Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Aug 1974, p. 10

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10 The Canadien Champion, Milton, Ont. Wed* Augusf 14, 1974 - MITON5~ CHRYLER LE 878-2962 et 878-5394 88 Ontario St. N., Milton CEM ENTS CL OR 0F MILTON SMALL COMPACT ECONOMY CAR "SP ECIALS" 1970 Toyota Station Wagoo TRY 526 1971 Volkswagen Lic. BRX 909 1971 Vega 2 door Lic. Af-f 417 1972 Toyota 4 Door Corolla ADS 275 1972 Cortina 4 door Lie. DSR 111 1973 CHEVELLE 2 DOOR V8, auomfOfOO,. power îSOi :64. radio. power hraet plots01001iOcfras. Lic. No. eWW2eS. 1970 METEOR 2 DOOR HARDTOP Ve, power sfeering. poower brakas. Lis. Nc. BUL4O3. 1969 GALAXIE 500 4 DOOR lIe astcxat,5. Lis. Nc. DRZ 035 CLOSED SATUInDAYS DURING JULY AND AUGUST FOR THE CONVONIENCE OF OUR STAFF. GAS PUMPS OPEN APPROXIMATELY P toi 5:30 The amnazing littie car that changed the automnotive car world Everyting you could possibly want in a smnall car And we have a great sellection of models with options and colors galore * including * 1974 VEGA HATCHBACK Finished inCortez silver wifh ablack iterior, enoipped ith autofOatctransmission, sports decorpackage,5 h.p. encgins, white ooll tirns, wheel tr101 rings and radio. 1974 VEGA HATCHBACK t0lST,.Slc Fbished i briht yello with ablack interîr, h.apped in ORONTE ST. JUST NORTHO0F HOSPITAL-878-2320 frof rings, whitfe 01011 tires, and radio. 29m sdcracae OS hp oie speetas1tin TRAFALGAR MOTORS 1974 VEGA HATCHBACK Ficisi,06i omvediom bise 01ifh blacki oterior, tqslpped with spcrfs dnccr package, OS h.p., efigine, 4 speed transmission, fr01, ri ngs, 0hitt wall tires and radioc 1974 KAMMBACK STATION WAGON Finished in med6ium green wifh green onterier, woi grin ecierior package, OS h.p, engine. auto01Otic rnsi..O white vieil fires and whnel discs, radio, andt roof loggage cor- 1974 VEGA 2 DOOR 409 MAIN MILTON 878-2369ý NOTCHBACK COUPE 1F nished in miedium blsc with black interier, tquipptd wifh 85 I . -hcp angine, aufcviatic transm1ission and white wail tiret. 1 f COA SIEPA UATPI-IPACL e'FORD 'MAVERIC eTORIN O -THUNDERBIR PINTO Y MUSTANG *ALL FORD TRUCKS WE NEED YOUR -USED CAR Or used car stock is at an 411 tîme low, and as a resmit we are prepared to allow yoa à preîniam price for yocr trade-in. SEE US SOON 409 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-2369 "Mi11 S Fi Fn 'shed in medium, green with green clotS infnrlof, equipptd .1.ith 85h.p. engîno, 4 speedfransmiîssion, wheel rim rings, radie, and delocn bspers. TWO DEMONSTRATORS 1974 HATCHBACK COUPE Fînîshed in boeg ifh a tan inttrier, tqsippnd with body side1 nîooding, astc01afic transmison, radio, whte ooi tires, per- fimne04c 0010 ond deisco Ss01ptrs. Lic. No. HOX li. 1974 VEGA NOTCHBACK COUPE Fný in rvoednith5Iî a backintir,seq,,ppcdsîilliradio, 4 spnned transm sic, deisce bumers. bo dc isid î dngs, w1hite wail tires. and GT sports wheels. Lic. H0Y024. Closed at 12 noon Safcrday, dcring Jcly and August . JACK RICHARDSON -CH EV-OLDS Hwy. 25 S. at Derry Road 6 878-2393 878-3812 200114 BEAVER Requires TRAIN EES tee have opened two new home centre stores in Toronto thîs summer, another will open before Christmas. We need people now, throughout Toronto, f0 serve our grow- ing number of cestomers. Beaver selîs "everything yoc need to make it on yocr own". 0ur sales clerks need ex- tensive product knowledge to advlse our customners on how they can make It on their own . tee provide both on-the-job and off-the- job training to 0cr employees so that they can provide the standard of service requir- ed. tee offer a starting salary commenscrate with experience, a feul range of company benefits, a 5 day, 40 hosr work week, plea- sant working conditions and excellent OP- portunities for rapid advancement. Why don't you investigate joining the Beater team? To arrange an appointmient, phone: 457-1100 42g0nf44 Employment Opportunities at yocr Milton Canada Manpower Centre SALES CLERK Mxst bn nopeonsîble and haeocinnical abilities. SECURITY GUARDS Must Se bondaSie and aSle f0 01nrk shifts. T.V. TECHNICIAN Ful expnrinnced. T.V., Stnrnc and sourd systernfs. Geood salary. CASH 1ER Experinncennînncnssary COOKS Maly short ordnr ooilfrain T ELLER S Son.e typing and Indger oni. SPRAY PAINTER Mt be np'd. and illing to trasel. For Further Information Cail 878-4139 310 tiain Strnet E., MilIn Trafalgar Square Canada Cente de Manpowor Ma n-dbuue I Conte du Canada SHERIDAN COLLIGE 00 Sheridan College, Milton, Ont. Heavy Eqcipment School requires 1.) SECRETARY Thn dufies xiii inclsdn acticg as rnceptionist and deOlin0 01ith înqcîrîes. Cc01posiOg and ansotrine roufine cornespondence as 01tll as typing et ail serres. podecce and tuben for tht diracter. Freparafien of tnachicg mattriats fr001 the instroctors, oteaiiog 01ith Offodeof s and fhtr m1arks. 2.) CARETAKER Wîll pertoo01 mainfenance and cieaeing xerk In fOe building and adjacnt frousoet the heavy eqlp10t ichool. Ucdcriaing 011000 ropaîrs, cils ana iobrIcatt, f0110 and tqulp01enf. regsiafe 404 adsts heafing ana ventilatien sysfn01. Please contact Mr. W. Fournier The Dîrector 878-3577 or 826-3098 42m01 CANADA TRUST Reqeires POSTING MACHINE OPERATOR Gead orkan condieions and benetîts. Apply in person MILTON, ONTAO ONTARIO0 The Ministry 0f Consumer And Commercial Relations ANNOUNCES A Competition For ABSTRACT & COUNTER CLERK REGISTRY DIVISION 0F HALTON (MI LTON) CLERK 3 GENERAL $137.34-$1 60.23 per week Acvacancy eoiststfor a clerk to enter detailitoftnaxl rnoistered angal documenntt In approprinte abstract Sobks and other regîtters according toi ettabinhed of- fice procedure. This foncilon aise involvs pet ing ,netes and boundtiecriptin and codening dcrip0- tiont tei aconcite legal torm. Mfay prolde onter ter- vices te fine lagal proesstion and generai public. QUALIFICATIONS. OSccntttol conpletlot of two yeart, preterabiy focr year s, oisecondary school corseof ttdy. At leatonet year'ssatsactory oro eperlence as a Cerk 2 Gn Oral. Preternnce xli Sn gicen te appiicantt who hacva koeledgn ot real proparty registritlon, bat thîn kcex- iedge 1t not ossenflol. Abillty tuadeal xlth the legal pro. fessi00 and general public witS tact and diplo01acy . lonttractad public servants arn reqototte to bmit an application tcrr01 net latnr thon Aooott 26, 1974 to: File No. INT. 96/ 74 Personnel Services 4th Floor, 555 Yonge Street Toronto, Ontario M4Y tY7 TIS COMPETITION IS OFE N TO BOTH MEN & hO- MEN FOOTING DATE: Aooott 7, 1974 CLO5ING DATE: AogoSt 26, 1974. OUR CONTINUFO GROWTH OPENS OPPORTUNITIES FOR AODED EMPLOYMENT et Steady employment with no seasDnal layoffs * Learn a skilled trade * 4 day week gîtes 3 day week end. * Ample opportunity for otertime PRINTING PRESS OPERATORS, SLITTER, PRINTING , PRESS TRAINEES, WAREHOUSE MEN. LABELMASTERS LIMITED 144 ARMSTRONG AVE. GEORGETOWN 42900144 Haiton Board of Educaf ion ACTON HIGH SCI-OOL -- ACTON, ONT. Requires Instructional & Supervision Assistant The chief respcesiSility ot thn pnro appointnd te thit Position wîll Se te assisf oth supervsiioneoft year high school students and te hnlp tttahlish sound stedy habits. Setce training in hs010 relations and etvcifclogr eold ben 000000, but a dnirn to ork with y0500 pnopleand hnlpttenn ina ochool setting by etabishOg ocd rapport, is thn 001F prnrequitlte. Thehoorsofork ould Sa fr0010.300m 01to3.30p.01. Otonday through Friday, Septo01Ser f974 te Jone 19t5. The rote cf pay is fr001 S3.25 te 53.55 per hoom denp00 diof on toperitoce and qualifications. AFFLY IN WOITING TO: MO. D, KATZ, FOINCIPAL, ACTON HIGH SCHOOL, cf ACTON BLliS.. ACTON, ONT. W. J.FPr esfoer J. W. Sinleton, Chairoan Directer ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY This î50 a snior postion requiring a candidate with omit typing skilis. or ability tonuarcon lodgmnf 00d 01OSt decîcions, and tht facility tei ont aleng vinil with othnrs. Apply In writiof indicafing edocation and experience toi: Mrs. P. Crydermito, Milton District e I. Milton, Ontario LUMBER SHIPPER Requirnd in Milton for volume iumber yard suppipino builders and industrial accout. Oportunify f0to rt and nrox xltn an expanding Sos- Cali Brampton 453-3300 Evenings 279-9006 Aoamng 1 4216 Tuit ion fais tac dtductili Job assistace guarootteed Wnnkend training alto aat NOte SPECIAL SUMMER TUITION For application and Interview National Tractor Trouler Training School, ox 445, Bobcaygoof, Ontario. Phone 7383418 Torono Phone 4t3.6f60 4201ft HELP WANTED Persan to servict tient ot Ford Trucks. Good eppor. tunify for adcOocet0. Ser- vieStation eeperitncn an Appir Wilcox Truck Rentai Box 561 Tannry Street, Sfrnoftsvilln, Oct. M ILTON BRICK COMPANY Requ ires Maintenance Mechanic For Flanf Maintenance and Furorace Opemators. Réate Oc cord ing to eperincn. 878-4441 42mlii LARGE JANITORIAL CONTRACTOR REQUIOOS EXPERIENCED Floor Cleaners FART TIME Please plisse iclielil bctwoe 6 and 8 p.m. Ham1ilton 527 1205. SALES CLERK For retal store downtown Milton. Rtpiy in writieg g c le9 epetrietct. talary ranolred, âgt. Repl y to Box 356 Canadien Champion, Milton 1 42 HEIP WANTi l [-il t[LP vffl][1) 1 770R ýA1 El) VEHiC[E', FO R ýAI 1 »Tine. ».ts.. =RT«ttai .aoffn. M. . C.a Norton Bus uines Requires SChooI Bus Drivers In NortS Milton, North exîlngoon and NetS Oak- vilearanS. Weil Patin0 regolar routes. Approolonete Saurs: 7. 15 .fn. tot9o. 2.45 p.nf. toS5p.. Charter xnrk and nom rotes alto acalable. Ideal for Homemakers, semi-retired or Self. Employed people. 878-3702 42oe17 DRIVER For tandem truck 5day weeb wfth overtime. Experience tcecessary. Wage $cale toi t4.30 per hour. Excellent tringe banetits. Supersweet Feeds Ltd. 39 Martin St., Milton <Div. of Rohinhood Multi. toodn Ltd.l CONTACT S. ZOPPAS 878-2311 420190 16 Experlenced TRUCK DRIVER Required for tigSt pick-ulp et lion pooltry. Steady enoployr mnt. Top 00005. Wllconsider training tuie- chie applicantt for tractor. traier drivin. Must btover 23 ynart of âge to CoOPif witi ineorooct reglationt. APPLY TC' Maple Lodge Earms Ltd. eth Lino et of Bram1pton, (Winstn Chorchili Bîsd.î 1/ nmile north of Stnnies Ave. LEARiN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS 42m16

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