6 The Canadien Champion, Wed., Octber 9, t974 5TH MILTON CUBS are bucy thi al fe eiing year but they're putting an e big cempeign tala official Bay Scauts cf Canada celendera ta reice fait and hope ta aeil 800 et 75 cents eech. Qaba Ian maney far camping expencea next aummer. The Ronnatin and Urien Bell meke ppeeling 40 baya ucually sei between 100i and 2Mo eech catenmen. Coundil briefs Building continues During a meeting cf Milton Coancit aI lte t3oyno Cem- mccity Hall, Mocday cigit cocril -Agrerd 10 assume roads in 1Cr Flamhoro Codter Propertiot subtdivision aI CaccpColltcite SepIt.6 197f. -Agreed le occopt ansi maictiI road, 'in tCr Dorst Park sakdiviSin. -Received a reoioellraim Mtr. atnd liss. W. Williams fcr sewa c opariîy 10 Candîr là lots. The reques cot referred 10 Ose clerC andi planner for a report. -Hequretos pIoncer Bch Zsdasyi teprovide maps and o report concorcîce a auuidivieiott propoord hy Witdland Associoton. The deveopmeol Cas alroady Ceen a pprocesi Cy Noccagaceyo Ceccril. -Was nited 10 open hocco aI Milton Pire Holl Titraedy ccd Friday nigitt an 1Cr fîre department is celebrating fire provncion croC. -Wae odvised att pencions undor OMERS Ced Croc increasesi iy lice per cent. -Loarnosi John Kîlcing hasi cithdractt ttc ohjrctton tahy-ltaocld amensi 1Cr nonicg ty-law fo the1 former township ci Nassagaweya. -Was asises i I oocsn't b e ncrscary te add Ko,, Jocns' cerne tl a bytlaw asodîtacian up proerlion in 1Cr town. in aroas chere prcperlty han hecomo an- cîghtly lparlially domolîchesi bilinîgs refI standing, etc.) the loten cul dlean cp thr property andi charge te cccl le theCr er -Receicosi a nItre leo Mec, W. D. Meeting ecqaoslicg coccderotîcc he givtc locer spd lirait on Pire Sidresi -Acrepîrd the report oi the arhîtratico ccmcîttre dealicg ,cth the dispcsition et accolc. liahlîtîec andsi rv lans ICat were te Ihat part ci Ecqarsng Chat 'crnoc Miltîon -Agreedltcpeclatm Oct 6 te Oct. Il es National Air Cadet drokitn Canadaitand geacîrd MilttonOlolto tt Sqaadrcf permiintt 10 Ccîs afa day, Is your phone book ilisling correct? Please tell us now, before we print your new direc- tory. Look up your listingl( in the current dit-ectory and, if you wish to have it changed, give us a caul at 878-4193 before October 3Oth Bell Canada I Percitsor c onstructiotn caed et $3,459625 tere iccard hY Milot bilding dopartiment dartof te mentit of Crptecther That hringc 1Cr ,aluerfconcstructtoncfor the yerte date cf tc $23705677ý A total oi $3,356,150 cn resideettial conctruction, $100.50in comrcial consctructiont and $2,525 in total. Sun 0i1 Ltd. Iccit out a prrmit tlccnctrc c self sreg as station ai 1Cr cone Io Ontarto SI. ansi Oboeles Ave. Alliance Building Cor- poration boit pormitc 1cr 118 ccc hocsing cciln t0 ho orocled ontChilds Dr. Pormits weissi for te sintgle famity dwetticgs an col. 5op Seta&a > SC.54part 'fol$WPABIr# 4 20 MAN ST MILTON V878-4472 ou MM,~ Nom iLeescel JS liaocl LIQUIO FOR DISHES 69< PINEsorAMMONIA 31ica LIQUIO CLEANER 719< DRANO 519C Club lose 2OZ a IMANZ. 5TUFFEDI t Ci 0 OLIVES 719 32 oa Jar Bck's (6 Ctedst 5 PICKLES8oz tle H.P. SAUCE 3199< Oceat Spray Jetior c oe 140oz fitns CRAN. SAUCE 2/89< CcOL t oz a MUSHROOMS 2189< MANDARIN 1 Z'r' ORANGES 2/59< GARDEN FRESH PRODUCE No. tOUS.A VANS 21b 29e WAXED TURNIPS 1 0<1 No.[ Canada PEPPER SQUAS 2/39< No.t Canada GREEN CABIAGE 2aid39< Ns. 1Canaa à it. bas MAC'S APPLES 57C Misty and Max I have 13 on 7th j Some people thlnk the csnbere seven ad 13 are lucky numbers. It's debeteble fwhether Misty tnk sa. She's e seelpaint c Siamese cat wbo hec give birtb ta 13 kit- 2tens-end ail an the seventh dey af the manth.t Musiety belan&is ta Cee Jacobs af R.R.3 Pcnch wha reports she gave birth ta four ikittene Jtii 7, 1973, five an Mey 7, 19I74 end tibs pest Manday, Oct. 7 beceme mather ta, yetnather four, ee s ln tacen Mandey ta bring Miety' huband Max ta the vet. With Mlcty'a ab- viaus cex appeel and in these deYe af equel rightc letas hape Cee made an eppaîntment far Micty as weii. Rev. Hainer accepts cali to Whitby area Thte Undfiesi Bard cf St. in hic letter cc dhe Bard Poul's United Chcrch cas Mr. Hoiaee indicated the colt advised Monday that the Rev. wcc fcr Denemitrc Charles Ha iner Ccd accepteetadt a coltt 0 rcclic Uaited Mr. Hlainercae10. CCcrcC in lte WCîtCy aer. Pccts in Jcty, 1967, scc- The cat i s subjoct tc ceeding the Roc. Lorne Presbytery cpprccclc GrahoiI witc rotired. n20000000000000000000CI MILTON PARKS AND RECREATION DE PARTMENT ARTS là CRAFTS PROGRAM AGES: 5 -13 yrs. D)ATES. October 19 -December 7 FEE. 07.00 -18 weeks LOCATION: Rotary Park Community Centre TIME: Satarday mornings 10:00 -12:00 Please Rogister wlfh Milton Parka enid Recreotion P.O. Box 3, Information: Registration Cati: 878O1211 GOVERNMENT GRADND MEAI PURE LARD 4191b Sohnede,' ek MILD, MED. OR OLD iioz pkg. CHEESE 95< Preeh -Lean -eack (bethe pee PEAMEAL BACON $1 .291. M. L. iýol BONELESS DINNERlCeccacl HAMS $le45l.b BONELESS IC'yesoc PICHIOS $1 .35. M. L. Reg. or Hits cf Mapin 5L 1CE D lVac Peci SIEBACON $ 1.351>2 WUENERS 75pk Presh -Lean BUTT PORK CHOPS 891W Fresh - Lan .Moite PORK ROCKS 39b. Froon ender PORK LU VER 451b. Presh -Lnan PGRK SPARERIBS 691b BRAISINC RIBS 819lb crsh -Lean LOIN PORK CHOPS 99W Fresh -Lean SIRLOIN, PORTERNOUSE, cri-BOUIE STEAKS si.6 SOI FI MAKE I Establish advisory groups Ccmccittees are in profile cn Brcoukille ond Coing sol Up in Ccmpbellvilie ond Dorset Pa rk. acrording tc Rocreotitfn Ilirrctor Boit The pcrpose cf tCe odviccry grccps lstc assist in ruiong ,ofsrciing information prcgromts prccidrd ccd the nrods ci 1hr aroc. Finanriol hop Smpil saidi . hnpod the adciscry groups couldrn saineof their n progra S ccith 1he dporlmnt fica n- ring ccd finingsc rirs c,- instructcrs or tCr prcgraccn wiorr needed. Badmintn ccd Casketitoil prcgromc arr ccdorcay ai Brocoillr Oc arr pre-citcc prcgrams fcr ycccgclers. Ant adiai t itnoco ercerote os Coing oflrd ai Brooheitto as welt. Prcgraccs arr being chrduled for Brcchnilto Hatl andi Hrcchciltr Schcct GYMc Smatt caid Ce intocded tc stop a smiar advîccry comiteei the sccltoerc porticon cf 1Cr twn cn that aea knocc as North Oahcittr district commieo Millio Exoonti cee Fred Buchanan te prenideet ofthe BrooCcilte group chito others on Ose etoorclice le- clade vico-president CpOe Smith. tresrer Harod Hughes, secrotary Fran Pearce ccd dlrec10re Watt Titochonko, Donna Etit, J. Cipporoce and Mtrs. Jocoyý WaeaCr. An ertion citt Co Celd for Osat group Oct. 2401i Brookvttte Ccmmcclty Hall ai 8 p.m. The CampCottnitle Com- mlttee receotty otected an execotivo ioctuding president Joo Faolhaor, nico-prenident Bilt Denl, secretary Lacra FootCnor, troasurer Ed Evans and dirertors H.A. Sacyor. Itiri Mitceol ond Charles Ccrrie. Nassagaweya 4-H names president for the tiret lime Osis senamo on Oct. laittheomeof Mre. Dillon. Mre. Dillon and Mire. Kt1n are loaders for Oso coccing yOOr. Noet1y otected olficere are proeident Jody Jackson, vice- presidont Joonne Wind- motter, trousurer Irene Kidd, proe reporters Cheryt BucCanon ccd Lacrie Dont Bukchann Motobers Titero arc Ico noewmre Cors Ohs year, Crlngtng tho memCoehip o 101. MomCoers are: Androa Hyde, Cheryt Hohansen, DoCora Daigle, DeCCie Dort, Lits dDonnie. TCe girls corhe in groups of Ico acd mode floral arrongomente. 12 months or 12,000 miles warranty on these cars listed below Y ES, We are taking the frustration ouf of buying used cars. We wîil couer the cost on parts for transmission, engine, rear end, etc., for a period of 12 months or 12,000 miles, whicheoer cornes firut. 40 Quality used cars in stock HERE ARE A FEW: '72 Ford Custom '/ Ton '71 Valiant Duster Pciep, this locoIleage stonlhO8 Canada's Ceet sellins compact, folt box, ontn, radio, standard eqapped cith elant sxengine, -tnmss n eer step bumnper, etc. âctonatic transmission, radin and Lic. A3fO51 6tinished in canary yeliow. Lic AteX247. 2495.00 2095.00, '69 Buick Skylark '12 Ford Galaxie 2 dccc handtop, VS angine, autonnatlc, 4 dcc, hardtop, vif, actomatic, power power steecing, power Crakes, radio, steecins, power itcokes, radio, white wehite calls, deicce whoni ccoee, etc colls, deicce wheel cocers, etc. Lic. Lic. DSD396. DRX434. 1695.00 2395.00 '69 Plymouth '74 Plymouth Fury Il Station Wagon 4 door sedan, eqcipped with Vil anginle, This t passenger wagot le equlpped aatsmatic, pcwer steering, pcwer disc with V8, actceotic, power steerittg, Crakes, radio, white walle, etc. This l0w Por itrkee, radio, white walle, miloage, tamlly sedan is peiced at dcluce whont coers, etc. Lic. A2Y543. Lic. H0V775. 1795.00 1L3795.00 '73 Plymouth Fury 111 7 DdeVn / o 4 dr. ardltop, Vi, autonnatlc, air conc7c ogeVnl o ditccceg, tintad glace, por stee . r te Snd a goc ae van. Thtis pccec disc itcakos, power ccc Inct'cs, on e iseqîppec with an ecoom-c- cinyl roct, radio, rear speaker, whte santsixcylndeetagie, 3 seed walle and wheel cocere, tinised In standar tratn sisicn etc. L c A95859. oyal Clc. Lic. HYZfI3. - 3395.00 __ 2986.00, Looking for a brand new '74?7 We stili have a good selection in bath cars and trucks at greatly reduced prices. DON'T DELAYI Il5 Mountuinview N. GEORGETOWN UNDER THE TOWER - The Rinht Place Tc Deal 877-5100-8-9