10 INDFPTH nSepsetM 18,9«4 Sanitation-committee has".big j.ob As scon as each day's =pslmoch day of thsefive- up bita. Usotggartsae baga, Gegiown.san4tary, landfill M.Redhe"adpas7nIï m4AlitWert Hnun d and the Csdo 0f ehihtr George Readhead of =ieiosl o ln-istno Meanssiie tisO>dispsa t aeo ~y l utg~NtnUsl.jsheeo an sstr santobvelieMilton, who ns citairman of cit pirkig up %n -itro nc et aso nTh osrainAtlrts e agi bas rondere2 viail match groonds, ltaIs ohes tise comnsittee, sdwtesslf artad'y, beside Spotilfiemmlshichprnvides usoiher 75 ame coumins fen aisstance tu0 tise commaitte, thelsntation committee andieeytsn arrnge and rhesotenland] buildin, ie pUrtass olé l trong- an oil cnmpuey. A fiem in lis chairma said. ahbordeoftMiltontoy couts te han a large nuteher of The refuse wml he dumpe msot the grods - d ho b Oukville has donated too "If only people mili put swssg iolo action. hmîpers ut mors. mahinli sure omto large guehuge harrels as immping sut ailth toisert uarge plastie garhage bags to their mante papere in a The sanitatias committer i ecer tant deuail ns lmdmed thry go. holding tanks und trnclsstg aid in tise dlean-sp effort. arhage hareel, tee jobs mon't oneo tise mont important aller. Octhir e citane lise nlodge te tise Halton Hilin Commitre meteee ho b ig," M. Readsoad u ori n rrn - iterhae ens the arc nas'ier newage dispmai plant. inciode Graydas Chester, Bull naid. Main dlean-up mors wii ie o Hlestoslldinmiti taur tise- daeISyfiyeaScsutd, mio-wiii gcmstdo. ding ail lie imade tho geminsis arasai isagn of g;=ag meto lte n r % f 1 5.dsteachevcrmng foraoceat- packer for curtage tu thoe - r ~ n site Brampton Fiying Cluis. At- tesptotagra sallaistip ut lie 1PM site more un- sccessfui, due t0 tise pessiasity te, Maitens ligist tua". tut any llyisg farasees alaid lioir plane uithlia Brampton aiestrip atnd bus service miii ho previdasl 10 bring pilotsand paseeingees 10 tho matchs site, ami taite tem bart 10Brampton la lise laie afleesoon. LasI year 109 spectatornasnd exiilitees used tise airip ut tise Laashionaaltasd as rer esetei ta use lte service lnyeux. high over IPM If yaid ii seeethe In Belug a uamera tornatioal Plomng Match They'il fly oisilors ail frota eaieght you cmudhrng und thse IPM site. Thir atn 4 o fout extenon 'mde-bubted' ropters lador or ntaasy up ubydro pro ride for axiasuas p Be ut inmasld bseunior, vsemîng ausd easy Iictaro tonsdangecons and probuislytai. amu mre tltrittisg ta, ve EdSýgegsmort, ctsairsan of liheatchbfrs thseseut ofua 'Ftying Farinera' for tise mosdern heticopter. Stalton Local Coasaitier, han Tiseongiontibiso yeac's made ail tise arrangemsents tiernationsi, vistr miii ho asts Niaa Helicoters ho abletuaenjsy abrsef ride over be oondut hsi. This lihe site in one ai Niagara steovot pcu laa Hehion"ees' fleet of eghtet Toronto Itent ional wharliy ds for just $5iget Airpot fau tise matois site le p5 pon. mares: tRtho pae pea.Tleyl ho parbod aiut i 05 f ag pulstpnas the sastttend of teted city, sgn cMltnsesmys snar liheCosnisniShows ridas. ts osste measiees Coirplt a at w are Rics Soceceige, Roy C=pers pi cas te fo Casiter, Peter Fisher uad heisting viete of tise To Niara lic te mtlchsnite and scrossdins TeNa raHlopte lands. Cidre rdig thrfins han hon moated g renns'la gog osee Niagara Fatls for noverai pacena pgorer. yeaes. It offrs nigiseeing coptererides ocer the tala and BOOKED SOLID Niagara gorge, ait yeur Areutiotetsuandamotelsmit rasai, an met as opeeatisg ho puttin4 up tise "ns va Canadanslaegent comsmercsal cancy" signa tise mw-' 0f helicopnec trainiegnosoo.. tiept. 24-28, vlsanis ou tise Tise liras han an excollent Inteesatisonal Plsmisg Matois safrty recsrd. ami is big ioflon of vinitaen Arrise inptans. asd eniiilss. A tonal msan Tis rommîttee has as saynsehontsnkda. freondîsnto adle arrange monts toc tise last avaitasto conte ut aoyonemwanisgtoiftytuatse Oahviilens Holiday Inn thor match site in prîvate planasl mssths ugo. tu use tise lacilttîs of m~n * . * ..m to police match A 35-man unifoeteed force of ntaio Provincial Police offiers wiii ho on hand 10 p tes hie 17oseda and perimeter and chasstriafi s and sout of tise Inter- natisonal Piominf Matohisn Ifalton nent Tise speciai force is drates mainly lest lise Watecdomn. torlingon and Brantford OPP detacisaenta in lte OPP District Tister. In chre of lte force miho fi.S Pttroas %n CpI. Don Wataon 0flie torion District Tisser Headqusrters. flack-up tranasi lilsas Miltas DPP Detacistent mitI isave eveey avaitasie mas moriig daelng lise IPM and mitl serve as lise maie isars-sp force tu tise =pca =PM -ils, in case of easorgec i Anmli are 75 otiser asen sn Distct Tiser ltai cao hoe calleed on for asistance, oraisees report. or ritoes mill fiai OPP statisord aI main intereons fornseverat mitas surromading tise match site. Officees miti ois pateot tise gesounds on font, linsed msh isesdqaartees via portasle radios. tevora testorrycas and cruisees, miii ho usai for vetaculur ratesi, lisey slid. Tise OPP asil abus pescide ngs enlrity ut tise atchs le addition ta poiicing dulies, lise servine inork ai tho mnatchs. Tise OPwf haro Imo teairs on hai un a field office and exiiit aresna 3ts5tgfaufttimbrce test ashore esstinuonsflms mwii ho sisome, ail day every day. Tise OPP wiii aiso e ho oriis In esn- jonction mils tise St. John Ambissance l.sprie yGodfrey Coleasan of Curigo. t onw haro s terst aid post on tise grounds and noveraI uelformed seashers on patesI racs day. NIAGARA HELICOPTERS LTD. wii be bringing contract i îtt local commuttee memisers slnd maSse a fleef ef capfors te thse International Plowing arrangements for a heliporf. Commiffee memiters Match in Halfon Hils Septf. 24-28, and offering Richard Sovereigo and Ed Segswortit, lef t, go over rides over fte site toi IPSf visifors. One day last plans onitit one of te cotr pilota and cern- week fwo of fte firm's wiinybirds visifed lte siho, miffeemen Pet e Fisher and Don Siterwood, rigbt. lte Rteid farm on Asitgrove sideroad, tei sign a SIGNS PROMOTING titis year'a IPM are everywhere. Murray Cernie of Bretiho St. in Milten uses a concreho figure named "Hank" to point out thse dotes of te 1974 event. RscC.noN'5 DISPIAY PARADES DAILY Dont miss tise Ieginnal Atlnoonneach day dueîogthe Municipality sf Haitots international, hundred vi dinpiay ut tise tPM. Hattsn'n vehîcten, handsuand marcheea a grirultnrat groupn and teif join tise daity parade regionat tnstitutions are tisesngh tise tessted city. If yon HELICOPTER RIDES over the plewing match sigittseeitsg rides in Niagara Falls, WinJ statien gOtg tager ta show osf1 can't matoi aaI tise etihihitu, st ilb n fteatatosa hsya' ih otr ttest n fe re eilti Oullehast aide ta lise nil and match tho parade and sh ilieeee ieatatosa ii ersegfcpes5 leienefrabifara n tisusands of cinitors. tise eshihita mitl come ta, yns. match. Niagara Helicophors, a firm operafing over the match site fer $5 per person. menta toc tise 1974 ptsmiog ematch -in' their raspon- îsiiîy ta mahe sure tise tontadtiy ae is cleanasnd Helicopters take you