Tbore la no sudi hilng as a popular choie for a saniiary land- fil1 sita or dump. Authors of the .Solld Waste Management Study for iHaltosi. Raglan were no doubt sware of that, aven befora they started the study two yesrs ago. Rasidents of Ésquealng andthe Ashgrove area in particular will need a lot of persuadlng however before thea logic of trucing the great bulk of garbage from, the south ta thc no&tl la ever accepted. lhe fact that 80 par cent of thc ragion's population la i Oakvlle or Burlington la a point lakealiore politiciana bclabored durig dis- cussions on the location 0f tamn- porary ragional hesdquartoea. From a reglonal point 0f vlew It seems the recommandation ta truck 80 par cent of Uic garbage forth, raUier than 20 par cent hi tha smUih, would ha an expansive ana. flic report, drawn up by con- siultanta at a cost of solme SOO,000,, will now ha subjectcd ti both public snd political scrutiny. Thc report sugesta Uic raglan la ot; qulta ready hi gat into any reclamatlon projecta on a major sale. That flic spectre 0f cities buried under their own trash, of pollution biotting ont the sun for waeks on end, 0f marine life dying because of polluted occans is becoming; more irosi. lI Uic pait, It vias marely an ugly vision i somebody's imagina- tion. Toay, the dangers of pollution hava becoma aIl to oh- 'nous. One docan't have ta look very far ta find causes: First, Uic worl' popttei&iagrowln_î ai n oaipreccdentad rate. Sccandly, we hava not disciplincd ourselves hi avoid pollution. Sa far, ardinary people cvcrywhere have ot begun ta realize thc devastating impact of filUi in aur air and aur watar, 0f mountains of wrccked cars, bath in citica and aven in thc countryside. Noise pollution la now cansidcred a definita healUi hazard. "Good morning". "Whst's gaod about it?" cama Uic rcply. Suddenly we rebclled at Uic response. Thei sunf was ahining, both of us were healthy and walking around. Neither of us werc hungry. We had cmploymcnt. Both of us hadl friands and famlly. Wc livcd in a country Uiat had a high degrea of freedom. Wc werc ail responsible for a aay in Uic kind of govcrnment that wss li power. Thec list saemed impreasive and as aur Uiaughts turned hi Uic positivc advontages of living at thia Lime in history, with ifs attendant challenges, in Uiis kind of country wi lits opportunities wc Uiought bock ta the number of timos we'd heard just such as negative response hefare. It's usually a real dampanar. Of course Norman Vincent Peala made s tidy sumn tallcing and wrating about the power of positive Uinkng. But still the discussion Have you planned yaur visit ta the plawing match yeî? Remember there's mare thera than plowing and the tant city itself 10 Worth a trip. When it's this close yon reslly shouldn't misa it. Bus service froin Milton, advcrtised i this issue, makes it donhly essy hi get there. Valuntears eojoy pravidlng lesderhi hi mner hockey and fortlst dim* atre snay a( Uiam. Maresare sOIl nccded. Giva IL a thouglit. point i particular wlll ha attacked by the various environmental groupa in thc raglan. A recomcendstian Uiat areas trucloig garbage more Uian saven miles ha compenataed at a rata of 16e.7 cents par ion mile aflar Uic frst sarvon miles wl aise provide intercsting discussion. Staff macla Uiat recommandation Le, the Ragional Public Works Committae whan Milton sisrtad ta bal garbage ta Uic Oakvllle dump esrly in Uic year. The committea compased esacntiaily of membars from Uic sauUiern communities turned Uic proposail down. Thay argued it waa o anas fault that Milton wauld have ta cart garbage and no sub- sidy or compensation was warranted. WiUi that precedent set, it will ha intercsting ta sec how the ragional politicias wrestle with the recommandation now. Fromt reading Uic report, country cousina must get Uic ides thiey are bcing skaci ta proidl for Uic urban garbage fromt the souUi and hclp pay for the transpoirtation casta as wcll. What thin is Uic solution-if indeed there is a solution? Man. must discipline himself, must discipline his wasteful con- sumptian habita in the affluent lands. The more consumption, Uic more pollution. Urban plannars must pursuc the concept of satellite cities-connectcd i future years by rapid transit systama of various kinds. Satellite cities, which so far have not won wide acceptance, avoid the urban ovarcrawding that Icads ta an much pollution. fliare must be local, provincial, national and international action if Uic environmcintal "donmsday" discussed by United Nations an- virooment chief Maurice Strong is hi ha avoidcd. Future generations will thank us if more people ara educatcd to fight actively againat pollution of Uic air, Uic land and Uic toater. acema ta have so much more im- pact if we talk in nagatives and that's what sa many of us tend to do. Sac the dark and drcary aidle, turn a sunny day inta an overcant anc wiUi aur vary outlank. That's nat ta suggeat vit shauld ha blind ta problemns or difficulties. They exiat and will continua icheiliar wc Uiink ncgatively or paaitivcly, but samnetimes Uiey lose their over-powaring impact if wa adapt a iittle of Uic Polysona ap- proach and seait ont Uie good sida of aven Uic most serions difficulty. "Goad morning" is a hacknayad expreasion, often thoughtlessly averworkad and delivered withut much prior thought, but Uic under- lying message is a gond ona. fluie ncxt time you use it, reflect an Uic thingi that makre it a goad morning, or a gaod day, or a good evening. Often Uic "gond" is more prevalent, than Uic bad Uiat scema ta command aur attention too frcquantly. "Gond afternoon". Sorry ta heur that recent ac- cideots have slowed dows (though nat stoppedi two important warkers an the Halton Committe for the International Plawing Match, secratary Henry Stanley and publicity chairman George Swann. Soth wcrc injured in mlishaps invalving animala during tha wcck preceding the big match. But in typical "show must go on" style, bath warc sean b11184 working ta Uic hast of thair ability ait the match site on MondaY. CROSSED WIRES: Wires for in this pictura. The double image every direction meet at the juar. was created at the print stage ta tion of the pale in the picturo. add ta the picture. That's right, thora is atily ana pole (Photos by S. Dilîs) [si Irve juot fisished a book raitedl Tes Last Years". In my pinion, it sbauld lio reqaired reading for erery Canadias under tweety-five, and pilasaent, if occasîooally bitter reading, for ererysse arer fifty. The rest are Oaa nid ta ratre, and ton late te, save. Witb'asotiter depressias romise up, and remisber, yai rend il bselri lt serre asoae sort of sarvival cbart for teyaaag C le iseadia iat te sait depression, la justificatiousfor lise aider pople, toho are so isymie about sucb tbongs a electric Sisis dit arent tarsed off, faod scrapa lii are finral out and rlatbieg tbatlia prrfely coud bat ten years out af style. il's impassible to tell yaaag people about yaar oms esperirea s ite Great Deprea. sien. And itdeserves thirpitdlle!tel Wbe you tryto tell the rising geeratlon abaut your owo Depireasisa esperororro, lbey merety green, roll Ibeir eyes, and tiia, 'Vais. Here goes Dad, or Granitadt, ýaaia, mbisstg abaut misaI bard fu0rie i rliie. What adrag!" Tisat's hy the yaag people shouldread thebaook. Tbey simpty ranIt realize, as tbey srof tireir twa-bits worlb of frenrb tries, thit grawa mes worbed tes boues a day for tiasainme Imo-bits, darioc lise Depreusooo Tieyra'trealize, us tbey sboota quartier ino the lie o marbine for a Cobe (rapital Clo iteashdmatheir frenchbfrie, nt i Ilou lacis out a girl duiuig ther Depresnian, and liad a quarter in your poai, yan mere riris. Arrardina ta tise book, tise bardeot bol arasa were tise Prairie Provinres. lise Maritimes and Queber. Ontario aod B.t' wore tbe ooly prveosr an Ibose day., wiir r realty deojorute condition, andI tbey were bad eoug Thsis ia arery credible bsooks, Ou uoyoe misa lived througis tbmse Teo Lest Yearo. Tise atsor ment out, mits a lape rerorder asd lsterviewed issodroda of people miso woui throgs temr. Tise resuat are fuany traclle, and exiremeiy Candien. I0 routd oever lie mlsusdersteod as a Britishs or Ameriras isook, ibougis ibase cousnres suffered elqaliy. Canadiens Ohos, is tiseir pawiis, stuisisrn asdofie stid prde, wouid co ta alsin ay lagis te avoid 'gabta an relief." Tis saaimmia sin, and atways a aest resorl. Aod "relief" aoutd boe tes or Imelor dollars a moolb, for a famitp. A sirbet bad 10 do tise mors of a dollar. Aller tisree yeursofa droufist und grass- boppers,mayprairie farmers justmalsed amay aod lefI everylbiog: bouse and mariiery. Theuaveragercasb ioome fromi farmers in tbe Maritimes. inrtudiog tise mealtby ores, mas sumelii tube 40 dollars p eur. Wbat a modero kid from a middte- Visa lamily moutd spood je a mootit an altties and treuts People died, not of star- vutioa, butuofmalutrition. Oh, t romemiser! t aas ooly a bid ut tise limie, butt1remembor Ittaltbuappeoed sort of gruduatty. My lainier muo a tairty prou- perousmrebant,butbhemuuston iodlyua mario* ilsts sim. ta courais people misa more bard up Hergave tem ceedol. Hie (ast is bsusioess. Ho fil tac murs moory on the books, aod net enougin tise l] ta meel tise mortgage. iStunord, in is ltle fi ticu ai lfir is ie saob it depressiaon Tisere mere na îais (or uoyooe, ]t alor middtr uged men. My mîîtber fuoisrover. Sisetelio bourders.I thie smmerm e rented raomr tetourists. A s(eao filad ad buge breaksfast for $1.50. Sise sald borme- miade isabîoa she mas an Avon lady. Aod me meot îoroorasly (01,, Ansi tise but- cber's, tise grarer's, tise cant man. But boere mas no ay WE mers gaiog 10 go on r il I 55 sbaoeful. Sameoso,mwestuggored trougs Ms aider braIser col a job io tise bia sit dollars a meois. My sioter gal a job sn a store at eigist dollars a sors. Tbey icbed most ai i bassfermy mum. Tatwas thedeal in thase day s eserybadv pîolling tagrîher. OuI it \vas iifis lard or, the %aom airiser., -hitilaaildlbî goiig il îîllege til, lîorromnaltîsts. Wr orsier meot buagry. A lot aifham- burger, aitbreo poundslforuaquaer. A loI of bolonep. A bia, perpetualty simmerioO pt of soup. If tise parldp masot finisbed îi te morning, it went tutu te soup pot. Aodt1 remembor the odd limie misea me brudsometsing Irve neyer tasted amne. Tis mas mben tise iutriser maaid adranresno more rredit, and ibere maanit a0cent i tise bouse. Potutimnisait.s i mouldn'i mind a good feed of Ibat to- sigisl You tube sonme isaied potatoeO and put lbem, tbroucb tbe meut grioder. Witb tbercolor of tbepotuto sbins, ilromes out toobing tibe meut aod pultotes. Fry il up in a pa mush same onons, diri liseanud yo bad a pretty goad dioaer. Top il off mi isume-made bread aod raspberry pre- serves, aodyou'dbad a gormet diner. I bieat bell oat of tise modernofrozen TV diooer, bots foraourisbiment and itavor and mas probably boiter lor us tisas mont of tbe garbage modern bids eat. No, me neyer ment bangry, and Ibere mus utmays a bomt of pasop und bomne- made beead for thebhobosbhoarrived at tise bitrisen door, baîf frozen and baill olurord. ButlIînevet ïeaized what miraclesnmy moîber and fatiser performed in ibone doa, and t miss t mid, smr MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESCIAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1974 Paigesof Ithe Pasti 20 years agio Toises lrom thseIsseof iseCanadien Cisampion, Oepsemserta 30154 14,000 atleaded lise 102usd Milton Fat Fuir. Agricuitural procresa of the eouety mas mirrored inebits andompttioo. His Eorettosry lise Mont er. t. F. Rpaa, nisisapot Hamiltoo, officially opesod aad islemed Holy itosary Orisoot os Sueday as ourilutîlsoo s aod i.itizuu iuijiiii ig about 200 caliered ai tise Martio St. sie. Tise township caraco uas ollooially opened sn Nasnagumeyu aest mers, l il huittofrcemesi bloakrit lsteelaordersuond is lise lomoobips Borsi oem puie bisuldingc 27 years. Tise rosi of tise building wâ. $14,000. At a speriai service Suoday os Koxo Presbyteroaa Ciurch a memorial idow mas uoreoted anddedicaled Il mas erected is ieir rbildres os memory ofth laisel Donald Stewart ROobertson and bis mife, Kaîberine Maud Dewar. Mes. Jase Scott, mier sf retigoous lsougiss on lise Globe and Mail mas garol speaber aI the lait Isassufferosa meeoting of lise toomeo's Missiosary Society of Si. Darid's Cisurrin Campiselsilte. 50 years ago Taises fram lise issue ai Tise Cansdien Cisampion, Seplemiler 25,1Iota. ELECTRIiC BAKING -Lusi Saturday George Gilbsert, baiser, abored bon sisop os Mais SI., lise orertioo and equipmesl of bis isw abery built of roaoest bloks ut boas hsome os Mill St.isasing beos romplted. He bas lise ltesi aod test of etertria orens, suppiied by lise Hamilton Gars Ca. ls rapariiy of isaiisas 112 large boases and il ras luesn oui a baei eser y bull boue Tisere ureroroat fao fumes asd rîrantisenss ais.e rolte. 010 isread wagon delirs bis output ofisread, bons,etc. David Moostes got bars te, Milton tant Fridus, aller opesdiog mare buean a year in tise Yuon country, misere brisas an uee Hie says fissexprieore mas ootereslosg, but iseliadt ait ise masled of tise tuer oori. Hr wil n0 go isacis. lO is said lise prire of crui mîlI bisi- creased alterOct. L F0OR SALE: Six roumed trame bouse. mis largo pustry aod sommer ichenbr ia goudrcondition,isard andsoftawater, good gardes. Prore $2,000 75 years ago Taises Irni lise issue ai Tise Canadian Chaumpion, Seqtembesr 29.1800. Il lisere is asy trois an tise sayisg tisaI pleetîtudeaofouts measu b ard miater, me uould advso ail ta saso lhiser mosey and surtfuel, Tiesmall bos reporlsa greatrcrop oftioruyouts, buttersuls and beismat. A cinnamon bear a one end ta caii mots a Dago attse otiser eod led a pro- cessioofsmal boys dams Main Street os Saturduy ftorooo Aootsee Itlienao - rauoard thiser approaris iy a loto bugle raIls. Thseoutfit remained intowmoser Sun day anddeparted onMonday morning. Miss Oastrda, of Miltos, one of Galario's isest bomo urtisîs, os sositosa triends on lisa aiaisity. Sse is on a sbelaiig tour sn tise Northwest and willisit themost important points, bsut may decide la forti a duoss and oe i is te aoty for somne lime. Miss Oustedu bas studîed mots J.W.L. Forster, Casada's greatrol portrait paistor, uand reaeivedisigisrecotonforblerwork a tise World's Fuir aod Torooto aod Loaodoo exiitons. 0e pupits base teon most suoresolul ai tise teudiog oaotr art ex- iitioos. William Caldwell Se. sisoed us sm fine poaries takenfromualree inch grem fromt a pearis pit plarleif iy Mes. Caldwell four yrarsafgeo A goudosied busbetul mas piked freim lise tree some moasuring 00to icies and more. Philosobits Os Edilis Sbarpe God mode aur mortd iseaulolul. tise ugliress sou see om os man's idru. Yaumill eerregretsisomîg idoosr la utisers. Yo aveiefîoltsed aperiectldav utess you . svedure ametigtfor someose misa wilIl or i ale la lepay yau. Agoud lisleserils ot oly popular, but ise learas a lot. Iltlasiardo express overmitsa leriod Lave os like anonaias, me fastle il with Bui mises il's goar me moodor misalerer marde ris bite. "Ptting or lise dog* is dore isy tisse people miso lioi bhey must ho moreim portant andsetteriait tise rosI of us. Tie reaisor b ey do Ibis is eorause tisey riant accopI thieîselses for misai lises reatîs are. ifonst tSes realieoo ,er,,,ne ao-aaeeot 11hiliagh li Tisere s always fioie for iidoss Laselinss os a bordes ta muanY people, but me csse te ho alore tise moment me olari te, rare about otisers. Hom muais esergy do you malte tryisf 10 bc popular asd tryisp ta pIeuse ereryooe? We 1 .you 0nowit issitoery importantiaow poIpular you are, il os important onip la, base your oms holiels asd Mles inlie and stick to Ibrm reardless ai olisees. Sugar and Spice by bill smiley