The Caoadflan Champi on, Wed., Octoher 9, f974 87 "'àBabe" Clement heads town fire department Mtlsugh hie sdmllltc helssg close tc reliremeot age, Miltonv Pire aslet Al bert E. chieet docoo't mlnd Ifi ycu Ccli hlm .Bob'. He's goe thtchom oqoloc Uc sîclof rne In Use lOO oc hi.s yothtl Jg occocs in hosehall fand Bobo clement reoltnecl a lteogdoeom oh e o "o afc ed fa 5010 Ue Milice FIre Depoctmont on o volocteer, port lime letgher in 1034.' Ho nlorted aiet t and cooched is cieton o a'ýlim;e hostoig 195f, In 1963 Use cooniti nomed him chiot os o foll lime boots and toc 10ayeas hie won the hoigodens cnly full lime coocher, a eo t Jtm Coulsoc coc oddeteo the stoffion o toit lime liain, cliter 13 ea s on o ofoeer tire0ghtr.. Secon5hasoman You migbt calt Oche Clemenfoa "iiehcondiorned tioetlgbtee". Foc avec 20 yeaoshe stocrd an lccal bofli and hockey tecon cepreocotiso Milton. Ho goNIba a11 essand in 1930) mon a Membor of the Ontario chamvpionsbsp club. Ho Prevention work is challenging UA. Jim Caulcon, coa joined Milton Fiee Departcoefocaso tult tise ficofighter in June of 1973 aller f3 yeocs ci service as a oofcneoo (part tise) ficoigbior, finds is coco cocch cboftoogiog and cecoording Butie houcoc mishos thece more eichor moce baves.iv the day or more days in the coooh-ho'c hovicg troubl e gefsing off hic cocch doco e ibte attofîrd titre, Witb a gaod background in tire precenfin mach 0f 101h the cammocnisy and industriet mnve, LM. Coflscc con- estrates an tire preveniios dues, mitb assistance trom Chiot A. E, iiBaboi Ciemoot coho odmicintern the offico ond thg tire deportmcnf. Bat he'c stitlairighter tcoand oflro shcws Up in is dres uaore mte fighc o stohicrn tire, litho tire otorse rings bofmoe 9andia5o eehdays. Moce totoe Lt. Cauitoo cocdorc tire halltors oad givv lefcues a esoestitionn 0f ochoofs, haspiiofo, instituftocs and Induotries. Ho icopeets huildicgs, pores over plans for eOconstrctein and dces 1,001 other charen aoond the liee boit on o coguloc booms. Ho mon nofoiy superviser af Golf Oit Refneey in Minninnougo priec tu jning the tire depocîmneot on a tult lime hooic. Ho conchoo et Gulf 14 peors, nloeting as o tob te boiriin hut eneotuatty gcicg iathe Use ty moch toittime f bore. Ho heoded op the retinecy's tcooteueh tire deporiment aod ea-rdinatod the etire pionfos caiety rompoigo. Hic icteet le the ticfightingcservire in nofocot-bis rallher Haoltd Coidsen na o copfoic cols the toao brigade adsdho36years nf service ________ C~ours Tbrougb tbe tire dcpocf- mont and fin former em- ptoyer, Li. Coo hos fobes ectencive cournec in ticeiighfieg ond lice pcevOctioO coorh, plus cigbt courses n vmanagement and supervsiaon af MeMastor University oa Sberidon Caf toge. Ho hos boe active on Half.n -Peet Industriol Accidonf Pcocostioc Asso., hasosttendeil sevreo National Fiee Protection Assoc. confeceoces on the U.S., and hos gcodBotod tramn regicola tir cots androrses ai Ontaisiîo irellifge in Graveusc rst vfe vas creforyacoeassree imo yeoev and actie for secorot yrors en the Hottes Mutuot Aid Fiee Service Annor, mhi Ch roor dinoioc ficefighttngltechniques oeronc Hollen, ond otsecchoicmoo toc Uscee peors ci Hof toc Fire Precectios Bureao f ccetfly eenomed Holson Regio Fie Preeosion Comm itee ), a tire preecli grop finot nponsors progromo in Hollon. -A grec p ni rolepoyecO have celd o morting toc Fcidoy eveccog 0f Speyside Bohooltal disceune the poonihititof ci olfrge quascy aperolio o Highcoop 25. ceflrod trom active ses In 1l40 hut aftifl ctnj., mtehing boit ood hockey gomon scd ban coachod micor booeball jd efvery 0000in o cohite as tleihlr e involved inc oeomboli gomo oithfe oreoo end poul cele b dioptoiayng orne of thof peocec toc cohich hoe wo. one eoil heomo ucoafly tecding goal toc the fiefighters ferom. Heosoidhoiequitfchonf ai 14 to go ta mach in the Dominion Wootlen Mill i n Milice,' thon spef riye peors os a bred troe driver toc Fronk Bocoen ood Son. Thoin hoe opent 20 peors 0f Madet Koitciog Mitîn, once tocated oc Commorclo St., cohere hoe mos genecot tocemon cohen the plont efaced in 1955. Hisnceci job mac ai the tocoos secooge disposot plant obero hoe mos chiot aporafor. Ho romoined ihece oight yeors umlii the f000 art pcinted hlm tu lm tnlire tire prefvetaI recoot ebief in 1963. yeacs. hoe ocys, the papormerb Administration grocs leapsand boudsBt he til Chief Cliemenc splis ics gars al tînsporig nom doties bof more ad- builIdings, chechs aor piano ministration, fieefighticg yod tac prapoord drvrfapîareiv, Firefighting is' ai fAmily affair : knbigl aîainiily affalr ta iatuS.: *hi fieam two set of brother IiIdII thre * s#_* et fiat e nomoi working in Mlton si * W liche. m todase ' * Hrolt aud JIn CoulSo are thse snd;e * Den and John Jehoton the third * rd miaio r ar eya » a LitàCoulmiBS an Doneee Geemefs. PORING OVER PLANS for new construction in Milfon, Lt. Jim Cou and Chief A. E. Clement check to muake vure there aren't an y tire hazl and thot ail safety precautons are being considered. They h ave had, of this kind of work ta do in the pavt few yrarc as Milton musho roovis. MILTON PARKS AND RECREATION . wishes ta invite those interested in serving on The Dorset Park oroation Advisory Committ to attend a. meeting ROBERT BALDWIN SOHOOL ON Tuosday, Octobor 15th, 1914 .at 8:00 p.m. For further information please contact Milton Porks and Recreaticin 878-1211 admicicrs the tire depael- nîitbusioesv, goosf tuires, heipo frain coco rerifo, gico lectves aod demoo if's a 9cfa 5 job in the afiie bai hio dayo dcvit afovys end ai 5 s'cfoch. Wbov the fire cireersoumds,bhe's ootheraad in its eo dio-equipped co r. Hic mite yod f omily are uvrdfoc eeiogbhimodahhofftin the Middfe ai coppr or hrofv aepond fea O afarco.yo iee bacc beeo mooy oightv ohmn a fiee caff bas infeeeopied ltisvfleopand farced bico fa drês riirhfy aod rushout. Addibore have broc movy oigbic mbeo hoe did'i cooiohoomeaf off. The addition cf one failtaime tîrofîgter tesf yeao beiped the fire chief î.ope mîfb ith doify morhfoad, bai hoe suifl clismore menarve oeeded asitherorb isgvwog dafy. This yere hoavhod for tfour oddiilocal foul fime firefîgbfero bof couriti derîdrd the ow m roid net attaedr tbe additiooofex prodfr, andithe bîrf was oery disappoitid heno the reqorciovos denied. Inspe'tions Mîlirs ereofn decofop- nientibas mraviagrraf deaf 030re moeb for the fire doporfmrvi Planv for off nom buifdings bave fa fie cberbed f y ther beefigters yod ibey hase tv icopoci boildings as thry arr bricg rcoisractil, fa mobrcsure aul tbe lire oafty standardsarehbeig met. And iber of course 0ncr tbe huîfdiogv vre completid and sipeord, bere is more prrpery andmoepeopleit be profecird and o greaier chanre ai fires happening. Althsiigb hic hobbîfy iv cropeoiry, Bobo 'lomeci dorsalt gri mach lime ta ork ai if faiefy. fo'v a nombr ai severof firofighting associatiosacd opnds a ot oif ics sporo fime offrodicg mretins and f t c's cic of ftbe faor ders oi ifli on Fie Prerscioc fOore r a vid served as is tirs( prrvîdertin 1î 957ý Losi yerr ho mac cocord praNiiciol vieprrci dent cf tbe fItr naioal Aiscar itio ofa Fi re ('biefs. fie iv "tser riofteci rhairîooî, yod a for mer lirovidevi ai thr iOio Fîrr Chbiots Assciation. And ho iv active iî, Italien Mutuel Aid ao dopai y ro-ordî ai or yod a membr af the Humbr Credif Distictr f'irefîgbiers Forh yror fie attends the avouai roîîiereîîrev oi the Ontioanyd i'acadioo Firo ('biefs Assctonoîîîoaafy comiioigr the Covodivo 'onvenon w'ith o bofiday Irip. -l'm fnn busy fa fabe time o ff mach for conventions, seo uaco3ymork ternm it iny bofîdays." be soid. 3000OI Iso for instalili o lot concret iron Raîtîngo ta Match O ECOR AT t E-SAFE PERMANENT FREE ee ESTIMES Phone Today 878-6853 RESTORAT 2500MARTI S.. MILT' 878. REGULAR PRACTICES with the pomrper, hase Here'v a receot base practice ta a f ield near thse and other firefightiag equipment keep Miltan tire hall, Firefighters up ta date on fireftghting methadv More t/ian squirting water Firefighters fully trained pumpers rushîng toof ire, but Bundy is in charge of alas etc> fotbyfthe chief and dpat fhey don'f reafizefthe years of imeetingsvandtraining. Tvvof locperffos iventafficers. training and experienre the men serve as caretakerv Thaf year 45 huildings mere ooeded by foday'v for the trucks and lest year i il pecfed hy hirebghters J Smx firehighters were in- hirefighfers. Nohody is horo a they speof ao extra f96 tor rm homes, f2 apartmeots, jored during lire dulies aest firefighfer and the days of on theve dfafies, hve stores, vive schoofs. mvo year-inrluding fhree chovmi firefîgfofers herause fasi year mov not a fypîrof fsoebuildings, fao pubhie overcome by smoke ai the fhey appeared to have more year for the fire doparfmrvî hal nÀ i misrellofloas, hute] lire in Octobr Two free fîme or a job fhaf a as ihore wece sveroilafrger A, additvonaf 39 in- others saffered eye and face easilyfeff, areflongorver. fto sa thresandfthefire v'rctigofiocs (spore heofer, injaries et the saice tire. Todoy fhe hirefighfer is focomoosqaife high. Bof camre efrafeic mators, gos odors. Cfvef Cfemeof ivjared ics fafly fraioed in off forets of sfafjvftics fram tbe yeor miff smohe in buildings. ar- nech af a aire fevf Jaoay. flaecevnto and fire show hom hacy the hrigade iv, fîghfiog aod fhe Miffon Piee aod the type of ooorh if is Depoefmevf bas vo exfensve doing cn fhe cammuîfy. a Volkswagen a Porsche e Audi e New & Used progromt mhich rosocco fhe Afe rovap mec fhey semt vo a fire cofa le f0173 Obere were 307 fire uuT F., SALES and are eqoipped f0 hondfe 009 alorms, avîccreaeof 30 ocer . . SE V E eniergevry. fhr prevoos yeor. f.rgesf Pofficg ouf fires may looh fiee foso mac the Miffon focS RVC fihe vimpfyscqaiefiog mfero 03> ffoef mhirh wac deofecyrd on Ph--e 877-5286 firmes, bof ibere*s mocetevif firfober vvfb a lofac oofooficoOco oooooyo bhac ffintf The omodern $50 00. vifber forge tirev Eve i smtin wer ot Fremvre a firefighfei feorvo off about iocfioded a harn af $50,000 aod o BAZe Bs ppîooc cfimhîog laddrcr 'operOfiOt a boac Sf $40 000en roto noig foecibfe There w00 a ftofal c lu 0 in t-aeFATR R NE E NC enfeies, foyoof 00f hases, ficf f07300f1570,f02- fhe bore tire U-oDt ATR RIE EHNC aides yoHe ai lefrn aot aisomf cd for balof f i bic LATEST FACTORV DIAGNctS'tfC EOUIPMENT fierac. af velton anda figure. The presvi yerc's bydroufies. ~ lus seffoioyo oc 0 oo3y $f57,725.I boiv tv fiect bimseff ichen Aforos incloded 1:f A O OR LI fighfing a fire dwefficgc. four oparfmrof \WV/ 11E ORCV \ i 5'eepaire voifetc. buifdings, 39 sebicies. 53 fiefore a0300 rerîfjinsOgasa ov ir.fs fhe brigade. he cs iofersiemed bra, n ibe afCiresf. fice S1F n EI evfesief and musto sfore, one hofofnàovd6f;ao dergo o sfif1 cediraui rniscellfaarjs >ci5,jaevs, fxmb ato te cho' iv fit fa do the oeh fProspective firefighters' wvex rc iaîays inferieed faoo-fbe aife mus fe i home, miss scial ouiogcand nO sacrifie o portion cf ber fifo becooco ber busbavd iv a firefigbfev yod fhe brigade waaofober Io bcprepared for a locefy fifo. The brigade bafds fbree fO Fraovb- nioh metngacohlttIlsli mont-on isa usnss'0"'ý ADDINCo iieefiog yod beovibrfo are U UJ~ U procurces yod îecfoec The mev vre pid ove boue's p05 $03fi for eoch meefing. Ai fieso, fbey rerîse $6 per0 Your cppootooity tohocyfo tfîe omaoufacturer i . porter drop in soon ad EÀSONS ohoose train 000 farge sefectivon Theor -~ £ bcoosiful fight fixturesoare mg procast ooooufactued right berein Milton O 'H ~ *Lighting *Matai Sales EnO.oces the. beaiy and 0fIu et0 vur oe * Exotic Lighting pilsi.cem..t adoo * Repairs Oc 000 cohemo* Industrial *Domestic *Matai Rewinding -* Afir Canditianing *Manutacturing IThA STIhMI * Installation 1Ml-SLIP PATIO $LAISPup Give tbe profescina * Estimates touch Adds exr al- a n o,* Apas home Pcecis onmode ocder RE RLISPRAL AI pressure Wt vr 10YuSedi ecads e eev nis tostd.eag.'Yocoice 10000ncoou "s SaeoS e ff oo-ho'eM.slp A ALUN ELECTRIC ONCR ETESavoy Manutacturng & Lighting Lt. IONS LTD. 818-4111 TORONTO 826-1223* 3NONT fOC AA m . ONARIO CAADA3153 STEELES AVE. W.. MILTON PeaIy think a.àpen cari't