6 The Canadien Champion. Milton, Ont. Wed. Aogust 14, 1974 New company makes chip machine The sewnsl ladualry in G retw is manu- fa= erne newmeot machine in the vending machine huslneas-a machine thot conks and dispenses 11o1 trench tries, at th1e touch 0f a booMsn, and th1e intoke ut 30 cents. Il la 1the leuI ot ocher machines mamodactured hy Nadalio and Koudoon Manufaclorisg Inc., o-ho hegan operatins 1n a section 0f 111e former E. W. Blun plant on Guelph Street aI th1e beginning ni 1the year. The paenlnd trench f ry mhine the fieut 0f lu hind ever mode, os heing mariulaclured hee for Chip Vesiding Services nf Ottawa, o-hose general manager is J09 Poirier, former deteonsve hock tue Ottawa Roughrîilers. DON KNUDSON, of Nadalin and of the french trien machine. order for his plant aonounted t oft an rdced pr- duction utM01prday 11y, nent year. To one ufth11e partniees, Mr. Enudoon il la 1111e comlag home teh achin the E. W. BIeo lant snc 11 a Bitngg direCir 0f t11 plant for lte lesyIra .P.rsied here. When 111e Amrcn-oned t' nay h so- tale as geSîn -iud 01111lo o Gulf- Western, Mr. Koudon eleclcd 10 slay in Canada, aler 26 years o-ilh 1the Company, 16 in United States and 10 here. The other prtrier, Lu Nadahon, i0 o-eil knownin the Milton airea, o-here 11e n aod tioperales Nadolin Elecrî c . The trench try machine dencol annno ce Ins preococe hy 1the tamiliar so-cîl of het, lot. A special calalylîr unit, mode hy Ooy- Calalynt ot Weslchesler, Penn., huronoff1the tumms on, the machine cao 11e used inoide withont venling. Nadalin and Koudon are votl hmiled le 1his machine. They also have mata- lacluriog and distributin rightu on 1the world market for a hot sandwiclh and six înch p ioa machine. They rmcenîypurch.s neioiversal Vendocoînec. ni Philadelphie, and will make candy, cigarette, cîgar, and pani- Iyhnnc Coinopealod vending machines. Other producîs con las911 sold in thalle machins. Another of 1110fr prodacla la a coffen machine o-hich, tbey manufacture for Compact Indostries in Miuoissuaga. Mir. Knodoonooays th1e growth potentiot of th1e plant taoenormoau, oloce tbey eei sn the proceno of hoyion Mayville Vendoro o1 Mayville, Wiuconsin. TheY are nom waiting goveroiment approvol lu hring th1e toolfing lo Canada. This machine will add hot cannail fond such au heana, sonp, chili and ravioli, o-hite another Mayvilte pruduct, wli dispeone cold canned drinks and rails in cartons. Production ut this equipment lu expected la olart uns tain. A magazine vendiog machine naanother produci Io their fine. This une offeru a ottection of 151 magazines, and cuts pilferinglnlo er. Airporîn, statinons, hotli, rescrits and oupermarkets -ilt sport sport the locally mode machine, mode and marketed heire tor Magazine Veodiog of Catitorola. The new Company experts utprent of ils produclo lai Uoited States, and 1100 atreadv uhipedaqntr0 amlion citea worth of husnesscunish1 year. Mr. K'nuduon sald ad- ditinontl staff o-i 11e oeeded 10 assembhle the machinm. The oheet metal fabrication will 11e donc hy suh-conlrocturu. Mr. Knudson and Mr' Nadalio are Milton resîdeols. MILTON'S NEW A & W RESTAURANT wan offi- innide restaurant, outdooe picsuc area and a drive- cialty opeoed with a ribbon-cutting ceremony. Mit- in area for "Icorne au you are, eut in your cor" uer- ton Chamber of Commerce prenident Emmerson vice. McCready onips the white ribbon an owner Ken ___________________ Marnhall tooks on and two hontennen hold the nib- bon. The new building on Steelen Ave. inctuden an 17 Gun handling gu.cncadeeloaded il i lia . t itlige i th The Ontario Safty l,caguc Furlhrorc. i 11 iliegal t0 lhinks ibis vs an important cary acare]gunonor dis- qcr.lccawinch culdcllfeclchar00tiîlronnan arcraftl the -,tNcfv macy pccple coter e'ehiclc, poe.rrd boat, dcctng the luit huclicg cea or othe htnclcc ineludicg so.s leei heacvmcr: hccsc dcaa'c wagccs or bug- Acccrdng to Otario lU a gies. 41 01MIN ST. MILToN lc~7.e~Vtf~,tt878-4412 THE COIN mecbanism, for th0e vending machines, are ntacked ready 10 b0e instatled at th0e ncwent induntry in town, Nadatin and Knudson Mfg. Inc. Ebenezer No services next Sunday There lit be no seervice th1e cnt! to Sundays vn Auguol. o-hle Rev. and Mes Rucsse] Ftinley are on vacation. Mem bershi pclasses 1cr lhcse evtshing le joie 1the church, wilI sIaIt 111e licol Friday in September. HeIly Anc Johnon. dacghlee et Joyce aed Claude Johnson; and Daniel Hrey Bonnellson ofSusan and im oneli. were baptzed. Mr. Fivîry's sermov -as about Peter. The o-ay Jesun chaeged Peleres very nature, telle un il doent malter wa t hînd et persnalty Yeu have, Jentts ccochanecycu, su thal evt!rything -tlI5tork out. In Bîie limes, il vae qutte cenceivahlr thal a person ccld behoira ugaio. an a îlitferent eerson se. n n of th ies ouil hal Jesun oeao Elisha. ce une of 111e prepheln Peletos ansmer came asa flash lonight Victoria Park and th1e arenasnill bit akenavec by gold panners, can-can girls and ether reugh lough characlero trumn 111e od Yukon toight-whee th1e Miltcn pluygrttundo prroro t th1e surmmet's gravd fiteule Gnlil Rush liays. Parentn, bretheru, ololers and asorled friende and relations are inviîrd le Victoria Park aI 6.00 thin evening fcr 1the pageant prade, tnllowed hy Main Sreel Canada ie the arena. The main stront of o gold rush bo-n wili he ceccealeil o-here ycu cao lie your horse apl to ahilchlng pont and go ta 1the batik and boy ticketa la onyeoneof a numbercfhings. Yna noay mont ta bob fer apples la 1the generol store' gel a wbipped creons shove eI th1e barber sbop, or wotcb truet hrcvrv. VYu are th1e Chrint, (th1e ,ternal now.)I Jeoun vaitl lu Simno -ou are Petres. Wh1ev tee 111mb et heaen, me shcclvhnt 111mb of a ifflerent place, il is part et Ite eleenal 0cm.' Il you helteve intuitvely, nu malter mere you are, ce o-SaI happeno, that Chrit is part et eoue hrealhing, ubro yec are alerteer te pain. yeu cao feel th1e elereal eum o-tîhin von. Wbee Peler lle alor ofItaI Jesus' trial, Jesun gave him oelook, foegving, cen tori .ng, healtog andl regecer- ating, aend Peler ment ot andl cricil Aller th1e resurrecîlen. Jeoun tvuuld include Peler eoprctally clog -tS 1the others Peler's seemen at Penlecol made 3,000 Con- verts. Hle wanthefrs ocon- tess Ihal Jesus uao th1e sn cf 1the living Geil Jesus is eleenally wîlh yeu no-, as coeas th1e air. Diamcend Lîl andl the duncers o-hile ycu nîp yccc carton jutce in th1e saloun. Tomorroeeand riday a-iIl tee th1e lasI duysofe playgreued this summer, Ttvo of the 9vcps ,utu tne attttvg the trtc'tlrtt/cttttprvtOtand oneFriday mrneg everyoee ttli finish oIt ith a playday- barbecue alîtheir playgrettod. ICETERMINEI LSERS Allhuugh 1the Versailles Irrals ef 0'crld War t prehibitd (iermany Item prcductng pcmrred aeplaee t dtd nccmplclely Irestraîr the deteal'd ceuntrys in tres in aviation. German ergineero satn invenled 111e licol ceai oatl-plae This crafl, wh ich made seoa- octional flights in 1922, a called th1e 'Vamnpyre'. SOME 0F THE OTHER machinen manufactured aI Nadalin and Knodoo, inctuding a randy, cigar and cigarette machine are examined by sccretary Sylvia Wotfenberg and Don Enudson cf Nadatin and Knudson Manufacturing toc. Gold Rush days close playground Samuel Z. Arkoff presents a Max Baer productionMacon County Une starring Alan Vint . Cheryl Waters - Geoffrey Lewis - Joan BlaClornan - Jesse Vint and Max Baer original music by Stu Phillips - executive producer Roger Camras - screenpIay by Max Baer and Richard Compton - story by Max Baer - procluced by Max Baer - directed by Richard Compton Another Time" composeil and sang by Bobbie Gentry 1 colo, by CFI Box Office Opens 8 p.m. - Show starts et Dusk an Americm International relesse PLUS Initiation is Murder "THE BIG FAMILYYY- DRIVE-IN THEATRE M U STA N G i ', i , G-,c1po City Lý,ý,ts uý1 7 Ph.n, 824 5431