11.15 a.ne.-ctnmnt limoai and Worsllp Service BOSTON AND OMAGH PR ESB VTE RIAN CHU RCH ES inn. W.R. Lewis, B.A., .. Sooday, October 27, 1974 Boston 0.30 a.ne.-worntlp Servite & Cturtt Sthaei (nursery taclisieci Omagt 11.00 a.ne.-Worstlp Servica si Ctorct Scteel. (nrsery faci lites)i. Veornecomese worstlpw snis. MILTON GOSPEL HALL 3016 Ontario St. N.0878.2022 Chisions gdlhdrd inh Lod e- Day Seoday, October 27, 1974 10.30 a.ne,-Breiie Beead 12.15 p.m.-Sonday Snteel 7.00 p.m ~Gospel Serein. Wednenday. O p.m.-Prayer and eile reidito. AillArn Weltomce Thene Sereices. je nsad "I m thegai sZterd: sha goal shephnrd eleeth tin lite tor the sheep." Jon 10;11 M INSU Traf 310 Streetsville 826-1865 Womenr will discuss iues at Sheridan Sheridan Cellee bmin n Watnrlno, nanete off thc assie Phenn eember nf Woenn etend neiob tmn Bo withe topcen ,wa for Ptical Action, Ste -j T Hem, Womcn New, et Une ciii yen ha whan yeng p ïame Canada hain ne wenn Oakvilie Campus. Ie hnDdy" Heir nophe rpeioý n th Ue werld for LIV N D Tlncrngam lectr ,ericoni ulà ha 10Uencaieio etcpton et neemen in peomie aomn la of mole and femaie childrin. gsoment. Mn.tePnr dince tentn7nt She d,'aims chilirc er. go ha1Eioed e na in isuc .l ociaiiocd loin niermtyped nlerhvbnaojf RANCE LTD. ieeaort1w e s ae1 yteâeo aon 2wmnmriso Uic cemmunity. ne inh n eee ee.ei 2mea memcns 2,0ta algar Square moy c0enie a a-Comte FonthSta tu fee nof , A n 51n ,0 cibl in 20seao"eid Slheri- Wommn will retdon tc disces the .ere iest more inm Oai S. Mltn dnCerm co-erdineter the reactin n d maell0e rmnteds by Shein Filtmr A an t. ilon paet Te frmat will be orvcy se heipcendet erJennCocSerinWectur eimiier 1nta yTrV cern wotr0 TVd edvrtiin 10 eich dffeeo opelerShenee nec et0 woen ne hY Merrtli*th, a ete miii ha featered entcs weZ spent cevcrai menthe leafe ObeOit eye foiinmed by omeit groep dis- enenitorngCanadien TV wMree Spend on Femii eussions. gremo w nr a e ie n~ sistt Mress aipn Ie- Maey of the speekers fro ee e ta1 COC. oat nresorty Mc- b test year miii reture t0 Une On the tapoie ef Wnenen = MairUiemiwlh collage tu 101h on healUn, ci.t the Lahar Force, Key Ect- on p r tMrhfey mthe iear terce, filmn, media, haen, directir Wemen Crenen 7 '30 t0 10.30 pe..tCk meeriage and the femiiy, Empoyena Offite. mbiI 0e- rTnstind eontahem Pyn cao louiy ns. empiey e h edycSncly Shieridan College Cammunity Oocialina afflet feale empnye. Services Division, Oaicville Lioda Fischer, ennsietnt Wlomee .0 over.ent mii Campusn, Trafalgar Rd4., or prefenoor et Une Univercity et ha diocueoed by Kay Mat- tati eOSe42 or 023-2110. ce Space available , ,u-lm IVenereaR OVERLOOKING CREDIT RIVER 2 storcy brick and alsmnelnm henon on qoiet court. Formal entrancewith cir-culer stairway ladeg ta 4 large bedroom.s aster bodroom h 4pc.ensite plus naMainnhe inl Anltir tîmliyr mm mth open brick fireplace andbalcoey wlth lew ofravn. Owner ton bougat. Cau tl. Mande. 026.1065. GET PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL ASSISTANCE WITH YOUR REAL ESTATE OEOUIREMENTO CALL STAN THOMPSON Real Estate Broker 878-2455