RU-Wed. August 14, 1974 *MORIGAGES * *NEW HOMES FA *IEIU bWIU bhE* INDUSTRIAL COETRYLTORE * INVESTMENT HOMES GROWING ... THROUGH YOUR CONFIDENCE TONNOW 42 OFFICES THROUGHOUT ONTARIO * MANAGEMENI GEORGETOWN OFFICE - 266-E. GUELPH ST. - 877-5237 88.81181FS 8819INE LOT ha88889,88819 5 888888888 88nd nu 8888818 squabbles about 88989g i888 me88888888388889888888, 98ie88 8188828,2819 1888888888. Do8' t miss88818 8998889it -8866500. Cal targare Parker 8 CHILOREN WANTED Yo8884n sotte 88888818 188818 38888888888brick9and s88888988981o« l1ca8e8 on large country lo. Curl 119 This u8198818 888888a888 home8888 wM 8.8818888 88 be 88888 f88 8818 867,900. Cali Jean 888898888888. MORE FOR THE MONEIII This 39888888898ung8low88888888 In8one8o George. "more8" 88 88888. Basides 8882189a 18281y large 8888e attractive. Ail th18 8888 mure8 for 891 852,898l il Cali SS8 CarIo 877-5237. 88888988888 8888for8888. S188,ate o a8 88888818811y landscapecl lot o a8quiet crescen. S$8888&881889. 188188888 This home is1pri1ed t888811. Cali 88argaref NO GRASSTO C U-Bric 2 store,88888888888828 8888888888 88188 qua18 98888188 8888loo and 88818 o89 818888. L8888 88 88888f 8 forag 2a8888888828um 88888. A place y88'l 889888888tu8show8988888188888 88,88 or Liz Stuart. 877-5237. 821 W t8-8,488h982,881888888of88his invelyl l,888888,88bungaow locaed in a veryquiet ores o Gergetown8. The, "8188888" 818188888 recceat18 romm and double garage8are adde8 feature88of th 188819888118881888188888hom. Sound 819888for 988??' Cali Tm8 Couper 877-5237 formor 88888 motion818. CHILDREN WANTEO-You con se8888 1888 88818 188819 388888 bedro 89 888,888888 888888hol ta . CR8 88888 by 819888. S1888888 88888888888888he8888ne888888 public s 88888 and8 9889. Ail a991188888 18,818888, 8888. g88888 88888. 88818189 1888,849188 Garage and8 doube1 98288 drive8 881,988. Cali Jean Mo8r8888ter8 877.53?. Country livin plu cone088888888 of 8888. $9881888 y888 beaut18011y 1888888988188 1888199818888in88w. Ser8ne.s88189. E8joy su88888 entertaining on the8 8888,088 patio or in the 888 88888. Walk-out 88888 988888 or8888119 88888. CaiMI rae Parker89898 877- SPOTLESS! INSIDE &8 OUT Yo'l be proud to mm th1888ell1888888fo home., 888888981888of8888888881918 o9218us. 48888,8888 bung188 88188 w18larg but cosy living 88888, 9119888 88888898888. Beautl88II9 kep8 g8ro8n88 and8 aven a garage. Asking 8.8,888. Cali Jean Mo8r9enstern8877- BONUS BUY-M,881888818. 3b.888888 bungalow In 98888condition. 18818888888828, 8,18898, dIshw8a88er, washr88 & dryer. Large 812188888 888 8888. 9888888 8882189out8of t8w8. Ask188 onl19$52,900. Cali188818 Noblefor a a088pp81888888 to8ay. 877.5237. ACTON OFFICE - 5 MILL ST. - FINISH IT YOURSELF 188,, Limehouw18 p8898889 potentiel 882888588,8. It's pI88888 on a 38888r lot 821 Prne 88t 857900.00 haCamb our for' 2,888 840,00.00 That's moiall 99211'a dý kstf2hve88hra ls888a8888hewhole fami ,a ett21l8th8l' Y8o w1i888 788,8 mei anighborhoRd trhy -1 85 182 81 9. DR' 888 PICTURE YOURSELF-ejoying the8 quietness 88188 nq il889818R il 9,8ou immense~ "Maturely1 Treed-8 58818/yard 1181898881918g 9828 lf i y large 11'.r storey home8, 88,th the 9,88, pI88189 in the 88,8888 barn, 588,88, go2d' Cali fr mre inform8ation. 853- 266E. GUELPH ST. GEORGETOWN 5 MILL ST. ACTON GEORGETOWN on Jarvie Brio. 08888 8Mgr. 877-8349 88o8 1889,89888 T182 CR8888 871-981U ji,, , 88 1-in Noble1 877-2804 88889 1821188 L,î Stuart 877-5701 Jackie Green88888 77-/458 888888888 Parker 87798180 Ar'87N Jean 888888888889 877-4032 887188 0888 g7 8,8Sa8 877 5787 118 G888,2 _a - a Kingston 977 5001 JnAx r88,8 Ula Peter88 82624444 Peter- 1h28,'lon 877-1707 877-7244 877-4270 877-7551 853-0291 877 1242 877 7551 519 833 9,185 LOOKING FOR A STARTING POINT?- Try 8h18 3 b888808888888h0,,88InActon, 15 minutes r8888GO Train. Has a lar8e living 88888, fu11 88888888888for y88 tu finish 8 to 8 8888nfate Cal Mar88188888 DROOL OVER THE COOL POOL-Rela in the9 sp881888 FamIIy Raca,, 185888 on the8 88811-k88 grounds88 or8888 lae8n8hepai. A der8818188 8888119 88 mos8p88,8, Is It.d by 88818 home8 1888888 close 88 a ravine and away f88888the81,88188and buste. $77,588. Liz or Brion8 Stuart 877-5237. If y88 have 86,808.00 cl8888 and8 con 99 8337. a 8888th why stary In8898 hot 8988888888? Move Into 9888888 honnes182888don 2/3acre. 1888 88888888 me si8888of88,888duplex8888888If possible. 9818.8888 mIy 842,700. 1881888188 88188. 8and 2 s888.. Caii Margaret Parke.. GETA LOI W8ILE YOURE YOUNGI-Andbuld 8889 834,900. Cali Jean8 88888888888,. "880W WE HAVE IT CORE ANDOSEE US-Ranch style bungalow8881 rus129 brik fnis, 2 car garage, 3 be88888888, fireplace in living 88888, rec 88888 with bar8. Set8u 28988898,8888jumping8ring in V888888k. yard,88819 888,8 block 8 bar wi 884118. Home8 8888888 881888158minutes 401 an88 Miss848888 88888 in the p888888nt,888 rcda 116,000. Cali T888 Couper 877- 853-1821 87fig Be8 yor 58ladod Ask o.Cl 5 181mm rce$990.0 COSY STARTER-For a newly marri188 couple this 'y8 1 188 strey 8888R881 ona88988888t i mkeane cellent starler hom. TZ bEk gardien is enced 04588 basket weave and 8.8888888889,8a bay 88indoR8 ovrlR81RR98I8dscaping A 30' above r8R888pool i optimal8. D8rop i8fR the office r phone. Cali AIIa8, 184588189 $8,R580. 853-1821 ACTON 877-5237 9 ah 9 989 GEORGETOWN 5888 9598- 361-0590 TORONTO U.18111588188 à