R2 - Wed., August 14, 1914 BRAMALEA-CosO f0 eoeryfhieg, il1 at- eractive, tour bedrsoc, soel.detached, frac- sfoey homee has aa large liing room, roaeec kîfohes aed formai dieieg rosse coseplefo alfh l'o2 battis. Toofefol Iaedscapieg le enlranced by a cedar soe deokl Priced rigfrfe ajosf ... 030,900. COUNTRY BUNGALOW-TOo firepîaoes, fac car garage, Tudor style recresatiM roSm, lroad- Imm9 fhroghcat, fhree bedrooMs, one acre of good gardes soif. I909edia50 possession WATCI- WHO0S LOOKING-Wh0e yogaov esco this MOs attractive fac.sforey hom9e tsaf's Icaded aifI, fiee feafoyes. FaMiiy rccm, 11951, bedroom or de, dîieg room and large kitches with1 built5,9 dishesosher. Large sîceli lasd- scOped lot on a quitfresceel. Act quickIy FI NE HOME WITO INCOMEBul Rona looir lot wi 1 h Pao-car garage, this iMMaculate home Iras finshed basemest with seporase eesrance ffoscan ce usd for added living space and rc rý,or Os coelefely flsished basemees aparfmesf. Act fasjs 1 s ied. Askieg 037,900. 500JESTI C TREES-Liee the fr099 of fhIs gergecas f0000 acre hoMesite. H-100 Pas-ssorer ceefre hall1 plan, for bedrcssss, ffreo battis, fo car garageand rusfic brick fireplaco lne 0dMn. Ase bgasfs of a Oaa sssdsow aed oser broad- (mm 0. OreaffofakisO rolliso cosfryside . - 509900. APPEAL TO YO0RSELF-Be proud »neer cf ffisexcepteMai slres.bedrgom bock splif wilff double car garagein a coice locafion cf George- fouie. This home reflecfs pridie of oasership B solde aed out; foaforos 3 bafhis, fassily rccssF aiffi freplace, large livieg rcaM, dinleg roonn aed kfchee, broadloom fhroogfaof plus ail the R ecfras designed foreleganf living .. .074,5W0. K DOUBLE HEADER-This fas-sfsor duplies s ifealir lgcated daasfcsss close f0 swiMMing, arena andGO Trai. A atrlfor territor the Youeg couple jus setearfis out. Cases comlote ith ssellosadscaped large lot asd garage. Sensibly pricd and ecllent value0af Ol .. S -54,900. 90090 WHAT VAL'.E-Three be4,0090 bock splif w ,fth extra large lot, feaforIeg double cor garage, rec rosse and 40h 004,009 ln basesseef. Complefel'y feeced yard and beaflfl patio. Prced fssell 0f OoIy .. $ 59,400. Y00 THE LUCKY ONEI-Notosiy i0 fOis home very, oery atfractive, buf the price Oas bee9 redoced t0 Make, the dltalmost Irresistible. Cosnsesc and4 iode th1 O yeer.old, Ohree- lledrgg bungalow osifh finished basemesf and ssakr 0e cer. Asking noa Only . .. 09,900. A MAN'S AMOITION A WOMAN'S DREAM- W2 sforer brick home a190 fflroe bedroMsonM maie floors and fao rosees apstairs almosf csseplefed. Full beeent with aik-ouet double car garage, ideai for smaIi ssorkshop. Onl . . $M,900. A RUILDERS BRIGHT ODEA-If yca are in- feresfed inexceptional hcos, saese 3 an à bedysos, fur faedscaped beaaf les feday. Broadiosse fhroghouf, 3 batths, fireplace, feished family rocMs, slidlog glass doors ce groend levaoel fatofs, ail the losoriesarye could desire. Coul fodar . .. $65,W... 040il,900. DON'T DR EAM OF YOUR HOME-Mgoe le the fai. The pride cf homeownaershlip i0 oloos le. sideaedcoutfromfthe ell.Maicured hedges and lawes Me the brlghf, shiey fl10095 This 3 bedrosse brick detached bungalow aîeh added recreicei ro ,pavait drive, and 0050410055, all pleïse the moso dlscrimicatieg boyr. 0000t dream a dream. Buy me! ColMd cay ... 54,500. FOBER 16d GUEI!04 STREET GEORGETOWN ONTARIO 877-5213 H.FOBERI REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR TOIRONTO 457-1752 CALL THE 'GO TEAM' ANYTIME 877-521 3 GEORGETOWN PUCE ELMSLIE 877.0U96 BOBMacDONALD 877-7 -cD HARRISON 877.3922 JOgo ZORGE 91770 IONSrHENKMgr. 077-7887 MARYJONES 877-7 .AN DAL Y g8î.ogss ERMA DeROSE 877-3 'F8905 77-3552 MILLIE ADAMS 0770 9ARY ROSE PETERS 977-3946 URSULAZEIOLER 7. ANDRA DOMANSKI 0774031 ENTERTAINMENT RElONS-Is thîs boafif.l Paotorey tsar bedrosse home. Three batths, broadigors fIrgghout, professiceallr tieished recreatios rosit and o pool for thehot sommer dars are olVbomeof the ecifeg eofras. Coul taday . .. $68,900. NINE PERCENT FIRST MOOTGAGE-Drop oaeryfhisgi Head for Georgefown. See 9h10 fiee. year old, three bedroom bungalow fOafs. situated ona icely treed sreetcl0oset teGO Traie. The fieasscieg is excellentand the Irbodor afs an ofttr;brigyour chaque bok... ECONOMICAL LIVING-Me have #irais sesi- defached brick bangelows sfafed ona quief creticeef. Ail have 3 bedrooms, pacod dricessaro and are priced te seait. Listaid fromn $46,900 f0 Sf.500W. Wl5h as01199100as04,500 Yau ccald qosiifr te Make oee of thes0 hoasos yosr home. Colt fsday and have a look. LIVE WHERE YDU WANT-Moblle Mome- living rocmn, kifchen, 4 Pc. batO, 2 bedrooms, includes frlg, sf009, brondI0eM, dralpas, SheerO. sosas lamps. Located le country fise minutes tromn faae. $75.009m0. inle les of00 land04and hydre. Poli price .. . $19.0 brick aed alu901009 side Split bas bro0dloa90ed lieg aed dinlog roose. sf0193 and apper hall. Den, family 90090, 2 baffas aod large kitchee romplefe 9010 lesely fao aust llsfeid. Siegle garage, large pie-shaped lt, 042-400 exsi . mortOoOr al 10/c Pei cet. Ail for the askleg prias of .. S68,500. -Ian Tlmmges 877.1778 Roy Wright 877-4467 N el Stark 878934 _.aMg DON TAS ME WHYI-Anyoe sOud buld a big hsome alth firepiace, beo car garage, two ahroomsaedfiished faesiiy roos on a choice fao acres,eprce of ny... 079,900. Sme for yoarseifaodftell as ahy. Bct docaliftodar. EXTRAORDINARY CUSTOM BUILT HOME- Spociaiiy desied for this eclivie ssooded lot on the Credif River ef te fcme. Elght roofes, foul baffh ensuife, fao-cor garage, compiofely eqoîppod Miction, recroafice roooo, den or office plus lodoor pool and sauna roughed lnt. Fuill baicony overlOoking the Credif River. ftake an appoiefmoef NossI ... $139590. BREATHTAKING VIEW-Afiractlce fhre bedroose bungalow built on an oufsfanding vieilI Ireed one-acre lof, cir,e fa fhe Forks cf fhe Credif, Bruce Troit and Caledco Ski Club. Perfectffrfheocfdorsmsan.DOccali oaa... fOis proeir should seil qliLkiy . 049,900. MAGNIFICENTSETTING-Eccepfioeoi 13/o acre esfafeovcericolceg fhe Credf Ricer. This century oldhomehas ail hecharyycdreams abc,.,. Hug0 diesg and famsily aîfh sfe lire- place, dcuble kifchos, f hree bedrooses. Fine buy ai . S95,000. BROAND NPW-Three bedyccer soit enfraece bangalow has Pao firepiaces, fac bafhrccs (me wifh chower off esoer badrocesl., separafe deîeg rccssssfhfidingdcrsccoSdr suedck. tîeîched famsily omM, large kifcios aifh Hasccer cupboards, double garage aed slffieg MO a fuly feocd acre cf land. Ackleg OnIY NATURE LOyERS-Sic beautful scesic acres en Terra Coffea, 1 9 mlles frose TorMot, froaf ped, sfrea ms plus log cabie alfh stoce fire. place, o bodroce,, klftchM and sur0 porch. Impossible f0 daplicafe ... $00,000. TOWN LOTS-Tao serolced lots, close f0 Moore Parkand downfae. Askl0g ... S280Oeaclo. PLAZA LOCATION-Well kcas, nos braed, 490 fcied olsicken, refait bosîcess acailable for efter. 345 prisieg peron. Joof lisfed 0f.$9,500 M02 46 ACRES-POSSIBLE DEVELOPMENT?- 604 s t o05 ucafde fown le excellenf ares. Greaf Mg4 pofentiel ... $79,900. COUNTRY STYLE LIVING-Joof flop mil,îIes fr090 osas, fhis three bedrocom, s0114 brick bungcalow, cosepiefo oirh -L- sho2ped recresfiMn o0.' ssel aoll bock on Ihie fur iaedscaped 'Cooefry-Sized- lot ... Asking ... U80,500. NEEO EXTRA INCOAE?-EsfablsOed parf 5,,e refait business available le f0909 - greaf potenfiel for expanon- for more parficolars, pi ease coul . . .011,900. COMMERCIAL RENTAL SPACE-One fhcosaed square filet ce maie floor, ssaeer wl alter f0 suif tean, good doanecose locafion. ACTON 853-1740 TO RONTO 453-2550) S36,500--We hase the 9090f loeiy 3 leedroome eohoaso cusf for Yeu, foul bealoleeft, large mrries, slidieg glass doors off the dieleg romee easy ferMs, cet fodey . .. 030.500. PRICED TO SELLI-Lovely 5 bedroom mi defached home0, locatied on quief streef. Flelshod recreaf 100 roumi plcs a osell-eraeicured lot. Tak* e look faday ... - 47,900. IMPRESSIVE-Eaecafioe 4 bedroom SPllf-leoel hmseeoitflformal liingad iegsoomslrge kitchen, cenfral air aondifloeing, fu119 broad- loeeted, fireplace, famllyroomaihldfglssa doors Me yoar mns 10032 legroaed pool. OnIy ... S70,501). COMPLETE PRIVACVI-Tffis Immacalafo, spllO-level home fesafares 3 large bodrocms. brighf kîfaMe., formai lovngancd dielco remis, finisfsed famiy room, on large lot surrcaflded bymaurefries, askeng ...9000W Qf L0 laSRII