OKAY GIRLS, KICK sayo jazznaotico instructor Pot Palmer. nhe dance lion io part of a routine Pat composed ta combine exorcise with dancing to make tooing up more fun. From lefI are Weody Schau, Barbara Love, Jackie Chapin, Dianne Jackson, Jenoifer Harmark, Marie Haniey, Helen Champoux and loger Pedersen. EXERCISE MADE FUN io the idea of the jazz- nastics program sponoored by the Milton Recreotion Department. Inotructar Pat Palmer, T h ele oper left, warks along wilh the girln on thei aU dance routines. Lower left, thio i0 gond for the mid- Salvatlon ArMy snction as Pot touches her toes along wîth Diamie PICK-UP TR UCK althoogh il looks like puoh-ups il is part of o dance inMilon & Arna routine and is alot more fun thon puoh-upo. Lower 7EVERY TUESDAY Jacksoo,~~ ~ ~~~~ frn ndBrao eUpe îh right, Pot shows how o high otep ohould be donn as 877-8522 the cloos attempts tb copy her. Frona left in vorioos stages of readineso are Wendy hu Dî1onne Jackson, Barbara Love a n lger Pederson. (Photos byJ. Beaton) A Off icers for band Fn untn Milton Giels Pipe Band reasonon Pal Powell, nco î necenly held ils eecnlof reorterand gelweiwîishms oîlîîuoos Ion 1974 and Suzanne Jto Bîrd, scnaphook Janet MITO Riokello cas named Young. MLO preoideol. 'Me girls in the bond are PLZ Vine-presiden is Vîcky lookine bocward 10 anoîher LZ Bîrd , soorolary Karen Smith, huai, and successiu yoar. JAZ-ZNASTICS Dancing for fun and exercise By Joyce Orathi. When th1e "J azzasties" progeantof4 exris a eitodoced on (icober by olît, "Il l0îdtIt, tO h, ha',ttutt it tf ,t,dHtt i Nîootlay and Wednetday mghts 40 omen ol n lo l assest he coloooîîy entîre in Rotary Park. Much oftheouccess oflthe programt s due 10 th1e OnsO-oclor Pat Palmer, 51e bas comloned noerce and mosicto compose her oco routines. Was teacher Pat cons la Milton wcîlh an extensive background in dance and 0enoers toaching, She has taughl classes scîlh th1e Mîssîssa uga i4ecrealîoo Board, wcîll Vie Tannyand with a goupof 10 egborhood childen in Oakville. Fach eveoîng th1e class goeo thogh ssarmap eoercls.This prepares them for th1e dlane rostones 10 foibis Pal stanls 11he comon off o'î1 a so dancead pogreses theoola quc1er rouline 104a final complele dance nombee. This oek lis u Eoeeoîisiog 10 muslc is ohing oeî bul sohen a dance routine is added il makes 1the effort morino oeeolîg and enjoyableo Pal' s classns smmn 10 esjoy Ihernselvns th.ouoghlywhl onong upand kmepig in shape. Nobody soems 10 1011e Ibomînîcos sony seiosly and ifsomeone loses a stephee and Iheno. oho canno' In' ail Ion Ion, rnlaoxalîoo anda nighl out sclhithegrls. Il they jus taccden tally happeoioendup ith eennlo figures and anoller nt the News York1 Rockollos-il's an added bonus'. (Photo byJ. Beaton) First chance Mat garage goes to Milton Halton Regîooal 0000ci cîli gîso Milton firtrochance toacqîne the old Hollon 00015 noads depanîmeol garae, if he eîodecide, il , eeded The eeîonal works com- mit1100 onoommeoded the '0000 bu ttoooil allen a meeting4 in Georgetown last Hallon Counly opeoeda 00W wooks garae, Ihee sseeks 0110, on Seole's A% 0000, wch oill ho tured 10e 111te regon ai 1the The ooisly appoiolod ooeded 1e spaced boothe 1eo morb thîe ene and 1110er dooooîllewihs E no ae ponl e 001 Milnhadla boîlla ec aAnn MMacAho Milod, Il soldooly sai er- muffeeoîsbîo owl Mlton ms evc Mnchasîlse reao hîn esdd hrisîms hppo P1ooolîc M slslon os li esenîn ocSaon dasre yh xitn towo ilton. 2 THE~exee CORPORATIO 0FTshON0FML opn PLEASE Ir NOTE NO GARBAGE PICKUP SATURDAY, SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, AND WEDNESDAY DEC. 22nd TO DEC. 26th INCLUSIVE 7Garba7ge col7lection 7for re7sidents living 7SUT of Main Street wilt be on Thursday December 27, 1973 FGraecollection for residents living NORTH of Main Street will be on Friday December 28, 1973 BRUCE McKERR, Works Saperintendnent The Champion, Milton, Ont. Weci., Dec. 12, 1973 B3 ife is a grindslone, polishes voooup depeods on Whelhril grnds you donoroohat youre made of, David L. Phillips, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR 70 Main, Si. E. Milton,, Ont. 818-5656 NOTICE THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F MILTON Due to Christmas and New Year's Holidays the Town of Milton Municipal Offices WiIl be Closed Monday December 24, Tuesday December 25, Wednesday December 26 and also New Year's Day, January 1, 1974 J@1 $30. FUJI COLOR PRINT FILM Instamiatic or 35 MM 20 exposure SUPER 8 DUAL 8 FILM PROJECTORS GAF Prooessini Inoloded Han,,nno with Variable Spond 30 o 40 Scren tnoiodnd $3m74 109.95 FLASH UNITS GAETBS Manoral toi Autonati ADEoB G Comparmont fo 16m64 mot35mn, SLRs ________ Il .95 SLIDE PROJECTORS 35 MM CAMERAS osail to Aotonatics SLR tF 2 Lens ci Case $27m95 196195, YOU MAY USE YOUR CONVENIENT et BINOCULARS e FRAMES e ALBUMS * PHOTO BOOKS Milton Photographic * 162 MAIN ST.*