ïhbe &i*biau ïUîampion MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1973 SECOND SECTION THE LOG BURNING FIREPLACE was addèd to the miii by the Wrighta when the renovated. The fireplace at the end of the 35 foot living room, is atone withra barn beam for a mantel. MI' 1 WENDY AND "DUFFY" are surrounded by Eariy Canadian furniture artifacts. A butter churn and collection of old irons can be cees sn the foreground white the raised dining ares with ils pine furnishings is in the background. Beautiful home down by the old miil steam DOWN BY THE OLD MILL STREAM is the Wright home. Situated os eight acres of pîcturesque Lowvill,' land, the miii pond runs lbrough the middle of the bouse and continues down the Twelve Mile Creek. SHELL-SHAPED SWIMMING POOL is one cf the beautiful features of thc Wright home. The centre columo sprays mater like a touchais. Tis room mas orîgînally the saw mîli, the logs beîng brought in through a win- dom on one sîde and taken out as lumber through the door. 1BRIAN FOLEY STUDIOS 1 0F DANCING Ct/ue"ve gtag~ Stci'y and phoos iy Joice Beaon Nocci ccd Ecclyn Wright acd thii daogiicc Wcsdy lices cn 140-yeac-oid geisi mii n eigii crec of piciocesqoe Lacisilie land. Tic miii pond mciec cons iicocgh the middle oi tic clone house acd continues doiso tle 'meuve Mile Creei. Norm is tcncincicd miii, waicc acd scies Se ocw the mill and stem tor sale 10 yecms ago he csuids'i reoisi the challenge. Eveiyn mcc quite happy living miere she mac, ici icced clone places. Sic iccame icssciaed miiih Ccsodics Sisioey asc acesoil of ippec Cancdc Villcge Seing Scili. Hec collection ocf eceiy Ccccdicc fcecilure cnd celilcis losks cighi ci home in thii sid miii sctiig. Thie Wrigiic hcve sel lheie iciececis cnd iciecis lc mcig ose of the mccl chcemisg ccd uiecectig bouses imagincble cul oi .ict mcc josi lic sieli otcansid miii. Stceied in M14 Tie land lie miii cils on mcc ccîginaily 200 acces inugil cn 1822 icoci the Cccms Si Jc mescaancMccCocieî Aithceecscr ci mil) mcsibugl icimeen 1934 ccd 1837 Sy James Cieccer, c pubie cand succeyoc. Ai thcles co he cesicci lie miii ccc cpcccied cs c tecrd ccd scm miii iy lie Tccsmclcfmîiy. Ins1938 imcwsiuced. A ciciaer ciieel Scd Secs siciicd in 1937 ccdtiicmcciesniîiiîsg inside lic mil]it esez e i ie. nicthe mil] mcc cesioeed lie tsp cscor cymcas rcmscd, icmecîcg lie higil sf lie bilding Si il icci. Pcevisus 10 lie fie lie entrace mas cccil miii lie top siocci frsm lic Guciph i. This acs c lisafo se cc ccecssi of hsescandmcagsslods ofgrain. Il mcssopccccdcasca gris( miii cci 1956 iy Caiccîcne ccd Nocmcn Lccgtons Tic miii isdcy cs sel deep in lie cciiec ccdean ecsiiy bmisscdlm frniteitop so h hîli mie dciing socih os lie Oaie h Lice. Susseis are iiddes icomn lic Wcîgii mia cceisoccicd jsissloiopprucciat'lSem s a maileccof fac, tic lccationni mis dcccf iitlmas oneiof tie ig icocîdeca- ions aies thei vere placning the isîde acitecture, 'lie c,indos are eiSe,' flisr ori'ciigiccci cand the dcglc havcicrccd a pcoblnicmnta veccclattactive fcature of tie boase. They tiid ascaspossible ciieave the oatsidccioftebilding as it as oigcin clii. Wiii lie eeption cf lice,' dia-mec. apstairc, a close ciimccy Sic lic fircpicc and thedocc. il c mach the samceoalcidc The iin roof. lis:3 cil 40i cichi stce i and tiimicdowc'ace all as e cccimce theibuilding cccsccsd as a ccil Thccce i vr2,500iilciicc ret iing cpace, cci cccctiîctIhe locci cccil chcc lie Wcîghic hicve inslalled a beiuiin-i dscc sheli chcped scimmeicii, pc. A' tic cccccigîcciiiatgristrcililthiilock,%cicic theiccsmelîciciccc',î,are'dceccgndcilook lik .iccc'c of c'hec, Tii', a i tic re licliîclcre h iicliccc,îcîicd as acsa, ccii Thecorigîcinldccccnd cîcndow oî,ccl iccdc oi tic poci cuiccc'd oriih iigs In ne hcciaohi îcincoe sdc acd lie tomber ici lic lakec cul liccilhcc Thc pool ac, i th lict ofc theOc bcuse,c is eclcd cIccticaIic %%.terchcc'k Aicsi nhe bcccmcctIeeisîthe l'ccidcc mna icliccaîs. ccd c ccîkhciiî Ucdec lie mccicicp cs lic tcicici, ci lich ctii acicksbymcle1iac'c i«.I'Iiîcul ' cIiehich c ccls see fl i iamcuî'c oiccîiîc.1>ic mcc clcd lihe gcis mci]h ic cea icil Ai dcci lcale(] on the prcîlicci cil con- Icci', the Scia ciof ,îc dacchiil ahich scaiccthe powmrcfocthiituine c"hcccîcsa (tropal of ccllcc frm g ciiinde ccdrcthe disfigcocmîiithemii ce c wrlee c ic lhait cacceciccic tice 'ccii scia (Ins mainc ccl the cc focai int cthc3 focclivcicgccan ic h iccaciiai stccc fici placeîiha lccge' Sacr, ic,,i loa mcctli l'he cicîgi pis iicccc eenr piaccdlîcîli ca r chiiiaccic filaccicis incclýicclisgmýcrecddci uc liý c Wcigiic icr iContinued os Page RIO)1 LOW0\VILLE t'EEDI MILL" mords cul into the convesiesl kîlehes Snii rel lect Ecclyncc cesse0f humer. Her compact kitchen is the "feed miii' fcr the family. The open shelves alloce for iighl from the adjoisîsg dîcîcng NESTLED IN THE VALLEY, the outside structure of the mili is much the same as it bas been since the turn of the century. About 140 years cgo there mas a third storey allowing for the grain to be broughf is os c level with the Guelph Uine. (Photoîs by J. Bea ton) THE OLD MILL DAM still controls the flows of mater downhill which makes the power for the turbine. Norm Wright bought the milI because of bus love for mater and bas turned lhe historie building int a beautiful hume. VOL. 114 No. 33