Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Aug 1974, p. 4

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4 The Canadien Champion, Mllton, Ont. Wed. Augost 14, 1974 ~lrnmon ,rts pIP Tourney h ost Hornby nipped in semi-fînal Hodly rlayedlthrcigislmc Gronp 1-o in aie lcsrcey's mire ai ameie llalrday a - opeolcggamle ainsi ledb>" lerncon toeraee belore Sanderscn rinis -O nhai clae a squesiser in i ei qalrlcl Saut's Express licol. tank a 3-2decisioci te semi- Tise Iorcament isosto linal. bopped Toronto Fmcndabion Juvecîle hurtr Mille Lesie wen isve inningin the opcmng gamte. Leslie lonned in oundalsoc Grou bolIers betore Ed Donc Jiledp iniste sixis. Leshie altomed co bits and walked lino imen. Dunn THE BIG GRAB. Horuby pitelier Ed Dunn danhes oser ha snag a Po~fly in the Saturday afternoon tournament game against Sanderuon Bic 'ngs of Toronto. Hornby blanked Sandernon 5-0 but went down in a 3-2 defeal ta Saul's Expres s im th emi-final, Second baseman Brian Peavoy is aBfer- ing pitcher Dunn encouragement as hie malles the catch, Bridgman, Love mav loin Tondas Milton Flynru Ridll Bridgman and Ray Lave are peeparicg 10ign euth the solt odas, oI lise Cen- tIal Ontario Junior "A" ieagoe. Chuchmach bound for Cornel U. Milles Ftyer r taae Pele Chudismooll be s t nbgop mihate CornelitUnversity hockley sqcad îles sesson. Clhcabh grodcaled fronm grade 13 ut Milton District High Srhootais year andhbas hees arcepled mio aie New York asiveesity ou a hockley schotarsip. Chochmachla etlhe son of Acce oad aie lte Peler Cbudsmaris and lions on Maptemscd Cees. Orotiser tlr.g isaiul ul Coroell on o isockey scholaeship. Lo,,ve-bop goal llellee mslb the Ftyeru thîs year-and Bridgman mere approached by Buffalo sorly ailer the ls hockey season. The Tondus hase psrchased the rige g Io he ptayers fromt the Milton Jonioe "B" cluh. Bridgman hou ptayed ait is micor hochey in Milton beloee is lieut full season euth Ihe Plyeri tasi yeor. He mas gîsenoatryooulih a Major Jonior 'A" Peser- borough Peles aller a s100- dool season mith the Milton Mîdgelu imo yeaeu 000. Love piayed his misor hockey in Georgetomn helore 1oininll the Fiyers tmo seusons 060. 'Ils a gond leam," sumu ap Bridgman about the Tondus. Bridgman heolse a tece in his ieg mhite playing milh the Horohy midget solibsîltleam lhree meeki ago hut llopeu t0 he on sksates ihis meel. RICK BRIDGMAN RAY LOVE unor"" ler h.sa-Pitcher Tre ncs hot but LowviIIe game up Hornby midgels sllered a Trenos. 9-2 deabsng lly Lomosîte in Pitcher Trens gave up 10 thr optvioig gaine ol lsei Lr.coile loto. lonned eight HRSA licol laul Wedoeuday boliers and o'atbed three. niglil hot managed a 6-2 min oser Aberloyle in on ORSA Brad Gîttîs peodeti a lirst playoll Friday evesing moins doublse againsl Aber' Derrick Stevenson mas the toyie to drive on thee cons. leadiglIcssyhbalt ow SerorSt Joîhnocored inthe Bnre McGee lagled homne ano 0 the lame amay for Dlher tornby ose hase buts y mesl 10 Clos Cole, John Ro oro y. liant,Tom Murhmecl, Me- Tom Marrhmesl and is PETE CFIUCI4MACH Gee, Bead Grîls and George Preston bth eingled Imire 1cr Hornhy. lu v es Pitcher Trens etrudis oul Hornby jvsWIfl 5 Aberloste bolemec. Ne gave op mo kuis and molised o laroisy jIrv:Le cam cal eeng tu s5e aie gamne. Jm hotter, Horchy lieldere corn- o e Eto e o -f lut Wed- ScoII, Kes Aenold and Wayne milted sic ros esdoy nigisl le mrap upth ae Rosisum mere on isase. Lomoille is o games up le lise Jisree gaine HRSA seis besî of lisee Halloc serres Catciser Kei MeElelir Cloroisy pilciser Mie Leslie wilb Horoisy teadleg Aber- sloscmed out o grand clIme sIrocriout 12 Eri isellero ond foyle in the heel cf aiment-cl -- _~ . h in. gave tin four bita, scie playdcmrr. allosed aseventUiinft Hor biatters with lwo sigles. Ady Treccs and Don McKay bols It salely oece James M OZdey score i ooly Hornby roc in aie secornd ionicg alter a Toronto error. Walised roundl Trecs, Lajeuceese and Juri Kudrasovs malise round tliebases tise lisird ona le score rocs ogiainel Sac- deeson. Don Chisisoles scoeed inste lilis mogn mui Ricis Peavoy follomîcg behîcd ailler a Sacdesoc errer. Dun pilcisei aie Horcisy min. He gave p no fûts cn the five ncîng gaiee faccedfive bolIers acd walised orbe. tcis Coolicis amd Ridi Peaocy scored aie ocly Exreis ron agfouisel iouIs Saul'i cameisattk wiairoms cn aie liftand sixai innings le, coalta the aie Don amI Leslie splil plIt cis dalles cn aie game. Sauo"' Express weflt don ta an 11-1 deleal agaimlt Slreelss'ille cn lise licol. Sîreelsvîlle pilcîser Roti Stuart lanned 10 Saol'c liattes in lihe licol. Stuart was selecledleorey Mml Vatoable Ployer. Charles beaten Chartes Holel lasaiallers came out ic aie meose enid of a 3-1 score cn ahir cpeclcig gamte ai aie Hordlly bise- namrent Sataeday. Wasaga Beachs pcsled tise mie aies meci domcn le deleat by Streetsille o gamne lter. Charles Htioel playsu ctae Milton Mec's Indîîerîal Fasihaîl leagoe. Danny eriasicil pildised lie tise Chaeles. He laesed four Wosaga bolsmec. allnedmine bits andmalbed one. Milton fielders ccm- mitled airee cmltly erros. Trec Houton score4 lise only Chartes roc misen Garry Noyler slammed im bore. Nayler mon tagged on ise lried tu taite home. Brookville Lions extend streak Broolloille Lios sqoirl Lsons mrl travel le Mador hoys rac Illeir udisealen foe the second lamre ahis streas t0 2l gaines Sonday, Sonday, Aogust uat 4 p.m. misen lhey domped Mador 10- 5 in aie lirel gome ofIa second Psineh mitI rupply lise round ORSA playoll series in opposition foe Brcissille sn Broolvilie. Lions miipped ille Tni-roonty league semai- Horolly Imo siroigil in lise finals mhirh are expecled t0 lieut round. start somelime cecI meell Home rone hy Randy OSmith Lions beal Eden Mittu smo and Richard Stanley and straighl 17-3 and 19'8 in the sleady pilriig isy DaVe quarler-lisals. Bromn higllligisled Sonduy'o min oser a ulaistero Mador Winner of aie Rrocllville- nine. Score mas lied 5-5 aller Mador serins gcer in10 the usve iccices. ORSA licols. GOALIE BRUCE BEST lunges nut of his erease ta grab the baill in a pee wee soccer conteet Mondey night. The Milton Beet Realty peie wees etunned Oakville Lance Shoee &.1 i the Oek- ville House League gaine. The Beet team ie undeleatecl Mis season. Village midgets spot liltis Mitoni gol tmc mcee ross lc molle il 10-9 ounhec mais, anerece and a single. otof reachmlltfourccmore rom l ib teir lillh ieeicg le finish lise sccricg ot 14-t. Roblerts led oflaie lila ita matis, ScoIt Gad mulised. tRobert omiscamee mac calle oanerrcr, Duc Tbcmpscc, Hobbsiy Bayctoc molised le force cn lmc riscs, and Pool Elliolî drove in Imo mcre miai hie lesrth lit of aie cifisl. Complleilville ccllecled ocly seven bila - EllioitLîn four, Timn Robierts' bocme risc and doisle, and Lorry Wigccd's single isut Milton pitcher's ionoed Imelve moiha t0 accouni 1cr lise Jeseteeri Tim Roberts ulorled n aie mond 1cr the sillugero and altomed seven rom con nigisl toils milte mallic Imo and slrikicg olt thee b allers. Dos Ruysloc retiesed Roberts in tlle lonrai and in Imo and imo-tirds icsîcgs gave op Jms rang os ose hIt mwhite mulkicg lmc acd slilCgasm ou ebi ir thse llooeshdl u lyi meell. Camphellsille Midges fiseld on 10 Jourai place mui IWO mor siclorues tout meek - 4- 1oser Erindule and 14-t ogaimst Milbin. Scott Ggdd engioeered aie min oser Ericdole. He atiomvd ocly Jise MS, mallued one and strodh coltsece bolte.s for lis second mie Ibis seascc. SreduIJ ameie ros in the finrit liig au EiJicilt maîhet, Baycbin donislnd, and Tim Roberts Jollowedmwiaong horee c ovee the leJJ-lietd Jecce, Don Tbomsn reuched finit os an error. menl 10 second misen Robert Bcambosmer w o ih i b s a. P it n , a n d s c o e d os Eoiy's sing roc in the lhird mhec lhry morled a doubn le taJ 10 per- fection TM Roberts had o home eus, mhite Duc Baycioc douhted and Paul Ellicîl, Sistt Gad, Scott EsetY, und Bohty Baynbic esch sicgled once Jor Campblllie hold f ourth againul Milton. He rsllerled 1ocr hils and srcred aimee crcs ic ocly lise limes aI btl. Campiselîsille scored in eveey iccing hot the Joucth as aie gumte mou catted allee lise and ose-hlt iccicngu beruse cf durJscess. doollted, Dan Baynoc rearbed hase os an error, Roberts dooisted and ahn scored onea lielder's cisoice 10 tie lise gamet 3-3 aller one icmcng. The Villageesmwecl aised 6- 3 cn aie second mhec EJIioli singJed, Ruaycloc mathed, Scott Gadd molhred, Elticîl scored on Rtobert Bonmhcamer'5 sacrifice Oy, and Bayntlcnand Godd senred os Larry Wigood's single. Jn the third Rioc Homard mou sale on an error, Bobby Jlaynlois readised lîrol on a sildr choice and srored on Pool Ellioti's triple. Dan Oaci Iked and Tini Roseis loed miai his aiird bome roc ahis unasols oser tise lell-lietd leste 10 push aie score Jo 10-3. MiltonnrJmed the gap 10 10-7 milh lise roms in ameie loorlh insicg n lise bila and a C..mpieî erece. Jc aie 4H ta 1 L HP Motors AIENTION APPLICATIONS ARE NOW BEING ACCEPTEO FOR ARENA CUSTODIAN COACHES for REP TEAMS Oeiid Apffoution TOý JACK DUIMSTRA 360 Bordw.o SI. Milio. 00.50i. Registration for Milton Minor Aookmy Rotary Park CommuntY Centre August 17, 24, 31 F-:e i ChiIld S2R. ld Chld $28; 3,d Cild $10. k'd PAY MR EJU]1 REMEMBER: YOU CAN BUY A BASIC 6 CYLINDER HORNET FOR $3099. App ooimateiy 2 0ve Standard feaitures casom o conr u3 00blsO SREMLII e AMBASSADOI * BNRNET e JAVELIN Vêba ebetie r beUS vv1WbuN dSbettffL CLEMENTS MOTORS MLO DROITE ST. 0 s Jas Oaurdi ai meaphal MILTON 818-2328 ilsa baua ai 74 Jaap Orrais I. J home run

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