82 The Canadian Champion, Wed. Sept. 4, 1974 Thereas another counting coming Up. This month thse cenaus of municipalities wtll be taken by tise province and it's important tisat everyone bie properly counted. Ultimately some provincial grants are paid to local munici- palities, such as Milton, and Usey're baaed on tise number of reaidenta. To tisose hard-preased municipal leaders who are trying ha garner every provincial dollar poaaible, the numbers are im- portant. There eon't bie an election in Milton or elsesehere in Halton ttsa year, ao the information normally required for preparation of votera' lista seill not be put to use. The census dotes, however provide other necessary in- formation. nie division of property taxes for public and separate scisool boards is based on information you'Ul ho aaked to provide, jurors' lista of those eligible to serve seilI bie compiled from thse informastion, Thank; you, Steam-Era, for pro- viding some fus and entertainmient on what might othersease hoe a dult, end-of-uummer Weekend in Milton. Thank you, Steam-Ers, for keeping olive tise memories of tise past for tisose old enougs te enjoy thse nontalgia connected seitis osrly days on the fsrm. Youi have givon them a picture ouf a past ail but gone; you have kindted s spsrk in their memory of that tirst tin lizzie, that firat ride on s steamn engine, thoe osrly timplements thst helped tise farmner do his seork. Thank you, Steam-Ers, for educating our youts in tise ways of life of 40 te 80 years ago, sehen steam reigned until the gaaoline engine pushed it side, sehen tise nigls were apent 'nests tho gIoW of a coaI oU lamp, When tise tele- phone ws a luxury, When tiscesis- ing bees seere an annual social event, sehen fise horse W55 a far- mer's hoat friend. Thank you, Steari-Era, for bringing together admirera from near and fsr and putting a smile back on people's faces in an era sehere amiles are getting feseer and furfiser between. Today about 50,000 Halton students are returning to classrooms aSter the summer break. They represent almost ose- quarter of Halten's population. This means there setîl ho extra pedoatrias trafftc on our roads and streets, soi drive carofully. Halton-Westseorth LiseraI candidate Eric Cusningham must thtnk thore's another federal election in Use offing, He hai leSt one ouf his"Vote Cunningham" signa on Use tree on Guelphs Lino sueur Derry Rd. since Use July 8 electtan. Perisapu it's time Use sign came dosen, Political aigus are eyeaoros at election tisse but tisoy're even seorso tseo montis after Use race ends. Evoryune acknowtedges tIsai Miltos is groming but the phystral changea are difficult to keep current on. Drhiving Usrough a 5iOW srea hore or there ueoms necessary tnas igular hastis, just to ho coilsclous of Use newse trees hoUaS ar e hing carved out, Use nese dovelopssents Usat are springing up sudl tise nese facterios tisut are emerging. Wlsen ta Use st tisse you drove around a nese ares te your Milton? Programs ouf night scisool ouibes, recroation events sud Sali antd lucal population st4utidtcs for adequate planning will bie provided by thse census. Re-arrangement ouf boundaries in Regional Halton have sometimes clouded population figures and this cousus will be thse firat rosi test of earlier estimates. Currently Milton's _population is roferred te betseeen 16,000 and 18,000 - deponding on who you tslk to. The resuifs of tise cousus wil give tse fient really accurate figure and thon population boards can ho changed on higissey aigus wti some authority. Those conducting tise cossus seill carry identification carda and if you're in doubt, don't hesitate toi ask for the enumerator to asow thse card. They'llstlso hoe carrying largo blue binders containing the omneration formas. It's a counting that is important te municipalitios and can actuslly affect provincial grants. Besides, tise entumerators may ho kosn te you and a friendly greoting won't hurt.- Thank you, Stosm-Era, for tise work that goos toto oscis reunion. Not many sppreciste that it takes a year of planning te make a three- day reunion a reality. Thank you, Steam-Era, for ahowing us hose it seas so we cao more,$ully appreciste hose it là tas- day. Thank you, Stosm-Ers, f or pro- senting a "elean', family-type show thatls juut as mucs fus for tise Young as it ta for the old. Thank you, Stesm-Era, for brtngtng us an entertainnment se den't sit doses to vtow-a participa- tion show where visitora can roll up their aleeves and get in on tise fus tustosd of havtng it presested on s stiver platter. Thank you, Stesm-Era, for making Milton your headqusrtera for tise paît 14 yeara. "Milton, The Stosm Capital 0f Ontario" is a titie tise tows proudly hoara and yotar annuat reusions have helped spread Milton's good name ta ail tise corners of tise earth. And thsnk you, Steari-Era, for a succeastu 1974 show seitis record exhibita, record crowsed and flsree more dsys of fus. and seinter activittea seori to offor almost unlimited opportunity for interesting evoninga. The Board of Education and Sheridan College have events lined up, tise Recroation Departriont isas sl schedule of activities, Use Rotary has a travologue sertes, the Uàbrary is planning a festival 0f Canadian films, choira are plsn- ning faîl achedules and service clubs setîl ho back at it.* Hockey scisedulesarse being planned snd girls' hockey seil utart. If anyone finda Milton haa nothing to de, perhapa Usey haven't lonked fsr enoutgh or Useir interests are to linited. Close tu 900 citdren seere under Use supervision ut tise Milton Parks and Recreatian Department this swommer un a variety ut prograris. Nosc seere tout and Usero seere no0 -erous injuries and this has to ho aome kind ouf a record, Tise leaders and lesdera-in-trsinisg sre te hoe congratulsted on thoir attention te duty as weil au tiseir good-satured endurance, The programiming wses ut al] tisses stimulatasg and in- teresting but readily csassged by the leaders if ot suitable toi tise moods of Use cisidren, Tisese Young leaders made summner as oxcltlog adventure for Use boys sud girls snd a plessant reprieve for tiseir motsers. Sugar and Spice by bill smuloyJ Peebaps t noundd a bit geutmpy tait Once agais, t drift insu ose ufthUse mek ecausetibis bashoeonofUsuie remechases that endaupin a sm p. sumrmees suhes a cbap foots that hie bassit Wby sut stick toi Use matnsitreaes? Bacb ta doste anyUsing, soon anything, or hees one sueseer visituru. Tbeee are smo asymboee And tl bas. casegorem Usese eshu caught as as home, But Usas us sot to say that it bas teesa miUsout intecout and incident. Lait meeb, I mbined about one scasty sociat life: use funerat, une meddist. Homeve, we'vebalsime veryi- teresting visitors. Aimait eveey day ronfees, paisteen, a cotumulut, a studesf syndicale mas, a pbysioUseeapisf. asd-9t mont isterestiaf of att-esy geandteby. And I rembus tue teaesed a mee bit about hamas nature us the peuceu. Peehapa that's mhat ts ail] about. I ttbe rbysicaltnatueas meit as Use hst mas, but ram fasciuted hy humast nture. Physicat sature is usteeesting asd fairty peedictabte. Yon plant a seed rpeacy, nuetaieeil, give tl ptest of fetier, th rigbt amount of sus aud mater, ptucb ont the weeds aroundil,and yu ind pmiUsa daudy cucumter ortusip, oremhatevee yon ptanted. But yuu cas't do tisas miUs humaons, Usongh you tey. May te me givo Usees tes mach feettiier, or dus't ta b Ushe meeds. We ptant mhat me thisis s guing tutle a moe, and tl tuons ont toi te a cahhago. Or vice versa. Asy parent boms this. Those in the tatter categuey came arcnsd mbes me mere out duisg somethisa enutie, tibe shopping. Or as nigbt, mhes me more ceisgisg us Use TV roues, lgbta out, doues tocbod, phuse off Use book, aeguisg about mbeduer me'd match the Jute Wayne t94t mestern or Use Audrey Hephare f13 dazzter. Amusg Uhse mere twu people mhu teft notes. Ose mas Duris Huespbnes, a tivety cotumsiist inUseRefem Meecury. Gare you. Bitl Smitey. t came att Use may feues Resfre. ... Soeey, Goriu. l'tt buy yuu a dinseeseuxt time. t eead you couues evoey weeb is oseof Caaada's bet meebties, Asd remiad youe bous that hie stitf omos me a dinser. (He mas a feeeified infautryesau mhen t mas a teeeified Typhon pitot). AsoUser note mas feues a student. Sharp mind, houded tue university and tam. Bemare, you tamyees of five yeaes feues uom. Dunit font muth Usis yoong tady?, punt?, muesas?, parson?. She'tt mueder yuu. Typicatty, mith the deep reupect my studens have foc me, ber nute tiega, "Hi Smitey, 1 came aeond aud youd1dut ecesn haveothe decency totleaet homo... A tom of Ose visisors easgss os at home. By tise may, donst gos excited, or ncr- ose mas Bill Craig. of Argyte Syndicale, vous. This is flot a tract on Freudien senoat mho has more su do wits getting out itbis oymisotism. fi is meety a middte-aged man columo tisan anysse except me. Our sryisg to express his astonistument ai the prenions acqaaintance had bers on the variegation ofthUe humas speeles. pthone. 1 expected a smart-atee yoang ponks Jim's Jottings Missing the av JisGDOIS Gofs ng ha otUscho 0 rbaf t as much fus sou, as I ieees 50 remeester if. Tte fieuf esureiog belgbt and oetry, teiendu geonped,fctatduoff toischbauSeaefy to gos a gond seat in the nese classrsues, and met the tonsiser. The peeparaflunu Usat tedl goneriadofu that event mere pruhably suesufae 50 fuday's mhere cltUsug suas ptasnie, peehopa e sesu ubo aeeasged or a haSt sole appied. That mucb haun't eeafty chaugnil 1iuppoue.sa tfteregeotung tise touciser, gottusg a closetofriendi, (nttatonoue harissa marrant supcon, bus ceetainty sut sou ctu usf ruas lu encourae cninuing sceutisys tl masivrue, toi Usis uS aS those lovety seu boks, Touchers aSsuays pruducef a detaileu lust ut the sumber of mcrduhoers, the tast boobs, pescifs asd aduer paraphoreatia Usas monud te requine suhen you repartadl for classes tater. Latar, I sere tou recaît, eont aSler Sucis, but that scion advanced tu meas Use seat moreing. The fiese tetwoos mas fillni suidu sceeing feue store ta store sUsere must have heomo or Usree to finuf exactty Use eigbt tests or scribbfers. Pure pages Tisese sceulbbters mere atmayu tascisafing suit Uei pureeuomaeked pages Usausuere su contais Use tieut, caretuf y surisses notes in tise sesu chas. Buf tise gaUseeisg sugeUser utfStho hooks mashytfarhe mou e iting eperience The dent store tisas seemed ta, hr the esecca for wildty ..curryivg youngstrv, hauf vahool -upplurs ua'tly pîteuf an tablSes, -et in an ateudy-'sess ausSe. If deveuou in me as ourSy unterent us Use statiooery businesu andf I suillfS Sd statiaueey stores une ufthUe esa istriguing in mtacb te bruts. WiUs Use cbare ut tbusing hantes an espected evant, if iameeshot buedoesre oneusn parents' eogre pacisethauba. ti sas secessaey tai oblate Use fonds. Vividly I remeester tmiUs austiser meester oS tse familyt betsg etstie mits the aupen. duo sues ut $5. i westatle carefulty and wesety ued aid Use cisange rehsreed eshen the buyin espetion huid beau utoepleted. Jesid Oseisle aid bstie il mas lest. Ssicb a atekentasg feeling I teve fait exidyl tees il.esshce, mises il.etrnuble V've fusi esyseiffinesasf equai atgnficae. W5sat ho do? Otu eere eeteaeed, pebeta mwr seacesseaod finally tise confesson framnire book buying and stuicatty detivered. If contds't tie oveetonbed but peebapa me sbmstd chock toi ftsd if if migist hase hees tursed in a' ose ut the suores. Hssesty emarded Tise attempt mau made asd Usere on Usas piedaeb deug store Use flasbisg tigbtu ut meirere ovorioseerina mises the owser aibed aus tu idestity Use aimeont asnd Uses mittingtyeretuened il to us. The master ut a emaed mai tobed aSter mith greas retiet and sonme thanis for Use kisd of busesty mbicb Use event eflected. Witb Use transactions comptetedl and Use haute aauemhted, Use fieut duyî in ctaus weemesmeriin g.There mas a eshute procession of nom bunb ta utar. The ceou pages ut the test, or at leut frmbh if Use tenta more secund hasd, ted as esciting effeet. Tise freush nes celbbters mere eu-. tered mith a style and care la meitisg that mas impressive. lis deteeluratias sn style aad care seemed atmayî tai utaet us Use Usird or fourUs pagfe as oUser isteresta tegas tu anteude asd Use activity ichodufes isecame more heetic. Graduation le, tome tout pages mai a get relebcauuo Usose pesby loi istut- ches, emtig feues due careteas use ufthUe isb hiftte is a meSl os Use dmsk, mere easier to &et eid ut hy remuviug Use page. lu Use scribbtee, sucis as afteespt usuatty eutod ia euesplotety diseeeseed books miUs shoota fattisg ont at boUs aides. Tire eradtaatoe Thoe uk istotabes bad ubviuoutly as- tracted tise attestios ut oetriee geseratiaus and the emergiug tectusutugy bisl peudued as inSu eradicator. ttsuas fient a toilt prvceuv and later refised tu a single chemucat tisas massuppod un, ecase isk l bad ustuetusate aide effecta mhes deoppef us cluUsisg and Use bteacb as sometuee stress esougb tu abs put a buSe is Use papr. stetever teppened, i mas veey dlfcatt tai melte iner Use erasef ares. Nu donhit Use yusg peuple utS ta scbaat taday tue a fient; toue or asuther lIme mdl have Usele uses happy reasorts Sur geaulag teeS ta a rutine but il almays seeesed ta me tbe eseiteesent ut retsutuig ho adesot wa etest subes i came tirait tep bUste neo ks, mark Use clear pages ofthOe Sres eibbtees aid assemrble the cuevoct omneatias of pers and pes. Wtb nu suriso uthUaf gase sutai, betsg dotad out b Use "systees" smetbtsg must tie mlimeg If if's uy Use ley un tbe parental pre books, Ibve ta teteptîs gne.Notag coa s etîmes tex Ise ve. ..... - - ------- - Ithe Pasti 20 years ago Taisea frams thse issue of Tfire Canastias Chuampion, September , i116d t3arbage disposai agats beadltsed discsussionsa the regsta meetinguof Milton Conuctt as repemesfaftves ut Sheridan Equtpeei nbused mnties and explaised tb uperafians ut an Allis-Chates machine fhot cud tie ouedi Sue Use santaey tandfiît eeUsd uf gartege disposai as meS as attber jute. Building hon tantiut ion ushUe upseard trend if staref in Januaey of Usîn yeac, accuedtsg f0 recest figu repaefed by bildisg imspectar F. MeNîven whobaso msuid building peemita fur $187,700 duelng Augout ai campareil midu perestts sn f13 duing Auguitffr ril f Rud0 Tbe Oabville anustrc R3,ail aid Gus Club tes reteased ils 2,000 pbeassta pbeuugtot Sur the clb's Tun bi al FrdTac uS R.B. 1, Harsby, ecerd]) foun an egg esniing 73/ huches by9 inches. 50 years aigo Tabes frnt theIssue nS Thse Canadiai Chsampion. Septeister a4,iota The peines i the ShoeUsues ctasses mere amarduf at the Canadias Natiosal Exhibition un Musday and Tuesday. Camptell and Amos ut Muffat, gos 14 ot The isigb ichont ee-upesed us Tsesday mith f183 pupifs and six touchers-Mesure. 0. M. McKuttuIlp, J. A. Hamiltons asd C. J. Fifbey andf Misses J. L. Lisbtatee, M. Weallace and M. Kelly. The public sebuof buildings mere paisted duelng the vacation. The scbout ee-upesed onsTaesday sulU 366 puputi and f0 souchers. The I.Abr Day ceferations au Kitheidp drem a veey large atfesdusce and mai a great suscess sn evory may. Tte tesehoîf foursamesu sn Use affeesuon mas veey sr- terestiug. Fone taamn playni, Burtisgten, Campbolfvilte Juniors, Carlisle and Wateedoms. Buetisgtun mus firsf prize mlUs Use Camptetvite boys second. Th horuic Quartette ut Brampton and the Foef Nelson Orcbestra fuesisbodi fbe evosing prugeaes. George Bit Ser, MPP mas chauresan. The peucoodi amousfed foi about $000 Lait Feiduy mau presu day at the Cas- duan *National Exhbtiun. The Haf tus semîpapees, represenef by their edifurs. mure Use Bur ingtan Gazeftte. Actas Frees Press, Georgetomn Iteeafd, Oabvitte Recurd and Nemi, and Miltas Reformer andf Champion. Rev. F. W. Haun, ut Etesezer Churcs, Nasnagamoya, Guelphs Geserat Haupitaf sufleeusg ts Use seer sbucb he sustainef as the hueuisg ot bits par- sunage. 75 years ago Takes tram Use Issueof dise Canadias Chaapin, Septeester 7, san A numteerut anc mont esteepeising tarmers have their faS seedisg uperatiuus cumplteed. Sume uitIle bird must tae oltu them ut tise rais. Messes. Att Shephord and Luekars Spesce Set tue Toronto tast Sasduy aS- fereouin un their bicycles. The isissisg haug bau stadie ils ap- pearascei s usn. Severat ut our citiuons ave ssil. The Bouch residents are parking up their isonseso etteeta asd eesigrafisg hacstSu Hamiltos. The îandu mil t desorted h y tise end uS Use moob. The 22 horsen taises feues Use eailmay mrecb as Cheustie's ceonuisg us WeVdnesday ut Saut moois mece honghf f0i Miton us Tbursduy and shipped f0 their destination, Montroa. The tmo statfius ho adfy bureed sn Use same accident, have sisco died. The mortel schoet upesef us Taesday suitb Pruncipal Inesan sn charge. There are in attendante f3 schutari, Su uS suhues tebong f0i Use gentter ses. Fassion notes: Veilfu tmiite and ceue cofueed and plain fuIte mithouf dots takre the fond. Pique, fines, crash and ducs skirta are etaboratey eesboideeed and appfiqued. Spaniu fturbans, mith jetfeil beies and paespaess oS tuSSe give daubisg and dueung effees. Parasols, sacrumw tucsedfr thses renter 50 the edge, is the greafest novefty offered sn any ose flue ut sustdes in years. Stocks nboutd te dcamn figbt about the Useuat. The tomse usfidy may, sn mich ma ysomon sueur Useir rubteons is asding but currect. Black stocbs îbonfd nevee bie wurn oscept sulUs black maistu ne figueed suaistu mifh a btacb grund. Black accentuates tise tises in Use face mbich add age and tend fai mabe mesf sis fouis saftum rafhee thas subite. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION ai LLP't"'N A WAGON LOAD osf fresh-picked pasis an enticin ~ igtCris MIiimon, 9, tries one sand pronouinces it "delicious" at a pic- pick-your-own farm in usrts Oak- ville. Tise farm is fostured on page B-10 of todsy's Champion. of about tmesty-sin mîtth Ue big sidoburus, the bsig partis, and Use bearty masser. 1 mas shattered. He and his mute Betty asrlved for Usas notorinus pe-dinnor ap- petizer. ThU have an eighteen-year-od aughter anda smOOt, shy tittle soo, James, mho sa fîve. Bil ia Koreas marvotoras. He demnotishod meuti tmo games of chens, sud ptayed a taie piano. Sn mseh for peron- coptions. Some of the othees mho eaught os in more the paisters and the roufers. Whon mo mere up aithUe cracku of dams, ready for any questions, Usey dids't shom up. Whes me mere op as Use cracku of nons, sut espactng themes. Usv ere huzsina Uste dsurteIl as 8.30, Uske horsets. I repart, sot happity, hut just as as ohserver, Usas they more att stong severely hy a nambor of horsets in ose conf and esirn. Thes there mas Use Scolsesan. [te sa a physisUserapist. Boy, that's a hard mord sui spî.He manted morb, aflor hones, su hie cotbuy a hanse. 1mwai raUser inss-lgsed hy the ides that a yung masi actuatty masted tu mors. And thes thero mas my baid haeb. mhieh comne is hasdy very oStos. Hons an encollest gardesor, and oar place fonhn isotter than 5l has in a decade. Buf thore, I've ess out of space, asd t haves't even totd you of Use party in ose hacbyard for retarded adatts, of the hettecy of my grasdhahy. Ho tas just arrived agais. and 1 cas houe hlm shonting domntairs for Bitt, or somehody mho un- deestandu that mhes he's asloop, hoe is pure asget. asd mhen he's amabe he's pure devit. Qur Readers write PROPEI'TvOWNVRS CLEAN-UP HALTION Sir: H ave von nuticed ibis past yeae Usas youc rureal seighhur bas bees tidyisg ap and painting its huildings, etc? Tes chances t0 ose Usey are ose ufthUe compttr n .h Farmstead and Rural Hume Cumpeitin in conjoniction miUs Use Istersaluont Ptomisg Match. Hum about you shomiug a peido in yose =ontya mei as yone home hy cuttiug Use medmoving Uhse sf4 meecbs of cars asd trucks ont oS sight, gatherisg ap Use dond timbe, etc. Eves mithsut pais, eteanisg up miS make yone ptace tuais msch botter. Su ltfs stars tuday as Use plomîse match is only a fem, meebi amay and prubohty 200,000 uepewl iit the match sontb ut Gueogetown Sp.24 to 28 ibis yeae The Faemstesd and Rurat Home Cummittoo, G. H. Cactus, Chaiemans Philosobits by Edt Obarpe Mmwayu try tu tie a flttle binder than secessary. Btamisg youe fautts us yoac sature dites sot change Use sature ut yuur faut. Muoy istlibo feetitizer, i mont tie speead around butorseildoe ay gond. At toust Adam nover hadl liu lsstent ta Eve noethe other men she coutd huave A peenon cao change sussne hut tsimsetf. We sumetimes feet if mo hied heen bore iato different circomstances, or received the same hreaks as asuduer, uur fife mostd tie differeat. We du ot reatize that eacb ut us mai s u hlits ur hier ums parsîcutar sotlnts. Sometimes me sever use Usem ortouaveUshee t0 tie dormantsfor tong peeluidu of time. If me tetieve aiUsers mere gives sumetuing me do o posasse, me are ies- ptyisg Gud ptayî favoritea, mbicb lu su ontese. He gave on oncb cortais glftus Us te tares ut tatents asd abitîties. If me haven't ued Uhse gifts or usod ue isser ptetiet, Uses me are ta btaâme. We sbsatd att taire stocb af auesetveu. We'ee greater Usas me thisb. 31@0 -, ~ý#J19 bfieffy