24 INOEPTH 8.oOobo 10,1074 Welcome to Georgeto1wfl the Home of the 61sf INTERNATIONAL PLOWUNG MATCH Watch the amazing Tires in Action for Sales and Service corne f0 GEORGETOWN TIRE SALES LTD. Phone 26 Guelph Street 877-1536 or 457-0732 Georgetown The MF 510 isu Proven Field Porformor WELCOME MR. FARMER TI THE INTERNATIONAL PLGWING MATCH Don't miss the huge TH EBES dislayMASSEY FERGUSON dslyof farm equipment at the show COMBINE SOLD AND SERVICED BUY! IN HALTON BY YOUR DEALERS 1 24 Brand New corolla 1200 You mneyco 29900 You moey onbuy more î new car at '%'HWY.I 7IET - GOGTW 8 7 7 m2 2 61________________________________________