Library film festival runs through October ANGLICAN NUN Sister Juliana lad tise cengregationa of St. Johsn's anti St. George's Churcisa n theUs singing of 'Hans Got thse Wtsola Wcarl in ns Hante" dutnng tise Suntiay mon. Thankagiving servicas. With lier ara chiltiran ef tisa day care centre of St. Mattisew'a Buie in Hamilton, ae Weil as choir membars of St. Jehs Nasaagaweya. Churches give thanks by sharing produce Hurvttlime lu traditiou- alty a lime ut thunsuitiet undti ha cuugregutîuuu ut St. Johns Anglicas Cburch. Nunnugaa'eya aud St. George's, I.awviila pal <hair <hauhu intu ationt bis year. Agains the batkground ut gardas pruduta dacsra<isg th. chuechru <ha parushissers utdati <moess pruduca for use in I Matiheans Huse lu HamiItos St. Johns purlub pretissy ilote a freezer In the hose. A gamst uit<ha tuuduy mrisgusevicsaatleth chueches mue Si. Matihemu, chuptuis Rat. Jua Roilers. Esplaiinig <ha seai for <ha murb sft<ha bouse n*dsms <sai Hailnli, Rat. Roagers said, 'Every day thenoe is ightasad <îgh<ar aroud <lue uachsuofthe poor. Thesmuui halpiaus are <he thildeu, thair lils usow us hupa. Fite millionu Canadias will remainuturaser inutheapatrty <atal.' Eacb day meatu are sernad ai a day-tara castra ai St. Matîhewu bouse for <ha childe uft<he morhisg puor. Punarty Claimiug psvsrty le ha<e Mosttuarioueusocial issue of the <îmeu Ret. llgeruusup- portu <ha worh ithis Si. Matibemu bosue u ft<ha Cîties Action tlroup. Fssded by <ha tiepurtuiut uf Masputter and Immiigration, <ha organzatios balpe par- so s oae tiedisil dit- ticulty eeabieg worh <s gel <ui<-iiue positios. tomae ut <ha ciies tete retarrad truin agascieu lu, St. Matthamus buse are <slare racipientu. ex-puychiatric patiensu ax- csrisis, andpersun su prohation. The maisrity are rr absh bava ssttered a put«isg «haleter ubitie <bey bute <s <ha haut Ose. "Osce on waltare il i bard <s escape <ha nystei,' Rat. Roers expiaisad. 'S par test ai «allure are uabhi <s aars a livingtfrhemelau and <bey ara stripped ut their digui<y anti c<aeuitied as secnd claus citizen." Ha clilmu poverty mainty stems truin a perarnento chrusue «usness, insnuticiast iscume lu meet aspunsen ut <ha tamity ttamiiy tou large asd uulary tuosematl, al cubollin. marelage probtamu, asti <ach ut educallus se preparullus fur empisymesi. Alcohul St. Mathew's bouse le presntly tryisg lu engage au alcuhulic coanicitur le hetp famills tisaI wlb prubiaine rasuliue truin alcuhul au mati as nuith uther murriae prublame. 'Wa <tant tu renture <ha parnun is a digsîiaid place lu sue lusd," Rat. Rogersuuaid. 'I ee Christ in the lasahisil eyeu ut <ha peuopie as maIl unien thair torlors taces.1 eeM inthe iuaopiui asti ltChs eu ut <ha chittires ant in a society mura lettiet lieb care uft<ha ricbh ruliear <bas <ha pusa. Ras. Ruogare wau a- tumpasieti hy tinter Juliana «bu intitadti ha chiltiren ut Theres atla aine le taite udvastaga ofth ai lm festival baeguetferedtfreeuof eburga ai Milles Cintrai ibrjy T edaaveniege ibughu each elaht eejoye!dTha aie Reud Oct. t and 8, sn ilie sew cuimmity mr T'he erim, puritfa festival of sanin fim n ed hy tbe Souai Central liagiosat Library Syatein, wili rue fur threa mure weehe. Neut Tueuday, Oct. ta, Mue Onl Anleine mitt lie ebuwu. A Frencb tauguage filmn, il watbed umay with eigbi Canadian Filin Awardu iu ta7i and direcler Jutra aine0 racs lh y raceived the Zoeaa Fudatiùe Prize truin the Natouual Society ut tim critice lei New Yurk. Thse Vieller Octobar 22isl the date tue lThe Visitor. It le aie tîrni teature titls mrltteu sud direcied by Johs Wrlght. lun murtd premiers mas ai Filmn Eupo lu the National Arts Cae, Ottawu tant Ocloer. Fitmed us ilocation ut Heritage Park sn Calgary, The Vieltor lu a fascinating aiary of ayoaig girl abs fanda herseif lucbed ini a worid et aeasi. lhitl Ceilm ufthae nerlen is La Vie Revee (The tureanied Litel un Oct. 2a. fi wae inade by Mireitt Dan- nereu and mas awarda a epeciai jury prise Ie C.inen fu Toda cue r ai the ninib 'lauboeg Inter. national Escunter uf Young Clema, La Vie Ravin la a purtraya ufthae frimndabip ut iwu girts le ibeir imeeties Vireinieanmd Ieabatte, aiid paricularlytof aie aitempi le traib temeves fruin aie overbtie ewr O pubtiiyadl etail o everyhn fri cauir Al French taeeuage filma -Thunbklisen Moeday, Oct. 1l wit ibeuagmerul butiday ln Milles. -Writare of tetteru le lie published iu tue Champion mnut sien aiair saman. A peu saine eau le anad bai the writeru idmntiiy muai le kesas. HARVEST-TIME at St. Jcosn's Anglican Cisurch, Nassagawaya wae an opporttanity for the members to, sive tisanks in a tangible way. As welI as tianatusg the gai-ten preduce dacoratmng Use chiarcis, tisa parisiineru adtiat frozan produace fer use in St. Mattluew'u Housa in Hamilton. the cssilreilais lui uli er in sisg 'Heus oI <ha Whsla Wur<d I tu ieAme", au uba p<ayed <ha gia. E er Walsh, the diractur ufth<e day cara centra of St. Mattbaw'u fluse, auti Margaral Fur- sythe, aie bousaeuacretary, hruugh< childes <rm <ha Hamilton day tare castra <s tha services ut Loatilla asd Naueagaiueya. Salvation Army PICK-UP TRUI<I EVERY TUESDAY 877-8522] sablittea. Starlang pi.. -Fait cotera are reacblug iheir peak ibis waeb. -Service clubs ln iewa have reaaimed iheir fait ac- tivities. ~-Clasaea in fient aid are Engtinb bas efa Ile 'Mile'b- h aine la a St" ah Ambulance. ie Co KINOHAN MILL ~ 0 ESTATES $38,900 Only 25 minutes tal Tarants IUXU RY CONDOMINIUJM TOWN HOUSES , 10 PERCENT NHA, Guaranteed Mortgage " ELECTRIC HEAT eEXTRA WASHROOM " BROADLOOM *FULLY DECORATED MODL HOME HWyý 7 >I m w a ALE COSRUTO ,D BIG SAVINGS Vtlues novr offin'd hefoel Due to special purchases for this sale only, we are able to seli at prîces neyer offered before. TNVANKSSMNC#V SPECLII FREE TURKEY VOUCHER With every purchase over 110011 FRE DR1)AW On a LA-ZO Rtcker Radiner (Su RataI '249) riruvu l vuN (Dtaw tksplace Sat. Oct 12 ut 5 p.m.) alnd Donuts llmruyseo*troumgout Our Large "Wsop oretaGOREONM*KTCNR I'm a pop astrologer. BY ALLEN SPRAGGETT Some people cottect African tribal masks, raise atligators for pets, or hecîime ches champion <if' the block; aicîl, t cast horoiscopes. tt's more fon and it tetts.vîo a lot more ahoot peopte. t don't profess- to detve into the profundities of astrotogy on CFRB, bot aim to inform, amuse, and if possible occasionatty amaze my tisteners. (Somnetimes I even amaze myself by making an accurate prediction!) Bot tbere's a more or less serions porpose bebind wbat 1 do. You see. I bappen to tbink tbat astrology is true. BY "true" I mean tbat scientifir investigation provides growing support for astrology's laimi tbat oor lives are governed by cosmiec c' ctes...tbat tbe real and often colourfol diffèrences in people', personalities are not merelY accidentaI. The facta'? Well, the great psvcbiatrist, Dr. Carl Junig, found astrology so accorate in judging people <bat he often bad boroscopes cast foîr tus patients. Frenich psivhologist, Michel Gaîtiqulin, found that cxcii people's occupations are statistically related to th Dr. Robert Becker, a New York liiopbvsicist. discovered tbat admissions to psychiatrie biispi<als are correlated witb botb moo phases and horsts of' sonspot activit 'v. And a three- 'vear study b ,' Dr.'Leonard Ravitz at the University of Pennsylvania revealed that crimes of violence were significantlY more freqoent at the time of the fuît mon. A Czech gynecologist, Dr. Eguen Jonas, oses astrotogy as a method of hirtb controt since bis discovery that a woman*s fertilit ' cycle coincides with the thee-daY period eacb month wben the soni and mon are in the same relative positions as a< the hor of hec hirth. These hits of data are bot a small part of the evidence for astrologY which continues «i uîîm e fconi mas', lraisuhes of science. Mîtul sou. .isîrology <sqelf is not a sm iee 'ot s'ct. B-ut I thinik <ts lairt (ausil it an ancient wisdom evolving toward a modemn science. The credo of astrology-a sublime one, really, which recognizes mans oneneas with the univerue-was summed up by D. H. Lawrence: "The cosmos lu a vaut living body of which we are parts. The son iu a great heart whoae trernors run through our uimalleut veina. The mon iu a great nerve-centre from, which we quiver forever."