82 'Th. Canadien Champion, Wad., Octoitar 9, 1974 MDHS News bmîi School wiII try attendance checks By Mark DMi Millo es ne mas îlepped For toe ' sent wostit mitotit swrisg anYosility MDHI. mli ite on a trial lte strose Blteiscit altesdmoce p les. 'nia pies detensiv mnil. mlii ite lcyleg le prevest 'rmsmlaa aludesta trois bkipiiplg 'rte girls' taauietioall nus clamsse. 'rTe plan dues amay s.eriet off mell. Ail ltres mitit lte home maiw period g iris' loaini plsyed Oakvilie- miiece sllesdasce la eseslly Tratalgar aI Milton on laken. 'rTe nludenla miii Wetlsesday. 'rte Seniora mon procsed rigit le teir tiraI titeir gawns 29.12, and Juniors pi cias mitece aI- mo 29.18. lTe Midgels mito = ec mili ite laites and ouit itsrd.es moi -n Ou O.T. sent dnmn le lte office mitere Tie crocntrly teaw hall Itla iaecnrdvdnon a ciata sn lte a wect 'rlursdsy nI Kelso wain itall. agaist Generai wnlfe and Atesdasce miii he laites Acn le Inte wes's open evocy peciod and sent le lte Gcoft onwer cawe tird office and if a nlodest la Homard samnders tosclis Ted warhed aleent sn ose close he Citeskey tifti, Stusdt ili.lfs orsite m iii ite tougit sevestit. rtheir points con stipping and milI ho citecied uined put lte teswa sn first up. po0ev lte otiter Imu. The Lasi mect lte golftlesw girlsdid nnithave alea but plsyed ai lte fisiton Tmur- Judy Willougitiy piaiied namesi and pluced sini out seconsdinlteladies'ope and oI il mitool . Ken Fsy mas Iani Caweon came fourt. lise top soer> foc Milles, 'tise Junior vnlleyitaiecs getlisg a 70. 'rTe Milton Junior detestcd Aidersit tcee mustangs pluyed Bîsiteisci gae le tmntw. Greg Rusb's on Wednsday and tuiled t0 spikeg and gmnd si un d slp ie Blaitelect offete wnck ity Joitn lnepcicit mtitscsced 27 points. 'rTh itelped le seure lte min. YO'uth Pau - THE CAMPAIGN for muacular dystroplsy is $15 rocher as s resuit of tise bard work of eigist youn Mlaon girls. Tbey held a carnival and sale in a back yard recently with help f rom, donations of local merchants. In front is Jennifer Yesbida. Front lefI are: Claudia and Cathinn Ronnebeck, Penny Rowley, Chrintine Yonbida, Cindy Riley, Susan Yosbida and Public welcome Cathy Riley. at MDHS Forum Young girls fight MusculE 'rTe Fo ut a Mi toihoby ut cocing pigeos ad 'rTe Muncolar Dyslculihy .tennwtei-and Susan Vositida District Higit Scheeli opens ils mili bicig saine pigeosn mîit Asocitin lu $15 rictr. CvyodCly iey, and doors lu lte communsty ina ihanits lu eighl youmg Milton eid ndCty Ri pons Fridoy. Enecyne is isvited N.F.L. '72 girls. Caltrin and Claudia Penniy Rowile pn 10 attend a tait ity Les 'roiy lte Foum foulures ____________ alivdaylp. prlv Barhec, a itasdwcilisg ex- a movie on N.F.L. '72. a mitk Day Israel. The girls sct up games in port. mito miii shtmo ho a li ite National Footbtall Tuesdan ocloier 15 nlieYniahvtyr.'ie cmn delermise o porson's Loague itighiigits tecs ltai tealuce Ld Mvioald, th thenold a b h ymad. Ite- prcsnaiity 0mwi itis itand- yeoc. In lte aftersoos Provincial organiser of lte svlv mhivh indluded peavul weiting. Mr. Bactor sa a itasitetitol. pig posg, vitous Commovisl Party ot Cavada buttervcoohien poliera, Kol- recettfeatuceoftCTV'nW-5 mnd hoche y gamesmwilîle lu diseuss Ciimuoisn in aduand cake. mnd lte creator ut lte vomie payed in lte gym. Ovtariu. stip Joitvoy Canocit and 'roworrom Mcs.Havvait Alhuugh spevial vum- Mervituots Captais Anuecica. Sornos mito visiîn israol muviiy days are set avide rThree druinnoore hcldand In lte aftrnoos John cogulariy miii hoe ai lte perîudsvally. lte general prioeu ut mugu, a hre cvar Gieasantrowlte Eigithifine Forums lu show a munie and publie is invnied lu attend al] ash anda bouqueit o loers Georgeown miii discuos bis lead a discussion os Modemn Forum sensions. iere ginen. LovaI mervitavn ~r Dystrophy moritwiilo vntes moco Labluos, Karens Flomers. Smohe and GiII ShOP, Beviter's, Miltonv Drug Mort, Hume Hardware, Ledmiits 1, Elsîry's Phurmaey. Harrin Slulîuoocy, Dominion Hard- ware. A&W, Slow Welciter's 'renavo and Siedmans. -Millen DPP nvneniigaiod Imu ftali lion in lte Geurgetown ores os lte eeriend. ___Youth bowling 8y Lia Mortoa Doug Meorton and Chiria Co. ithi bil a 2M4 (Nice Sautast Gils:a gouse Oýria,2 ssgaes le lit 21 a,Ctra esrot 10m Gervais called a 186 210, mnd JesOne Mesiis single titis meekesd le laite We itac! to . triple; lis lte itigit gaine. Gsed gesse' week is lte Juniors mllh Kun! Sitadgwlsg liter mere ChitrO Osoor gettisea 642 .lasie Arnold witit a 101, esd Katity Ealesas 602. Bossie Baverstsok - 171, Foilomie tema camne Lysne j.tty a - 163, Shelley Otildo witit a 523, Tracy Meiso ia es ac s peils-lin, Citris Versîrsete- Delsia 180 2 and asde CiraCre O Gendsi te w1e0 e le 10e Kanit Eaiss iatrd itigit ity d B onles a erec it u a ara felite girl mit 338 Jenie Acssldnc wit a2 lo a er tyse Cils lut a 3aces DeNe Aro- 3,10 m Ly14oneroge. Fo li et KaeGerva i n - 31 1, Gerai - ity me it4averae Fsi Corh 299, and Paleay Utile - 276, 1ilia 104 asd Joe Daawes 'reaw Standings as ot itis mitit a 171. meek are a0 fsîloma: Kari 'resw standins are as Watsn - 6, Bomnie Baver- fslloms :Katity Ealens - 13, slecit - 5, Sasdy Moore 5, LisasMortes - 11, Joe Daames Patay Utile - 5, Shelley - 1u, lion Veesa - 7, Citris Esiis - i, Diase Gervain - u, Consor - 7, Kelly Rigu 5, Kim Gervais -n0 Karen Date McMurcsy - 3 and Lynne DeiNin 0. Citilda itas u. Johns Vanderviiel ticed a nies Baslama boys came up tursisg 328 grime Salocday; miltsonne pcelty god gawes 'rewendnus game, John! Baîucday, Kevis Cassorsibt Dnug Habititi sit a 2l8 asd a 181, Jon Couper'- 180. Tmo Demn Word scoced o 20. pis ehisd iti wmas Dessis Great games, guys! Linda (Bulviti Jemninga mt s 158. Smitht itd s 197, David F'eu, Kyle Gervais - 134, Brion Uàsi 193, Dnug Habitci also itad a -130, Mite Kuiisc - 138 and 1001t0 gn mitt itis 218. Kevis lied mt Mite mos noolter Blacisiocit roled a 187usnd Pal Mitle. Mite McNally mitit a Bales a 18i. 138. John itad a greal triple tom, Doubtles mere a100 gond il mass a089. Deug Hatleitk witit John Cooper ttromisg s Ml1, Lisda Smith - 501, Deug ', lthe only 3Wdou$lge r the Meloger - 491, David Pem hana itys. Very gond, 490, Pal Baies - 486 and icone John! Nent in lise mece Kevis Richard itad a 484. Cosoor mitit a 209, Mite John Vanderniiel told higit Kuitinec -3269, Bulcit Jenslegs avecage toc lte seniors - 59, JeO Hoitley -'254. lity) miti a 185. Deug Team standings toc lte Haici itas a lOI ancrage t0 tanlawn ho ys are Kevis laite second place in lte boys. Citisitolm in Oirsi place mitit 5 Tite girls are led by Linda points. Mite Kuiisc btas 3 Smith miita 189 avvrage and points, John Cooper mnd Kyle Pal Sales has a 166 ta laite (lervais are lied mitit 2 points second place. eacit and Kevis Comor's 'rte leaw ntandings toc ihis leum lin vlte cellar eilis zero. meeit are John Vundervlin Beller lucit vent lime Kevin. lesw miith 5 polis luitivg lirthe lead and David Jusiors: umilt's teawn and Jiw Con- norus leawn hItlied toc Katy Eakins tossed a 278 second place mth 2 points gaone ualucday 10 laite lte each. higis single toc itis meoit. Specialevnoi Citris Consor's high ot 243 . mas nex.Lyn Cild and invgesecaimwareoha ving a Tracy Speilu itolt itad a 217, Special Kievn Tourvumeol Coachs" ToucssOsenl las on octite r 2., g07..ti er me are aise itavlsg a àBomirý ofthte Month amard mici la holi givn le use btoy and one girl itowling in lte Y.B.C. in Miltun. Il miii ite intecesting t0 seo mitu mins titis amard eaeitmntslia keOplmleng in lte Ynutit Bnwling noms and me iii have lte inforwatin toc ynu aco, toc te mostit ni Septemiter. OCTO BER 6th TO i 2th PRESENTED BY 820 ROYAL CNDA AIR CADET OPTIMIST SQUADRON( Take a Step Towards Bein g A Future Leader. Join Your Royal Canadian Air Cadets, Today Royal Canàdian Air Cadets 820 Squadron 1974 Summer Camp CFB Trenton AIR CADET MOTTO " TO LEARN e AIM TO SERVE Todeoin ivymh the attribiezn of gond vltloovship " ~ ~ ~ 0 TOSRV ndladersip;e ta promole PhYSIn0I titasa; and lu stimnulate their bistrest ln tae ses, land, and air " TO ADVANCE atassesa ofC te Canadiencs. DID YOU KNOW1 *More tisa 8M Air Cadet hava billn faught fo fiY since tise Air Cadet Leagu. Ittroduced pilot trainino for Senior Air Cadets ln 1946. 1 aEachsuonua64olltlfaflding Air Cadeti reprasaentlng ail parts of Canada are cisen fa frayai abroed as goadwiii ambassdor foir Canada. * SQUADRON MEETS EVERY TUES. 1:00 p.m. ERNEST C. DRURY SCHOOL "tMinimum 13 yrs. of ag'e "'p COLOR COST FOR THIS AD COURTESY - F.W.B. FITZGERALD NSU RANC E Air Cadet Offers .Free uniforms, no dues, no Ioining tees. ,Two-week Sommer Camps *Two-week Ground & Searcit & Survivai Course *Six-week Senior Leaders Course *Gicder Famiiiarization Flights *Fiying Schoiarshlp Course -Six Week Physical & Recreatioi Training Course *Ooodwill exchange trips abroad ___ *Familiarizatios Fiights ln Service arc-rat *Model Aircraît building & fiying Corne on ouf! Any Tuesday. Find out what Air Cadets is cil about. OFFICIERS Copt. J. G. Anderson - CO0. lut Lt. G. E. Gibson -Adlutant Mr, G. D. Brown Supply Otticer Mr. AI Fitkin -Firearms Satety Otticer Mr. Joe Lewin - Model Building Mr. Joe Vick - Cadet Off icer Mr. R. W. Clarke - Piying Schoiarship Co- ordinator Mr. M. Rodgers - Fiying Schoiarship Co- ordinator Mr. J. Nlsbet OPTIMIST CLUB 0F MILTON Don Simons - Air Cadet Representative Bob Dyck - Public Relations Chairniant Wm. McGinnis - Air Cadet Representatlve Mito Scolo S vn CAL COI BNA1I STONE CO. 0F ONTARIO Wish t0 announce that 878-2351 is the local distributoi of Coronodo Stone Products of Ontario 151 NIPISSINS RD. MILTON UIS-65184 Man hurt ose Milon iman mas le- volved in a to-caur cellilsio in Norlth Hallesorsay Ah car drivee by Ptr Breeisiaar et R.R. 5 Milles and a Dalsun drives ity a Palmer Rapide sas, Terrance Loie cellided Causing $800 damage. lavoie received minou injuries, -Milton Girls -Softiall Association ia sellise Hallowe'en cesdy desr le door this monlis. ----------- a