52 The Canadian Champion. Milton. Ont., Wed., August 14, 1974 (thiampiofl EditortPg Last week's history in the mnak- ing-the first resigoation of a Un- ited States president from office- oas dramatic but the pathos was deeper then the tears, the farewell dinner for the Nixon family at the White House or the warm welcomte fa Richard Nixon on his return fa California. The pathos was in the drive for power that condoned break-ina, wAire tappings, and the use of fed- rI agencies for harassment. The ai smothering blow was the oevelafion thaf de,'eit and lies had also been empIoy cd in seeking re- electiont f0 fhe mosi, powerful posi- tion in the free world-fthe presi- dency of the United States. News backgrounders have re- minded us of the uphili baffles Richard Nixon had in aIl his attain- monts. As far back as 1952 when hle began his first campalgn as vice- president, there was suggestion of impropriofy in his receipt of funds. Ho oas mobbed in Caracas in 1958. Ho was defeafed in his firsf bid for thc presidency and subsequenfly in bis bid for thse state governorship. Ho mas callpd an tri make difficult decisions during bis presidoncy- Cambodia, campus disorders, recognition of China and finally in tho midst of bis Watergate diffi- culty flic loss of lits oms vîco-presi- dont for allogod kickbacks carlier in bis polifical careor. The haggard viOO of the rosign- ing president thaf crossecl felevi- si00 scroons by the millions, was In defense of mayor à"Lower in amisundE MyrAnae MaAtu Aciino otr a rvrasaeetahemade iite eig o the Vatteyvirm Gardens deeoent, which mai reportrd! last mort by The Champion. Vaîtoyview homes aie irs le Inhe $85- 95,000 brocket and the ieayorecoimonied aI the lime that ah, mas, happy le see the trer homest aid tarfer l sizes being inlroduced ie Miton. Se soggesied 1h' more atfluent peple have been "discrimiiated againsl mîwth saine ofthe reveil hoising devetopmeils mhîch coter tu atlomer icorne people ..aid that's hem 'he Champioe repirted hier eemaehu. But eeiidensiuiDorse Parkarea have jumped te concluaitons aid laten the mayor's sataement as a persal affrot la them. noierai haie regislered their oh- jections, via ltlers te the mayor aid le ibis vemîpaper aid hy tetepheeîog the mayer's oftice ai lima hatt. Att teSt she mas referrlsg le Dorset Park. Js for ctartfication, the maor mas NOT referriag ta Doirset Park oses she tlted et "iiaer bincrn people." Her reteresce masialeîded t cite the ditterence in houstîg accommodaltaos aid prices helmees th e receel cendominium lemihouaîag deîetepmeils aid Vatteyviem. Garde a. Or tlkcd mîlh 1he mayor Ihis merh aîîd iheoiggesed "eme clarifition seemed oecessary. Mayoe MacArthar sid shte mas defiitely sel releertef le Diesel Park suhdivision mhee shte made the remarta- shre was taîhtef ahbot the 000cr iomehoairi and .oîaci'i recesl dectsiaslta co-perale mîlh Ontarue Heasiig Cor- porati te a ventur e deitgeed le place mare toee ceaI homes ai the market it laide yel le te det'etcped tit Milton. ShesaidîthetDerset Part resideals hae miiltepreled her elatemeal aid efeeneces le slotes' and tIower ls homes" in their ltlere more comptetety uncalled tor. Mayor MacArthur sid ose ut Milo's goals talta peeide homes tee everyone, reoardesaofincome, and herefore ite meicimedthe stbdivisi et $90,00t homes hecaîse lhey mestd apteata hlulhoe ahi are are a litte more affluentand maa forg0er homo os a uarger ltI TownoitoOes, io îeiiing aI $40-50,000 are ohviouîiy tir tomer inarme people hut Ihal mreills teir incorne liiîaerlhai lhosemwho cansaiord a »90,000 home-il doeii't auiamalicalty me000 Ior CLASS ut aeople. lathe Dorset Park aresahomes are priced somewherehemeea the limihoase aid Valieyview eange. Agais, te incarne eftIhe reilldrais deler- mises th, type if hoosiso lhey cas attord- i lait fair ta thinktIhe mayor referred le Dorset Parkaasideelopment. Doerset l'ark reeideitsisheaId perhapi rememher that tht rn tcîm ne reteesoely to any hgtteri ît't,ttîhc'h, t tcimpared. The mas maing $1tt0,00e a year coilddea "loericarme"type ifyeo rompare him la a mai mahlsg $200,000 o year. Buhes nlleeeiiarily thesi o Oie eart. OeIoWs are mmie ielieri rmceieed ai tie subjeei. tramn Doriet Park rectideali. We dait Ica teehe mayor 0000 anysie ai apoligy-it tas tecaîto a grissly exaggeraled misumdeeiiaadlag. ODJECTI TO BEING CALLED LOR INCOME FA5SILY Dear Sir. 1 mas eery araid after readlag the artice la faini Wedaady'a Champian stae Mayar MacArthuar refera la the already ealatiog frents houaing develop- menti cas cateriag ta a iower arcome familles. Youatd btter te sire of your Jacta lady,!1 danit ciailder my tamily ta te & fois« ineomne family or my home la te a credibility wbo had only the one op- tion tefI f0 resign. Thousands no doubt watched with the mixed omot ions of sympathy and animo- sify. Sympafhy in Uhe ordeal and agony of making thaf final trauma- tic statomenf tuf resignaficon; ani- mosi thaf frickory, and deceit had been practised under the pol- ished oxterior of sincerity and hon- esty. No one likes f0 ho made a fool of and no doubt countless Americans feit they had been hoodwinked much as the Presidont's own law- yer had been, with crucial evidence having been withheld fromn Use de- fonding attorney. Wo are convinced that Am- enicans have nof heard Stho lasS of Richard Nixon. Ris drive for power and influence is not oasily discour- aged as bis biography mil show. The revelaf ions of Use 'topos" have revealed a bard figbtor who is not easily discouraged or dissuad- ed. Restoration ouf any significant powor cao onîy hol possible if a groat oeil of sympafhy is capital- ized on and used f0 blind supporters to the decoif and trickory which ocre evident fhrough the agony of Watergate. Il should hol remembered, no malter hew m rfional me roay ho- come, f tho president oas drivon from office noS by some external force but by the weighf ouf hia 000 web spun in bis drive f0 refain the mosf pomerful position in the free oorld. corne" is ~rstanding lamer incarme home. My holsaid la a businessrexecolive and asasuct eario ai'ery gond saaary. Ai a gond per ceaI of your voes may or rnayno romp rt the recntlyht. homers, you houldbe careul mhal yos say or yoare notgoin a osseatrnilune aroaed. Mayer MacArtur. Prom oset ttc torinarn aoe familles ihat tripa pay yaar saaary. A Very Prestigloos and Affluent Homemmser, Mes. P. Brown, 552 oodward Air., Milton "LORIxtiME PEOPLE" WANT TAXES OEIUCED Te Anse MeArihor, Mayor, Milles dires ail hace maay "receil hoasiig developmresl". Dore Park islhe mos récet oneinisih hoies aree-' cupied. Singlr tamnîly toises ta Dorset Part are som oelîîg fromt $51,000 le $70.000 Those pricei diiiliidicate "eaericarmr housiag", andltheialaryreqoirenislfor hayers aeild sot ltéce tem amoîgal "limer incorne Pepe"' Bol, aise yoo coastder ttc ':receal hoosîag develeprnis" caler le "tomer incorne people ', I aeatd sogoesl the toliomise' Il as immediale redoclîoî ia taxcetf2 hper cenI hecaose et ttc tomer lices, 2) an îmrnediale reducliee la becauseotelincomto,3)na misonl tee torecrealiosattfacililteshbecauofthe tom incornes aid, 411th, irnrndiale cern- prîtios et parts; aid recreatiosat tacitities, atready tadlr construction, tut iri.er compleled hy ttc Tome et Milles. Instituon et ttc ahove items aeotd cr taisly case the tinaîcial hordea tor th, "tomer incorne" resideals. la the receal clectos. attet etrioled you lu the poil il mayor. yeu ttuitasaed toc soles lhreugtool the toms. You aIse viited the"Iower incarne hoingareas." Many of yoor votescamnetrornlheie areai Ilmouid soggesl, Ihalt yoor altttde ltbese areas and people contiueyos ma tolit ias maipivotes tram lhesearesiteoril rieclios. A persos holding ibis type et at- titude dites set drîrrie la e te h mayor ot a groiig liai. A public apotogy la ttc residrîli et 1he "receal hoosîeg deîreprnîl" ta detiîilely aid imrnedialely tnaioder. D. L. Collins, 555 Woodward Aie. O.E'REWELLOFF To Mayor MacArthur, We have jutcettreedtrfrotolely three bedreate suamer home on Lake Musktka and are'îlî',îttatutlearn thattin Dîd iomeoeeîi'ereîgtt strip usa or iîet homn-eor pertapa oie Crsaia air- crafi-or my hustaîdas company vice- preiidensip and accornpasyisg generiai salarp" Oit ai me atll taie ail of Ibist Hia te did me er chis Ioer icorne groa' ty, il seens ttliving inourome in Dorset Part ioiied aI a mer, 870,000 tas qualift us in a Mayor MacArtaura mind as a "loaer incorne people'. Tell me maylor, do mta oa qualifp forumoer laies or hldr tflla0 Or pertoa pi o orseif aiiid geseroîîlp gIe up a parte io paiyor ami aalary la aid thoe ai ata h are an- fotaae noaghta lie living ic he ama if I tia nol! Oicerely, Marilp Picard Pages of Ithe Pasti UFront Cherriion Files 20 years agio Takea nai Ohi 155,f Tte Casuait Champioa, hagiat 1a, isa alartedteart 19ipeara agi and emplipinq tetmeen 15and 18, Oie sptilnng mection ai Oie Midel Kaitting MIII will te moved tramn Milton ta Itarriston ttia mont. Aproimately 30 employeen mi te at- tete th tranafer of operatins wkiot la ta caiait production aid coamîlidate iperatiiaa. James Croil, OakvlIe, chia meet ar chaied tel, interest la Oie Milton eony -Jeh Theatre frim Oie National Theatre Ser- vices, Thie sale mas compîieted effective Monday aid Mr. and Mca. Crit have tees aS Oie cheatro Skia moek operaiag wiOi Oie promint manager J.L. Bottom, mte ieavea, aS te end of Skia week ta rontinue ali Oie National Theatre Services. "St', . - 'Food prices advertiaed chia mont laclide btiSer aI: 58cens a poaid, baron aS 65 cents a pond andjanmat 7 centsifora 24tounce lar. Oeklnd Oie maileri Smoc kil pitoking of kig'Oep"ý Doucette, Oie Milton R5ed sasn Sto h t gamil oi tudoit if Oive aeies tramn Poil Crodil kYte score if 4-b. The musnera o i kseriwlea m ttae aloag the lalermediale O play-off Irai i preiimatlp againît Bosmanello or aCeemre. 50 years ago STANDING F'ORLORNLY in a pianted field is a burncd ouf fre0 oagîng the oar ouf lime against the elementa mhich oll one day tepplc ft. Takea train ikelsreof Ttce Casadias Chamin. Augasa 14,1lait Sir Charlea Parrans predicîn tal Oie mîrîdas popudation wiii centre aroaid - sources aI tydro-eîmîtricol esergy aid chait * Toronto all tecomo as empire metropais. The rsodmay of Martin Street, atere fi 5s.s .a ~crossca te race la Marîlîsa griai miii tas Sugar an d SJjsice binsoigsgao snigo ae o men re ow egagd inputinga concrets by b 1aIO barred front Martin Street, duvertedta 4 M f Branle SI. Sommerc rflrît, j., saite gondt, samn' tad. Firs lctgtî gondttvemi.thectnie hadl, aste ccrcttr idesn tcde heem waacrodtîî.'tts askseourtfaett dautor itusomebodyîtîu etfaitledouter tl ytu dii 't trcuit ivor usw A tamoty 'ot, t,, ,ý o taîvity. That t'i,", iî,t til t, get yîî have' a tttilt,'itt u tttt o , li iii a s' e late ae asirti. rulas.lia tttott Ittu hot c a monumentalttctttttttitttttc On ttc ethcc tîaîtt. tf soi talc sftitcbdy els's anii. -irhutruý Oe'Il probabîtl ' tl tiýi ý.,t havet a poissible bri i . 'î titttt, t ,,î -iýi)if ra. and tell tct il t'ak il dîdn t ucaît:. niva'l, i 9(t itîtt.tîîttit Graed uhaps. autualît; OuI I busc a tiegerisg resestmest agatit ai R.A b douter teha issisted os gtvins me my avsuat aniîletanssahol ta dîrly great injecttonsin yeur sbttuldercthlb igttoftour passineteat party. tcont a traiting cuorse as Spiltres. ItelA hît 1 had a had tait, aîtcuoubhed liec. a teethache, phtehittîî aid perona Oic saîd, "JeIty geod", aid sait as utephaît seedîr inte my shoalder. I had the satistaction et seetît hlm ttmed hi a ciller cup orîrd tram bhibîd thc piano. Il mas thremi by orC0. litoe doîpîtu tbe tact that hc'd had hie pons pîtîrd oIt aid heer pored literaîts river bis er ose, mas stl s'ery teuth alie. Aid i, momentltler t iad the sattsfaction oftseeisg the C.G. uaught cigbt hctmeen the epes by a diasereplale tîorg hy Minif-e ditorials Summorfîme lu Milton means Usre are moreftourist' îîîd visifors dropping mino on fur an heur, a day or a oeckend. Aru yuti yufîîng Multon's best face ferîvar't Is yoanr friendlincss and hoialit enough t0 make a fourisî sas ltaIs a tîtue tomu, l'Il go bock ft'ere agoin," or ocre yoa grufftir surl. orî aîsieil- ing mifh these îatknoînvieitfors? Your reaction itI a vsitîer may if- ton be the only tmpressien t boy ne- coîveo0f a tome lîku Milton. Here's hopirîg is a geîîd one. One of the easiýsI mays lu make visitors teed weicore ia fieral dis- play outside yeur berne ter place of business. There a re bundreds of lo- cal homes mit b coferful gardons right nom, but nul motus business firms "say if wifb fiossers". Not- able excepionts oecve nîîîiced re- contby more Trafalgar Square and Eanl Blaîk'S îîitu . Ofi ceai se the Post Office antd Pubicu Washroom buildings bacc leir atnuai dis- plays of flomurs tot). fît se me mis- scd any? Ulîsuriier',i, i,îttg t tu tu te e a nearby Aclt dt'ug store saîd Usoir faith in bsîeanîty mas rostor- cd 0one rocent vindy day ohon a noospopor rack uutside Use store kopt toppbing over in the breeze, They report titf ohîto sorte passors-by skirled the obstruction on the sidematk, about one ouf of every four people 00uSd stop and pick it up before going on their may. Every time if mas back in place another gust of mmnd w0uSd tpple fi again and another cour- Leous individuai 00uSd repeai the performance. Halton Farm Noms says Usere anc tbree causes ouf fire: man, w0- mas, and child, Think about that! Saddest sfory me've heard ]ate- ly cocrns the foin mouso calves burn ncar North Bay ohich more liferally iavcd f0 death. Snterosted peuple pattcd, bugged and snapped pictares and this attention likeby forccd file mother f0 abandon them and secS sholfor in ftho deep ooods. People don't seem f0 reabizo that young animais found in the ooods sbouid not ho touched or oven ap- proacbed too closoby. The majority are neither abandoned nonr orphan- cd, fhey'ne just leff atone for short inforvals mhiie their mot ber feeda. But if thcne is anp' buman scient on an animal Use mothon usualby abandons tl. Most studonts eye Use end 0f' summer holidays and the re-open- ing of sehools mith mixcd emotions. But oe'd ho mibbing f0 oager the eilidren in Dorset Park area are ANXIOUSLY amaifing the "',c'boi's t" coui, hecause ibcy'li be crrî'tentîtg a brand 000 schooi ssifb ueo staff and a host of 000 feafunes inconporated in the design ut the schooi. Recent poy raises in the gas in- dustry and the nursing fnaternity leave us shaiuing our editonial hesd. Union Gas employees stagcd a 167- day atrike and mon a 30 percent in- crease in mages and honefits, Local nurses milS neap the honefits ouf in- ecases estimatcd aS 45 ta 50 per- cent by noxf year. Just ohere diols if end? Coatisucd os page B3 a Nom Zealander ahi naid. 'Otiazo" abon b, cati the Cammandlng laitier (ail te bis hines, troînorloîni Tbis mas la che glood îld dapa, aten il mas more or loin; espected yii'd aýmant up the mena tefîre pou gradiated. Il masî't vandalisai, in the rnodern sosie. Yo bad t paytfor evorylting ysu hrohe, and yoaituat taIt renpoisihilily tir ahal you'd dose. Il oaa a mdld, frre, careening sose ai destruction, pertapi honed on Oie accin, that pou more dentructible aid mer, gsisg lu te dentructed. Pertaps tht a s at mates yomng people tiektoday. If they ich. Saineotlhem don'levei siermat bciud up, lot alose ltic. Asaisual,ltre goigtaer rmmy thene. The gondinemiandhon thetbadiema. Il's titr a Neatie or Polint jolin, b ot oblît I despine. Good sema? its sot raining, Oie toms graidtaty is a lit11e deel. One ot up stîdens manI a 10cimne arsaid and tlit. My mite called me "Dia," today. .My arnili s nl horling lai ach. Ttere'i a rose ted sn the hachpaed whiet basnal produced a rose an Oiree peara, tut ciai sommer ban a fine Isiet if green (tree baby crias. I dola't haie a toarl condition, lbsugt in sot ire about me lver. The electi stîru luit nlght didtit bit my ocatu. The plomber gave un a big bag if troat boas oui il bus garden, Badinemie Mypgrandtabpiiu deiHe c aid bus motter are living la a dame lie ligtgb, no mater, soeolectricity, no toilt). I 1,11 au $8.95 ihrarp book oat saione if the toms chairs pesterday and il rainaid ail igt "flore's a nsi ai pellimjactetn up la 1h, rotf and lb, ramier mli tit, aller tois tates haIltIhe itingon otf. Tmo 'tng miii do tl. 'te boy i at are guing ta do lbe palntng miii alhave talion att a ladder aid hritesn thoir right armab thOe limne choe, ready togo. My rninlronnba tonOe mampi. My dicta, bas a seedie. Mp mite tai a longue. Miy cal la heteroieîuai. My daigttrîiacbeertd. My mon li cheertul. (Iis na tad sean because il ateans ttey are btI goiag ta moite a touch). Ail in ail, it'a a prellp average ilummner, su fa,. Our Readers Write CONGRATLI ATES NEOSPAPEHO Doe Mr. Dimes. May I etead le fie Carcaiait Champion my congratulations on pour recent amardl ache tet eeklypaier.l1am ery priid, ai la avone abs readae air lama pipai. Everysne csnneeted mitt lis niccesa ilOsercOa cr0411 for Oie amard. May it continue ta te Oie great paper It11a taday, for yearî tarome. Mon, otat a Ioveîp addlii ta air Mats St. la Briai Oait's coisplais. uIsa indiect] a credil tatl, and Oie limeraoutaide jasi set Iloff. Mr. Bet bas doie sii a loIta an u la Miltan aid mo oaold appieclato tom te han madecthe main Si. moare attractive mli goad mark, me appreolate pair effarta. Yours trly: Edlch Shaipe, 4a Parl S.,Maton Altert Palrner na tero chia meeh aiter ai otsence ot about a poar, la the ompioy if the Farrell brick aorte, Oeaaivlle. Ho tas hitent îsaoig lti trionds a nom style ai trick ot blas ta briing and made trima 1pca tioidiig il dlay, lighl and dart troma', giîisg a martled app arance. A mal oftnoch trics soId look viei. The priceof ilread taa koon locroased bore ty o cent o large bofthikî week on accourt if bigker prlcod fose. Os Moaday atout 20 Milton oy Scouts lot for Ern, t0 camp tk,,, for laite monta, Ttey more sn charge aI Roi. Casai NaflS, Scoul Maîlor. He aid Mms. Natol occupp a collage clone 10 the camp. 75 years ago Taken Iras, the nIsu if The Ca..dian Choamlieu, Aigual 17,1899 AI a meeting lail meet of the Miltas board ofsctml trusteea, il oaa docided t0 engage Mini Flarence Daeaot, B.A. ta tract cisaicle and kigt setail îîtjeclî OS the Milles pubic schaii. Iia miO te a great bolas t0 pareils ato oinhta1 give choir chiîdres higter edîcalion and iii miaht le sead tem away tromn home. The renignatios hy Mr. Haimea ot tii Seat ilte Homse if Cammona la demandod tecoose of currupt practicsahytfilsagents ta the hy-electioi in whicet toai eirned as membor tir HorianWest. Mr. Hîlmes tas tees mtsortaiate la tavlag tiis agents tomnd ouI aid aider the clectimitaices porbapa te ougtta1 rouigi. Oit if evorp rnerner aboie electisi oaa sot teec tramt aiîawfto ados hy agents more aimiîarlp ustforturiato aid mere to rouigi, thore otd sol te a quorum lot. Kaoming thi, Mr. Hoîmes rnay teel chaIte tcai an goid a rnoral rigtt to bis scat aa chat ofthOe average mernter, andrnay decid ahkep A well.dressed young man mai put otff the eail'boaid CPR train Tiaeidap evening for retmiag t0 pay tiis lire, Oie rondîctar rotaiaig tiachrinlie sîtttf at. Thehbat came hachisn the noal trais going ment, btthOe yaaig mas mas tai on lti may loaada Sireelssiile, tareteaded. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION orsii, otItias Edt0 i wttei iis .fn i , et i9 i M ei.it, i., ros aiiieaeiiii iee. iii m ie. N- a mo l- Vreie, i